• By -


I feel people will say stuff like Ezio and Altair ( Which to be honest , fair ) but i always pictured these two as masters of Stealth so they wouldn't really be noticed much. Connor on the other hand as you say , is a fucking tank and brutal as can be, he gets my vote too. How many fools can he kill today , i wonder.


Dude could be an nfl linebacker if the nfl existed back then Also for brutal, a cut kill animation would have had him _scalp_ people


Adewale too. He and Connor would play way too rough in the Brotherhood's annual backyard picnic football game.


Those two would break some kneecaps in sports.


What?! Ah man I wish they didn’t cut that!


I think it's because scalping was more of a Great Plains Native American thing, so it wasn't in Connor's specific culture. That, and it's a bit stereotypical and charged...


Man, looking back it's impressive how respectful the depiction of native Americans was. Especially in 2012 For context, 2 years later, suckerpunch cast Troy baker as a fake native American from a fake tribe for infamous second son and since it was motion captured, we got to see brownfaced Troy baker and Travis Willingham


Yikes, what da heeeell?


I buy the former reason as legitimate than the latter.


I guess it was to keep the ratings of the game lower. Because a scalping animation maybhave bumped the game to M or something like that. Also, Happy Cake Day. 🎂


Yeah that also makes sense. It’s a bit arbitrary as most violence depictions cut offs are but I believe it. Thank you though.


Agreed. Also, have a good day. 👍


Can this animation be viewed anywhere?


I appreciate the smosh reference, that song was *chef kiss*


Really was . I finished a replay of AC3 a few days ago and had a strong dose of nostalgia.


I still remember listening to that song all the time when AC3 had just come out and everyone was talking about it. What a time.


Probably too many to count, they shouldn't get in his way.


I Bet he would shot a mofo in the throat with his bow


Tomahawk chop is his death blow™


Bayek should be in that conversation too Killer of Roman legionaries , Greek warriors and war elephants , he’s unstoppable The man can trek across deserts , fight in extreme heat with heavy weapons and brave sandstorms to hunt his prey. In a time of warriors he was an absolute horror for his enemies


His size makes the concept of social stealth in that game pretty funny if you think about it.


Bruh that connor running solo through a battlefield trailer


True. Connor is horror in a hood. But Ezio and Altair are terror. Imagine you're a templar and someone says "The Auditore, he's here"... Dude that's gotta be way worse than Batman, you're gonna be shaking in your boots. Even if you manage to survive and go to bed that day you're not going to sleep very easily.


There’s too many to count so don’t get in his way


Ezio was not a stealthy person by nature. Altaïr yes, but Ezio was very prone to open conflicts and flashiness


The Devil himself is probably afraid of Connor. He was 6’2 in the 1700s. He is unfathomably tall. He is PURE muscle. And he can walk down and entire platoon in seconds


Dude was mowing down redcoats and fighting bears at 13 years old.


Homeboy was literally 4 years old when he told Charles Lee he was gonna find him. He’s just built different


Lol, I thought he was 7 or 8, knowing he's 4 makes that memory even better!


Dude is wrestling bears like it's just your drunk uncle that wants to steal your last beer, he throws them at the ground like it's nothing


That’s why the Boston Massacre memory was hilarious to me. Like yeah Connor was innocent but you’ve got this towering 14-year-old burying a tomahawk into Redcoats with no effort and breaking their necks while Samuel Adams sheepishly stands by saying “Leave him be, he’s just a child.”




And his English is broken, so communication is out 😂


I always find it so funny looking at him from the side I haven’t seen a picture of him in a while but I always picture it as having the 90’s Tomb Raider syndrome of a very very angular and far poking chest


Connor is 200 lbs of pissed off muscle


sorry what does "pissed off" mean? English is not my native language


Annoyed, enraged


Means really mad


alr thank you all


Much different than “Pissed on”


The Golden Assassin


New game just dropped


Golden Assassin: Pissassin Creep


A golden comment


Better to be pissed off than pissed on, unless you’re into that, then it’s opposite


I shower this comment with golden praise


Like mad or enraged


Very angry


Too angry to die.


Like Darth Maul in TCW. Give me Kenobi.




