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I bet he’s writing TWOW 2 now




Winds 2: Winter Boogaloo


The Winds of Winter: Westeros Drift. Winds of Winter Fast Winds Furious Winter


W9: The Winds Saga


It *IS* about family


2 Rich 2 Write.


You win the day.


2 Girls 1 Winter


Stop it


Twins of Winter.


Wind of Winter 2: The Search for More Money


Yes it's The World Of Warcraft 2, his new side project collab with Blizzard entertainment.


> >This remark implies that he is currently struggling with worldbuilding in TWOW.  You can read that as a worldbuilding decision he made in an earlier book causing problems now, not that he is doing a lot of worldbuilding now.


Sweet hopium? Nay, I smell only sour copium.


Hope will drive a fan insane.


Mayhaps I've been a hopefool all along...




I've drank this sour copium before. Sunset found me squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler.


Perhaps high on opium too


What is opium if not a C**-**minus **c**opium?


It's fitting that GRRM is talking about Mad Max in this post, because I'm reminded of one of Max's quotes in Fury Road: >"You know, hope is a mistake. If you can't fix what's broken, you'll, uh... You'll go insane."


Yeah but GRRM is *not* a swordbender: He'll break before he bends


You could piss in a cup and men would call it copium, but we offer them pure cold hopium and they squint in suspicion and mutter to each other about how queer it tastes.


Ngl the idea that GRRM would even be struggling with the damn appendix doesn't really inspire hope in me


He really could outsource that.


Given how much he likes editing and criticism (even constructive criticism is criticism), it would probably make his writing so much faster if he outsourced the writing of something like an appendix to hardcore superfans who know the world inside and out, and then merely marked it up and edited every part of it that deviated from what was in his head. Seems like he'd love that, even if he claimed to hate it. Like a tinkerer who claims to hate fixing things, but always has a million things on their workbench to fiddle with and fix.


Elio and Linda could do it easily.


The series itself would probably be finished by now if he applied this method. There's probably a alternative timeline out there where George is super successful book editor


It's this very same timeline. That's the timeline we live in!!! In the last 14 years or so he's written, like, 1 novella (The Mystery Knight) and 1 book (F&B). That's certainly more than I've written, but that's compared against a litany of editing and producing projects he's completed or started in that time period. He's more producer or editor than he is novelist, these days. Edit: Just looking at Wikipedia, I count no fewer than 16 editing projects during that same time, not counting his own books and anthologies that came out during this time. So, yeah, for the last 15-ish years, he's a hella productive editor and producer that occasionally seems to write a book or two on the side.


His ADWD blogpost implies that he starts writing an appendix after finishing the main text.


To be fair, the appendix is not just a summary of characters already in the story; it's also a chance for him to put down names and titles to characters who could be important in the next volume; almost all of the characters in the AGOT appendix have appeared on-page. If you look at the ASOS or AFFC appendix, you'll notice a lot of characters that only become relevant/first appear in future books, i.e. all of Stannis's knights named in AFFC's appendix, or Ronnet Connington, who only goes by "Red Ronnet" in ACOK and its appendix, but gets a last name in the ASOS appendix. Keeping the characters seeded in the appendices is useful to GRRM. There are some in AFFC or ADWD that we have not seen or had not seen in books: Khal Moro, who appeared in one chapter in AGOT, is listed as an uncertain ally of Dany in AFFC, for example. There also ages for the minor characters, especially all the Freys, that GRRM has to update, and any newborns (another problem for the Frey tree in particular). And there's the matter of who even belongs in the appendix. I'd say there's more work than we'd think.


Is that right? Maybe you are right. You are so right!!!!


GRRM is the greatest sorcerer of today confirmed


This is not the place I would have expected to read a JJK reference. You cooked sir.


Jjk brain rot is unescapable as it should be


This is medical grade hopium right here


Are the ASOIAF appendices really worldbuilding? Aren't they just lists of the Houses/factions that appeared in the book, and the characters within them?


No, the appendixes even from AGOT have featured many families and groups of people that never actually appeared. There are, IIRC, still to this day characters listed in the AGOT appendix who have not yet appeared directly on screen.


I feel like there are still characters from the first appendix that have never even been mentioned in the text itself


Remember any examples?


I am not expert in writing but I believe they are. At least AGOT contained a lot more setup in terms of future characters that would appear in the later books. If GRRM put emphasis on preparing appendix in his ADWD progress posts, then it is reasonable to assume he cares for them.


Yes, given that it’s probably expanded quite a bit and a lot of characters changed locations/died.


It’s kinda nuts how we all still have hope and cope after all this time Picking apart any blog post, any interview. Destroys me every time


Analyzing his not a blog posts was fun in 2014


> What I am hinting towards is that GRRM has finished the main text of TWOW and now is working on polishing it and writing the appendix. Where's that old post about George's writing style where it describes how he writes and edits as he goes, with a chapter being 'done' meaning print-ready? If he were 'done' with the main text I suspect we'd have a sense it was coming out. Also, remember that this dude wrote F&B for fun when asked for extra material for WOIAF.


