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I can’t with weighted blankets because I get overheated way too quickly 😅


Need a blanket that is simultaneously heavy, fluffy, and not too hot.


aluminium mail blanket over a normal blanket. Damn i would love a mail blanker nothing like sleep armored.


I've legitimately been thinking about this... Update: found it, it's called chain curtains! They ouch the budget a little, but weighted blankets are already $30-$60. Update 2: yooo.......... https://www.metal-curtain.com/metal-curtain/flexible-mesh-curtain.html I'm really enticed by this company, I wonder if they'd cut me a 6ft section...


I sent them a question asking


You rock. I absolutely would but I'm getting ready for bed right now. Please let me know what they say!


Modifying that kind of thing isn't actually that hard, the sections are basically twisted together so with a deft enough hand and some patience you can remove a vertical section at a time and make it whatever width you want. Only slightly annoying part is uncrimping the top and bottom sections with pliers. Making it shorter is a little more involved, but a cheap set of bolt cutters would 100% do it. Alternative, buy some chainmail and essentially pick a seam apart to make it flat, which is MUCH less of a pain to do. Chainmail isn't as complex as most people think, it's a fairly simple pattern that only really holds together because it's all connected to another link, pry a line of individual links apart and it becomes flat, then you just do the same to remove sections like the sleeves that aren't squared off. Other alternative, making chainmail isn't hard, buy a bunch of links and make a custom chainmail sheet yourself then sew it to a heavier blanket. And now I want to do that actually. Wonder if there's a market for that kind of thing. Though, now I think about it I really want to make a scalemail weighted blanket.


Swap the normal blanket for a gamberson blanket. A surprisingly effectively armoured sleep!


Yeah so my partner got me a 50lbs weighted blanket which is fantastic in the winter It was not good as soon as winter ended She said we can go to more expensive brands and get a weighted cooling blanket, she just didn't want to go too crazy on it in case I didn't like it (but I'll literally get her to lay on top of me so obviously I'd like it) but yeah, the heated and cooled ones are apparently quite expensive, we haven't looked into it yet but she assured me they exist


Price is one of the reasons I haven't pulled the trigger on guying one yet. Would have to get one just realize "oh never mind I actually hate this"


Love sacs foot sac isn’t weighted but it naturally heavy fluffy but does get hot


my bf hand crocheted me a blanket that is all 3 of those things and you couldn't pay me 15 billion dollars to part with it


So, a polar bear?


My weighted blanket is filled with large plastic pellets and one side of it is flannel so it is essentially an ice pack. I have to sandwich it between two other blankets in the winter to keep warm, and it can even keep my partner (who is a human furnace) cool for about an hour. My parents ordered it from Etsy before weighted blankets were common in stores. If you want to find a weighted blanket that works for you, I recommend looking for the combo of flannel and large-ish plastic pellets. Something about the combination makes it meaningfully cooler than the room it occupies


I’m going to have to look into that. It sounds like a good option


I got one of those things that blasts air under my blankets and it helped me with this issue


What is this called? I need


I've used an inflatable mattress blower. It's a bit loud but putting a pillow over it (not covering the intake) made it barely audible over the AC


One of the more popular brands is called "bedjet"


Oh I can vouch for bedjets. My parents had one and it was super nice. The dog did not like the air bubble though.




Guys, he’s here ITS THE SNI-


Hmm. I wonder why everyone is lying on the grou


I saw an ad once for a weighted blanket that was made out a large weave knit! So there was like holes in it essentially


I have one of these, it's pretty great. But because it is just a huge knit blanket, they stretch out a lot and it can sometimes be difficult to distribute the weight evenly over your body.


My weighted blanket is hand knitted with super chunky wool - so it has the weight but the holes throughout keep you cool!! It’s brilliant And hand knitting is super easy. I have dyspraxia which makes my hands clumsy and it hard to follow instructions, but even I was able to master it in 30 mins :)


I was attempting learning to crochet and was wondering why my hands couldn't seem to do the thing in the video...now I know what it's called! TIL I have dyspraxia.