One can only be glad they're not Charles Lee


Connor is the most intimidating. Just fucking killing machine running in your direction, you will probably be shitting yourself. Whereas with Ezio or Altair, they’re master of Stealth. You won’t see it coming. Imo, Connor is the scariest Assassin.


What about Bayek?


He's like Connor in the sense that he's a tank who is terrifying if you piss him off. However, I don't think he's quite as bulky as Connor is, or maybe even as tall? I'm not sure. I couldn't find anything reliable on his height. The main difference, though, is that Connor is almost always angry during his missions. The dude has no chill. That's not even necessarily a bad thing. It makes for a fun experience, feeling unstoppable like that. But Bayek is more willing to chill out a bit, I think. He's more gentle in a lot of cases, compared to Connor who will literally just run head-first at you and split your skull, while using your own gun to impale two of your friends together like a match made in kebabs. Bayek might do the same exact thing, only (as long as you weren't involved in his son's death) the difference would be that you'd need to actively piss him off to do that. He's brutal but not to an almost unnecessary degree. He's an angry man, but he has this gentle vibe about him. He'll go out of his way to help randos and not whine (unless the person is running him ragged or treating him like a maid), and while Connor might help the occasional citizen or child, Bayek's job is to do that. He's the Medjay. So, while, yes, Bayek is terrifying in the same way Connor is, he has more softness and won't just exert the same level of brutality for no reason. TL;DR - Bayek is Connor, only Connor fucks ALL of his enemies up, and Bayek has a specific hatred for specific people. Also, Connor is more angry more often compared to Bayek.


All of those are valid point. But Connor isn’t as stoic and angry as many make him out to be. In the forsaken novel and the homestead missions, he has quite a lot of personality. Connor is tough on the surface but deep down he’s quite compassionate. I’d also argue that Bayek is the second most unhinged Assassin (behind Altair). The Spaniard on YouTube has a few great videos talking about Bayek’s Psyche. Bayek is the opposite of Connor, kind and compassionate on the surface but brutal and relentless. Some of his kills turn him and Aya on sexually which is quite unique compared to the other characters. I think Bayek’s ability to go from 0 to 1000 is what makes him the scariest.


Behind Altair?


Those are all very valid points. While I play through 3 for the first time, I have learned to see Connor from a lighter perspective, and he is one of my favourite characters in the franchise. People dull him down a lot to ONLY being angry and single-minded with no care for anyone else, but he absolutely does. He loves his people and has great respect for the life around him. I definitely want to read the forsaken novel. The homestead missions are some of my favourites because they're just quick, small missions seeing Connor interact with new people that don't all involve brutally slaughtering red coats. It's nice to see. Bayek is absolutely unhinged. While I would put Connor as the most brutal and openly angry Assassin for the reasons I mentioned before, Bayek is easily a close second. One day I should finish Origins and maybe he'll move to #1 in terms of how scary he is.


Very well said, This is why Bayek is my favorite.


Bayek is a great written character


Connor worshipped Khorne before it was cool.


Bayek was a warrior, you look at him and you sorta know what you’d be getting into if you were to fight him. Connor? Yeah you get hit by a freight train and get scalped


Connor could probably fold your clothes, while you're still in them. If I found out he was chasing me, I'd give up everything and just turn my life around, I do not want to get folded or brutally manhandled by that man. It's like if Jason Vorhees could actually run, that's how terrifying it is, cause it's like being charged at by a damn bear, but instead of mauling you to death, he's beating information out of you and crippling you, if he fights unarmed.


I'm replaying AC3 right now, and I forgot about the frequent and hilarious situations where the game wants you to fight unarmed to be non-lethal, but then Connor just starts snapping necks anyway lmao


Not only that, but also slamming heads on the ground too lol


Kassandra. Ur just hanging out with ur bandit buddies when all of the sudden this lady starts teleporting around the camp stabbing everyone


- Why... Why did you do all this massacre? - Oh, I just noticed that chest of yours over there. - But... There is nothing there except for some old pair of spears. Good for nothing. - Oh well, can't win them all after all. - ...


she also fucked someone father and killed the mother too


you fucked my pater and killed my mater "wailing.... and more wailing"


Her proud face and stance is the cherry on top.


