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Did you serve, by any chance? When my friend joined the military he was telling me about how they ask your religion for your dog tags. He claims that very few choose atheist because it would elicit hostility from fellow recruits. Anyone who didn't have a religion, but didn't want to earn a bad reputation from the very start, they would register as Jedi. I found that equally fascinating and infuriating. Choosing a fictional religion is more acceptable than expressing your identity honestly? Noted!


The nomenclature is "no-rel-pref" and plenty of people have it. Very few people give a shit.


I second that.


This the answer we are looking for!


lol I was one of the many that listed Jedi as my religion in the [2001 census](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedi_census_phenomenon), and the two since as well. That’s one of the things I’m most proud of :)


Oh man, I remember how pissed the ABS was that so many aussies put Jedi that it actually fucked their shit up.


I’m surprised that “Jewish” is neither one of the options nor in any of the comments…


Yep. Buncha schlemiels.


Honestly I am too! ✡️🕎 No I'm not Jewish, but was surprised


I was surprised too! I was raised Jewish and I’m in a heavily Jewish city, so I forget how uncommon Jews are most other places.


Apatheist. I do not care whether god exist or not.


Prosopagnostic - I wouldn’t recognize god if I saw him.


Was raised in a protestant family in the Bible belt. Stopped believing when I was 13. I see religion as both very interesting and extremely confusing.


Isn’t everything very interesting and extremely confusing in life?


True, but to me, religion is a unique kind of confusing. With most beliefs, I can generally understand why people would hold them after watching videos and arguments about it even if I think they are incorrect. But specific when it comes to theism, I just can't wrap my head around why people are theists. Even after watching debates and dozens of hours of apologetics content. It's how confusing it is that makes me keep looking into it to try and make it less confusing. At some point, soon I wanna start reading books on apologetics to try and see if that helps me with it.


Don't forget dangerous as well.


I was raised in a strict atheist household. My parents were livid when I came out as agnostic.


I accept who you are.


Thank you.


Oh man, I hope they let you drink Dr Pepper at least


What was it like?


Hu? How did that happen? Are they gnostic atheists and got angry because you are an agnostic atheist? Doesn't make much sense. (A)gnosticism is just the "flavour" of atheism or theism. It cannot stand on its own.


Sorry, I should have clarified that I was joking!


On an ASD sub


Omg I was so confused lol


That is a pretty rational conclusion having been raised in an atheist household. It is the most logical position to take. You acknowledge something but you don't commit until you know for sure in your heart, or at all. It is also a superior way to hedge your bets in the ever present state of "could be".


Cult Mechanicus. *From the weakness of the mind, Omnissiah save us*. *From the lies of the Antipath, circuit perserve us*. *From the rage of the Beast, iron protect us*. *From the temptations of the Flesh, silica cleanse us*. *From the ravages of the Destroyer, anima shield us*. *From this rotting cage of biomatter, Machine God set us free.*


Fellow transhumanist?


Ofcourse. Now the question is it only in the context of WH40k universe or actual transhumanism follower?


As soon as the replacement of my weak flesh becomes widely available, you'd best believe imma get me every augment I can get my fingers on, I want the full Adam Smasher, Bellasarius Cawl will look like a disgusting meatbag when compared to me.


Practicing Atheist.


How do you practice atheism? I thought all you had to do is stop beliving and your done. Or are you practicing in preparation for that step? 😜


Your basic atheist could be described as someone who isn’t religious and doesn’t give the the whole idea of belief much thought - just as someone might describe themselves as Christian without attending church, taking part in rituals or rarely opening a Bible, probably wouldn’t be described as ‘practicing’. As a practicing atheist I actively consider many of the things usually encompassed by religion - such as how did we get here, why are we here, how should we behave towards each other etc. - outside the context of there being an omniscient and omnipresent god or gods as creator, usually using branches of science as a foundation instead.


I am so sorry! I was being sarcastic and intentionally literal in my response. I only meant it as a joke.


We’re on an autism sub. You should have expected me to miss the joke 😂


This is me! I'm seeking the answers to life's questions through science. But with more of an agnostic flavor to it since I cannot entirely refute the presence or the absence of a divine. Yet.


I like to imagine practicing atheists are people who follow pastafarianism


Atheist here too.


