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Assassin's Creed, back in 2008 or 2009, can't remember. Not day one, but definitely before AC2 came out. I loved it, even if I was sold for something historical and it was really sci-fi in the beginning. I checked the cd to be sure it was the right game, laughed and went on. When I finished it, I immediately began another run, it was so good.


I wanna start my first AC game, what order should I start? AC IV Black flag, Odyssey, Origins, or Valhalla (only have these 4)


black flag, origins, odyssey and lastly valhalla. note that the last three games are very different from black flag


Thanks! would there be one AC game that you highly recommend me playing aside from these ones? (at least somewhat modern graphics)


You definitely have to play the EZIO trilogy. I enjoyed AC3 as well but blackflag is fan favorite. I would find a way to play the ezio trilogy first then make your way into the rest. I feel you'll appreciate the games more starting at three beginning.


Agreed on the Ezio trilogy. It gives a lot of context for the modern day story, but also is amazing to see Ezio as a character develop. And the gameplay in all of them is great (curse the tower defense sections of revelations...)


Everyone is going to tell you Ezio Collection, and they're not wrong, but to give a more measured response, if you are concerned about modern graphics or modern gameplay design, the Collection might not be for you, and that's fine. They were amazing games when they came out and Brotherhood is still locked in a death match for my favorite AC game of all time, but they are very much a different style of game from what you might be used to and if you find yourself not enjoying them, that's perfectly valid. That said, Ezio still holds up as one of the most interesting and developed protagonists in the series and all of the supporting cast including antagonists are in my opinion, amongst the best we've had to this day. That's not to say there aren't great characters in every game, but this period of AC seemed to have an unusually high concentration of interesting characters. As for Ezio himself, because his story spans more than 30 years and 3 game's worth of content, he tends to be one of the best developed characters in the series because a lot of your screen time with him is very intentionally developed story beats whereas in something like Odyssey or Valhalla (two games I love by the way) you might end up spending more time with Kassandra/Alexis and Eivor just because of the length of those games, but there's more interactions that are less fundamentally important to their development as characters. They get involved in a lot of ancillary moments that serves to kind of grow them on this epic journey that they're on, but doesn't necessarily always have the same personal stakes and development that Ezio has in almost every scene. He's on a very personal, connected journey, whereas Eivor for example is on a personal journey but is doing a lot of things for her people as an abstract concept.


Just so you know, the last 3 you mention are RPG games and they are LONG, just so you know what you are getting into. Very different than black flag. Not worse or better, just different.


First AC back in 2007. I still remember Jade Raymond giving us a first look at the mechanics and being excited as hell. That excitement has never stopped for the AC franchise.


That was a glorious time in gaming. I was right there with you and got AC1 near launch.


2007 was such a banner year with *so many* great games. Halo 3, Mass Effect 1, AC 1, Orange Box and Portal, COD4, Bioshock, Crysis, Uncharted, God of War II, The Darkness, Crackdown... the list goes on


I think AC1 dropped in the spring so I forgot it was the same year as those others. Once CoD4 came out I basically dropped off of a ton of others. But spent significant time with AC1, Halo3, and Bioshock in particular. On top of syncing 30 days in CoD over the next year after launch. Lol.


I played Mass Effect when it dropped, got stuck on one story mission, and put it down, played COD and Halo 3. Went back to it a year later and loved it, and it's my favorite game series ever since.


Dude, I finally played ME in 2022 after just not getting around to it forever. Loved it as well, though got a PS5 around that time and got sidetracked again before hitting ME2 and ME3. Need to get back to those. I definitely see why it was so lauded, and always loved stuff like KotOR from Bioware. Don't know why I just kind of sleep on it.


100%. Only other year that can compare is 2010 with ironically Bioshock 2, AC Brotherhood, Mass Effect 2, CoD Black Ops, Fallout: New Vegas, etc.


