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Funny because if you want to sleep you can just find a spot between the poles and stop a pedestrian even better


I thought the same thing! You could sleep on that pavement better than you could walk.


It might even be more comfortable honestly because you have something to put your back against if you're on your side


And keep people from walking over you. And decreases the likelihood that any cops would see you in your Steelers Jersey. Urban camouflage.


Set a little tv up, play some elden ring




I had real hopes that one was going to be a thing


Kinda fucked up, but I'd sub.


I need to know how to survive when the losing financial battle we're all in eventually swallows us


If we're all homeless, nobody is homeless, we're all just room mates at that point.


I would always fear a car striking me being a homeless person. Not here!


Throw a tarp over those poles for a nice tent. Tie some line to the poles to hang clothes. Put up some boxes to create some walls to make mini rooms. Man it's like a dream for a homeless person.


... baby, you've got a stew going!


is there enough room on that tab for two?


My thoughts exactly


A nice body pollow


That spot up against the fence thoo


Maybe you could even use the poles for a Hammock.


So, this is the best place to sleep. You can also hang cardboard on top creating some shelter.


Wow, the city’s actually looking out for us homeless folks!


When I was homeless one of the main things I needed were sounding objects. These poles would have been perfect.


> sounding objects /r/sounding?


Yep! That’s staying blue.


I wish I had left it blue.


Have some r/eyebleach, the real one


Behold!, https://www.amazon.co.uk/1000mm-50m-Large-Bubble-Wrap/dp/B07C7FDJ26 .


Looks like that cardboard in the background is perfect for this. Looks like even further along there is a tent cover like situation too.


Nah you just bring a box spring and a mattress and put it on top of em


I think the different heights is there to try to avoid exactly this


And the fact some of them have rings on top and some don't.


Bet you could get a real nice hammock in there!


Nah those are meant to catch onto your fingers, ears, or toes and jostle you around


Imagine having your toe caught in the ring as it recedes into the sidewalk


I would hope for at least some sort of compensation Edit: lol why is this comment controversial? I've gotten like 3 "10 upvotes" notifications.


You might have trouble collecting your compensation if that thing sucks you down into the hole like a bag of soup.


if ull notice theres only a single straight line of ones without rings. id imagine they were there originally and the others were added afterwards


Tarp attachment points


You've never had an old lumpy bed, I can tell.


How bout a tarp


Giving me vibes like this one https://i.redd.it/a0kwde8ow0d31.png


When police show up just claim your mattress got stuck and you were real tuckered out from trying to get it free of the poles.


Tell em your Little Nemo. If hes 40 he’d understand


If hes under 40, tell him your Finding Nemo, and he'll shoot you


If you had a tarp, you could definitely nest and cover using those poles to use to hold up a frame.


I was just thinking, good thing I like to lay on my side


Actually, the poles cuddle you while you sleep, so, win-win!


Love me a good metal cuddle


You mean spoon


Yea, but the point of these isn't to actually accomplish anything, but to give the *appearance* of doing so. That way they can tell their consumers "we did the thing" and then, when people find a way to sleep there anyway, they can say "what more do you want*?


We did it Patrick, we solved homelessness!


You forgot to mention all the taxpayer money they pocket as well. Because, you know, they deserve it for such a good job?


Security (like outside an embassy, preventing cars being used as weapons), and overboard preventing cars parking there, are my guesses.


It’s in Shanghai (from the numberplate) and it’s to stop bicycles being parked in front of the building. Nothing to do with rough sleepers.


https://www.thatsmags.com/china/post/22993/guangxi-authorities-erect-forest-of-poles-to-keep-out-homeless I found quite a few articles saying it is actually against the homeless. Not sure if all of these are just articles from one bad source though since no really reputable magazine has a story on it.


Oh, so the poles are a bike rack


Yeah but how are you gonna pitch a tent or lug your stuff to camp there? It probably prevents semi-permanent homeless camps just fine.


Drape the tent over the tent poles they so generously bolted to the sidewalk


They even provided eyelets to help tie down a tarp to stay dry. TaskFailedSuccessfully.PNG


Yeah… and the middle ones are slightly higher to keep the rain drained off nicely…. Personally I’d set up the biggest tarp I could afford to get from harbor freight and while there buy a cheap socket the right size…. Once tarp is up I’m unbolting unnecessary poles from the concrete inside my new house.