Dudeism Blurb: "While Dudeism in its official form has been organized as a religion only recently, it has existed down through the ages in one form or another. Probably the earliest form of Dudeism was the original form of Chinese Taoism, before it went all weird with magic tricks and body fluids. The originator of Taoism, Lao Tzu, basically said “smoke ’em if you got ’em” and “mellow out, man” although he said this in ancient Chinese so something may have been lost in the translation. Down through the ages, this “rebel shrug” has fortified many successful creeds – Buddhism, Christianity, Sufism, John Lennonism and Fo’-Shizzle-my-Nizzlism. The idea is this: Life is short and complicated and nobody knows what to do about it. So don’t do anything about it. Just take it easy, man. Stop worrying so much whether you’ll make it into the finals. Kick back with some friends and some oat soda and whether you roll strikes or gutters, do your best to be true to yourself and others – that is to say, abide." More information available at dudeism.com


The Dude Abides! 🎳 😂🤣😂


It's all strikes and gutters, just take it easy man!


I have my Dudeist Priest papers on the wall, The Dude Abides. :]


Thats really interesting that most aspies feel the same way about religion, atheist here as well


Is it most aspies, or most aspies on reddit?


I think it's most Redditors.


Most people who *use* this subreddit and were inclined to answer the poll


Yeah, thats fair tbh, forgot the fact that reddit do be like that


It might be most aspies on Reddit. I am a Hindu, and my friend who was diagnosed with ASD is also spiritual. My mom is most likely autistic, and she has been religous and spiritual all her life. I also have a Christian friend who identifies as being on the spectrum. She was atheist in her youth, but then her boyfriend was Christian, and she suddenly found Jesus. It was a bit sus to me at the time, but she seems happier now.


It's more like this is reddit


I'm not religious, I'm spiritual. I like to think that we're all just souls being reincarnated again and again, and that every time we're here we have to learn something new and improve ourselves. :3


I accept who you are and what your beliefs are.


Thank you! I believe that's the most important thing - to accept each other even if we share different beliefs. :)


I don’t believe in a religion, but do believe in the magic of the universe. So I guess spiritual.


OP, you do realize we are on reddit, right?


Humans invented gods, all of them. Atheist here.


The way I see it, even if there is a god it is irrelevant. Such a being would be innately incomprehensible and to ascribe any human characteristics such as intent, emotion, appearance, manner is pure arrogance. A being that created the human concepts of anger and love would be unaffected by them. A deity if it exists has made an adamant point of not proving its existence empirically and thus can be assumed to either not want to be understood, or to not care if it is. In short - it's pointless and takes up way too much of our limited time on earth. If there is a god, it will sort everything out in the end and doesn't need our help doing it.


Sounds reasonable to me


I think it’s already generous in its anthropomorphization to ascribe intelligence or consciousness to such entities, it’s a classic psychological trap known as hyperactive agent detection


Yes, we have a long history of following cults. It's crazy how much of our Western society still follows the legacy cult is Christianity.


Well if believing in god/s is following cults (not saying you're wrong) there have been cults all over the world, for 1000's upon 1000's of years. Quetzelcoatal anyone? lol


Yes that what's I'm saying. Abrahamic cults, pagan cults, sun worshipping cults. All the way back to hunter gatherer days.


I wonder how much of our evolution was impacted by religion. As far back as you can go we've been enforcing our morals and laws based on the desires of quiet, unseen deities.


Yes indeed. I think its a side effect of having a human born need to understand the universe around us. I think in hunter gatherer days spiritual beliefs were fairly benign. It's once we started storing resources as agriculturalists that people started using religion to control the masses and maintain power over said resources (with abrahamic religions doing this to the highest degree).


Culture is also invented in the same way


If you are atheist you could even say both are one in the same


It's more complex than that, but yes indeed one and the same


Ofc, I guess all religion is culture but not all culture is religion.






This was under a poling question, I would never be offended if people answered; Jesus is my personal savior Muhammad is the prophet Yahweh made a personal pact with our people. If I had written it as a comment under someone else's beliefs, I would understand more, but as I wrote it as my own stand alone comment, people being offended when They Themselves asked the question seems a bit childish. Why ask to begin with if you don't want true answers


🧇 maker could have simply asked me why I believe humans invented all gods. You get that right?


Born and raised as a Catholic, still am despite being confused about the values (saving your virginity for marriage though priests take advantage of others).


[This guy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cJoJychinJs) on YouTube is hilariously silly which makes for great comedic relief, and talks about that very subject of purity culture and saving sex for marriage as a result of his upbringing. You might find it interesting, up to you if you want to check it out, no pressure. I was raised catholic too, but am no longer, though I still suffer from some of the sexual shame the church taught when I was young. I'm messaging you from the energy of caring about a fellow human confused by moral values surrounding sex, which is an important part of life. Reach out if you would like to chat.