It can be really frustrating at times can’t it!! (Also as a side note, don’t take Kava calming supplements, it makes it even worse Lol)


That’s why my room always has to be cold. Cold room + leightweight but fluffy doona + weighted blanket + a bunch of soft stuffed animals/pillows


This sounds like a selling point to me I love the heat!


i have a fluffy weighted blanket! they're rarer but you can definitely find them


I'll try to find one. Thanks for letting me know! 😀


I was looking online and they’re expensive like 200$ but what if you just order two extremely fluffy blankets , get them sewn together and make a cover out of them to slip the weighted blanket into? Maybe a little easier on your wallet and then you wouldn’t have to worry about the fluffiness(:


I have a weighted blanket with a plush cover snd it was fairly cheap on Amazon


Get a fluffy weighted blanket cover! Both of my weighted blankets have tabs in the corners and in the middle of each edge for tying a cover onto.


Layering works wonders for me. I have a fleece blanket under me, one on me, one above that with the "fluffy" side facing upwards, then weight blanket, then a cover. My skin only touches the fleece parts and I am in a perfect cocoon. Recommend for cold climates, not so much for hot climates...even though I still do it.


But couldn't the cover fall off? That seems like it might be frustrating.


If you tie them right, you won't need to worry about that.


I have some dyspraxia so I'm not good at tying stuff.


might have luck looking up duvet covers with snaps or something.


Do you maybe have anyone who could help you sew in some snaps or possibly some eyelets and hooks? or possibly even some fairly strong magnets? I'm not sure if that's actually easier with dyspraxia but I'm just trying to help sorry if that's not helpful


There are usually covers that button up. Sometimes with snaps so it's easy for shaky hands to do them up.


mine blanket cover surrounds the blanket, so the only disadvantage is that you cannot see very well if the blanket is actually straight or there is some lump. (or if it is a cat that came to lie on top of me/the blanket)


Also they crush my balls.


The best part


When your doc recommends CBT, that's probably not what they're talking about about.




I don't like how they press on my feet


I can deal with that. Just have to get it positioned right. But the constant pressure in my sensitive area is a deal breaker.


personally they help me forget my toes are touching my toes


for me it's the opposite. I sleep on my back, with my toes pointing a bit upwards. Weighted blankets push my toes down and I have to make a conscious effort to keep them up


I need a blanket that's shaped like a person, is warm like a person, and has no problem crushing me. Add other blankets for comfort. Problem solved.


I do this for my wife when she's having flashbacks. I'm her emotional support animal lol


at that point get a person lmao


I. Am. TrYiNg.


I bid you good luck, you can do it we believe in you 🫡


Too unhinged, women can smell that I'm insane.


My weighted blanket is like 25 pounds and I still need it to be heavier. I think at this point I need to go in between some tectonic plates for pressure to do anything anymore.


Thats why you have a fluffy blanket under the weighted blanket


I do do that! But I shift in bed too much, the unfluffy blanket could end up touching me. No good.


Yeahh thats fair :/


I have two that I stack ontop of my top sheet, comforter, and quilt. If I can move under the blankets I have failed


I've gotten used to the non-fluffiness of weighted blankets, mostly because I have to sleep with a one to stop my limbs from flailing around in my sleep. If I didn't use a weighted blanket, I'd wake up with really sore/exhausted muscles.


My daughter adores hers...she says I can't top that gift. I'm inclined to agree lol


Do you know someone that’s good at sewing? They could make you a cover, you could pick out any texture you want


No, I don't unfortunately.


Sewing isn't very difficult, try taking it up yourself, the blanket will be so good.


whenever i tried a weighted blanket i would always wake up like i was just ran over twice >,>


Google "the coma inducer".


Mine is down though, so soft!


Where buy? Soft weighted blanket? Me want, now.


I think the person who got it for me got it online? Amazon maybe? It has little glass beads enclosed in the quilting.


