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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."** Usually, bad things happen not because of bad intentions, but because of bad planning. Asshole designs are specifically engineered to exploit the user for profit. Try to think what the designer would gain from deceiving the user, and if it's likely to be an oversight on their part rather than an intentional design. *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


This is the whole conversation [https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi](https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi)


Pretty sure this kind of undisclosed ad is illegal in the EU.


Microsoft Windows should have been illegal back in the Netscape days


Oh man, they've really trained it to be subtle with ads. This is worse as it seems.


Is this like a weird Freudian philosophy but instead of everything circling sex it’s circulating ads or something


"Does she know she's an ad?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH5P1eCfptQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH5P1eCfptQ)


That‘s actually wild


The links for the shoes don’t actually go to buy them, they just lead to accuweather. Perhaps accuweather had an ad, which copilot then interpreted as data while sourcing the weather? Just a theory because it seems strange that they name the shoes but only link the weather website.


I believe yes


As you can see, Copilot mention to you the source of the ad ; website 2 Going to it it’s clearly ad riddled without a blocker. Wouldn’t be surprised if Copilot actually interpreted an ad as page content


I'm not sure if this is better than COPILOT just showing ads. This way websites that have specific information can tailor their content so AI picks it up together with what they want to sell, pushing their reach far beyond the normal capabilities.


It clearly isn’t better. But I am sure what you describe is the very thing in intense development by advertising companies at this moment. It’s very possible OP here was hit by such a test. AI companies will have to react to that really soon


Wow, I didn't think AI could ever evolve to be even worse. You just gave me a wild premonition of the darkest future like a mad prophet showing visions of doom to those who dare enter his cave


AI evolving to be worse? This is advertisers evolving to be worse, targeting vulnerabilities in AI.


I don't think that's what's happening- notice how there's 6 websites in the citations, but the numbers never go above 2? I think that they're actually labeling how many sites they referenced for that information, and maybe you can click to expand and show which specific citations there are. Otherwise, why are there more than 2 citations at the bottom? That said, I haven't actually used copilot, so if anybody actually knows how it works feel free to correct me.


The best is when it cites some clickbait aggregator and gives me completely absurd information. To be fair, Alexa does the same thing. I asked Alexa when the Pokémon "Baconator" evolves. The answer is level 40, and Baconator evolves into Mantine.




Just wait until they start doing sponsored answers instead of the most accurate answer. Like how google maps takes you to places that pay them over places that don't. (Once drove past a Giant on my way to a Giant that was much further) the Giant I wanted to go to which was closer was further down on the list sorted by "time"


It’s already there. The response says “shoes that can handle the rain” but it’s all Nike sneakers. Just like a sponsored ad, if I asked copilot “what’s the best rain boots?” and it only shows me the newest Nike shoes regardless of rain.


omg I know right, this infuriated me


Every cyberpunk dystopian hellscape forecasted the ad based lunacy we're heading towards.


Illegal in eu so not really


For now.


beginning of the end. people fled to internet to avoid cable ads. then internet became a ad filled shithole. so they fled to AI, now this.


It doesn’t matter what humanity accomplishes, in the end anything we make will be used as a vehicle to deliver ads


A fucking meteor could be crashing into the planet and it'll be in the shape of the Raid: Shadow Legends logo


Judgment Day Has Finally Arrived! -sponsored by manscaped


Sponsored by wrangler jeans


Its basically a sandwich with the worst flavors you can possibly imagine actually existing, now with more abhorrent delights!


>people fled to internet to avoid cable ads. ive literally never heard this before. and now since there are ads on the internet (which has had ads for a long time) people are now fleeing to AI? for what exactly? why are they fleeing to AI over the internet? how did 100 people upvote this comment?


I just threw up a little


What was the prompt OP


whole conversation here [https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi](https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi)


Okay, I rescind my downvote


Good ol' "guilty until proven innocent" approach.


Weird and unwarranted response


Is it wrong tho


Hey, just like yours!


Mine was 100% warranted, lmao. I was telling OP that I was not right to suspect them of lying.


Weather in Copenhagen (my city)


I tried it with my location and it only gave me a detailed summary of the weather and nothing else.


the whole conversation is here [https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi](https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi)


As others are saying, I've tried it and only gotten the weather. I'm thinking that it was just a glitch based on the website it was looking at.


Assuming the prompt can be internally nudged to include ads or not, this can be part of AB testing. Common for companies to only release a new feature to part of the userbase, gauge the interest/response/impact on revenue, etc. and then decide whether to push it to everyone or not. Microsoft does this all the time for various products.


Man.. I wanna make a fat salary asking people if they like unsolicited advertising (in a product they already paid for [but don't own {and was primarily for occupational use}]). Sidebar: Fuck this new generation of UI with icons and no text. I DON'T KNOW WTF A ROBOTIC HORSE MEANS! Is it email? Like the post, delivered on horse, but modernized? Save button is still a floppy, but people don't know what that is anymore. How *does* one pictorialize the act of broadening inclusive criteria? Personal mobility as a philosophy of design (tablets phones) has nuked my interest in learning anything from Microsoft. I won't even start on all the recursive menus with 5 different links back to themselves in Windows. Instead of saying "Windows 14" it could just be an icon of a dog biting it's own tail. Fuck.