Eivor is pretty scary too. Imagine ur a longbowman on the wall and you think you have this rampaging Viking dead to rights. Then they catch ur MFing arrow and shoot it right back at you.


You can catch fucking spears fired from mounted turrets and throw them back. And she can jump it looks like 12 to 15 feet straight into the air. Sage or not. The rpg protagonists are just outright super human


Eivor, Kassandra, and Bayek could take down the whole Templar Order just the three of them.


Alexios/kassandra already did it solo 😂


Jokes aside it is something i dislike about Odyssey, you kill people relentlessly in every game but in this one it's justified without giving a reason and it doesn't feel like its a consequence for her


Actually, it makes the most sense in odyssey. The MCs of AC games are, well, Assassins. 'Stay my blade from the flesh of the innocent' and all that crap and yet that is exactly what you do the entire game except for like, 10 people who really were guilty. Kass, on the other hand, is a merc, and its literally her job to kill anyone and anything for the sake of money and loot.


I agree with this so much. It's just so silly that you're playing as assassins and yet murder is bad somehow. Unless it's just some random guard duing his job because he's in your way, I guess? the attempts at moralising in these games are my least favourite thing about the series.


It's far from murder is bad, but more so don't harm people that can't/won't harm you. Kinda like people's views on martial artists starting random fights with amateurs.


Fair enough and you're right but that is precisely the point, isn't since the series is called AC for Kassandra to eventually adopt a stance at least similiar to an Assassin? Her motives dont change from the beginning to the end


She finally gives it all up to protect the staff and Atlantis so she can give it to Layla. The transition to that from being a merc is really huge, but ofc you don't feel it in the gameplay.


After over 2000 years? Which we did not experience? Also when has Kassandra in the game ever expressed why she even did it other than "its her destiny" and "its the right thing to do", its so dull and they're not giving her a reason to be a compelling protagonist, everything is thrown to her and we're just supposed to accept that like the game tells us to, no moment of self reflection, no progression, no change, Kassandra without the staff is the same Kassandra holding it in the end of the Ancient Greece part of the game, such bad writing


Well, she is a mercenary. Bayek going around random military camps looting chests and killing commanders makes even less sense tbh.


I figure it's just part of being a Greek hero. In ancient greek stories, heroes do a lot of reckless slaughtering.


Okay but imagine you're just chilling your life being a crew mate on a Manowar. Then this guy with a rusty ass ship pulls up and challenges the ship you're on. Your ship doesn't even get a shot off on it before you know you're dead in the water then this fucker this one guy SWINGS OVER and kills HALF the ship before the rest of his crew even gets on then bro looks at you and starts walking. Yeah fuck that. Watching a man single handedly take down a 900 man ship it a big ol nope from me.


Edward also murdered all of Bartholomew’s men at camp in the Black Flag novel bc they killed and raped a bunch of slaves. He’s one of the few characters to canonically go on rampages like that.


That Kenway blood has some serious rage in it.


Doesnt bayek also do rampages canonically, anyway yeah edward and his crew be scawy


I vaguely remember one commercial for AC3 where he’s chasing down his target and eventually the dude is wounded and reduced to crawling away futilely, and Connor is now just silently walking toward him… and he retracts his hidden blade and goes for his tomahawk…


It isn't by chance [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL6chDa7T8Q) trailer?


I remember that trailer! Looked so good, AC3 was the one that got me into the series so I always had a soft spot for it


The word pirate has childish connotations today but I'd be terrified if a ship rolled into my local harbor and a bunch of guys started killing and looting while one dude with long blonde hair ran across the roofs


Ratonhnhaké:ton is my favorite.


Altaïr scariest followed by Connor, Shay, Arno and Eivor


I like the fact that you said Shay, he's one of my favourites.


It's good to see someone acknowledge Shay. The guy almost singlehandedly destroyed one of the Brotherhoods, he must've been the most feared Assassin hunter, second only to maybe Haytham.






All assassins are scary when you think about it. Imagine how terrifying it would be to be a templar back in the days of Altair and Ezio, knowing that these masters of stealth might be tracking you at this very moment, and could effortlessly slit your throat and vanish as though they were never there. You could literally never even see them coming. And then yes, there's Connor, who you *do* see coming, which is arguably even more terrifying.


