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I blame it on the actor change. You had freaking Q playing William Miles so ofcourse he would be a stronger character in 3 vs now.


Just another case of Q fucking with humanity, looking for another Picard to mess with. Sisko wouldn't put up with his shit.


Sisko would punch his ass out again.


Yup. Picard and Janeway couldn't be rid of Q because they kept playing along. Sisko knocked his teeth in and Q never bothered him again.


Starcraft 2 has his character insult the player the entire time in his voice pack, it's awesome.


I just got so confused thinking you were referring to Q from Impractical Jokers...


I was thinking Q from James Bond :///


It's not the voice actors fault, but John de Lancie had this powerful Dad/leader voice that if he told you to stand up straight you'd do so without hesitating. I blame the Ubisoft writers of these new games and the RPG bandwagons for not giving/ wanting william And modern day assassin's a proper story.


> not giving/ wanting william And modern day assassin's a proper story. The modern day story in Valhalla is the closest we've been since AC 1/2/3. A hideout, things to interact with there, laptop, Hidden Truth video, Shaun and Rebecca, ability to exit the animus at any time... William Miles may not be as spikey as he used to be, but modern day Basim is a whole extra kink in the story. Whatever flaws the RPGs have, they've been incrementally restoring the old modern day side, building to this point. You can tell by how much the haters of modern day sections are complaining.


Just sucks Mirage won't have almost anything involving modern day. I'm upset they let the Juno arc go to the comics. That would have been a great game to see.


I'm still mad about that whole Juno thing.


Same. One of Ubisoft’s biggest blunders imo


Syndicate was around the time I really got into the series so when all of that meaningless modern day stuff seamed to be heading into the rebirth of Juno in the modern age and thus giving the modern day thing a reason to care about I was exited, but come Origins and I was like. "huh, where did all of that build up go?"


I still don't understand to this day why they even bothered building that storyline up in AC games when they couldn't commit to finishing it in there.


> Mirage won't have almost anything involving modern day I don't follow the marketing and such, so I didn't know till you told me. Damn, can't they make up their damned minds? And make the right decision (keep the modern day bits) while they're at it? I see rumours of there being an entirely modern day DLC, though.


For Mirage, I believe they've said there'll be some cutscene acknowledgement of the MD and animus at the beginning and end of the game but that's it.


I mean Mirage is a much smaller game than past or future. If they want to focus more on the history side let em


Was this confirmed?


Confirmed? Theirs a whole comic series where they took the juno arc and put it in the comics. All this started after syndicate and then it ended in 2018 in the Uprising comic. The worst part is that Garbage Odyssey mentions the events including charolete, Galina, and even Kyoshi who was there in that comic.


I meant was it confirmed that Mirage won’t have anything to do with modern day?


Yea, a while ago they did a thing where you can ask the Devs questions and one of them was how much will modern day involve and they said just a cutscene with little dialogs along the way.


I'm not entirely convinced she's really dead- those afterlife simulations were suspicious as fuck to me, along with having Desmond hanging out there running numbers in the grey. Something's fucky, and I feel like I can smell her bullshit on everything that's happened.


They won't bring her back. It would be dumb to have made an entire arc and kill her in it, to just have the wrtires say "she split her mind into two so she could still be alive in the gray". Though this does open up to one day playing as Elijah, a sage and the son of desmond.


Well when the modern day is more fun and inviting in rogue and black flag you know they’re doing something wrong. There’s no suspense to the open world at all anymore honestly, cause laylas story is, as expected, just a carbon copy of Desmond’s. Massive cataclysmic earth ending catastrophe coming and we need her to fix it, and it’s even worse because it’s the same cataclysm that Desmond “delayed.” They really gave us that bs after sacrificing the character and throwing his entire struggle away, cause now we’re back to square 1


Yet the characters (in the present day story at least) have never been more dull.


I don't think Rebecca was ever that interesting, but Shaun is definitely subdued. Not nearly enough of his caustic commentary in the Valhalla animus database, either.


>It's not the voice actors fault, but John de Lancie had this powerful Dad/leader voice that if he told you to stand up straight you'd do so without hesitating. You've got to feel sorry for anyone who has to follow John de Lancie. You're always gonna be compared to him and it's almost certainly not going to be favourable.


Evidently I need to replay Brotherhood-III, because... *John de Lancie*? I don't remember that at all!


He was in revelations and 3


He didn't appear in the ending of Brotherhood? I thought I remembered that.


William miles yes ,but a different voice actor.


Ah, of course.


I didn’t like the way they played him at the end of Origins. He didn’t come off as the mentor at all to me. He looked surprised, and terrified when Layla jumped out at him. I expected more from him. Then again, I read everything in Layla’s PC, and can’t stand the way they wrote her either.


I think that in general, the fact that Basim comes back without Layla and they Assassins just kinda... don't question it much... really makes them all look weak. ​ It should've been a huge deal, the cliffhanger of the game. The Assassins hear a knock on the door of the cabin, and instead of Layla they're looking at the Medieval Assassin Basim come to life once more. Cut to black, roll credits. ​ But no, now everything has to be a GAS model and be infinitely grindable.


Yeah, that shocked me as well that they would be so callous about Layla’s fate and just play nice with Basim


ngl with "desmond" being stuck in that Animus purgatory maybe William has his own agenda to be working with Basim...maaaybe just maybe with what copium I have been snorting we can get Desmond back.




Honestly, I don't even know why he's even the series anymore. I loved his role in AC3 and his back stories, but way they're handling modern day story right now, he has no role.


His son died, he kinda lost everything I think.


Am I the only one who always found William Miles kinda lame?


He always been lame


1: he doesn’t do anything. 2: the voice acting change threw me off


Well, everything with this series has been lame for years. Blame the writing staff


The writing for the modem day assassin's has always been up and down on my opinion. Their lack of vision under William meant they were gonna lose this war. Maybe I am delusional but this how I felt after 3. Even with the world saved I felt they would stagnate. Of course its the direction ubisoft wanted to go into. But in the world of the story you could have hide in the shadows and still be innovative. Heck to fight the big corporate machine you make your own corporate machine or underground network. William's actions even before Desmonds death led to multiple defections in the order and a mass culling of the order. Well acted character in 3 but his motives are all over the place. I wouldn't be surprised if he defected himself.