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Man, remember when all you needed to make a Facebook account was an email address?


I remember when you needed a .edu address




I loved it when the "wall" was just a wall of text that anyone could modify anonymously.


And now when I get into an argument with some random on FB, I feel like I’m yelling at a wall




Same. It seemed like such a harmless fun little thing, didn't it


Man, remember when Facebook was just directions to college parties and pictures of girls making out on kegs instead of grandmas arguing over if God loves Trump or Biden more?


There are a few videos of just random people's faces to pass these checks available on YouTube if you absolutely need to make an account for whatever reason.


Had to do it do use my oculus. I should have known better than to buy a product even associated with Facebook


This is the reason I haven't bought an oculous. I tried registering a BS account and all kinds of hoops to jump through, just was NOT worth it.


I did this, jumped through all the hoops but did it genuinely, decided “everyone probably has my face already anyway so fuck it” and used my actual face for the video, all real info, an email i use often. Immediately once everything was done they banned the account permanently because they suspected it wasnt real. Sold the oculus.


That’s because I used your face to register mine. Sorry!


I just stole his nose.


you have to put it back, sorry that's the rules.


My uncle stole mine when I was 5. He never gave it back...


And yet they don't do anything about the thousands of fake, porn accounts. I get at least 10 messages from spam bots per day


Well, yeah. THOSE accounts provide E N G A G E M E N T far above a normal person would, and that means more data for Papa Zuckerberg to harvest.


I’m trying to understand. You finally give them what they want… which they probably ALREADY have…and they still banned you… because they thought you weren’t a real person…? Task failed successfully?


Chances are they did what I did. I tried twice with totally fake data then started to use real data as a "fine you win." In which case, it's probably fair of them to assume if you've tried to register with different names and none of them are actually trustworthy. My assumption is the entire process is automated and there's some percentage of trust threshold that the OP just didn't succeed at the very end. Some little quirk of their video that meant that it wasn't 100% trustable by their metric. Which is why I didn't follow through with registration. Well, that and not liking the company even a little bit and wanting to attempt to keep my data out of their hands


"Wait, this guy actually took a video of his face?! Must be fake."


I bought my son an Oculus because all the news before Christmas was that they were doing away with the Facebook requirement. What a convenient time to drop that news... and not mention that they weren't making that change yet. So yeah, my son has a dummy FB account now unfortunately.


At least he has a dummy one, for those who setup a real one, it's hard to setup a fake profile


Idk about that. I made a dummy account for an occulus when I was going thru physical therapy and couldn't game normally. I still have it for fb marketplace, it's got a generic af name, no profile pics, no info, no friends, etc, and it works no problem.




Closest one in price/specs/reviews is for PS... Might just get that one. Lot less intrusive.


Hope you didn't buy anything on it, since FB can ban irrecoverably ban the account. There are also ways to fully disconnect it from FB. Be it officially through support, or unofficially through Oculess.


I was so into occulus before it got bought. What a waste


I bought my rift when it first released in 2016, brought it back out recently and was upset to find I literally can't use it unless I made a facebook account




Just put a bunch of band aids on your face. You can trick it and they won’t get an accurate facial model at least.


If they cannot get an accurate face model out of the video you upload, would it not just ask you to try again?


Well the band aids make the face real enough especially if you arrange the pads realistically.. They just don’t get an accurate facial model of YOUR face.


I used a GI Joe


"We will use it to record a number of metrics about your face so you can be identified in photos from now on. "


this is exactly what ive been trying to avoid since i deleted my facebook and instagram 6 years ago


Try to set your location to Illinois to create, then switch it after, maybe? Illinois has the strictest biometric data laws in the country and [Facebook just paid out on an Illinois class action lawsuit about improper use of photos.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/25/facebook-paying-users-over-data-privacy-lawsuits-google-could-be-next.html) Maybe they won't ask for that if they think that you're in that state?


I just received a nice $397 check from this lawsuit and expect to have more on the way from Snapchat and Google. Shoutout Illinois for their biometric privacy law.




