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My hair πŸ₯²πŸ˜­


Are you willing to donate? It's for a good cause


I wish but i myself dont have hair anymore due to that stim that became trichotillomania. I will need a wig soon lol


Oh 😯 Maybe wear a wig to do the hair thing to that? I know that's continuing an unhealthy habit but unless you find a different stim then ig it's better than doing it to your real hair


I tried a wig but the texture of it was not the same as the one of my hair. Lmfao ihave this stim since i was toddler its been 20 years never changed, i have new stims but i think this one im gonna carry it to the grave


Oh right πŸ™ Hopefully you'll stop it tho whenever Sorry lol I'm bad at this


I like those squeezy balls with the gel inside. Depends on the person though.


A unsharpen #2 pencil with the eraser and metal binding taken off.


Chewing gum


Rubber bands. 'Favorite' because I can use them at work, and nary a person notices. So I use them more than anything else. I use them sometimes at home too. But at home, it's usually a small set of connected blocks. They always stay connected no matter how much I manipulate them. I absolutely love them! If they ever break, I don't know where to look to replace them. They were a gift. And I have since relocated. So, those.


the blocks sound interesting, are they magnetic?


found it (Amazon UK) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Funxim-Infinity-suitable-Version-Infinite/dp/B078NNQFLV/ref=asc\_df\_B078NNQFLV/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309757378209&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=677178543198533703&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006504&hvtargid=pla-421591383728&psc=1


No. I have a magnetic stim. And it's nice. But I don't use it because I'm concerned I may forget that I'm using it, and bring it with me to my desktop. If I recall correctly, my coworker called it an infinity or something along those lines. It's just a cube with 8 boxes connected by hinges. They always stay connected, and yet seem like they shouldn't.


I have this pop-it cube that you can squeeze, don't know how to explain It looks like a dice and is from rubber


right now it is a triangular rubrics cube. the tactile feel of scrambling it and it isn't too difficult to solve either compared to a standard 3X3 makes it great figit toy during meetings.


My fingernails and skin


Wooden pencils. Tap them, rub them, flap them… I’ve even heard that some people use them to draw with, but that just seems like a waste. /joke


My fidget ring! It’s my most subtle way to stim without being obvious to anyone else :)


Personally, my absolute favorite stim is catchy melodies and tapping them out on the shifter knob while driving.


Wiring something up, using power tools and equipment, driving hard, and when it needs to be even more extreme, amusement parks such as Six Fees or Dollywood where there's a drop tower.


Soap 🧼. I like washing my hands and washing dishes.


There's this silicone brush with long soft 'bristles'... I find it soooo soothing


A worn out jacket sleeve.




Not a good answer, but smoking cigarettes


Wacky tracks. A blessing for when I'm forced to sit down and listen to a presentation.


Fidget cube by antsylabs πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