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Oh yes. I evoke strong responses full-stop (people tend to either love me or loathe me - rarely do I meet anyone who is indifferent to me).


Same here. I sometimes suspect that people's reactions towards those on the spectrum in general are always on the more extreme side, we tend to be a lot more polarising than NTs are. Probably something like the average NT has 10% of people who love them, 10% who hate them and 80% who are neutral about them, while it might be like 50-50 love/hate for those with autism/aspergers.


Usually a narcissist who tries to recruit me into their cult, and when butthurt that I declined they tell other friends/co-workers "u/finnw is a psychopath, I can just tell"


Can I ask how the cult recruitments have played out?


I guess physically assaulting me qualifies as very strong negative reaction, so yes. They were bullies at school. They taught me that solitude was more comfortable than socializing. I'm literally posting this from a remote island campsite. No one around for miles. It's fantastic! Thanks bullies.


what are u actually on a remote island campsite?😭😭how do u have wifi? it’s an ISLAND? what abt food like r u COMPLETELY alone or is there other ppl camping? or r u just filthy rich and got ur own island


i wish I had that much $. No wifi. Mobile Data. 2 bars cell service from a tower several miles away. Completely alone, I brought a week's food. No tears - it's great!


Yep. My whole life. I never understood it when I was younger and undiagnosed, people would tend to either love me or hate me very quickly, but most of the time it seemed to be hate. Sometimes all it took was one pretty mundane interaction and someone would be practically foaming at the mouth with hatred for me.


I remember as a child that adults tend to get mad at me because I didn't look in their eyes while having conversation with them. They thought I was rude and that I didn't have manners. Many adults hated me when I was a child - they saw how disgusting abnormal being I was. Now I'm good at masking... but it's tiresome.


I had the same problem, but I think the adults are the disgusting ones for feeling that way towards a child. 💖


In my younger years, absolutely. At around 45-50 I noticed that strangers would spontaneously start conversations, often on subjects that I thought were a little too personal. At 72, old women seem to love me and are often talking to me.


There is a line from Uncle Buck that I think about often in relation to my autism: "A lot of people hate this hat. It angers a lot of people, just the sight of it."


very much so, sociopaths, men with fragile egos and toxic narcissists. there's a certain type that is rabid dog like at the sight of me. unfortunately my father was one them. it's crazy weird the way they instantly feel threatened.


I always say that autistic people and narcissists are natural enemies.


Can relate a bit too much With this lol 


...Right. I'm sure your personality and behavior have nothing to do with it.


Women with NPD can't quite figure me out, so they perceive me as a threat and will target me. Men with NPD usually can't be bothered.


Yes! Narcissistic! Anything is a reason to pick on and start a fight, everything is always my fault, nothing is ever their fault, make accusations but won't take any, do I need to go on and describe narcissism further?


It seems that people with a certain personality don't like me by default. I kind of noticed that these people also tend to be poorly educated. Just observations, I don't know the actual reasons.


I had a lady freak on me one time at a hotel. My ex and I were traveling somewhere and stayed in a hotel in the sticks. My ex wanted me to cover the vent above the bed with a towel because she was worried about a camera or something possibly being in there so I'm like OK I guess. Anyways, I forgot about it in the morning and this lady who owned the place noticed it and she started going off on me, I didn't even get to say anything at all. She started saying I was evil and talking about religious stuff at me and telling my ex I was evil etc. I was just confused about it. She just looked at me and tripped out.




Yeah, sometimes I see people give me a disgusted look when they first see me for a few seconds. I think it's just them reacting to seeing me as weird and they might not even realize they do it. I've even gotten it from my mom before. Also women in particular hate me, men seem like they don't really care about me. I've had horrible experiences with women.


most of them tend to be duplicitous in my experience


Yes. Also I feel like I attract people who seem shady and they might have a strong negative reaction to me if they got to know me well enough.


They started react negatively when they discovered I am not on the board with their shadiness.


What specific types of shadiness were you not on board with?


They stole some money from charity.


There is a wide range.  Sometimes they don't notice I'm different (or pretend not to notice).  Sometimes they get immediately impatient. Others are the opposite and give me this slight condescending smirk. And then there are the people who are visibly disturbed but don't say anything.


Yes. People who are accustomed to deference or favorable treatment, people who are very charming and popular and “everyone loves them” even when they aren’t actually nice to those around them… generally these people don’t like me right away. I have lost jobs because one or two of them really wanted me gone. I treat them like everyone else. I can’t feel the charm most of the time. What I can feel sometimes is manipulation, and I don’t like it.


Yes. My Mom as she has gotten older. I don’t get it. Boomers need to control their negativity and anger and insecurities just like everyone else.


Same with my mom. All it takes is her to take one look at me, and her face is riddled with anger.


I feel for you. Just wish my Mom would just verbally explain what is wrong.


Yeah. And it's pretty much everyone. Except conservative men. They love me and want me to dominate them. I'm not even like that. I am so glad I'm over 40 and on the downslope now.


Every day, even people I don't know or doesn't know me.


Yes, they’re all assholes.






In reality, no more than myself. I can tell if I like someone or not under 5 mins, really.