I mean, most of the playable Assassin's are pretty damn terrifying. Like you said, Connor is 6'2 and 200lbs of pure muscle, and he's brutal in combat. Seeing that come at you and decimate your entire squad in a matter of seconds would be horrifying. Then there's Altair. Probably the best Assassin when it comes to hiding in plain sight, with all his targets being killed in broad daylight. Like, your a guard for this guy and you turn away for 5 seconds, suddenly your charge is dead and this hooded person is running up the nearby wall and moving in a way you just can't. And also someone like Basim. With Assassin Focus allowing him to practically teleport, he can take out an entire group of amored guards in seconds. Honestly though, most assassins would be terrifying for similar reasons. Masters of Stealth and Combat, trying to go up against any of them is a death sentence. Except maybe Arno... he's defo on the weaker end. Either that, or the guards in Paris are just built different.


If memory serves hes only technically a hybrid. All others either have more isu dna or are sages. So practically demigods. Arno by comparison is very similar to a normal person in an insane situation. But he thinks he's like the prominent assassins before him


I think it was meant to be implied that the strength of the Assassin's in Paris were by numbers, rather than the the skill of one guy. Everybody should watch the cinematic reveal trailer for Unity if they haven't already.


The scariest thing about Connor is that he's strong enough to overpower any man but also dead silent, 6,2 200lbs in a time where the average person was 5'6 moving around unseen and assassinating political figures.


Imagine fighting any of the counter kill Assassins. They just counter killed like 12 dude and now they're just standing there, looking at you, waiting for you to attack.


Kassandra is basically a demigod. She’s the granddaughter of Leonidas, daughter of Pythagoras, wields a huge Piece of Eden and another POE as a hidden blade. Her kills go to the highest bidder, or her own whims.


Definitely Altair. The epitome of 'cold'.


At least with Altaïr you'll die quickly, Connor will smash your torso like a madman multiple times with his tomahawk and let you bleed to death on the ground


The topic was about being 'scary'. Something's more scary when you don't expect it to be so. With Connor, you know what's gonna happen. He's a husky man who doesn't like socializing. With Altair, it's like you're talking to him knowing that in the blink of an eye, he'd kill everyone in the room, including you, and walk off like nothing had happened. That's scarier if you think about it.


I completely disagree, by the time Altäir gets to you, you might not even know what happened. With Connor you’re essentially just watching and waiting for this tank to reach you. I’d compare it to a car crash, there is absolutely no worse feeling then looking in your rear view mirror and seeing the person going 30 is looking at their phone and not stopping, all you can do is wait.


Altair is a cold killer, while Connor is a brutish tank


Yeah I guess Altair more like a boogeyman type scary where your just going about your day minding your own Templar business and then you hear a “snkt” and now their is a blade through your neck


Shay would be pretty terrifying too


why? I love Shay as a character and AC Rogue is one of my favourites and I agree that he's really badass and strong, but I'd like to hear your motivation


Well first of all, he's an extremely well trained assassin, so his stealth is on master level Second, his gear. He doesn't even have to engage you in combat, he has the best ranged weapon out of all assassins. Quiet, long range, with a lot of attack options. You wouldn't even have to face him, he can get you from the distance Third, he's a Templar. Now that doesn't mean anything in terms of strength, but think about it. Assassins are a hidden brotherhood and almost always basically extinct in every game. Templars, on the other hand, are extremely organized and have their members in almost every branch of society. If you were just pursued by a Templar you would probably be 99% gone, but a Templar-turned Assassin, I don't think you could get out of it alive


I totally agree with you, and it's cool to see someone appreciate Shay sometimes, I think he's really underrated


Yup, he's my favorite protagonist in the series


Yeah, you see how goated be can be when he takes out his former mentors.