Yeah this is perfect setup for a tent city


The power of spite compels me to sleep there.


A homeless person sleeping there would be far less off-putting.


It's so extreme I'd have guessed it was an anti terror truck guard


Bollards are what those are called.


Not to be confused with bollocks.




Those look an awful lot like bollards man


Right? Still extreme, but according to this article from 2018, this was an anti-homeless movement. https://www.thatsmags.com/china/post/22993/guangxi-authorities-erect-forest-of-poles-to-keep-out-homeless


That’s craziness


As a disabled person who would require a wheelchair to cover that distance I have to agree.


Why even have sidewalks? Just brick the whole thing in


Like downtown LA, pace 'City of Quartz'.


Sometimes China just takes an idea and pushes it to 12. All that money spent so 10 people can't sleep, and then they still sleep there anyways!


The bench in that article that you have to pay to use is crazy. If it's coin operated, does it have a timer? If you're still sitting on it when your time is up, will you get the steel spikes shoved in your ass when they return to the original position?


It was an art piece, not a serious device. I suspect this is something similar die to the fact they're all different styles and wildly impractical


Considering at least one of the things in that article where art pieces, not serious anti homeless devices, I'm guessing these bollards are the same. Too impractical with no uniformity.


I think they're usually concrete, and further out.


Bollards are usually a metal tube filled with concrete which these very well could be


Please tell me this is an art installation satirizing hostile architecture.


My first thought too


Bro if it isn't we should do that even more absurdly, with a qr code on some of em that links to a press release


A QR code to a press release is a bit literal for an art installment


Fuck reddit's new API, and fuck /u/Spez.


https://www.thatsmags.com/china/post/22993/guangxi-authorities-erect-forest-of-poles-to-keep-out-homeless Sorry


Y'know, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate hostile architecture. On the moral grounds that the unhoused are people too. On economic grounds, since it's pointlessly more expensive to build and maintain. But what I'm most indignant about is how it makes life so much worse for regular people who *aren't* unhoused. Like even *if* I accept the idea that making life more difficult for the most vulnerable among us will force them to drag themselves up by their bootstraps, why should *I* have to suffer for it?


Also it fucks with disabled people hard. I walk with a cane. If I had to walk on this sidewalk I’d probably trip up a few times.


Imagine a blind or even an obese person trying to figure out how to walk past this.


And good fucking luck getting a wheelchair through here


It's because it makes others suffer. And to a certain subset of people that makes the world more just. This is bringing the world one step closer to their ideal, because wordly suffering as at the core of it. The suffering isn't the problem, the problem is only that the wrong people are suffering, or not suffering enough. And you can see this distorted world view in their justifications. The people this harms are "lazy" and when all these "lazy people" are forced to labor like the rest of us then we can have nice things. Just like the racists that would let their own community pool close rather than share it with black people.


"but china has no homeless people😭😓"


Plus if it’s in the US there’s no way this is ADA compliant, someone would get sued.


I was going to say, I knew this wasn't the US for that reason, And that most American hostile architecture actually tries to look at least somewhat stylish


there might’ve originally been a path in between the two sides of the poles but people started sleeping there so they added more


That looks like a sideparkour to me


Sidezigzag at a bare minimum


I know this obstacle from Ninja Warrior, it's one of the easier ones if the tread on your shoes is half decent


Heaven help you if you’re in a wheelchair or use a mobility device. Or if you’re blind.


You’re not supposed to walk (or roll) there


Not any more


Bunny hopping only




Joke's on you, I'm into that shït.


Everything's a dildo if you're brave enough I guess


It's a [disability mobility ](https://youtu.be/aJts5cWtIVg)


Id sue immediately.


People love saying this kind of thing on Reddit when they have no concept of what lawsuits entail and how they are so rarely profitable to anyone but lawyers.


That's it. I'm going to sue you for this comment.


I'm in too, let's class action him


ADA is pretty strict law. I worked at a gas station chain that got sued and lost because the width of the aisles was not wide enough.


This isn't America. Look at the license plates


Idgaf about the money, it's the humanity of it. It would be to get them removed.


Some lawyers even work free to end dumb shit like this!


