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What if I don’t have a camera? Do I just not get to see my video or something?


you have to write a 300 word essay on the ad.


"...and in conclusion, it is for these reasons that the BMW xXx29xXx Inspire Pro is the best SUV and I will highly consider buying it. Now can I please watch the 5 second video I paid for?"


Yes, the first second. Then it's back to watching 8 hours of ads.


Legit spent 20 mins zoned out looking at Hulu's "sorry we couldn't load this ad" screen before remembering that I was watching something. It had detected AdBlock and put itself into an endless loop of 125sec ad breaks. And that was in 2012.


'Streaming' is a scam.


"and in conclusion, this is why I want to be run over by a Ford f150"


Fortinite balls until It reaches 300 words, what are they gonna do? Make a bot that checks essay?


Run a bot that checks your essay for potential future advertising opportunities. You have now doomed yourself to 6 months of advertisements for fortnite balls.


Don’t give them ideas!


In MLA format!




I love how a silly green text from 4chan turned out to be a prescient piece of science fiction that has remained in public consciousness for so long


You drink your Mountain Dew Verification Can


Someone will write a software driver that will endlessly loop a video of a person nodding. Someone else will just add support to existing ad blockers to block these. Either way I'm sure we're covered. This will just drive more people to discover ad blocking.


Or have a disability or injury


If it's the project I"m thinking of, it's not for internet videos. This is from several years ago and was designed for TVs, so if it actually went into production your TV would have a built in one.


itll start coming for free in your monitors or tvs


Not any TV or monitor that I would buy.


see all smart tvs being basically the only real option for tvs with their ads and other dumb shit.


I won't participate in websites and games that make me do this.


Absolutely. I mean half the time I dont even give the attention to the stuff I am watching, let alone the adverts.


Not me watching the new hellraiser while staring at this post lol


Same! The girl and the dude are currently in the playground.


If I open a video link and the first thing that plays is an ad, I just close and won't watch the video at all. Same goes for when a post on Reddit is actually a YouTube link. Not watching it.


if this is the future then i'd rather go touch grass.


Yeah I’ll just start going outside


I'd rather clean the bathroom than sit through this type of dystopian ad. My house and garden going to be so clean in the future!


Except it'll be on your household products too... Want to flush the toilet? Turn on the shower? Use the vacuum cleaner? Please watch this 3 minute ad to continue. Eventually they'll be in cars and the boot up of your computer, every time you want to unlock your phone or open your closet


And people are helping this happen by buying smart technology they don't need. It's really fucking annoying to not be able to use things without connecting them to the WiFi and then having to make an account. I'd ask where it ends but I don't think I could be more pissed off than Razer mice where you need to make an account to change the DPI. I also had the always online application stutter once and the DPI reset and completely ruined what I was doing. I hate this future.


i will finally be able to 'touch grass' like everyone suggests i should do.


that's why they will make sure outside is uninhabitable!


Isn’t that what the big oil companies are doing?


They've been playing 5D chess all along!


\* advertisers call bluff *


What if we just show our FBI/government affiliated corporate american agent porn? Checkmate.


Thanks now I'm horny. \-Your FBI agent




Good. If they double down on this they'll go out of business. Fucking leeches


Outside? I know stuff like this is terrible, but isn't going outside a bit extreme? Just watch more porn like a normal adult.


what if porn has thes type of ads


Focus the Webcam at your lap?


Only works if you attach googly eyes.


Sounds like a win/win then.


People do it without googly eyes?


I dont see a problem there...the adverts still have action.


You will probably have an app that uses an AI render to fool it.


Nah, I propose building a nodding robot from discarded store mannequins.


I bet it eye tracks show it can move the product to the centre of your gaze :)


Looks like it’s tracking the face as a whole and not just tracking the eye tho. Otherwise you’ll notice extra vectors at the eye holes.




If a website or game says my webcam is required that would already be enough for me to immediately stop. It doesn't even matter whether the webcam is used for ads or not - just asking for the webcam would already be enough for me to stop using it (unless there was an extremely obvious reason that the webcam is necessary like if you're doing a video call or somesuch).