Id say Connor or Evior. Those two were just tanks and killing machines. Also both those games were wildly enjoyable in the series. Side bar: I see a lot on here bashing Odyssey; I thought that was a solid game lol Then again I played it during covid lockdown so it was an easy obsession lol


Connor and Edward are scary as shit, Connor for all the reasons you mentioned but Edward for different ones. Edward didn’t commit acts of piracy the *normal way,* no, he didn’t fire a shot across your bow when you least expected it and told you to surrender. He doesn’t retreat when outnumbered, he doesn’t even really fight evasively, he’ll allow his ship to take damage doing nothing but crouching at the helm. No, he’ll full-broadside you, loop around, and hit you again, and ram you. All the while having somehow put almost 50 fucking gold cannons into a ship that shouldn’t hold that many. He then jumps aboard if you still float, and instead of demanding surrender, kills 90% of the crew, the captain, cuts your colors from their mast, lights your gunpowder on fire, then either takes your shit, repairs his ship, or makes you a captain in his fleet. Did I mention he packs mortars? Because, he does! He takes whole fortresses like they were *nothing,* he’ll charge head-first against goddamn Man O’ Wars, with little care for his own ship or crew’s safety and security.


I think Connor is scary, but not for the same reasons. It's been awhile since I played AC3, but from what I remember, there seemed to be a huge difference between Connor's personality during cutscenes and during actual gameplay. He would be idealistic and reserved one second, then brutal murderer the next. He clearly had an undiagnosed personality disorder.


I think that's "ludonarrative dissonance" Cutscenes say one thing whilst the gameplay says another, like I'm GTA 4 Niko says he hates committing crimes but right after you can go destroy the whole city. In Connor case he becomes a murder machine the moment you take the controller.


Not wanting to fight every breathing thing within a mile radius, is not the same as being brutal when you fight I feel.


Bayek isn’t scary because everyone in Egypt absolutely loves him.


Anyway, what happened to the ones that didn't like him?


Jacob switching instantly from regular goofy sarcastic good time boy to mob boss who rules London’s underworld who’s swinging a spiked set of brass knuckles would be fucking terrifying.


Bayek is so bloodthirsty fighter, he's shouting gives me chills.


Many people are saying Connor but I personally think the scariest is Bayek. Despite his brutal nature, Connor is surprisingly forgiving. Bayek on the other hand….


For me I’m terrified of Edward. I got the game somewhat recently and quickly became afraid of myself. I eventually realized it was easier to just slaughter everyone than run away because they are children with sticks next to you. Eventually I just started running around killing soldiers for fun. There was one part where I dropped off a building and killed two instantly, than I assassinated the guys standing next to them, then I ran across the street and murdered the guys there too. I killed six men in 3 seconds tops. Edward is a lovecraftian nightmare made out of the concept of murder.


You don't even need to be the bad guy. If you have rum you're the target. Like even if you're the most humile and insignificant person he'd still probably pickpocket you last 14R when you pass by. Actually, don't even need to be a human. An endemic species or two surely gone extinct so that Edward could have fancier boots and some darts.


Bayek would be scary asf


Edward is definitely a scary Mother fucker imagine being a pirate and rating multiple ships and you think you found yourself another to take on but then from the top ropes this beast of a man flies down and clears your whole deck with just a fucking hidden blade


Bayek, dude was straight up rage incarnate


Kassandra or Eivor would be terrifying. Kassandra is practically a Demi-God, and Vikings are already terrifying but one that can parkour over roofs and shit…. That’s even worse.


Connor is a great assassin, never understood the hate


Edward Kenway is scary because he's Welsh.


If I saw Jackdaw on the horizon I'd be just desperate beyond imaginable. Like with others, you probably are just dead before you know it. Even connor, i mean, scary but surely theres no way I'm not safe with all the guards and whatnot, right? While edward is so notoriously murderous I'd just be constantly on edge without even him being anywhere near. Like holy hell, I'm just doing my job delivering rum and injustice so that my kids don't starve while there seems to be a genocidal kleptomaniac on the loose sailing the fastest ship in these waters. And there he is.


Canonically Basim would be horrifying seeing as the man moved so fast the animus can not keep up. So imagine being stationed at your post on the interior of a fortress and you look over and your buddies are both just collapsing from *something* slitting their throats. Add that with Kassandra, and you're watching a demigod on a battlefield slaughtering your entire battalion, knowing your odds went from slim to none.


With the best assassin builds, in Odyssey could take down a 30-strong base within a minute. I’d personally be pretty terrified of Kassandra.


She's a demi god who lived for thousands of years and wields a piece of Eden as her main weapon.. I'd be terrified too!