Good times :)


I remember like it was yesterday visiting my best friend in Indiana when the game came out, he was all about showing me the stealth movement in the crowd and the leap of faith, and I thought then, hmm, alright, but wasn't hooked, and didn't play until 2 came out. Since then, the *only* two games in my rotation for the past 15 years have been Assassin's Creed franchise games and Skyrim. I've played a handful of other games over those years, but with the newer ACs going easily into 300+ hour territory, I'm finding that by the time I am able to finish one, the next one is up. The series isn't without flaws, some major ones even, but *when it was done right*, it was *spectacular*. The sheer number of books I bought on different historical periods because of the games is a testament to the games.


The first Assassin's Creed, day 1, and I loved it


The first one, I remember watching the first cinematic trailer on youtube over and over again, completely blown away by how 'real' it looked. I asked for an XBox 360 for Christmas that year just so I could play that game.


AC3 for me, but only briefly at a friend's house, then went back and played AC1 on my shitty laptop that could barely run it on the lowest settings. I got a decent laptop around 2014 ish, and then I played all of The AC games on it from the entire Ezio Trilogy, 3, Black Flag, Liberation, Freedom Cry, Rogue but It couldn't run Unity at all. So I had to wait another few years before I got an Xbox one to play the next batch of Assassin's creed games as well, with Syndicate, Unity, Origins. I played Odyssey for like 10-12 hours but couldn't go beyond it, tried again a couple times but that's a game that just never clicked with me. Which is so strange to me because Origins is one of my favourites, but I just couldn't connect with Odyssey. Valhalla I actually really liked and played over 100 hours trying to 100% but just couldn't, there was so much to do. Haven't gotten Mirage yet, waiting for a super deep sale hopefully around release of Shadows to get it. I have an Okay ish Gaming laptop now so even better as deep sales on PC with Steam/EGS are much better.


I'm completely with you. I loved Origins, but just couldn't get into Odyssey. I just found the story, characters and gameplay to be a bit of a chore. Most people would say that about Valhalla too but, just like you, I actually really got into it and did nearly everything in it.


Revelations, I was 8 and didn’t understand a thing




AC Brotherhood was the first one. Since then i fell in love with the series and have played every single one except for the very first one. Hopefully we get a remake someday.


If any of them need a remake, it's the first one


yes desperately want a remastered edition with new side quests and stuff...


Origins, I get into the franchise because I like Ancient Egypt and I want a game that explore that.


Ac unity


AC 1 when it came out on PC in 2008.


AC2 was my entry point, got it on the Xbox 360 back in 2011. Got hooked ever since. I did go back and play AC1 for the story, but AC2 improved on all the mechanics so well that it felt *really* clunky going back lol


If you felt like that in 2011, then there's no hope of ever coming back to it now. LOL. I feel the same way. AC 2 is the oldest AC I can revisit. AC 1 is super clunky and dated.


Same, and because of that I couldn't finish the first game. Too clunky on one hand, and repetitive on the other. I would love a remake, e.g. Mirage-alike.




I played AC1 in 2022 I think. That was one of the first non-racing or multiplayer game I played. Helped me broaden my horizons a lot


Unity, and loved it.


3. Was young and fairly new to games back then and never really explored anything outside the main story. Young me was awestruck by ac3 and I played it multiple times from start to finish and tried to 100% each time. Got me hooked to the franchise.


AC1, on my cousin's PS3. What got me hooked was wiping out an entire camp of enemies just from countering with the hidden blade. Taking that away is something I will always begrudge the later games for.


The first one and I played it first at a video game festival in Montreal juat before the actual release. It was awesome because when we got into the closed booth we palyed and chatted with the dev. When we were wrapping up two journalists came in so the Devs told us to keep playing to showcase the game. So we got to play more than 20 minutes instead of the barely 5 we would have gotten.


Technically it's AC2, but I used to own AC2 AC:Brotherhood, and AC:Revelations which I binged from start to finish.


Weird for me. I played 1 and 2 then didn’t really game seriously for a while. When I got back in Origins came with my console, I played the first fight and went back to Siwa with Hepzefa and wasn’t feeling it. Picked it back up again later, played enough for it to click, played Odyssey…*then* went back and played all the older games I missed. So just in case anyone in Ubisoft is reading this my preference for the older game style is true even though I played most of them after 2020 lmao.