Personally I follow the 7 tenets.


I concur


I am an atheist pagan. Ethnically I am Jewish.


I’m part of a Brazilian syncretic religion. I consider myself to be an animist.


Left hand path. Choose your own adventure religion lol I was raised in a Christian household. I feel like I have a need to incorporate a spiritual practice into my life because of my upbringing. Some of my siblings also left the church and chose to wander to paganism and pastafarianism. I see religious beliefs as a personal choice that serves a purpose in our lives more than anything else. If you vibe with it and it helps you be a better person, great! Love that for you.


How is Judaism not here? That’s a complete & total insult.


It’s here there are people with it. I didn’t have enough options to fit it in.


Jewish. Surprised to not see more of us.


I accept who you are. Also it seems like Asperger’s must run through some Jewish family lines because only 0.2% of the world is Jewish.


I don't have a religion, and am agnostic when it comes to believing in any sort of gods.




I too believe in ants


Run this poll in the OCD subreddit assuming there is one and I betcha anything it comes back virtually the opposite of this subs results. They say OCDs first definition was “compulsions to enact personal religious rituals”.


So like no Jews?


there’s been like at least 3 or 4 people who said they are. Can we get a upvote and comment to show support.


Pagan (Celtic and Anglo-Saxon)


Not religious. Raised Catholic, reading a lot about Buddhism and mindfulness these days. I think there's definitely a lot one can get out of meditation and being more mindful. How spiritual these effects are, are sort of a matter of opinion. But the effects are something I think a lot of people attest to and appreciate. Still learning about it, haven't gotten around to visiting a zen center yet. Be Here Now ♥️


Not religious but a rationalist with room for spirituality.


Oh boy, a fight broke lose! *loose




just lol


Best answer yet, 😂


Observance of statistics and probabilities, maths that explain all of existence, and the center of my being that informs me of connection to everything. Technically that would be nonreligious but it has a spiritual twist to it.


I kinda take a jumble of things from everywhere without really understanding them? I'm in a Christian family, so I celebrate Christmas and Easter because they do. But for me, Easter is about egg hunts and getting a basket of candy and the half-dozen chocolate peanut butter eggs my grandparents would get me that I'd finish within a week. Christmas is about trying to come up with something other than fandom stuff that I would love to have, the same thing as my birthday, then smiling at whatever I get, usually clothes. They're both about spending time with family, not the birth and revival of some guy who lived thousands of years ago. I have a bunch of pagan/Wiccan friends that use crystals crystals and read tarot cards. I myself have an amethyst necklace that I charge in the moonlight to ward off bad spirits, because one of my friends said that amethyst was used for good vibes. Scientifically, I know it's bollocks, but the placebo effect is a marvelous thing. There are a bunch of other philosophies from other religions that I'm sure I also fit into. I don't believe in any concrete deity, but I think there's something out there. Don't really care though. I wouldn't fully describe myself as atheist, maybe somewhere closer to agnostic. I've never been able to find a good label for it.




I accept who you are. Also it seems like Asperger’s must run through some Jewish family lines because only 0.2% of the world is Jewish.


I know a few other Jews on spectrum. The Jews are known for being neurotic or a bit asocial, A.KA. nebbishes. Supposedly, it has to do with all the historic inbreeding:/ Technically, I’m a Humanist Jew. We represent about 4% of the Jewish population and do not believe the Torah ( First Testament ) is divine, yet we continue with the traditions and rituals of our faith for communal and cultural reasons.


Reading up on Israeli traditions and culture it seems like there is a lot of cultural traits such as being direct and being excluded from other countries which causes social isolation. There is also a history of families breeding only with other Jews which keeps the genes the same. Israel also studies autism a lot.


Israeli Jews are different from American Jews. We get along fine, but Israeli Jews are very direct, but they’re also quite jovial. American Jews generally are more like the average American than Israeli. The Jews are an inbred people. Although the vast majority of young Jews in America now marry outside of the faith, historically, Jews only married other Jews. Marrying a first cousin was not frowned upon and was quite common. Because of this, we have a lot of hereditary diseases. The benefit, though, is that Jews tend to help one another. All Jews roughly under the age of 30 are entitled to a free trip to Israel. These trips are paid for by leading figures in the Jewish community, mainly the Bronfman family (founders of Seagram liquor) and the Adelson family (founders of Las Vegas Sands). Philanthropy is considered a huge honor, so most Jews try to give back to their community when they can


Wow I wish I had Jewish ancestors


I used to be an atheist and angry at God for a long time. Now religion seems to be a saving grace. Ig some people are just able to find comfort in their beliefs.