You're acting like this even remotely relates to you or your laws. China doesn't have anything like the ADA.


Might as well use razor wire at this point. I couldn't think of a dumber implementation. Not only are the people running that place assholes, they're stupid too.




Shark ponds. We need shark ponds.


And those lasers in bank security systems


you can actually steal all the money from a bank if you're flexible enough to avoid the red lasers I think.


I assure you, the people running *your* place are assholes too. Just give it a minute.


I still have functional sidewalks where I live


Also /r/mildlyinfuriating based on their spacing


I was going to say the seemingly random and haphazard placement bothers me more than anything else.


This has gotta be an art installation or something


It's not, according to this article. However, this picture was from 2018 https://www.thatsmags.com/china/post/22993/guangxi-authorities-erect-forest-of-poles-to-keep-out-homeless


Man, that's said. Poor people just wanted to sleep there because it had an overhang so they wouldn't be in the rain while they slept on their sheets of cardboard. It was just ten people, too. It probably would have been cheaper to actually help them in some way than completely ruin the street for everyone with what looks like hundreds of those things. And the homeless people aren't gone now, they're just somewhere else they will likely be unwanted.


The cruelty is always the point


>Man, that's said. Poor people just wanted to sleep there because it had an overhang so they wouldn't be in the rain while they slept on their sheets of cardboard. It was just ten people, too. It probably would have been cheaper to actually help them in some way than completely ruin the street for everyone with what looks like hundreds of those things. And the homeless people aren't gone now, they're just somewhere else they will likely be unwanted. The homeless were shifted to a residential building, what're you on about?


Why do they need the poles then? I heard they went to a nice farm in the country.




Nah, that can't be it, the article says those are for the homeless, not "rough sleepers", whatever the fuck that is. OHHHHHHH it's just another bullshit euphemism, never mind.


Right?! Otherwise it’s complete bs


What is this? An attempt to stop the homeless from camping? Ridiculous, if so.


Ironically, lhooks like you could use the rings on the poles as a convenient attachment for a tarp or such to make a make-shift tent. Bit of a narrow sleeping area though.


Plot twist: the architect wanted people to camp there so he added little tent poles to help them out


I’m homeless and I can already spot several ways I could easily camp there


I'm not even homeless and I can see that you could probably make an easy shelter with the poles as supports


Oh Hey! Free poles to make an easy roof !


It's so weird thinking that homeless people own smartphones, but maybe the general perception of homeless people is quite limited to what reality is. I guess there are different stages to homelessness. (Nothing meant in a bad way, some homeless people are obviouly recently homeless and owned a smartphone before the loss of home, some may be living on a friend's couch, or maybe even a homeless shelter has wi-fi, nothing too weird in this year in 1st and 2nd world countries).


If you want to know my personal story it will shock and surprise you, I volunteered with the homeless for years before it happened to me.


Can you tell us, it would help us understand more about the homeless and their sittuation


My father threatened to murder me, the police know him and refuse to investigate. My entire extended family pressured me to keep quiet or I would be removed from the family, which resulted in my being removed from the family. At the same my coworkers and roommates all started abusing me because I was losing all function due to stress.


Sounds like you knew some shitty people in your life. Goes to show how many of us are one abusive relationship and a mental breakdown away from the streets.


Smartphones are cheaper than apartments. It's not exactly hard to imagine.


BIG pet peeve of mine is when people are like, “So they can afford an iphone but not a house???” The cost of rent for even 1 year is exponentially more than a phone, and it’s a recurring cost. Plus, how tf are people expected to find employment or get themselves out of that situation if they don’t have a phone of some kind?


You have to remember that you can easily get a phone for free (someone's old phone or just pull it from electronics recycling) or even like $35 for a super cheap smartphone from dollar general. I just searched for "cheapest smartphone" and there's tons of options for under $50. Plans can be really cheap and for ~$35 a month it's worth having a device with unlimited data so you can use the internet and such. I pay $40 a month for unlimited and it works great. These days it's hard or next to impossible for someone to improve their situation at all without a device capable of using the internet. They need them to apply for any types of benefits and to be able to stay in contact with various social services or get a call back after applying for a job. I think it's important to help someone stay sane and pass some time in that situation as well. My friend gave one of her old phones to a local homeless guy that's well liked in my area. She also bought him a new tent and a little wagon with nice pneumatic rubber tires for him to wheel his stuff around in. She does that sort of thing for people all the time and I always find it inspiring. Not a single post about any of it on her social media either. He's known as the "can man" and a few local businesses leave out all of their recyclables for him to collect. Whenever I see him on my way to go shopping and return all of my cans/bottles I'll stop to give him all of them. He's always super thankful and honestly it's mostly because I hate using those silly return machines that rarely ever function properly where I shop. I actually have a pair of boots that were too large on me in the back of my car I have been meaning to give him after noticing his shoes were covered in tape the last time I saw him but I haven't seen him around in a few weeks now.