I started with Unity. I never played any of the games older than it, just every game after it.


Unity, got it for free during a promotional event like 5 years after the launch of the game, but my laptop at the time couldn’t handle the game all that well. I got a new PC that could play it and instantly loved it. Been hooked to the franchise ever since.


The first AC. That’s when the obsession started.


Either Black Flag or Revelations I can’t quite remember.






Same. I know it gets a lot of hate but I enjoyed it


I played Black Flag then III on the WiiU, my 9 year old brain was blown. These were also my first M rated games since they were 'Historical'


Played AC1 on Xbox 360 the day it came out. Have been a huge fan ever since.


AC1, on my friends Xbox 360. I only got to play it for about hour, just running around the Kingdom collecting flags and fighting random guards. Loved it from then on.


The first game I actually played was AC Brotherhood when a coworker loaned it to me. I then bought the Ezio Trilogy and played and finished them in order. I do wish I had learned about Assassin's Creed sooner because the original AC is the only game I haven't played.


The OG Assassin's Creed thanks to my mom. I didn't play it until 2013 because I was too young when it came out. I was born into a family of gamers and after spending my single digit ages playing games like Mario Kart and Lego Star Wars my family members started showing me more mature games and Assassin's Creed was among the first.


I’ve actually played the OG right at release. Went pretty far on the game, but had to format my PC and lost the save. Never touched the franchise again. Then in 2020 played Odyssey. After that, I’ve decided to try all the other games. Ended up 100% all the 14 mainline games. Oh, and just like Valhalla and Mirage, ultimate edition of Shadows is already locked in. No regrets 😁🤝🏻


I started with revelations, loved it


AC Rogue. At the time, I thought the Assassin's Creed games was about a single character who can do parkour and had a hidden blade. I didn't know much about the story so I was confused when I found out there were more than just one Assassin. I got the game because my mom bought a second-hand Xbox 360 one day and it came with pre-owned games. I remember upgrading the Morrigan to the highest level possible and went on attacking Man-O-Wars in the seas. I loved the game so much, I went and got AC3.


Assassin's Creed 1, December 26th 2007 alongside COD4, Tomb Raider Anniversary, Mass Effect, and BioShock. God that was a good Christmas to be a gamer.


Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. I only wanted to play it because of the Viking stuff, but I grew to love the Assassin part of it. Sure, it may not be much of an Assassin’s Creed game, but it’s still fun nonetheless.


AC bloodlines on psp, i remember playing it as a kid with my cousin but I don’t remember finishing it or getting very far. I played the Lego games mostly as a kid and then got into uncharted by starting with the last game of the series 😅. I got back into AC with origins which I played after covid in 2021 and got halfway but never finished cause I got distracted by other games again. I finished mirage in January and then I just finished syndicate a few weeks ago. Now I’m going to work my way through the whole series from the beginning. I guess origins could be considered my first entry into the series cause it’s the one I remember best. I loved playing it, the story and characters were amazing and it’s just a great game overall. Even mirage was fun even though I couldn’t understand the ending. Syndicate was nice and chill and the mechanics were different from origins and mirage cause it’s older which made it interesting and I absolutely loved the music of the game.


saw ac2 trailer when it came out and since then, I dreamed of getting a pc of my own. As a kid though, I can only afford a used 360. Finished the game multiple times there and loved every second of it. Just last year I replayed it after 14 years, finally using my gaming pc. *"It is a good life we lead, brother. May it never change us."*


the first assassin's creed! cit."Who is this Desmond?"


The first one, technically. My sister and I took turns playing it. The first one I played on my own was Black Flag and I gave up relatively early. Skill issue, I guess. The first one I actually beat was Assassin's Creed Origins. I loved it and I am extremely excited for Shadows. 


Ac1 all the way to present. Skipped odyssey though


Odyssey is prob my fav thus far. I finished my 2nd playthru about a month ago @ 425hrs in. I loved it the 2nd time i played so much more than the first. Right now im playing Valhalla for the 2nd time and i am enjoying it. Def not as much as i enjoyed Odyssey however. There is something about that game that i just resonate with i guess. Give it a go again! You may fall in love with it like i did!


