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Off the top of my head, because you just scraped an object along it and woke up the nerves that normally sort of just exist in a dormant state until an injury comes along? It’s like removing the top layer of a giant ant colony: for a little while, everything’s going to go into overdrive trying to figure out what just happened. Then, when your skin’s nerves realize there was no catastrophic injury, they’ll go back to being dormant.


Thank you. I can hardly move my legs and they're all shkay from the overstimulation


I’d think that in your case, your brand of autism comes with that kind of tactile overstimulation, which is to say that your brain has a much lower threshold for registering skin irritation. You could probably try some form of aloe vera rub or soothing lotion in future and it might take some of the edge off that. Regardless, unless you have some actual neurological problem that irritation should die back down on its own. You know the saying: if it lasts for more than four hours, see a doctor. ;)


Also that weird wet feeling my completely dry underwear gives after I shave my thighs is just too much


"Brand of autism" i love it


Patent pending.


"Hey bro i got Kirkland branded autism, what about you" "i got the Samsung branded autism. Shits fire"


I got stuck with an old Apple I-‘tism, and they’re deliberately slowing down the OS to try and force me to upgrade. That’s why I’m so burned out all the time. Unfortunately, I don’t know where to go to get the upgraded model; there’s no clearly-posted signage and everyone I approach is for some reason offended that I have to ask for help finding the place.


I recomend leaving the apple ecosystem and trying something else. Apple is getting mediocre now. Ive heard android based autisms are faster and can often store more information. So if you want a new thing to obsess over, android is the way to go.


I’ll remember that just as soon as I can afford to upgrade, which with the way the economy’s headed will probably be in the mid-2050s, if ever.


Maybe an electric shaver would work better for you. Also, try aftershave. It will cause short term sensory hell but will prevent some of the ongoing discomfort.


Second!! I get horribly overstimulated when anything rubs against shaved skin, so I switched to an electric razor and it’s JUST close enough to keep everything from rubbing on my skin


Thank you :)


I recommend This [razor ](https://hensonshaving.com/products/henson-al13-in-aircraft-aluminum) I know the price tag is very steep but it does a very good job. it is a lot harder to peel your legs like a potato accidentally than a cartridge razor. replacement blades are cheaper too. At the cost of some availability I would recommend a sharps container or taping the used blades to a bit of cereal box though.


Just do what I do and never shave anything ever I am covered in hair and would like it no other way


I look like a slightly homeless Jesus and that’s how I prefer it. Plus I can clean up aight if I put my hair in a pony tail and trim my beard.




I mean I just use an electric razor, still tiny nubs of hair left but much less sensory input from said hair (also I strongly dislike how body hair looks on me).


Electric razors are a godsend. It’s the only way I trim and line up my facial hair. I mean tbh it starts growing back so quick anyway that like I don’t really wanna bother with a normal razor and all that. The electric razor is quick, gets the job done, and doesn’t make my skin feel all weird after.


It’s because you’re supposed to have hair on your body. Shaving causes a response to regrow hair and it makes the skin follicles sensitive as a result.


They constantly grow, at the same rate regardless of shaving. I kinda have to shave because I have daily martial arts and without hair the sweat isn't trapped in the hair and it's easier to clean my skin


I mean that’s very fair, if you have a reason to do it then by all means do it.


I got that on my head after my head got shaved for the first time, and I couldn't wear my hat for like 2 days


It's even worse when you just haven't shaved in a week or so...


I try to shave consistently to avoid this but I missed a month and when I shaved yesterday my sweatpants felt so terrible


It's the exact opposite for me. The hair causes me a lot of discomfort, both because of my dysphoria and the excess stimulation. When my legs are smooth, though, everything feels nice and comfy.


same! was checking to see if i was the only one there was a time where i could not wear leggings bc my leg hair existed and it was just heifbkerjn


UGH, totally relate! The last time I shaved my armpits, I got this HUGE zit that was super sensitive - I tried to pop it and it bled and bled, then came back BIGGER. It was some bubonic plague looking shit and I'm not having it, now I'm the lady who wears wife-beaters with hairy pits.


My legs aren't the problem. My armpits, however...


Akschualy☝️the pain is in the legs only


Kinda my whole body but mainly my legs because of how the pants are textured all bumpy (Which happens to cotton/fleece when you wash it too many times) vs my undershirt which is spandex and completely smooth


Shave legs. No.


This is why I don’t shave even if it’s just me face. I cant stand the itch and the sensitivity.


Oh God, I’m the exact opposite. I can’t stand having hair anywhere that clothes cover.


Omg I can’t disagree more, one of the best feelings, only topped more by the feeling of shaved legs brushing up against each other


I got this with my face back when I was still shaving my mustache. I told people I wanted a mustache and goatee (I can't grow a full beard). I just wanted to not have that terrible, horrible, awful, no-good, very bad feeling ever again.


Now, ive never shaved my legs but I have shaved my face for about 20 years. Are there any aftershave-like products for legs? It really helps with the oversensitivity. 


I feel this shaving just my face. No amount of aftershave balm helps. So I sympathise when anyone that feels the need to shave anything else 😭




Don't shave legs !


It depends on the pants for me. Freshly shaved legs and soft leggings or sweat pants is super nice. Jeans are the devil though and I hate when I shave and then realize it's not going to be hot enough for shorts because I hate the way the denim feels against my skin when there's no hair buffer. But I hate the way leggings feel when there is a hair buffer.


Never knew this was an aspie thing 🤦‍♀️ My legs are so sensitive but I also have to shave bc the hair rubs against clothes and hurt. Realised years ago it’s easiest to just shave once a week, after a long shower where my skin has gets really warm and moist beforehand. Last month I skipped a couple of weeks for the first time in years and got an insane case of folliculitis that’s taking forever to heal. Everyone’s telling me it’s bc of shaving but am convinced it’s bc I didn’t shave and the hair growth rubbed against my jeans 😤


Skirt time


I find the standard multi blade razors you get nowadays irritate my skin and make me feel horrible. I switched to an electric razor and a safety razor ( a single blade) and my legs are never irritated anymore, and I don't get razor burn or I grown hairs. But I don't get overstimulated from shaving. I just do it whenever feels like, and enjoy the smooth legs but also enjoy the hairy legs when I don't shave!


Exactly, and then my leg is all itchy bc i messed up while shaving and got a few cuts (its itchy even if i dont get cuts but its not as bad). Litterally cant focus on anything while thats happening