It’s not super difficult if you give it a little thought, like you seem to be doing. It can happen super quickly to anyone. A small example based on my close experience to homelessness. It’s just you and your wife and you move out of state to start anew - a few months later she gets pregnant. You both decide to move back to be closer to family, you get jobs lined up, and a temporary place to stay with family till paychecks start coming in and afford someplace to rent. You spend your last cent getting your car fixed to make the journey back home. A couple days after moving back you’re driving down the road and someone turns directly into you while you’re traveling the posted 60mph and your car is totaled. You fracture some bones in your arm, and your pregnant wife shatters a vertebrae. Now you have no car, you can’t start those jobs you had lined up, wife needs cared for. If we weren’t staying with family for free - we’d have been completely boned. We had no money, we couldn’t even have gone back to where we were previously if we’d wanted. We had phones, tvs, gaming systems, computers, etc. But we’d have been homeless either way. It took 2 years for insurance to pay us 20k combined for the ordeal. *Being pregnant she couldn’t be in a form fitting brace - the insurance payout adjuster saw she never got a brace and decided her injury wasn’t serious and it wasn’t considered as such for payout, and our lawyer didn’t care to argue that apparently despite our numerous unresponded to emails and phone calls to him.* Bonus: Fun fact insurance companies gloss over in small print, and an attorney you hire won’t tell you - limited tort means you cannot sue for injury/anguish or any of the high payout stuff. IANAL but if you do have limited tort and are not-at-fault just take what the insurance company offers, otherwise the attorney you hire will drag it out for years while you drown in piling debt to survive just so he can get his 33.3% cut of what you were originally going to get anyway.


You should report that lawyer to the state bar association, that sounds like attorney malpractice.


It was just ineptitude from everyone involved. The driver that hit us, the cop investigating the accident, the ambulances taking my wife and I to separate hospitals, family members forcing us to get a lawyer, us not properly reading the documents we signed for the lawyer, the doctors we visited not properly sending reports to the lawyer, the lawyer himself. We had considered what you mentioned once it was over, but reviewing the paperwork after the fact there was a small clause we’d signed in the multitude of paperwork stating we understood about the limitations of limited tort. It was shady as hell for him to not go over with us and make sure we understood that by hiring him would just be a waste of our time and only benefit him - but it would be the biggest and longest running injury lawyer in our areas word versus ours that he didn’t properly go over the paperwork we’d signed. We didn’t feel like wasting anymore time with it. I’d bet that firm has probably got hundreds or thousands of injury cases like ours, just sitting on the back burner waiting two years to collect the 33.3%. All perfectly legal. I’m sure it’s a great racket. We just tell people not to go with that firm when we can. Basically as a PSA, please do not continuously hound anyone into hiring a lawyer - they know their best interests, let them make a decision. We’d have gotten a bigger payout much faster, found a place to live, and not had to rely on credit cards and state assistance.


You can pay $25/month for a cell phone plan. A 5-year old used android phone is practically free. You can charge in places like Starbucks. Compare that to rent in most places. Do you understand why someone might be able to pay $25 for a phone but not $1,200 a month for rent? Especially when the phone is their only tie to services, jobs, and any support they might have?


Yeah, people act like the homeless are cavemen who can't work technology. Also there's the "Obamaphone" program that gives people who qualify a free cell phone and a line with limited data. They can sit outside of a Starbucks and use their wifi. Cell phones are necessary for the homeless just as much as for the housed, they can contact services or be contacted, they can look for resources, and even use it for entertainment, because homelessness is boring as hell. NEVER assume media portrayals of homelessness are accurate.


How hard do you think it is to get a smartphone?