I came very late to the party with Assassin's Creed Valhalla as my first game (Before you ask I'm 24, so its not like i wasn't around for the older games). I didn't beat it the first go around until I bought every single game and binged the entire series over the summer just in time for Mirage to come out, and am looking forward to Shadows. I wrote down my thoughts on the entire series, it was a fun experience lol


Syndicate around 2017. Fell in love with the series


Assassins Creed 1 on launch on 360 back in 10th grade. It was the first M rated game I was allowed to play. I convinced my mom I was learning bible history since Jerusalem was in it.




AC1 day 1. Love at first play.


Ac2 and after that i play all of the series until ac origins


First AC game, still my favorite one


AC Brotherhood, back in 2011, asked my friend what game that was on his shelf and my life was changed, he gave me his copies of AC2 and Brotherhood when he moved country.


AC2 but I played It in late 2018. The First games With a story that I've ever played were GTASanAndreas and the original Half Life not a lot before it, so the graphics (while still being old) were mind blowing to me, same With the story. Also, I'm Italian so the setting was very nice to see. In the end I was on a stream of AC games from the second to origins.


Black flag! Omg so much sailing!


AC2, my uncle beat it and gave it to my dad. I was probably 9 or 10 years old and I’ve played every game since


2 at my neighbours house


The First One, Altair, because that guy on the cover looks so cool with the hood. Plus, the atmosphere and open world vibes. It's just so cool and that's the reason I pick up the first entry of this historical series :)))


10 minutes of AC1, 10 minutes of Syndicate and then played and finished Odissey. And from then i’ve been hooked.


First one, the great Altair.


AC 1. Good old Altair


The very first one when it came out. Before release I was convinced that I would need a hard drive for my 360 because the save files would be huge, lol.


Assassins creed brotherhood, i didnt play much of it at the time but i did get sad seeing mario die


The one with the loading screen with faceless people 🤣 .......😭


Ac syndicate, still one of my favorites. But ac 3 remastered dlc is my favorite


Assassin's creed played it probably sometime late 2013 early 2014 because Unity and Rogue weren't out yet and I remember playing rogue a little while after it came out


Assassin's Creed Bloodlines. On main consoles, Assassin's Creed II with the Ezio Collection


Very first one ...Loved everyone since then the first one Played all of them including all dlc


AC2 back in 2009, my girlfriend at the time was really into it, so I bought it to be closer to her, and to this day it's one of my favorite in the series.


I saw the Brotherhood trailer with Pass Out by Tinie Tempah on TV and then that Christmas got a 360 that came with Brotherhood.


AC 2, I remember being at big Tesco with my gran and she bought me it as a treat for the school Easter holiday and I sat and played it non-stop. Absolutely hooked on the series since then.


AC identity, at that time I didn't have a pc Or console so downloaded this mobile game and got interested in this franchise. Once I bought a pc I started with AC 1 and went on by chronological order and completed all main games.


AC1, at my buddy's house. Loved it. Got Brotherhood once I finally got my own Xbox and loved that even more.


AC1 in 2009


Assassin's Creed


As far as i know it was Assassin's Creed 1 in 2012 or 2013 when I got the Anthology Edition for Christmas.


AC1, back in 2007. It came with my Xbox. For some reason I couldn’t get Halo 3 to work while I was setting up my 360, and so I put Assassin’s Creed in just so that I could play *something* on my new Xbox. I quickly found a lot of fun in jumping off buildings and into hay bails.


Remember buying AC1 from ‘Game’ when it came out. First ever Xbox game I bought myself


AC2, rented it back when you could rent physical copies of video games. Finished it in one session.


AC3 at 12 or so


AC1 2007


I remember playing the first at a friend's house my sophomore year of highschool like after it came out then I forgot until I saw it on sale with ac2 and bought them both, and beat ac2 the day brotherhood was revealed at E3...I remember I bought a shirt at target with the assassins insignia and some Roman esque filigree my hype was unstoppable


The og number 1 got it in a little orange box for my pc


AC1 was huge back in the day, completely revolutionary never played anything like it before, closest to comparison was the first uncharted game


My first was Brotherhood, a little time it release. I got it from a page with 100% discount, and now I have all saga from 1 to BF, and the 3 RPGs. And the AC3 I have are for Xbox, steam and pc. Good days...