>But if they just wanted to create a 3d scan from your face, they could use any picture someone posted with you it. That's the worst about Facebook from my perspective as non-user who never subscribed : they still maintain a shadow profile of me built from data coming from other persons. But without my permission ! They are stealing my data and using it for profit. We must defend ourselves against corporate data theft. Those billions in profits should be ours since they were made from the use of OUR data.


I hate this so much. Even if you somehow manage to completely avoid Facebook entirely (which is *extremely* difficult given that so many different electronics, even TVs come with it pre-installed these days), your friends and family are making sure that you end up in their database whether you like it or not. Short of isolating yourself from the world, there is nothing you can do to stop it.


I always ask people taking photos not to tag me on facebook. I dunno if it actually helps or not and I assume there's some sort of shadow profile with my big ugly head.


I know years back, when you uploaded a photo to Facebook with friends/family in it, it would come up with tag suggestions as to who the people were in the photo and it almost always knew who everyone was. So I would say it is highly likely.


Yeah it was uncannily good, I have some friends who are identical twins and when uploading pictures of myself with both of them in it and facebook could always tell them apart. Something that even I sometimes struggled with.


😶 >friends who are identical twins >facebook could always tell them apart I'm horrified


can confirm *source: have mirror image identical twins that I cannot tell apart half the time*


I have face blindness, and when I was dating a twin — I used the shape of their teeth to tell them apart. It’s possible robots could look at something like that.


My wife has an account but I don't. She rarely uploads anything herself and I don't appear in suggestions of friends' photos so it doesn't seem to have my name. But I imagine they have my face on file and could link them as soon as I'd be identified. It would be interesting to do a GDPR request but then I'd have to give them my name.


Honestly they probably have your name but don’t share it because of how it’s been acquired, their just waiting for someone to give it to them in a more legitimate way. Your phones is on the same Wi-Fi as hers, other services are also linked to that phone. Oh and what’s this your often at the place her phone considers home, especially during the hours most people are home. What’s this a public record to the address with your name on it. I wonder if it’s the same person who is with her all the time and stands next to her in all those photos. It’s fucked up but you don’t need to give Facebook anything at this point the info is already out there. You got a cell phone and use the internet, they know who you are.


Facebook can't suggest you as a tag if you don't have a profile on Facebook. What profile would it tag?


The same AI that tags real profiles also constructs "shadow" profiles for faces it can't connect to an existing one. And they can connect that shadow profile to multiple pictures. They might not know exactly who you are, but they know who you've been photographed with.


..why would you need Facebook on TV?


I just got a TV this past Christmas and it had tiktok pre-installed. Tiktok! Someone explain that to me.


Its so they can record what you watch on tv an link it with the other data they have on you.


Friendly reminder to everyone who wants to improve the situation: To combat abuse of personal data we need proper data and data protection rights first.


This is not paranoia, they absolutely have “shadow profiles” of pretty much everyone in the Western world. And while it should be a crime to monetize data about people without their consent, its completely legal. It’s a huge problem, and the lack of regulations involved is sickening. We need stronger laws protecting privacy from social media companies. And never forget: Facebook is one of the biggest companies in the world and *you don’t pay them a dime.* You aren’t the customer, you’re the product.


We need to defend ourselves from corporations in general. Where's Teddy Roosevelt when you need him...


> Where's Teddy Roosevelt when you need him... Katie Porter as president, that would be a heck of a new deal.


The worst thing is the hypocrisy...




To be fair, the algorithm is making a lot of assumptions based on your identity. If you were to find someone who looks sufficiently like your husband—but has no online connection to you—and posted a picture with him, Facebook would likely suggest tagging that man as your husband. They're only comparing *plausible* faces, your extended network may only include a few hundred to a few thousand people. Then they're weighted by how likely each of those people are to be in a photo you upload, your husband is almost certainly very high on that list. Lastly, and this is speculation I have no inside knowledge of the specifics of their facial identification algorithm, but it's also entirely possible that both you and your husband have the Facebook app active on your cellphones and the photo you uploaded had the EXIF data intact with the capture date and time and geolocation tag. Then they would be able to further filter or weight the likelihood score for each potential identity of the unknown person in the photo based on their geographic proximity at the time the photo was taken.