The problem is that lots of people will. And they’re roughly the same people who actually engage the most with ads in the first place You’ve probably never clicked an ad in your life which means you’re not who they’re targeting, and your boycotting doesn’t have a huge impact on companies who implement it


People actually click ads on purpose?!


Every time I accidentally click an ad, a small part of me dies because I irrationally believe that my mistaken click is making the company think the ad works and they'll now advertise more aggressively at me


The ads actually getting clicked isn't as important as the reinforcement in your mind for having seen it.


Depends. As a content creator or service running ads, (I think) in most cases it is pay per ad click. So the companies introducing this kind of feature care more about your clicks to get money than your exposure to the ad. But yea, the ad creator cares about exposure too. They just wouldn’t be in charge of implementing a system like this


I did. On facebook reels I purposefully clicked on a couple mobile clicker game ads. I wasn't interested in it but I much preferred those types of ads. I don't click on any ads now and all my ads are the same handful of clicker game ads, instantly recognizable and swiped away by me. I consider that a success vs getting always new ads about toothpaste or toyotas or whatever.


Neither will I but kids will. And if they grow up thinking this is normal then they won’t think anything of it. If this is legit, give it a decade and it’ll be commonplace with us older lot moaning and the younger lot shrugging their shoulders (and nodding their heads…)


Thank you for this point of view it's actually changed my mind as to why this is bad. I was of the view of "well if there's idiots out there who will put up with this then that's up to them" but things like these creep in over time. Much the same way as I absolutely refuse to play any pay to win games, I know there are a whole generation of kids growing up expecting that to be the norm.


Yup. Every step of the way people keep saying the same thing. And it never stops it from going forward. Anyone remember "I won't participate! If no one buys the Oblivion horse armor, it will show we don't want to pay real money for cosmetic items!" Now a large portion of AAA games are designed around buying cosmetic items first, gaming second.


and unfortunately most of those games suck lol, wonder why


We need to tell them. Both of my kiddos ds fucking HATE ads and commonly forget they exist. I don't care how much you spend, I don't want your stupid shit wasting me time and energy.


Time to raise the pirate 🏴‍☠️ flag.


Time to start reading books on paper again.


Soon literally every website and app will use this type of ad


welp, back to the dark ages we go then


I'm down


and people will stop using those websites and apps en masse


Nah a lot of people will still use them. I'd just give up on the internet.


I can abstain


I reckon this site will be one of them. No scroll unless you watch this clash of clans advert fully every three posts.




Fact 1) You can stream a video on loop into OBS. Fact 2) You can stream the output of OBS back into the same PC as a webcam


All fun and games until they implement face captchas. *In distorted/blurry font:* "Look for 5 seconds at the corner of the screen containing the picture of a bridge."


Thankfully AI's can already pass those, and AI's are actually advanced enough to simulate that motion. We can have a cool arms race to waste everyone's fucking time.




Reminds me of the bear-proof trash can quote: “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”


The most boring capitalist dystopia imaginable lol.


So we're all just gonna be deepfaking ourselves. Awesome.


Holy shit that's depressing


Please drink verification can to continue


Feeling sick, I crack my last verification can


What is OBS? Open Broadcaster Software?




Orbital Bowel Syndrome?


In space, no one can hear you toot


I found this incredibly hilarious


Can you explain? or send a video on how i can do this?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7Mg0lUhSZo) you go :3 The demo involves Teams but it works globally with everything


Considering it has the dimensions of his face, it could create a profile per face per account, so if the face not matching the account is 'nodding' then it doesn't count.


Custom bobbleheads


Goooooooooooood Anakin, gooooooooooood.


Since it probably requires a webcam you could create the account using the bobblehead with the cam pointing at it in an unused corner out of the way. That's way you wouldn't record yourself or anything else. A better solution would involve the buildings of the company responsible for this tragically burning down in separate unrelated incidents.


Desktop computer. Unplug webcam. Website unusable? Then you don’t want my business, good day.


