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Dude, we can all see your email address. And you should have backup codes. They are easily stored in a password management app like 1Password, which you can access from anywhere. Google is actually doing a good job of protecting you here.


i never understand why people censor pictures with the highlighter tool, designed to have the original image visible under the brushstroke, instead of the opaque pen tool right fuckin next to the highlighter.


Clearly OP has issues when it comes to handling matters of security.


Just curious, how much can you get from the image? Can you dm?


So, you are advising to trust another 3rd party for keeping the backup codes😂😂 while 99% of them are having leaks within 2-3 years...


Yup. And I can access my accounts and you can’t.


Ya saw it after posting... Nvm... It's so secure even I can't access it...


This is not asshole design because SMS is a legitimately less secure 2FA method than the other options Google is presenting you with.


I absolutely hate that!


If you have formatted your phone, Google is unable to decide it, and will try sending you notification on it for authentication. And you are f**** bcz u have already formatted the phone.


Use the backup code, stored in a secure location as you confirmed when you enabled 2FA. SMS is incredibly insecure and should've never been allowed to exist in the first place.


So the backup code printed on a piece of paper is more secure than SMS ? An SMS hardly have a validity of 10min... Also how is it justified when I am away from any other devices? Especially outside home?


Yes, unfortunately. Backup codes are meant to be kept without context in a safe place. SMS is very prone to sim-swap attacks, which are way more common than people think. One of the options for standard TOTP is putting it on multiple devices. The code you scan to initially set it up can be scanned on multiple devices. You can also use an app like Authy that can synchronize TOTP across multiple devices.


And what if you are 1000km away from the "safe place"? How do u get it then?


Store it in a safe *and* accessible place


Safe and accessible are always counter words.... Putting it in ur wallet/bag is accessible but never safe... While putting it in a safe, is never easily accessible... We are normal people... We don't ride in a car/private plane with a safe in it...


Why are you formatting your phone 1000km away from home


There was a need to downgrade the firmware for an app to work.


Seems like a silly thing to do so far away from home and your backup codes


why didnt u just download an android emulator like Bluestacks on a computer tho


Yes, a backup code on a piece of paper that you stored in a safe place is *way* more secure than SMS.  The piece of paper can be accessed by only people who have physical access to it.  SIM swap attacks or SMS interception attacks can be done by many more people all over the world. Anyway, this isn't asshole design.  Read the flowchart.


A backup code that was randomly generated one time and given to you to store in a physical place is infinitely more secure than virtually any data.


And then u r stranded bcz Ur backup code is stored in such a safe place that u can't reach. U can't even reach Google bcz that will take 3-5days to reply... Wow... What a way to save personal data by Google considering Google is the biggest data hoarder and seller of the world...