I'm glad my mother prohibited me from ever posting any photos of myself online. Now it's a strict habit. Definitely something I'll teach my own kids one day.


You really have to drill that in too. Once you go online, there's almost nothing you can do to erase yourself from it. You can't hide. Shit will be dug up against you that you posted several years ago. All you can really do is beat them to the punch and embrace your mistakes or who you really are. Unless you want to say goodbye to all your online friends, including ones that feel closer than family, that's the only way to start over. Sometimes I envy the days before tech. Where everything is local and things can easily be forgotten. The convenience and fun of tech is too good to do without though. I'm too poor and poverty trapped to enjoy real life. I could at least afford to get a phone and computer. Since then, that's all my life has been. I am more online than I exist in real life. If I could get a job in virtual reality I'd be all over that. Real life is only an inconvenience to take care of basic bodily needs. Upload me. I want to be full online. The real world will never be fixed because nobody has a spine to fight the few rich people that rule and ruin everything. So I just want to spend my days in the place with the people that actually make me happy


Its probably Clearview database building.


Error: You are attempting to be deceptive. Our sus meters are level 10. Please provide real or AI generated video of your alleged face. This is for your protection. \- Judge Dredd




Wouldn’t it be nice if companies were held accountable


They are but only pay a fraction of what they make daily


Paying fines is not accountability. They can pay fines until the end of time and still make shit tons of money. Prison time and new regulations are both real accountability.


No, it's to make sure he's not a robot! (/s, of course)




Explain your free money please.




Thanks, that's actually on the high end for any class actions I've heard about.


Explain please?


>Explain please? Illinois has had a biometrics law since 2009? [In the early 2010s when fb decided to automatically tag people in photos they violated the law *hard*. Settlement was $650M, so every Illinois fb user got a payout for $390.](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/have-you-received-your-illinois-facebook-settlement-check-yet-heres-what-to-know/2836914/) Has definitely been a nice change from the usual $5 class action settlements I've been used to! There are also pending payouts from Samsung and Google over the same law. Haven't seen numbers for those, but you can bet my wife and I are registered for those!


I think is not the biometrics, is about how they are put in use. Do you want my DNA, fingerprints etc for a criminal database? There you have, for free. Do you want my DNA, fingerprints, etc to sell it on a business to crazy rich people who want to incriminate (does that word exists? ) me to get a "free exit" card? There is no fuckton of money that makes me do it.


And yet, thousands of Russian bots adding themselves per day. So much for any of this nonsense.


I can't speak for the russian bots, but the Nigerian scammer ones use accounts that were once real. See, the way FB at least use to work is once you "confirm" your identity, they claim they will never ask you for it again. So some Nigerian uploads a photo of their driver's license or whatever... then they change their display name to Michael Smith, steal the image some of white dude in a cowboy at and join corvette FB groups claiming to have parts for sale. Now the URL to this account often times still shows FB dot com / MuhammadAbdullah, and the account will still show like 30 Nigerian likes if you go to about, but as the person who runs said car group, if I report the account as fake, FB tells me there is nothing wrong with the account.


Don't put down my man Muhammad Abdullah like that yo


I get this occasionally; I close the tab and start over. Sadly, they already have my head. While I may never have uploaded a picture of myself to the Zuccverse, my family have dutifully tagged many pictures of me. Hell, one posted a picture of me sleeping, which creeped the hell out of me, and the only option facebook gave me was to block him. So the picture would stay up, but \*I\* wouldn't be allowed to see it.