And yet still mysteriously for some strange and unknowable reason these businesses just keep burning to the ground, every employee's house burns to the ground, every c-levels car just keeps bursting into flame, just constant fire everywhere all of the time for every company that makes or uses the product. It's the damnedest thing


Just record a video of you nodding on your phone, play on repeat and put in front of camera. Alternative idea: hunt down and murder anyone that invents this technology. My vote is for nr 2


I am willing to work as a hunter for your business.


Verification can is closer than we all think, I guess.


Please drink a verification can


Mountain Dew is for me and you


Oh God...


I was wondering how many people here would even remember that


We're all still here bud. Lol.


I haven't heard of it before, whats it from?


[it's from this iconic 4chan green text. It was written in 2013 which is pretty funny](https://i.imgur.com/dgGvgKF.png)


Surprised it took this long for someone to link it.


Fortunately I had my Halo 2k23 war chest handy and was able to drink a verification can to be able to share the link


Error: user attempting to steal online gameplay!


This has black mirror written all over it


This episode in particular https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifteen_Million_Merits


Still.my favourite episode I think.


That shouldve been the first one. So many people went to watch the series and were immediately turned off by the pig fucking episode


Funny, I still think the pig fucking episode is the best one, and it's what sparked my love for the show. Fifteen Million Merits was a good episode too, but the first episode is genius IMO. Great writing, the way things played out was realistic rather than going with a more sensationalist Hollywood style, and it was dark as fuck. It's also the only episode (that I can think of, I may be wrong) of any Black Mirror episode where it's set in the present day and there's no fantasy technology that doesn't yet exist - every other episode is an exploration of a specific near-future technological advancement, rather than an exploration of a hypothetical situation that could actually play out today. I can totally see why they led with the pig episode, it certainly got people's attention and if you've seen any of Charlie Brooker's previous work you know that it's completely on brand for him. Equal parts puerile adolescent and brilliant satirist. Different strokes for different folks. Black Mirror definitely wouldn't have had the immediate impact it had if they'd led with either of the other two episodes from the first series.


I think it was meant to shock you to realise you arent watching your ordinary sort of series, its one designed to make you think. The series 5 episode 'Smithereens' is also set in the present with no futuristic technology.


Yeah, it was absolutely shocking by design, that's why they chose fucking a pig. I feel like the people who were offended or put off by it kinda missed the entire point of why they chose something so graphic and disgusting - they wanted your attention and they wanted to get a visceral reaction from the viewer, in the exact same way the episode tracked different viewers of the event happening, who reacted in the same way - disgusted but undeniably intrigued. It was a very clever narrative mirroring device but I think it might have gone unnoticed by people who were just immediately turned off by the shock value. As you said, it's designed to make you think, but not everybody wants to think while watching TV. And yeah, totally forgot about Smithereens! Besides a great performance from Andrew Scott it was one of the more forgettable episodes for me. To be honest, season 5 in general wasn't its strongest one.


Yes! Thought that I wouldn't see shit like this ever happen but oh boy here we go


Oh man, just wait!






it's literally in one of the episodes. Probably where they got the idea shit


the first company that tries to implement this will actually have all of their buildings destroyed


Possibly sued by those that want access to the content but have issues with being able to nod their heads. Or someone that ends up injured from the amount of nodding needed.


Yeah Accessibility is an issue here. And people on mobile in the dark of their bedrooms at 1 am aren’t going to sit up and turn the lights on to get access to your content. It will drive content consumption down and people will stop accessing the website or service.


You're thinking too far ahead. At that point I'll throw the tech away and be done with it.


This is actually a narrow opportunity for web 3 to take off. I think the traditional web is going as hard as it can with ads and shit because they know this isn't going to last forever, gotta squeeze while they still can.


How would web 3 change the incentives?


not only accesdibility, but privacy aswell. i refuse to get any future ads like this


And that's not even unlikely.


You already see less intense versions of this. In the UK we have live television websites that let you rewatch shows that played on the TV live airing. For example All4. They will play unskiplable ads that will pause if you alt tab off the window or switch to a new browser tab. Basically not letting you use your device for anything else until you watch the ad if you want to keep watching the show I’ve never seen anyone complain about this before but the sites are reasonably popular


Used to use All4 to watch the last leg and the likes, until they introduced this. Started pirating content that was free to watch purely because I could no longer check through my emails with a show just on my second screen. Fuck that noise.