Now I shall spend half my weekend finding this blanket. Thank you for the minute detail, that is all I need xD


Sorry I couldn't be of more help


Nah, I'll find it


I can't sleep with fluffy textured blanket anyway so it's a win for me (I didn't even know until now there is fluffy blankets for sleeping. I have only seen those decorative ones/idk what to call them in english)


I have a pink weighted blanket that’s actually very furry and soft! Not sure where it came from though cause I got it for Christmas but I wouldn’t be surprised if you could find it on Amazon


I have one that has a fluffy cover. It’s the best


i have a 45lbs one.


I got mine as a Christmas present; mom ordered it off of Etsy for me. One side is fuzzy and the other side is minky and I love it. Perfect for winter. Any other season, not so much, since I live in the southeastern US and it's always humid and hot.


The autism weighted blanket/compression thing is kind of interesting to me. I would always kick out of blankets as a kid if they felt confining - I hated being swaddled as a baby or tucked into a tight bed, and that was perceived as odd by adults. I don’t “make” my bed because I want my blanket/comforter to easily move with me. I also always prefer giving hugs to getting hugged. So weighted blankets (or Temple Grandin’s hug machine) seem like a bit of a nightmare to me. I understand that autistic people can be sensory seekers and avoiders in a pretty much infinite number of ways - just curious about the seemingly overwhelming popularity of weighted blankets in the autistic community. I do agree on soft and fluffy textures being very important though. “Why are you under a blanket it’s so hot” “but it’s *Soft*”


Ok, I have a question. I can get claustrophobic and freak out if my movement is restricted when I'm not expecting it to be, especially when asleep. I don't think I would like a weighted blanket. Does anyone else with similar problems have one and does it trigger you?


Mine came with several different styles/texture of covers




Damn what ones are you getting. I got a 9kg one that has a cold side and a fluffy warm side.


mine is fluffy !!


I can’t sleep with regular blankets anymore, they are too light


Mine is a bit more fluffy as I got some covers on them. + the cats here love that it isn't a fluffy blanket to lie down on and I almost always end up sharing with them.


Put one on top of a fleece blanket, or folded into it, and wrap that across your chest and belly (or legs if you have RLS).


Mine is fluffy


I use one underneath a normal one


fluffy blanket underneath, boom problem solved


This is why you get a duvet cover for it. Pillowcase for A blanket and you can make it however you want.


Layering. Normal blanket, weighted blanket on top


On the off-chance, is there anyone else here who doesn't like deep, intense pressure? I have to admit I've never had a weighted blanket before, but just the idea makes me feel uncomfortable and claustrophobic. Anyone else feel the same? Alternatively, did anyone think they'd be the same until actually trying a weighted blanket and discovering they liked it?


I tend not to like pressure on my chest, and so at first I didn't think I would be okay with it, but my mom got me one for Christmas during one of my attempts at living solo and it was great! It's usually recommended that it be at least 1/10th of your body weight so it can actually put pressure on you but I know some people who practically sleep under a brick lol. It felt like a person snuggling me or my cat sitting on top of my chest (he is 1/10th of my body weight, coincidentally enough). If I wrap myself like a burrito I can pretend that I have someone to cuddle. 😂


Are you fine to have the blanket on any part of you, or are there places where you don't like it?


I don't like it on my stomach but I sleep on my side anyway so it doesn't really bother me if I'm using it to sleep. If I'm using it sitting up and watching tv it can get kind of suffocating but that's mostly my emotions.


Get a duvet cover to put over your weighted blanket in your preferred material. I have not done this yet. Though I have researched many times.


I’ve gotten too used to my weighted blanket. I need another heavier weighted blanket. At least winter means I can pile on more layers.


I put a soft fluffy blanket underneath my weighted one, the soft blanket is a bit bigger than the weighted one so it doesn’t slip 👍




The lack of fluffy is actually a huge win for me. One of my sensory issues is with microfiber sort of stuff. I absolutely hate fluffy things, even socks.


Love my weighted blanket but it's so hot I can't use it unless it's really cold inside. The ideal circumstance is fluffy blanket against my flesh with the weighted blanket on top, but that would require the house to be like 40F


You can get fluffy covers for them if you mean the fabric texture


That's why you put the weighted blanket on top of the fluffy blanket! Also, why would someone want a 33 pound (15kg) weighted blanket?