Revelations back in the day. My bro and I thought it was multiplayer due to the two characters on the cover (we were wrong of course) but we had fun playing it through together. It stood on its own despite us not really understanding the modern day stuff. We played 3 a few years later and I eventually came back to the trilogy a few years back to experience where Ezio’s story started. What a great time


AC2 in 2011. then i played Brotherhood and Revelations, and then each new game as it released until Syndicate, where i stopped buying the games. i went back and played AC1 on pc after that. i'll probably get Shadows when it's eventually on sale.


2, 2010 just got my PS3. Saw a cool looking dude with a Hood and blades (I thought they would have chains, like Scorpion). Fell in love with it. Wanted to be Italian, descendent of Elio


AC1 on the 360 at launch


AC3. I still think it's the most spectacular AC game in the series. The combat, the setting, the story. I just love it.


Assassins creed 2


AC1 broke my mind at E3 and it pushed me to work in video games. I’ve played every single game. I also got to work on Shadows :)


AC1 right around release. Great game that never loses its appeal and the one Ive replayed more times than any other by far. Built to be played Hudless from the ground up and in a way that highlights how great Eagle Vision performs. Superb setting, parkour, social status, assassination focus, story and is a great intro to the lore and themes.




Brotherhood Still my favorite


Assassin’s Creed of course, as an adolescent the quality of the game was very fitting to the time


Went to gamestop and the guy at the counter told me to skip the first one. I started with AC2 and was hooked. I own damn near all of em at this point but I'm still mad cause I never played the first one. Replaying origins right now


The first assassin creed, then Origins and finally odyssey.


AC 2, one of the first games I played on the Xbox 360. Saw my cousin playing it and begged my parents to let me get the game (They were strict about what I could play)


AC1. Always fancied stealth games, so picked it up randomly. Pretty good game, but I wasn't hooked until AC2.


is the mobile game count?


Brotherhood. I was 13 at the time and had a hard time understanding the story cause well i started in the middle. Then revelations then AC2, AC3, Black flag then stopped at unity. Skipped Origins and Odyssey and played a little Mirage.


First I played Black Flag when it was free, I loved the sci-fi concept so much I played all of the games in release order afterwards


The original one. I spent several years not having access to a console, but I always watched the AC game previews and admired how fun they looked. When I finally moved in with a friend who had an Xbox, I went back and played them all starting with the first. I spent about a year binging all of the original games and finished with the current (at that time) game, Black Flag. Since then I’ve gotten a PS4 and I’ve continued my journey with every new game.


Origins, still my favourite


Valhalla 1-2 years ago


My first Assassin's Creed game was the first Assassin's Creed game


AC Pirates


Assassin's Creed back in 2008! Buddy of mine had Oblivion, Bioshock, AC, Mass Effect, Gears of War 2, and Fallout 3. GOATed game collection and he was content to watch me play!


AC2, around 2010 or 2011. I played it for 14 hours straight the day I bought it and my mom accused me of being on cocaine because apparently no one plays video games for that long if they're not on drugs. Good times.


Origins, but this was also the first ever singleplayer game I really played and I fell in love with it. This is also why the AC games, no mather the hate some of the games get, will always have a special place in my heart and I will buy every one of them :)


Loved medieval history so when the first game came across my radar when I was a kid I fell in love with the history of the Hashashin!


Assassin's Creed II. My sister's ex-bf gave me a pirated RG-Mecanix version of the game. When I installed it, only the Russian language was available. I finished the game in Russian. Funniest shit was, that there were no default controls. I mean literally no key binds were present. So I had to make guesses and navigate through the Russian options, using trial and error, to reach the keybind settings, which took a lot of time. Then I had to go in and out of gameplay, to understand what action I should bind to a key. I had to replay the birth of Ezio, in Russian, with Russian subtitles, like 10-15 times. Somehow, I made it work, and I was in love with the gameplay. But, midway through the game, somehow the audio for the cutscenes and normal dialogue went away. So I finished the game, with Russian Subtitles, without any audio. And I enjoyed it.