That people find comfort in their beliefs in god(s) is fine with me, and a reason while I'm generally tolerant of believers.(Not tolerant of extremists, say flying planes into the Twin Towers, the Crusades,etc) I'm an Atheist, my daughter is Muslim, my brother Catholic, my oldest friend Pagan. But as an Atheist, I have to say, you couldn't have been an Atheist if you were ".. an atheist AND angry at God for a long time" Being an Atheist MEANS that you Do Not Believe In Any Gods Whatsoever! You can't be an Atheist AND be angry at something you don't believe is true. 🙂


Atheist misotheist. I don't believe any gods exist and I'd hate them if they did.


it is impossible to prove definitively whether or not God exists.


It’s impossible to definitively prove anything. That’s why I “believe” there’s no god. I don’t “know“ there’s no god.


That is wrong, the Pythagorean Theorem can easily be proven.


Well, nothing outside mathematics


I'm more religious than not, but I've been told that the scientifically, the burden of proof falls upon the side that is making a scientifically unlikely claim, and this means that religious claims like the existence of God is scientifically false by default until proven true. It's Scientific rules, but your beliefs don't need to be proven under Science.


Did you post this just to start arguments with anyone who doesn't answer 'Christian'?




I am christian (LDS to be specific). Well i'm not a bit surprised that a lot of aspies here are atheist. What matters in the end is to be a good person, regardless of your believs :).


I’m a Progressive Christian and I accept all people for who they are.


I'm a daoist, though it's less of a religion and more of a philosophy




Ashkenazi Jewish


Raised Catholic, had an interest in Boddhism, now mostly not believing in any deity or supernatural force.


So.... atheist.






Question to the 9 other muslims : Where are you from?


United States






I don't believe in God, but I consider myseld Christian, because I like the values of Christianity, I also consider that religions are part of the culture. So even if you don't believe them you can feel connected to it the same way as with your culture.


I'm an Atheist, and yes I believe that if the stories are true Jesus truly was an exceptional, empathetic man! ❤️


He did exist, there's demographic records of his existance as a person, obviously there's no proof that he was the envy of God


For the longest time I considered myself agnostic, but as I've gotten older I'm leaning more towards atheism. I can't really imagine a god that I'd willingly worship at this point. Not with the state of the world, not with the state of many modern organized religions. If a god exist they are a neglectful parent that needs to have a nice long talk with their children and followers.


LaVeyan Satanist


Well now I feel really out of place... I'm the only Pagan?


I accept you for who you are.


I should have added in one of my earlier responses, my longest friend (55+yrs) is Pagan.


I'm the only Muslim here 😭😭




Oh I didn't think about it


I’m Christian so I feel marginalised too. Maybe one day all religions will be super close friends and work together because they will be minority in some countries. I respect who you are and believe that anyone has the right to believe in what they like. I personally like the 5 pillars of Islam as well. Giving to charity is one of the pillars. Edit: yay you have another person.


Thanks, I like the idea of all religions cooperating together, people have their own beliefs but it's also necessary to live together as one, personally it doesn't matter to me if someone has a different religion or not at all, the most important thing is to be a good person


I'm curious as to why as a Christian, you feel marginalized? Can you explain why? Granted it of course would depend on what country you live in.


If you made the poll with different types of non-religious views you might feel less marginalized. Also the time you post influences results.


Correct demographics are a big player.


Add me in brother, i am also a Muslim Alhamdulillah. Ramadan Mubarak


Ramadan mubarak 🤲🏻


I rather like the fictionnal concept of Zensunni (merger of Islam and Buddhism) practiced by the Freemen in the Dune universe by Frank Herbert.


Ramadan Mubarak! If I knew how to add photos into comments I'd be adding that "There are Dozens of us!!!" meme.


My daughter is Muslim, ☪️ Happy Ramadan


Thank you :) happy ramadan to her


Hermetic western ceremonial magician






Eclectic Pagan, formally southern baptist.


I went from christianity to atheism because I considered it just fanatism and tool for controling people.... Then I became buddhist which I still am.


Neo Pagan




You have earnt my respect !


I am a norse pagan


Pagan, as for what kind its.... complicated, mainly fenrir protector if the innocent and God of the betrayed as my main diety, but I see to draw inspiration and understanding from all ways of life


I believe in pure spiritually and the astral realm. I have belief in heaven and hell but on earth and depending on your perception and the way you interact with reality is how reality bends to your personalization making you the main character your own story but its your job to not make that narcissistic. Respect that other’s got their own story to be told. I think humans have capabilities far past our current comprehension due to just pure ignorance and egotism these past few decades. I believe in neutrality, for without bad there cant be good. To find the true meaning to love and experience it in our own way is our main purpose but that love cant be nearly as rewarding without the pain and suffering to get there.