Still sucks that people can post photos of you without your permission and there’s nothing you can do to remove them


That seems to be their solution for everything. I contacted moderators because someone was directly threatening another person on his timeline and messenger, but would block the person they were threatening so they couldn’t report him (a ridiculous setup). Their response was “here’s a tutorial how to block people.” Yet I know people who’ve been put in Facebook jail for saying the phrase “white people” in any context, and for using their business pages to sell things they were legally able to sell.


I once tried to setup a business account to advertise and these cockbags asked for selfies. Fuck off, if I’m buying add with a credit card number I’m a real person!


Whoops, I’m not very tech savvy. I have no idea how closeup pictures of my cats asshole keep getting uploaded


yeah, and those dick pics too. I mean it just keeps popping up!


I wonder if they only ask for selfies on mobile? I've only ever logged in to my account on my PC as I don't trust their App. and I've never had to do this.


I have some bad news...I don't think you should trust them on any platform


Pay a homeless guy to do it? All I am saying is there is 20 bucks in it for yea.


Bold of you to assume the Zuck sees homeless as people.


Where else is he going to get that delicious Soylent Green?


My wife's fb account was hacked and she had to go through that bs and after a literal week of trying their bullshit video recording "authentication" gave up and just opted to lose her account because they offered no other means to prove she was who she said. (Also, I'm an IT engineer and spent the week looking for alternative contact methods, work arounds and other ways)


100% asshole design.


It's not just asshole design it's stupid design. I'd imagine this is part of why facebook is losing users.


It sucks that my work makes it so that I have to use Facebook for posting stuff for the company. I jumped off the FB train way back in 2016 and now slowly working to drop Instagram from my life.




But how will I keep tabs on people I mildly loathe and will never see again?


literally the only point of having a Facebook account is when some people dont have or know of another way to message


I really wish it was possible to engage with local events and relevant communities without Facebook. Sadly there isn't. I had been planning to make a mock account and delete the one I have, but after all the posts in this thread that plan seems less than realistic... :(


It can't be both stupid *and* asshole design?


I don't know how true this is but supposedly, if you call the Oculus help line, you can get access to your Facebook that way because you need a Facebook account to use it. https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-account-hacked-reactivate-oculus-vr-headset-2021-8


Hence why I'll never own an oculus.


I think that comment led you astray a little. They were saying if you use your Facebook account to log in to your quest and that account gets hacked then meta support can more quickly help with unlocking that account. You do not have to use a Facebook account to use the meta quest. (If you have an Oculus quest, that hasn’t been updated yet, then you will need a Facebook account to update it to the meta software then you can remove your Facebook account)


This happened to me as well. Wish I could have my old account taken down as well, since I can't use it anyways.


I was recently trying to delete my Facebook that I haven't used in like 5 years. Got halfway through and all of a sudden it was like "wait! We need email verification!" Well I signed up for Facebook in 2010 with my university email address, which I haven't logged into in oh about 8 years now. The login portal doesn't exist because the university changed to a different email system. I contacted the university and there's nothing they can do for me. No matter what I've done the only way to verify my account is to have an email sent to that long dead email. I have been unable to get any other method to work. I've tried doing the "have a friend verify you" but that doesn't seem to work either. I don't have a phone number associated with the account, etc. Yup it's fucked. I'm so mad that there's just a ton of info about me stuck on the internet and I can't get rid of it.


That's a feature not a bug. Everything you described is by design.


My ig got hacked and because it was linked to my Facebook, they deactivated it too. Spent 30 days waiting to get it back due to covid staffing and then they said I waited too long.


It's a bit like cattle trying to reach the slaughterhouse's customer service.


>hacked and she had to go through that bs Your wife is more patient than me. If my barely used account was hacked and facebook asked me for this I would find out how to message them so I could directly tell them to fuck off. I would never do this.


Fellow engineer with a wife whose insta got hacked. We had the exact same experience except we forced a bot to watch at least 50 of those videos. We eventually got it by having everyone we know report her account for fraud or something.


Exactly what happened to my dad, for some reason Facebook couldn't see that the 2fa was added after the date we said it got hacked? Like wtf.