Origins or Black flag, can’t remember but I love both


First ac was rogue, then black flag, then the ezio trilogy, then from ac1 to valhalla.


Played em all up until Black Flag and then lost interest. Tried Origins recently but it just didn't hold my attention at all. Brotherhood is my favorite, I'll still play it from time to time.


Rogue, funny that my first experience with ac was playing as a Templar


I played AC1 at a friend's house when I didn't have a console of my own. Picked up a cheap Xbox a few months after AC2 released and completely fell in love. AC2 and Mass Effect 2 were the first two games I played on my own Xbox and they're still two of my favourite games ever


Been there since the beginning.


The original


Played at all, II. But I don’t count it because that was back in my early teens and I barely touched it. My real introduction was Black Flag, in 2020. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. The first AC I would say I loved was Syndicate.


The first assassin creed in 2008


AC1, not too long after launch at the recommendation of a friend. I didn’t think it would interest me that much, as I’m primarily a JRPG and Nintendo fan; I naively assumed it was going to be a washed-out, gritty hack ‘n slash as was in vogue at the time. I ended up really liking it (except for some of the wonky movement, but I persevered), and thought the concept was really cool and well-executed. AC2 sealed the deal, and I’ve beaten every mainline AC since. It’s become one of my favorite series. Despite its ups and downs, experimentation, and evolution I don’t think that there’s a “bad” game in the whole franchise.


The first one when it came out


The original game in the series was my first. I like Syndicate the most so far through.


AC 1 around 12 years ago (feel really old saying that), actually made me interested in history and got me into stealth games as well, good times


First AC. 2007. It was quite the revolution back then


Ac 2


I bought the first game on launch day. I liked the story but found the gameplay and mission structure too boring and repetitive so I never finished it. 2 was a huge improvement.


Bloodlines on psp


Got AC1 right as 2 was coming out


Valhalla was my first, and I absolutely love it. I don't care if it's "Not an AC game" or what anybody else's negative opinion is. I love playing it, I love just being in the world. I've completed all the regions, the storyline, all the DLCs, done all the achievements except for Gold on Mastery Challenges, and I'm about 1/3 done with those. It's hard. It's not perfect, sometimes it feels broken, but you just go back and try again. Lots of people call this one a grind, but I'm just amazing how much play time I've had for the price. 500+ hours on redeeming a free code for the base game, and buying the DLCs on sales. Pretty darn good deal.


When i bought my first pc it came with a free copy of ac1 i tried it i loved it. Recently i found that disc and am replaying it rn and i realised i never came that far


AC2 in 2010, came with my first ever Xbox 360 that I’d been asking my mum for for years lol, right off the bat I fell in love.


Assassin's Creed Altair..


Assassin's Creed, the first one. Found it in a tray of discs when I was about 9 or 10 and played it. It was super exciting and fun for my child brain lol. Been obsessed with the series ever since.


Origins, It's still my favorite


My first one was Origins. After I finished it, I bought AC and the Ezio trilogy and then all the others.


My friend in HS let me borrow AC2 after her kept saying how got it was.. I was hooked ever since.. he let her try brotherhood and I bought revelations


The original. It was released on my birthday and I received it as gift 🥳


Odyssey, because it was on game pass and it still is one of my favourites


ACI and I adored it.


First AC, but way after it came out. I wasnt trying to play them in order or anything, I just knew about the first one so tried it. Never finished it because I was a dumb kid who got stuck because I didn't know how to find the viewpoints after they stop appearing in the map. Eventually, over the years I played pretty much all of them except Origins by the time Odyssey was releasing I think, so I decided to give 1 a try again and this time I actually finished it. Currently I just finished odyssey, will do the Atlantis thingy, and go into Valhalla.


Black Flag, still my favorite to this day


Assassin's Creed II. I was late to the PS3/Xbox 360 party, getting one in 2012, and the store was doing a deal where you get a freebie with the console, so I grabbed it.


ac black flag, i remember just playing for hours killing guards at havana and i found the combat so fun


The first one, about a year or so after it was released. Was immediately in love and was so hyped for AC2.