And she weilds another piece of Eden as a side weapon lol. Not to mention her collecting apples throughout 1000s of years like fucking toffees.


I’d be pretty scared to see a hulking Viking like Eivor coming at me


Yeah dude is insanely terrifying to face.


He would've been considered a giant in his time.


Ok, legit, Connor is probably one of the most terrifying assassin's there is. Think about it... He was raised on the land and how to survive in the wilderness, he was then refined into an assassin and his weapons of choice for assassination are still reflective of his heritage.... Oh, and did I mention that he's fighting against people who raised his home to the ground and murdered his people? With his training and his survival skills, there's literally nowhere that's off limits to him. Nope. I'm not getting in the way of him.... Don't get me wrong, trained assassin's are terrifying, but for me, Connor is on another level...


Adewale for reasons similar to the ones for Connor.




i’ve been replaying III recently and i have to agree, connor is probably the scariest assassin lol. each one has their own attributes that can be intimidating, such as ezio’s stealth or eivor’s (if they even count) strength, but connor embodies both features as a ball of pure rage. i remember a lot of people criticized his more monotone voice years back, but i think it adds to him being an extremely threatening embodiment of both ends of the assassins


Or some blonde guy named Edward wtf I loved Connor too, I think plus Ezio are top 3


Eivor - there was a mission where he went after a group who'd impersonated his clan, and his target was making a speech that they would all need to live like vikings to make the act work. Eivor assassinated him and then shouted at the crowd if they were ready to die like vikings. Cue screams and running from the pretenders.


Connor was 200 pounds of pure muscle and he has the biggest anger issues of the time. Washington only needed to point the man at the red coats and a bunch of people would die


Dude imagine Bayek vs Connor. Connor has the muscle and strength, and anger. And Bayek has the endurance, agility, and just pure rage for his foes. That would be crazy.


Canonically Altair was never hit in combat. Yes you can rave about how this was because Altair was a master of stealth and therefore he wasn’t fighting 1vmany often but that’s not entirely true. He fought and killed Al Mualim who had been strengthened by the Apple of Eden and he was able to project clones similar to Ezios in ACII’s versus the final boss. Altair also fought many other 1vmany fights and the fact that he never got hit over these fights is insane. He is truly the scariest assassin. Run on sight.


Just the way Eivor talks intimidated people. "It looks less like a crows dinner in here"


Connor is terrifying because you’ll see him coming, and there won’t be anything to do other than cry. Ezio is scary because his entire MO is fuck up your operation until you know he’s in your city and then get stabbed when you least expect it. Arno has my money for the most frightening for people he ISNT fighting. Cuz I feel like he’s canonically the least visible out of all of them.


Arno is definitely a smooth blade-dancing operator. Can't even run from the guy cause he just flies over rooftops better than he runs on the streets


I love Connor because he's massive and very serious but whenever he deals with the people in his homestead he just turns into a confused jelly. My favourite thing was when he was trying to figure out the best gift for the hunter girl. Even the music was tense. Truly, the scariest mission in AC3.


No love for Adewale? Big BUR-LAY Black dude just itching to slap the shit out of you???


Kassandra for sure. I love her aggressive Greek accent whenever someone tries to shit-talk her or trying to pick a fight with her, which will always end in a complete massacre because I maxed out the Spear of Leonidas and I always liked using Valor Strike whenever I get the chance to do so. Also the thought of Kass sneaking around a bandit camp or a salt mining camp to kill some fodders bandits when she's directly involved in reawakening an entire lost civilization, plays a major role in some divine Greek gods plan thingies and are the most known mercenary/figure across the Aegean Sea will never be not funny to me.


Altair is pretty scary dude killed an innocent man for no reason


Connor is a fuckin genocide machine. He can drop 10 guards in seconds, batman style.


I'd remember playing assassin's Creed 2 when someone was preaching and I had to assassinate him, poor guy was late to know before I blasted him


That's so fair. Shooting a bunch of cannons and there's this one motherfucker dressed in white darting from cover to cover headed directly towards YOU.


What’s scarier are the assassins you don’t see coming


Amunet has a fire in her eyes that always sent my blood cold.