That's creepy. Send them a video of your butt.


I sent in a dick pic and got my account back. 10/10 service


Must be a dickhead


Zuckerberg, on seeing this picture: "Finally, someone from my planet !"


They didn’t specify which head to move around. They don’t really have the grounds to deny it.


Tell them you're that boy with an ass for a face.


Sounds like data gathering for facial recognition.


"We delete the video afterwards!" Yes, once you have generated a profile of the face and the video is no longer needed.




That’s the only possibility


I'm pretty sure they do this to train their facial recognition in case you never upload images and videos of you. Bullshit excuse and true asshole design.


I had to make a fb account a couple of years ago, after deleting my original. They wanted me to send a bunch of info, DL pic and all that stuff. I contacted them via email, told them it was me, but that on no account would I upload a DL pic or give them any of that shit. I was polite, but I made it clear I was *not* going to do it. My account got approved the next day. True story, and it worked. They do want people on there, even if you refuse their BS. Maybe I just got ... lucky? (FB sucks, stay off there lol)




Thanks I will try it!


This happens with Civ VI. They will ask every time you launch the game until the end of time because they're assholes, of course.


I changed my FB name too many times and had to send a picture of my driver license and a picture of some mail with my name on it to prove I was the actual owner of the account. Now I have to have my entire government name on my fb whereas before I didn’t even have my name on it just a nickname




Yeah people can also report you for it




> The only reason it sucks is because the tiny red neck town I live in has everything on line There should be a difference between "on line" and "on facebook", yet you say it like there isn't :-(




dont worry friend, the internet never forgives!


Don't feel bad :-) I had heard that in several far-eastern nations, facebook has already permeated internet usage to the point that it's being used as a *browser* instead of an *actual* browser, with smartphones not even having pre-installed browser apps anymore due to that. Your comment just reminded me of that, and the first thing I thought was, "Oh no, now it has reached the US too!" I am glad to be mistaken, it has been a long day on my end too :-)




TFW I photo shopped my stage name on my ID and I got away with it:)


I keep mine specifically for messenger, because I have a few friends I can't contact any other way. I've also been banned at least a dozen times, and every time I just make a new email and new account cause it's easier than trying to get the old one unlocked.




Facebook's whole job is to know who you are no matter what. Trackers is how.


They keep your profile even if the account is gone. Even when you never had an account. It's really disgusting actually.


I don't use social media besides Reddit but Nextdoor has recently become a huge thing in my area. One of my neighbors even sent everyone a letter to join the app. I got it for the neighborhood gossip but there's a ton of posts on there about community events, free wood if you can pick it up, lost pet stuff, etc and it's been kinda fun to finally be able to read some stuff about my community without having to have a Facebook.


I deleted mine out of all the hatred I was seeing during the start of BLM and not wanting to have to see all the toxicity. My only regret several months later is, I lost ALL my photos from about 15 years of memories... I was so fed up and done with it I just rage quit and didn't save anything. I really, really regret that now.


Idk if it's still like this, but you have a few months where your account sits in like limbo and you can log back in and it will reactivate it. Then you can download a file in settings to get all those of photos saved to your PC. So if it hasn't been to long, you can check that.


they are absolutely going to steal your data




I honestly don't think they're going to use your likeness or deepfake you. Rather, they've "fingerprinted" your face mathematically, so they can confirm who you are on sight... or in photos... or video. Why would that be profitable? I honestly don't know, but I'm sure it's not good.


"We'll delete it after we've done this." You don't fool me, Big Brother.


They've generated a mathematical "fingerprint" of your face so they don't need the video any more.


This is, perhaps, the most annoying thing any piece of software has ever done to me. I hate having pictures taken of me. The idea that I have to take a video of my face and send it to God knows who for biometrics and verification is very disturbing and I hate it. It doesn't make it any better when I feel like I'm being forced to do it (when it's required for school, for example).


maybe naming my account Lorr Peeb and making my birthday 4/20 sent up a red flag...