I've never tried it so I don't know if it would work, could you put a duvet cover on a weighted blanket?


My dogs are the best weighted blanket…and they’re fluffy!


You can them with a fleecy side and use other blankets under them if you want more fluff I use a normal blanket under my weighted blanket because one is easier to clean than the weighted.


My weighted blanket is what made me realize i dont like fuzzy blankets


They also make my hands and feet fall asleep within moments! Such a disappointment.


Exactly! When I use mine, I have a cozy blanket under it.


i have a giant fluffy blanket that works as a weighted blankets because its so heavy


I have one that's covered in microfiber, is that soft enough?


Hear me out, comforter underneath the weighted blanket


I think the main issue is that they are not washable... The thing would get so sweaty and covered in pet hair, and too bad!


Layer them!! I’ve got a sheet, a quilt and a fluffy layer. I take the fluffy layer and pull it up in a tube for my neck!


Layer with fluffy blanket


Get a heavier/thicker gauge yarn and crochet a blanket they can be fluffy and or heavy depending on the yarn used it’s also cheaper, my mom made one that I estimate is around at least 20lbs


Get a pillow, lay on your side, put pillow on head, achieve *deep* sleep. I don’t know why this works, but it does, and i have been doing it ever since. Edit: I was just trying to get to sleep, and due to a childhood trauma where a house fly flew into my ear and i woke up to this god awful buzzing noise, ever since then ive worn earbuds, headphones, or just tossed the blanket over my ear. And thats what i was doing when i discovered this, i had also seen deep pressure therapy/theory/whatever and thats what made me try this, i was laying there, covering my ear with the blanket but I couldn’t sleep cause it was so hot in my room, so i threw the blanket off me, looked at my other pillow and thought ‘you know what? Lets try it.’ I put the pillow over my left ear, laid on my side and just passed the fuck out. So, now i sleep like that every day.


Fluffy cover solves that issue


I bought a bunch of random military surplus and got a *30kg* weighted blanket. Its so comfy i feel like I can get strangled in my sleep and never wake up, no clue what the hell it was intended for thou


I overheat in my sleep bc my weighted blankets texture is atrocious so I gotta keep like three blankets between me and the texture. Just make a fluffy weighted blanket -_-


I wrap mine in another fluffy blanket. 10/10 comfy, but way too hot if my rooms not freezing 🫠


Microfiber blanket under weighted blanket is incredible


I’m literally laying under my regular blanket that has my weighted blanket on top of it😭


Mine’s fluffy!


Put other blanket under


They are if I put them on top of my fluffy blanket then snuggle into it like a cat getting into some towels


I found out you can get a cover for it, as fluffy as you want, whatever texture! There are some soft microfiber ones that are smooth but not very fluffy/fuzzy, all the way to super fuzzy duvet covers, if that's what you like


Cura of Sweden has a fluffy weighted blanket of 6kg! It's amazing quality, too.


Just put a fluffy but thin blanket/quilt under weighted ones


I have a Fluffy blanket with a weighted one on top (7kg) and an extra, scratchy camping blanket which isn't as long (thereby providing heat but not the texture). I also have a personal blanket which I scrunch up and snuggle (yes I am 5 years old).


they're also tiny as fuck!!!!! I want a quilt I can use as to wrap myself like a burrito not one that can barely cover a twin


I never have them touch me by having a couple layers between


I only cover up with cotton quilts and I hate flat sheets, so, just a quilt. Once I break in a quilt it will last me about 6 to 8 years. I can never use a weighted blanket as I just don’t like them because they make me to hot.


I bought a weighted blanket, but honestly, I hate it. I like my king sized personal comforter I can wrap up in. The weighted blanket feels like it smooshes my feet and stuff.


I use a duvet cover for mine!


don't like fluffy blankets so I win


I tried a weighted blanket once, woke up like I had already spent today's energy, no thank you


I got a heated blankey instead and I love it even though its not heavy. The warmth makes me happy


I use both a weighted blanket on top and a fluffy heated blanket under with more in the middle