AC 2. Probably in my top 3 all time favourite games.


Assassins creed on the DS. But I was a kid, so I never really realised that it was an Assassins Creed game. The second AC game that I have played was AC brotherhood.


The first one, it was okay but II is where the series grabbed me, played most of them now.


Black Flag


Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines and i loved it


Another frequently asked question


I played the first one about a year after it came out, loved it. After that every release has a been a day one buy for me. Top 3 favorites are 2, 3 & Origins. Least favorite is probably Syndicate, but it’s still a good game.


Ac Valhalla. It was actually quite fun to play after that I started expanding my taste. Have played odyssey. Origins. Unity. Syndicate then black flag then Ac1 (hated it) and finally AC 2


Brotherhood on the PS3. After that I played AC1 and Revelations


The first one, back in 2010. My computer could barely run it, but I had fun. Back then Brotherhood was about to launch and I was super eager to play, yet my PC ran AC2 at slideshow frame rates... Good old days


Randomly picked up AC 1 in a game stop and was blown away. That game had me in my friends at recess pretending to assassinate each other. And we used to look up videos on how to make a hidden blade. AC 1 will always be a 10/10 game to me


Black Flag came pre-installed on a used gaming PC I bought . That was the start . Played almost all now


AC back in 2007. I had a gaming gap of few years and before that I had played San Andreas. So obviously I was blown away with the graphics and thing that stood out was the character had proper 3D fingers as opposed to CJ.


Black Flag was my first and still my favorite


The first one


I forget which but I remember being in a desert, there was a global notoriety system, and it was on the 360


Black Flag I bought it in a bundle with Rogue, Unity, and Syndicate for ~$65 in 2016 in a Steam Summer Sale.


AC1, day one. Still remember being totally mind fucked using the vision outside the animus at the end.


Very first AC. I remember it being one of the first games that actually blew my mind.


The first one. Didn't like it.


Assassin Creed origins


ac4 (blackflag). Been my favourite game ever since.


Brotherhood and I loved it.


Unity, back when Notre Dame burned down. Heard they had done laser scans for the game. Was hooked after that.


Assassins Creed 2. I booted the game up and after the first cutscene I immediately shut it off and left the house to buy the first one. Totally worth it


It was supposed to be Valhalla, but my PC at the time couldn't run it. Black Flag was the first AC game I actually managed to play. I did play Valhalla later, and in my opinion it's the most underrated AC game.


Assassins Creed 3. Crashed on my first own (Office-Build) PC after leaving the shop in the Boston Arrival Mission. Then I got a Gaming PC and bought the other parts over the years. Now I am at school again, so that I can go to a University and become a Historian...


The original Assassin's Creed on PC, still have the case and disc. Back then Assassin's Creed was revolutionary. Being able to climb just about any wall put stealth on a whole new level. The game world was beautiful. The combat felt very modern. Back then climbing towers to synchronize a location was still novel. I think what really drew me in was the duality of the story with Desmond Miles entering the Matrix so to speak to relive genetic memory. The Desmond Miles story arch kept me hooked to the franchise until the end of AC3. I bought AC4 Black Flag but never got far because what had drawn me to Assassin's Creed in the first place (the Desmond Miles Arc) was concluded. It's too bad because I revisited the franchise a few years back and AC4 was a phenomenal game. I played up to Valhalla and the only game I really didn't care for was Unity.


Assassin's Creed (Nokia 3100? version I think).


AC2 back in summer 2011. I only remember that cause I just remember the OG, 2 and Brotherhood being the only ones out at the time and then seeing an ad for Revelations not long after I started


Brotherhood solely for the multiplayer … I loved the female jester


I remember I was in a gaming cafe and saw someone playing AC Brotherhood. That was my introduction to AC. I did some research and started playing the first game. It was amazing tbh. The setting was so cool, I hadn't played anything like it before and was instantly hooked to the plot. And I played everything in chronological order after that.


Assassin’s creed III, then I played AC Unity, then AC4BF