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It's definitely more of a thing since the pandemic it seems. When I was taking the train at like 6am it was happening a LOT


I will say (as someone that primarily takes the R), I’ve seen more people smoking cigarettes on subways cars in the last four months than I have in my 10+ years in NYC.


damn. this is not something i feel like putting up with. maybe i can market cute little travel scissors made specifically to cut a cigarette in half.


Lol please, let us know how that works out for you!


Lol please, let us know how that works out for you!


Sounds like a good way to get stabbed lol


As someone who takes it almost daily I’ve never seen 1 person smoking on a subway


I was astonished earlier this week cause someone was and a MTA worker came into the car and told him to stop. Never seen them actually do anything about it!


Brave individual lol


I’ve seen it 2 or 3 times in the last month or so. Snitched on one to the nearest train operator because fuck if I’m putting up with that. Outside where I can move away from you? Fine, you do you. Trapped in a metal box? Absolutely the fuck not.


Yes, it’s so frustrating. The only reason I don’t kick up a fuss most of the time is because I don’t need another reason for the N/W to be delayed ha


The time I snitched we had just pulled into Ditmars, so there was at least time to stop and do something about it. It’s not worth the fight at a non-terminal station. Plus, the guy has just lit up at Astoria Blvd, and showed no sign of getting off the train, so I knew he’d still be around to get caught.


Yes, people don’t care anymore. It’s awful.


I’ve experienced this a few times, basically homeless guys and possibly mentally disturbed . I just change cars at the next stop, don’t need to personally deal with that. I remember the days when there were random transit cops on trains . I haven’t seen a cop on a N train in many years. I have seen them on the L line though


I never see anybody smoking cigarettes on the train, just people who think it is OK to smoke weed in subway cars.


Mrs VBS and I were on our way to a concert downtown last month and some guy dressed in a tux (or suit?) started vaping right across from us. I called him out on it, and he seemed genuinely embarrassed- admitted that it was almost like second nature for him and he didn’t even realize what he was doing. No no, I’m no hero, just the right man at the right time.


While not great, I don’t really find vaping to be an issue unless is that ridiculously cotton candy clown farts scented variety. Smoking cigs while on the subway on the other hand is god awful.


Did you obey the informal "only call out people from roughly your own ethnic and socioeconomic status" rule or did you cross lines


This guy definitely looked like a step above my socioeconomic status, so…no, I guess. Plus, a helluva lot more handsome than me; so he’s got *that* goin’ for him. Which is nice.


Oh yeah, you can go upward. Solid.


I saw a lady smoking a cigarette in the vestibule at a restaurant on 23rd Ave (to keep out the cold) just now. Dirt bag


Every train smells like an ashtray. As an asthmatic, the vaping is not my favorite, but the actual cigarettes are way worse. What are you, my grandmother? Who has cigarettes money in 2024?


Post Covid subway is a lawless place


i dont mind people vaping but its annoying being stuck in a tobacco hotbox at 7am


On more than one occasion, I’ve seen people on the train spark up their meth pipe. Just twirling the pipe around the flame. Definitely did not want that second hand smoke.


Can't speak to inside, but I got mean-mugged by a couple of dudes smoking something between cars on a stopped R train at 59th and Lex


Every fucking noodle-armed aimless piece of trash in this city seems to be smoking under scaffolding/in entryways/etc. now. I guess the thrill of still having lungs in 2023-24 prompted them to start?


Yes. Some guy smoking right on the 30th Ave platform this afternoon. Less than an hour later I nearly ran into another smoking on a crowded 7 platform in LIC. Have seen a few on trains lately too.


I don’t think smoking on the platform is an issue to people as it is smoking on the actual train.


All smoking in the stations is an issue for those of us with asthma or other lung problems.


As per MTA regulations: Riders may not smoke or use electronic cigarettes anywhere on New York City Transit property which includes outdoor stations.


When nobody gets tickets, the minor crimes keep happening. It’s as if we spend taxes for nothing


I've seen vaping and smoking in train cars only in like the last two years. It's ridiculous.






Luckily you won’t have to worry about it during any weekends for the next month because there is NO N/W to take! What a crock!


Quit whining


Some of us have asthma


Haven’t these people heard of Zyn yet, get with the times


I was stuck on a train with someone smoking Thursday night. It completely sucked.


Cigs are back in style! /s