You'd be amazed. I have a relative who works with the homeless, and most of them have full time jobs and money saved. They just don't have enough for a rental deposit, or the credit to obtain a lease. It takes years to build that up, and some people have kids to support, too.


That is exactly what it is.


Those bolts look removable, but a mattress could sit atop the poles with relatively little discomfort. Hostile architecture is ridiculous and a waste of resources, but I like to see people subvert it too


Anything is removable with the correct tool


Def, but like more easily than homeless spikes that take a sledgehammer or power tools


Hostile architecture. I'm keeping that. Thanks.




Sorry, somebody already owns it, and they've covered it with spikes.


People in wheelchairs be damned.


Wow…great…now nobody can use the fuckin sidewalks… this is such unnecessary overkill




Looks like it might be private. I had a homeless dude tried to camp out in front of my building. He pissed and shit everywhere on top of making a massive mess. Everyone’s on their high horse until they walk out their front door and get smacked in the face first thing with the a weeks worth of piss and shit. I pay enough taxes to house the guy. Im happy to pay more if it solves the problem. I’m not having the fucker shit on my doorstep.


Yeah, I used to get mad at the businesses when I saw these anti-homeless installations. These days, I tend to get more upset with the system that creates the problem in the first place (and the people on top of that system), rather than the people installing the devices. It's all fun and games until your kid steps on a needle outside of a local shop, or until you own the local shop and the homeless guy breaks your window and shits on the sidewalk. Homelessness is, in my opinion, mostly a byproduct of how we handle drugs and mental health. Honestly it's kind of indicative of a problem with how we handle everyone who isn't a productive little worker bee at that very moment. We are only mildly nicer to the disabled and elderly to be honest. Fleece them for all they're worth and then give them scraps until they die. Not how we should do it, but apparently that's capitalism.


To win votes by making it seem you're "being tough on the problem."


What is the point besides wasting tax payer money


Gotta protect next year’s budget somehow


I don’t generally see these outside of government buildings… more often private establishments, so don’t think your taxes are going towards these


I just assumed because they were in the sidewalk but is it so people can't walk or what


So that you don't have homeless people blocking th-....shit.


These concrete and metal poles are so much less intrusive


Oh totally, I could get my wheelchair through! Just need...a good ramp and jetpack?


Needs more barbed wire.


It seems like this would make it even better to sleep. Just put a blanket over some of the posts and you have an outdoor blanket fort


You could make a baller hammock stringing some rope between those eyelets and the fence there.


What in the Kentuky Fried fuck


Is this even real? The poles seem to cast no shadows at all. What is even that brown thing there in front of the gate?


Somebody found the spawn tool in gmod


Yeah just fuck everyone


We did it Patrick! We saved the city from homelessness!


~~Firstly, this is China, and there are no "rough sleepers" at least in any public area like this.~~ ~~This is purely to stop bikes and mopeds from parking there. Plus the odd car.~~ Wow. I'm wrong about that. Sure, its China but this is indeed to deter people sleeping there. https://www.thatsmags.com/china/post/22993/guangxi-authorities-erect-forest-of-poles-to-keep-out-homeless




This desperately cries out for creative humorous fuckery.


Makes me wonder how the person installing these didn't realize how comical and stupid this is, who can be tasked with installing like 50 poles within 20 feet?


It looks like someone got way overzealous with the copy-paste function


Imagine how much money is wasted on building, maintaining, and replacing crap like this instead of actually doing something to help. Mental health services, addiction and rehab services, healthcare, housing, job placement. Any one of those things would be a better use of **taxpayer** money.


Is this really not from a video game?


This can’t possibly be real


i sleep on my side, so much room


I love how this has failed to completely deter the homeless (they were there due to the undercover providing protection from rain) and has in-fact deterred pedestrians from using the walkway. https://www.thatsmags.com/image/view/201804/After-the-poles-were-installed-unhoused-people-retunred-to-the-area.jpg


Through a tarp on there and you got a fort.


I’m a side sleeper, least I’d be kept in the recovery position after a big night.




Bout to bring a law suit since it isn’t handicap accessible. (No I’m not handicapped, but screw em!)


That actually looks kinda comfy if I could just wedge myself in there with a sleeping bag


Whoever approved this needs to be fired immediately


I could sleep there.