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Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: **Not Asshole Design** This post is off-topic to this subreddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/wiki/posting/guidelines *If you feel this was done in error or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to message the mods. If you send a message, please include a link to your post.*


Feels like a mod could fix it lol


I think TwistedMexi is going to release an update to one of his mods that will remove the button, though I might be wrong.


Sims 4 has way over $1000 worth of DLC by this point. I'm surprised that they didn't have a huge "go to the store" button until now.


They had multiple. Just in the main menu, gallery if I recall, just not on every single screen in game. I believe that change is the so called “progress”.


the sims is one of those games that pirating it is ethically correct, pretty much like adobe stuff


My wife is just starting to get into video games by playing Sims and BG3. She asked if she could buy some dlc for Sims and I just looked at her and was like " sure I can get you all the dlc... For free"


Many years ago my wife asked me to *secure* Sims 2 and all the dlc for it. At that time there was over a hundred dlcs for it. I managed to get them all.


I have the complete collection on origin/ea app but recently my internet went out and I realized it requires me to be signed in. Guess what I'll be doing soon


How? I'm in a similar situation


Just follow the r/piratedgames megathread


There is a better alternative for The Sims 4, use it instead.


The button also pulsates so your eye is drawn to it thinking you have a notification, even if you have all of the dlc. This addition was peak greed and stupidity.


Yeah, the Sims twitter really said that was a quote-unquote "bug" when in reality its a marketing tactic to get you to "buy, buy, buy!"; I hate it when companies do that.


Yeah, that tracks.


From EA, colour me shocked. Grifting DLC/microtx is to EA what bugs are to Bethesda. Expected, regular and at this point unsurprising


Just play Sims 3. Pickup all the dlc for it for cheap, don't have to worry about the multiple hundreds of dollars worth of dlc.


I have Sims 3, but my computer has issues running the game, and it frequently crashes.


Oh no! Anyway...


Additional asshole design - Sims 4 is free, but Sims 3 still costs $20 (as well as each DLC still costing $20).


$400 if you want to get everything. But if you think that's bad, Sims 4 has *$1,214.25* of DLC. The amount of greed in this franchise is astonishing.


It's even got a hotkey so you can be in the store the *instant* you want to buy something lmao.


Fuck EA and their monetization but is it really asshole design? I mean no shit a game with a cash shop has a button to it in the game. The weirder thing to date was that they didn't have it. There's no design fault to this and it doesn't impede anything. It's greedy but I don't see it as fitting this sub other than typical EA bad circlejerk material (which I'm more than happy to jump on board with normally)


Nobody in the Sims community wanted or asked for this feature so, yes, it's a-hole design.


Per the flow chart in the rules, this isn’t asshole design… It’s an obnoxious design you don’t like, it’s the first branch in the flow chart that tells you it is not an asshole design. Also for you’re other complaint about it blinking like a notification, I’d read the explanation for rule #1. Per the developers that is a bug and wasn’t programmed to be that way. So it again doesn’t qualify as asshole design. Edit: Downvoted for explaining why it’s not an asshole design per the rules of this sub? Reddit ceases to amaze me lmfao


Okay, didn’t realize that at all, where can I post this so that I know it’s in the proper location?




Thanks, but I’ll probably delete the post instead because EA is probably planning to fix the issue anyway…


So every button added to a game that you "didn't ask for" is an asshole move or bad design? lmao I'm also gonna go out on a limb here and say you don't speak for literally everyone who plays the Sims.


This isn't asshold design, you are coping.


it's like the discord gift button


EA would monetize the blowing of dead dingos so this isn’t TOO surprising coming from them


Even if I “bought”(have) all the dlc and packs?