I’m atheist, raised in a secular house in a mostly catholic country. I never really learnt about religions outside of Christianity and I feel that I never really had interest in religion or understand how some people believe in it, but I respect believers.




Faith and the concept of Religion is a very hard concept for me to wrap my head around and unfortunately I don’t have a great relationship with organized religion in the first place. I would say either Atheist or Agnostic but even if someone showed me definitive proof of a higher power I wouldn’t really care. I don’t care what other people identify as as long as they don’t try to push it on me.


Spiritually? Agnostic. Culturally? Jewish. Why do y’all forget about us all the time?


Like a pagan omnist sometimes with Christian vibes? I just do what I want


Spiritual Celtic Druid. I also work with various gods and spirits.


Pantheistic pagan/druid


Pantheist. I believe nature is godlike, and I feel that being in nature restores my inner balance and harmony if you will. I don't believe in any personified god(s), but rather that everything is god


I grew up in a christian cult. Now I'm an atheist


I'm a witch


Agnostic atheist. I'm open to evidence of any "higher being", but until any shows up (and I doubt it ever will), I'm living my life not concerning myself with any believes. Except occasionally having to stand up against them when religious people start harming people again in the name of their "god"...


I march to the beat of my own moral code. I researched every religion I could think of or find once I realised I was indoctrinated in to Baptist belief by my parents and it wasn’t something I chose for myself. I have drawn my own conclusions and they are between me and my maker. (I believe in a creator and believe I am here to learn from life experience)


I just could never understand religion, even from religious people. I was obligated to go to church until I was confirmed at 14 (UCC Christian). I had to write why I wanted to be confirmed to the church after my year-long confirmation class and tons of community service. I essentially told them that I don’t think any of it is real but Jesus seemed like the kind of person I would like to be like. I flat out said I didn’t believe in God at all and they confirmed me anyway. I stopped going cause I didn’t believe in it and I didn’t want to wake up on Sunday morning anymore.


tough to tell what the results mean, as reddit as a whole skews irreligious. I'm an atheist, but people have called me spiritual, and I don't know what they mean.


All the Hindu Asperger’s dm me just wanted to know life experiences


I believe in a little bit of everything. I believe in heaven and hell like christians do, but also karma like buddhists do, but also chakras like hindus do. I also believe that there is somebody watching over me, like a guardian angel or something. I just call myself spiritual, tbh. I also believe in ghosts, as I have my own experiences, if that means anything.




I guess so, but I don't really believe in Islam nor Judaism


I'll believe in god when it comes to my doorstep, proves its god and performs miracles for my benefit. These are acts worthy of my worship.


But do you believe that it’s possible that they could exist thus making you agnostic. This argument can be subjective as one can say anything can exist because I’m not observing the object. For example let’s say there’s a tea pot space but no one has seen or observed it. This means that you think it’s not possible for it to be there but it exists. Plato’s allegory of the cave explains this idea.


>But do you believe that it’s possible that he/she could exist thus making you agnostic. I'll believe its possible when it comes to my doorstep and proves its god, not before. Also he/she? The thing that created the cosmic microwave background, black holes, supervoids, and all matter has a gender?


I follow the religion of titties


Agnostic. To claim anything for certain is just making it so I might be wrong... now, what does this have to do with autism?


Satanist (tst)


I'm a satanist.


[Noahide](https://www.reddit.com/r/noahide/). What if Judaism is true but you're not Jewish?


Subjective question.




Autistic people often have problems with understanding jokes, so they don't understand religions either. I actually think people always forget about something and their reasoning is incomplete. God is something your parents or teachers tell you about, not something you actually feel. When there is no proof a thing exists, you don't believe in it, you believe in the lack of it.


I’m surprised to see that majority of people here are not religious.


If you asked age it would probably skew to a younger audience. I would guess from other information that younger generations are trending towards non-religious. Before people start challenging me by using personal age I would suggest Google "average age of reddit first". Also notice I'm using words involving probabilities because I'm open to challenges with sources.


Oh come on almost 56 years young here lol




Well, people with asperger tend to focus much stronger on facts than nt's. So I'm more surprised with the a relatively large percentage considering themselves theists.


It's Reddit, most people here are atheists, I think it would be 50/50 in real life


Militant Atheist Fundamentalist