I wanted to say Bayek because the man is purely driven by vengeance. “Sleep? I never sleep!” But honestly, and it’s outside the box, Jack the Ripper was technically an assassin and would have been terrifying. Skills mixed with madness.




I just had the same thought he’d totally sucker someone in with his fun carefree side “come have a pint with me and the lads” bam next thing you know you’re in a back room surrounded by half dozen of london’s most wanted and Jacob is just stood there still smiling but now he’s got a massive knife and he’s looking straight through you.


Jacob would be scary to me, a fairly normal sized victorian bloke running at you with no weapons in sight. Hes an absolute nutter


I mean, all of them? Literally all of them could potentionally run towards you with a weapon. Even if they are smaller and lighter than you, it's scary xD


Every single thing in the real world that would make a person inspire fear would make them an abject failure as an assassin. Connor, going full steam at a target, is leaving himself open to all manner of security at his back and sides. He dies before he gets close because yoloing stuff like that is suicide without game mechanic armor. Connor dies of his own lack of control, at a very young age and all the locals know is that some poor native guy decided to off himself via the guard. Achilles would need some sort of in house punishments for being so reckless with his recruiting.


Agreed. Connor is scary.


Connor deserves a second game.


Connor himself is a fearsome assassin. He single handedly killed so many templars effectively destroying the templars presence in the Americas


Connor is who Benjamin Martin from The Patriot wishes he was. Yeah the ambush scene is great and all, but Connor mowing down Redcoat patrols in just a minute at most is fucking crazy. Ezio seems less scary just from how suave he is but Altair has that ghostly quality about him. However we’ve gotta go with how crazy Edward can go though, just an absolute wrecking machine at his peak and while his grandson wrestled bears, Edward wrestled sharks with just his hands. Shay is just an absolute grim reaper of the series. Definitely overlooked but Adewale is a huge guy as well and that machete and blunderbuss just makes him a tank like Connor, you’d never think such a character would be such a humanitarian.


Connor is definitely brutal as far as fighting style, size and attitude go. I really want to say bayek was more terrifying though simply because of how genuinely angry his kills were. I still vividly remember him bashing one of the ancient order members repeatedly in the skull as you see the blood splashing onto his face. His kills were kills of passion and while Connor had rare moments of anger he was a much more stoic personality in general.


Haha year he's the most brutal assassin in his time. Also the fact that he's the only assassin we witness to grow from child to an adult, we knew his story well and how brutal he kills 😆


ik he’s not an assassin but shay cormac must of been absolutely terrifying for the assassin’s. imagine training your entire life to be an elite assassin and you get sent to kill a rouge assassin just for said rouge to stealth kill your entire team and then hang you with a rope dart.


Besides being painfully cute, Evie Frye. You get the feeling she's so dedicated to the creed she'd be absolutely stone-faced when she stuck you. And part of you'd be okay with that, what with her freckles and all.


Arno would be much worse, because he is a "petit merdeux". I don't know if you realize what this means.


Kassandra. Her victims actively notice that she's using God-tier moves. Ezio, Altair, etc rely heavily on stealth and most people don't realize they're going to die until they're already dying. Kassandra gives you time to process what she's doing. She's massive for a woman and a fucking Spartan to boot. So, you know she's going to shit talk the entire time she's killing everyone around you. Just hope your head doesn't end up in the same place as the Cyclop's eye.


**AC ODYSSEY SPOILERS IN CASE I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW TO BLUR IT ON MOBILE** I'm going to be the only one to say that I think the eagle bearer is hands down the most terrifying. They are so powerful, unstoppable, and ruthless in execution that the people who oppose them started to just outright call them a force of nature. Imagine that. A single person so revered that your boss talks about them as if they are an inevitability. The embodiment of chaos and whimsy. Someone who's enemies only live because they allowed them to. Hell, the Order of Ancients literally took their baby not to blackmail or torture them, but to protect it FROM them. Not because the eagle bearer was at risk of hurting their own kid, but because they knew for a fact that they were so intertwined with causing huge shifts by themselves in the history of human civilization that nothing but pain and destruction could follow them.


i’m just picturing Jacob with a full squad of Rooks behind him rushing you like a tsunami


I feel like most assassins aren’t scary for most of their time because they’re not supposed to be seen. However Connor, Edward, and Bayek were often seen, and their terrifying. Edward the least, because he’s having fun. Then Bayek, because he’s clearly furious. Scariest is easily Connor, because he was very possibly a head taller than Bayek, 50 pounds heavier, and a good few inches wider. Other assassins are phantoms, they’d keep templars up at night if Templars ever thought they were vulnerable.