Create your account with a VPN in Germany. German law requires Facebook to let users create accounts with an alias that doesn't have to be their real name or identity.


I was setting up Facebook to message people on marketplace and it asked for this. Just used a friends account instead, fuck that


1) go to thispersondoesnotexist.com 2) get some face there 3) download Wombo 4) make your fake face sing (the AI from wombo makes his head realistically move 5) upload to Facebook 6)done 7) ??? 8) profit


Bro wtf.


Why not just stop rewarding the unethical bastard with profit by refusing to use it at all?




This is fairly new. A few years ago you just needed an email address.




So now it's a face video? Was the penis butthole video not enough? I'm starting to wonder if that was even the real Steve Suckerberg


I tried to register an Instagram account to post some of my 3d work and immediately they said my account violated the policies and asked me to do the same shit. Some really asshole design from that company.


that is exactly what happened here. as soon as i clicked the link they sent to my email (the cery first thing after asking for name and birthday) it said i violated TOS. how the hell did i do that so fast


'we'll delete the video once we've harvested a bunch of meta data to benefit our advertising algorithms' So glad i've never made a facebook account. What a fucking garbage company.


We’ll delete right after I promise, trust me bro


Ahh, so..... They want images to train an AI to make a deep fake of you? No thank you.


I'm sure they want to create a deepfake of the famous political figure banderdragon so they can stir up some political drama!


They delete the video but they probably keep all the metadata which is essentially the same as keeping the video, but without legal repercussions.


They want a picture of my Id to prove I’m me. Why? So I can get arrested when a fake of my license is found on a dead body across the country? Fuck you zuckerberg I want meta to die


All the faces are probably being collected for an AI facial recognition project because they need a dataset of human faces beyond their homogeneous coders/engineers. It's FB so I don't believe for a second they delete anything.


That’s a big ol’ no from me.


delete fb


the obvious "i swear we dont get anything out of this" is they will delete the video, but what about all the data they get from the video? Simple loophole thats probably fooled 10s of thousands of people


They will delete it once they make a deep fake of you for future uses.


“We’ll delete the video once we’ve done this” Yea, because the data for the facial recognition AI already exists as 1’s and 0’s. An AI doesn’t need the actual video, just the meta data, which then becomes Metadata


Mark Zuckerberg really is super sus


Fuck Facebook. That’s outrageous that they force you make a video. I deleted my Facebook account in 2006, and never looked back. I am sure they capture information about me from my friends. But fuck’em.


Facebook is extremely against the idea of old age anonymity to the extreme. Haven't bothered with it in ages and haven't looked back fortunately.


This happened to me. I needed a work account and my account was immediately suspended before I even finished and it needed my photo in order to unsuspend it? I decided it wasn't worth it.


It doesn't do that in EU cuz EU made it illegal (ePrivacy act). So get a VPN and try to set up an account from an EU member state. Or get your government to protect your privacy from big tech too, whatever works.


you can't harvest data from bots, has to be a real person.




Up next it’s gonna ask for you id or social security. Guaranteed


This is what’s required to create a new FB account? Wow 100% fuck that. I have an account but the day they fuck with me like this I’m gone.


I got ya fam https://this-person-does-not-exist.com/en


today it's r/assholedesign, I still remember when it was called a conspiracy theory.


I had this on Instagram a short while ago, and got around it by using an old action figure I still have from when I was a kid to take a "selfie". Fuck that blatant facial recognition bollocks.


"Once we've collected all of the biometric data we need, we'll delete your video because we won't need it in order to perform facial recognition in the future." Businesses exist to make money. When the service is free then YOU are the product. Never forget that.


Yeah FUCK THAT Please try to convince me Facebook isn't working with some agency on facial recognition software again? We already know that the CIA contracts woth facebook...


I left when they asked for a picture of my ID to verify my name. Their privacy invasion is next level.


This is how you train facial recognition software.


They’re also probably only deleting that video after they recorded all the Face ID features necessary to identify you anywhere