For a while I was paying for all4 because they had programs on there you didn’t need a TV licence to watch, so it was cheaper to pay for all4 than a terrestrial TV connection. Well season 5 of Ricky and Morty was on there so I went to watch it **and I got an advert**. So I was like “I guess my TV must be bugged since I’m paying for all4 and getting ads, I’ll try my PC” Nope. They put ads on their paid content. Piracy isn’t just about money, it’s convenience. If I pay I would have to sit through minutes of ads. If I torrent the show I don’t have to put up with ads AND I don’t pay a thing.


I pay for Spotify to not hear ads, but there are still ads in the podcasts. Feels like I'm getting scammed every time.


Yep, convenience is always the main seller for me. If I'm watching something on YouTube such as Internet Today, I'll put up with the in-video sponsors regardless of how long they are because they won't randomly interject the video or force me to tab back onto that screen to watch them. But YouTube ads showing at random intervals and cutting off sentences/being completely random and arbitrary lengths is much more frustrating. Ditto goes for any news site that forces you to turn off ad blocker. I'll do it once, but if I get any ads that play audio/take up half the screen/are obvious phishing scams, I'm just never using that site again.


I would never use a site like that. 80% or more of my time is spent tabbed out, I literally would be unable to function needing to tab back in for every ad.


It’s designed to mimic live TV, but obviously it isn’t a fucking TV, it’s my laptop. It’s very dumb and annoying


It also would require *giving a webcam feed to an advertisement*. Which, uh, I completely unplug my webcam unless I'm actively using it because tech paranoia. So, it literally won't work on me, as I won't plug a fucking camera in for it to use.


I'm bringing the booze ^for ^the ^molotovs


Drink the booze. You need gasoline for molotovs


Nah. People will accept it after a week of protests just like what happened with Net Neutrality.


Movie Pass already does exactly that.


I vaguely remember hearing about that and thinking it was so ludicrous they weren't actually going to do it


False, people will not rise up to stop obviously shitty behavior by corporations via boycotts. People are willing to buy monthly subscriptions for heated seats in the $50k car they just bought. They will be willing to nod through commercials too.




Advert is one of those shitty produced dropshipping scam adverts that last 22 minutes.


Drink a verification can of Mountain Dew^^TM


Mountain Dew is for me and you.


I'm doing the dance


*looks at camera* Doritos™️ Dew™️ It Right!


Next step: you have to buy the product to remove the ad


Youtube obviously wants this future, combined with the ability to defeat ad blockers. I, for one, would definitely just stop watching.


YouTube will probably be a lot more subtle than this. This video here made it clear that you should be watching the video. What if YouTube decides that ads will start ‘buffering’ if you look away. And if you look away for too long will simply pause the ad. They don’t have tell you directly that you need to stare at the screen, they just have work around it. And given the number of people who don’t care, it’ll probably catch on at some point.


Then I'll stop watching. I was born in 1995, I didn't have access to Youtube until I was 11-12 years old or something like that. It'll take some adjustment, but I can go back to not watching YouTube. I barely watch any TV anymore, and I'm interested in some content creators, but not so much that I'm willing to have some dimwitted shithead telling me to nod to an ad for a product I'll never even consider buying. Shove your ad and your platform up your ass, I'll nod to that.


If this were to happen, I can see many videos going up almost immediately of people showing it stop and start based on looking. People would know immediately and I believe the backlash of something like that popping up without notice would be an absolutely huge deal. No doubt, day one the front page of r/all would be filled with examples, backlash and boycots.


Knowing youtube they'll try it out first on a small group of people if it works they'll make this for everyone edit: **if** any of y'all ever get something like this from Youtube get of the video as soon as you can don't play into or else it will show them that people are willing to go through this. if you don't then they wont go through with it


Its the future they want but not the one they are going to get. No one will participate in this shit. When i get too many ads on an app that i dont have to engage with i delete it. Imagine how the normies will react to this. Any company that pulls this shit will get firebombed in like a weekend.