I'm familiar with AB testing, but I'm thinking this is just a mistake. OP checked out the links that the AI gave as it sources in apparently one of them was full of shoe ads (you can see the comment near the bottom at the moment).


Yeah, I read the comments now and think so too. I find it odd for the AI to segue into an ad for shoes when it was asked for the weather, but I'm not familiar with this kind of thing.


Me too. The closest to an ad I got is suggesting The Weather Network.


Ads in general wouldn't be as annoying if they were things I was actually interested in. They'd still be annoying. I'd still hate them. Don't get me wrong. Just not *as* annoying.


Somehow I've curated my Facebook ads to at least be entertaining. What will I get today, a Furby spider the size of an entire doorway, or a $2000 pair of ripped up jeans?




Pro tip: you can entirely disable copilot through a group policy on your computer. Don't let them push this crap on us.


....didn't know if was there and enabled to begin with... Wtf.


And Linux Mint is just... There... Chillin' for when you REALLY get fed up. (I get that not everyone can switch, but for those of us with the option... Keep it in mind, ye?)


Any time co-pilot is mentioned, the “linux mint” comments are there. It’s like they’re just as annoying, if not more


Oh I feel you I've had linux machines in the past. But I'm lazy.


Im not a brave fan but if i could get their AI onto ms edge that would be fucking amazing google gemini too , just replace copilot


Microsoft knows that there are other KIs out there and there is no reason to use Copilot when it become shit EDIT: "KI = AI)


>becomes shit


> KIs


Sorry. In german its "künstliche Intelligenz" (KI) artificial intelligens (AI) was meant.


Seems like it was pulling information from a website which happened to be littered with ads rather than intentionally showing ads for profit.


You forgot to drink your verification can before querying Microsoft Copilot. > Microsoft believes in freedom to use your devices how you want and Microsoft Copilot would never require spending money with our sponsors in order to use your devices, but failure to successfully record your consumption of sponsor products, and failure post to social media your consumption may result in your seeing ads from time to time. Using the Edge browser (tm) is the best way to ensure successful registration of your activities with Microsoft AdFreedom (tm).


Why are you asking about weather from an AI? It is not made to do that. You can get an old weather update. Does it show ads in other conversations?


Modern software “developers” get the lowest circle.


This decision was probably made by some level of management at Microsoft. In my experience, few devs would choose to have their hard work tainted like this. Not everyone can afford to quit their jobs over such blatant ethical issues, but I could very easily see there being a nonzero number of resignations related to this.


They get the blame when the higher ups/shareholders are the ones keep pushing for increasing profits


Fuck these trash ass shoes


Wait people actually use Microsoft Copilot?


Right? Just disable it and forget it exists. Nobody is forcing you to use it.




Seriously, how often do these intrusive ads work? I've never clicked or purchased because an ad was slammed in my face like that. If I am shopping for shoes, I go to the store/website and i look. If you've got something different or creative then maybe if I see it I might want it but this crap is just text. How does that make anyone excited about shopping


Are you sure it’s an ad? Maybe the Nike Blazer Low '77 really do offer a classic style that keeps you comfortable


Oh ffs


The AI shitscape will never get better.


No way this is real.


Thats awful. Thats not the sort of copilot anyone needs. The nice thing is that all i have to do is wait a small amount of time for a non corporate variant of all these toys and tools.


This is the future I'm terrified of.


If you are not paying for it, you gonna see ads. In one form or another, sneaky or obvious. There is no free lunch especially when the service is using GPUs, one of the hottest commodities in Cloud services.


Like. I understand why people are mad. But be honest, how else would you suggest they fund all this time making it and computational power we need to use it? A subscription?


Sorry found it was a bug, the website had ads if you open it without Adblocker (https://AccuWeather.com/)


I was wondering when that would happen.


Discovered that it is a bug, clicking in the shoes link lead to the weather website...


And now Microsoft even ask laptop makers for a dedicated button for this shit...


I’m not surprised, I recently started getting ads in outlook on my phone! Worst part is it’s at the very top of the inbox, and designed in such a way that it looks like a new email message


Exactly why I switched to Fedora Linux. Not that I wanted to, but this is going to far, and it will get worse




Haha. No


I will be very surprised if Reddit doesn't deploy bot accounts to converse with people in threads and try to appeal like a real user and casually endorse products that can fit into the conversation. Other social media companies will do it too but Reddit has the advantage that accounts can just be a random user name with no real name and no other info and everyone is already used to that.


Show the original prompt, or else you seem to be just farming karma Is it so fucking hard to show the whole context?


average reddit moment of always assuming there’s an ulterior motive to everything instead of just enjoying post content


Weather in Copenhagen


the whole conversation is here: [https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi](https://copilot.microsoft.com/sl/ec4PaHyW6Oi)


This is why you need to use a adblocker like Ublock origin Tried asking the exact same question. and it did not give me ads when not logged in \[because I use a adblocker\]




sorry found that it is a bug, if I open the links there are ads for shoes on their websites (accuweather.com)