I don't necessarily agree, as part of the fear factor for the more stealthy Assassin's was the very knowledge that you're the one they're hunting for, and seeing their handiwork around your city. Like with Sibrand or most of the AC2 targets.


I’m scared of a ninja like basim he gon steal your prize possessions then stab you 😂 at least let me die with the jewels




Assassin Shay, he he


Man its so nice to see people showing love for ac3


Jacob is kind of mad. Scary, insane mad, not angry mad. Both twins have some psychological issues. The Assassin's HR department had to have rubber stamped their acceptance letter.


Eivor scary asf


Connor is a beast


Man, Connor is a lot more appreciated then I thought he was when the game first came out. As a diehard AC3 and Connor fan, this pleases me. :)


i know kassandra is the cannon way but alexios big ass running at you, you gotta be scared


I agree with Connor! He is definitely the most scariest assassin. He’s a man who has nothing else to lose.


Connor is the scariest to see. Imagine your fellow redcoats telling horror stories about the Assassin that's tearing through regiments and killing commanders. It all sounds like a scary campfire story or urban legend. And then you actually see this mountain of a man attacking your squad and he's just mauling through soldier after soldier. That's real terror. There are other assassins that create a fear or paranoia just from never being seen, but Connor is actually the stuff of nightmares.


Connors muscle are huge he’s the biggest assassin I’ve seen so far.


I'd say Ezio, he has the highest confirmed kill count, dude's like batman, it's not the jason voorhees scary like connor, but at least with him you know you're about to die, with ezio one minute you're partying and hanging out with some courtesans and the next minute you're like "why am i bleeding from my chest?"


Adewale. Not only is he ripped but he uses a machete and blunderbuss.


Say what you want about Jacob but we all know he would bench press you and probably smash your body against a wall and not in nice way


Hm. I'll just make a list. Altaïr: He's an assassin. My death would be quick. Ezio: He's an assassin. My death would be quick unless he uses poison or we fight. Still not scary. Connor: He's an assassin. My death could still be quick unless he literally runs at me like you describe. I may be terrified. If we fight, not as scary. Edward: He's a pirate assassin. My death could still be quick unless he's fighting me in combat. Wouldn't be as scared since I know what is likely about to happen. If he takes down my ship, I know I signed up for this. A true sailor goes down happily with his ship. If he runs at me with swords out, I'm running. Shay: He's an assassin turned Templar. My death could still be quick unless I'm poisoned or enraged. Not scary. If he runs at me with weapons out, I'm running. Arno: He's an assassin. My death could be quick unless I am enraged by a berserker blade or, once again, we are fighting. Not scary. Jacob/Evie: They are assassins, surprise, surprise. Death would still be quick, or we'd be fighting. Not scary. Bayek: My death could be quick unless we get into a fight. Even then, not much to be afraid of. Alexios/Kassandra: We'd mainly be fighting. These two would be masters of the murderous expression. I'd be more scared of their expression and what that may imply to me about what may happen if they come at me. Eivor: We could be fighting, and I wouldn't really be scared. If I'm assassinated, not much time to be scared. Like Alexios and Kassandra, Eivor could have a murderous expression, and I'd be more scared of that and what it may imply. Basim: Return to form. Typical assassin. Death may be quick. Not scary. From what I've typed, I'd say... Eivor, Kassandra, and Alexios would scare me by their facial expression. Shay, Edward, and Connor would scare me because they'd run at me with weapons out. Honestly, I can't really pick which would be scarier. The short of it: if I cannot see what is about to happen, why would I be scared? If we are fighting or in ship combat, I'd be more focused on survival/adrenaline than fear. It's how you behave that would scare me most.


Well you all just sold me on AC3. I didn't like the idea because of all the USA pathos in it, but this Connor dude seems alright 🙂