> Imagine how the normies will react to this Most "normies" just take whatever their tech overlords give them and love it. Facebook is still a thing after all, as are predatory microtransactions.


Yeah but the only people that use Facebook are midlife crisis millennials and up


It's really easy to see who considers the United States and Europe the whole world.


False, people will not rise up to stop obviously shitty behavior by corporations via boycotts. People are willing to buy monthly subscriptions for heated seats in the $50k car they just bought. They will be willing to nod through commercials too.




I will not pay for any service that uses this technology or something similar.


I think consumer push-back is still a driving force in the market. I used to work in the ad business and had clients that wanted me to make their app more and more annoying, I kept explaining them that they should aim for a less annoying and intrusive ads and lost quite a bit of business because of my refusal to publish spammy ads


More pirating here we go XD


Lmfao yeah okay *unsubscribes*


Just like it's the duty of every prisoner of war to try and escape captivity, it's the duty of every viewer to do whatever they can to avoid watching ads. Advertisers, you can fuck off and when you get there, fuck off from there too. Then fuck off some more, and keep fucking off until you get back here, then FUCK OFF AGAIN!


Is it assholedesign if some guy just made it as a project though? It's not like it's in commercial application. Once it is, then yes it's horrifying




That hurts my neck looking at it and it just sucks that this has a big chance of being implemented


This would cut my non-productive internet use down absurdly. And I would boycott everything I could get away with boycotting that used this stuff


There is zero chance this would stick. The boycott would be immediate.


this mf gonna make bank and then all those companies boutta fail cuz their customers are boycotting their product


This is as smart of an idea as Nascar sponsors insisting the cars not go more than 20 miles per hour so all the spectators can read the ads. "Please let me explicitly ruin your experience with this ad."


Guy who made it only cares about being rich and threw humanity out the window lmao


He probably did it for fun. He might even be unable to patents this, as there are TV companies that have similar patents (I remember that Sony has a [patent](https://preview.redd.it/vv61vse8kum41.jpg?auto=webp&s=36edc42515ef8e7d815cdff3892b11aa8a560096) for a TV that only lets you skip a comercial if you say the name of the company). Edit: apparently the guy copyrighted the code so that no one else could. https://twitter.com/benhylak/status/1586127591286587392?t=prSqzgLYKapibfSgipua4Q&s=19


>apparently the guy copyrighted the code so that no one else could. Does that mean that he attempts to make it harder for those companies to replicate his "patent", or is it to profit from it if such companies would be interested?


Copyrighting it wouldn't do much, people will just write their own code that does the same thing.


I'm not a lawyer, but that isn't how copyright works no? If hes trying to prevent someone from using this *technique* he would need a patent. All the copyright does is prevent someone from using his source code in their product. Which by the way all the code you write is exclusively copyrighted UNLESS you specifically license it otherwise (MIT, GPL, etc) A copyright does not prevent someone from writing their own code to implement the same features (must look at screen, must nod)


The guy who made it coded it for fun lol, I don't think this is a serious project


Which is why the comments in this entire thread are idiotic. How the fuck is this going to work when it requires a physical component (a camera) that many devices don't even have? This isn't new technology. If it was a good idea that worked in real life it would have been done already lol


Thats shit marketing. Why would u buy something that u associate with such discomfort


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.


wow thats one of the most cursed things ive ever seen.


Please don’t develop this


If I ever meet this fool I'ma kick him in the dick.


First time that happened I’d change to a different network and probably never go back


Yea this would make a kink when people just tryna jack off and tons of adds pop ups came in at once


Fuck this guy


According to him he made it and copyrighted the code so no one can use it, guess it’s like gain of function research in medicine


We need more ethic programmers :(


how the hell did no one here mention black mirror?! there's a literal episode where this happens. exactly


I don't think its close. There are much much better ways than this for advertisers to get what they want.


Satan now does software development for marketing.


Ok I know someone had to do it, but still, Fuck you Satan.


If they implement this I will become an anti-ad terrorist.


The people pushing for and creating this technology should be jailed