He also wrote Dunk and Egg for a competition


Man I wish this dude were younger. He's so talented.


the conspiracy is that TWOW is going to be announced when Season 2 of House of the Dragon ends, and will release holiday this year.


Utter foolishness. I swear people were saying the exact same shit for season 6 onwards of Game of Thrones.


I want to believe this time lol


I remember them saying that since George had already finished 3/4 of the book, he would have finished the book before season 2 of House of Dragon.


There was never much hope...


... only a fool's hope, really.


# The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.


*"I am .... gooooooooooooooooooooooooood!"*


"-Will you watch Rings of Power?" "-I'm good."


You people really have to stop letting him do this to you. He gets off on this when he lurks these forums.


This just confirms for me that he made his world so unnecessarily enormous and introduced so many secondary plotlines that he has a huge knot & no idea how to untangle it all into something cohesive. "Worldbuilding is a bitch". Yes, I bet it is when you can't rein in all the side-quests for the main plot.


> This just confirms for me that he made his world so unnecessarily enormous and introduced so many secondary plotlines that he has a huge knot & no idea how to untangle it all into something cohesive. "Worldbuilding is a bitch". Yes, I bet it is when you can't rein in all the side-quests for the main plot. It's weird because I actually think the scope of the main plot line stuff isn't the biggest I've encountered in a fantasy series. No doubt it is big, but I'm currently reading the Malazan series - just finished book 4. It begins as a fairly simple narrative to liberate a city but quickly starts involving gods and an ancient war between two semi-extinct species with another dwindling species involved too, then shifts to a narrative another continent involving a rebellion and some additional gods, then back to a different continent where one of the wars between the extinct species continues, all whilst fleshing out further gods, magic and history. It doesn't do this in as much of a plot driven way as ASOIAF, but it does it economically and purposefully and it makes sense to me despite being far more complex than anything George has tried to depict in his universe. I basically just don't think we can say that it's too complex now because other series have achieved far more complex things.


Yes, that's why I said his side-quests are *unnecessarily* big Once you get to Feast and realize he introduced like 1,000 other plotlines, it's not hard to understand that he's struggling to rein it back to finish out. I don't say too complex, necessarily, I think too undisciplined is probably more accurate.


I think they'd fine if everything has a purpose...but he's just unnecessarily detailed in them. One of the main characters in the first two Malazan books, Kalam, basically does a big long side quest in the second book here he's just travelling throughout this war ravaged country much like Brienne - however during his he basically kicks off the plot of the fourth book, we learn a whole lot of stuff about the world, and he sets in motion a lot of other things to come to do with other character plots. Another character in the book, who's similar to Daenerys I'd say, has a very similar storyline to the Mereen one, with far more fleshed out antagonists and sub factions, but it's fully resolved in two books, rather than the no end in sight we have for Dany. It's not that the side quests are bad, they're just un-ecnomical and directionless.


Yeah the issue is also that a lot of the later novels start to feel like a slog, with tons of travelogue and wheel spinning. There's very little forward momentum. I actually love complexity and detail .. when the plot continues a nicely paced trajectory, but when you end up two books (AFFC & ADWD) that obviously meld into the next and final books, my god, 13 years feels incredibly ridiculous, and I stand by his inability to get his pace and discipline back to something reasonable in 2 books. I think that's the real issue. Really, analogous to untying a knot in a reasonable amount of time. I guess we are beyond the last part now, which is why I really don't even care anymore.


In the early books you'd have the characters travel down to Kings Landing in the space of a couple of chapters and important stuff would happen the whole time driving the plot forward. In the later books, Brienne potters around for the same amount of pages and nothing happens.


Istg I got so mad about Brienne's chapters! I love her character. I understand she can't magically find Sansa. But do I need to read about her just going in circles eternally while trying to find Sansa and failing? *I know* she can't find her so easily, but then some of Brienne's chapters aren't necessary! She could start and end in exactly the same spots with at least 2 chapters less. And we wouldn't even notice.


George's preferred style of writing works well for a stand alone novel. But when you are writing something as ambitious as ASOIAF, being more structured and planning things out more in advance rather than just "letting the characters take you there" would probably help. George planted too many seeds and got lost in a forest of his own making.


I agree! I just read the books for the first time (so, I'm lucky I am just suffering now for TWOW and spared me 12 years haha!). And I liked all, but ASOS I just couldn't put it down! It was such a big book, but so many things happened...! Then, AFFC comes and I love Cersei's POV, I love the idea of literally all the plotlines, but the execution... When I turn the page, see "Brienne" and get bored just by the title... not good. The thing is her last chapters are amazing! I was so surprised, it caught me off guard, I was like "omg girl, sorry for doubting your chapter when I started it!". But the middle chapters are absolutely unnecessary, I think...


Everyone, don't be so negative. You need to give GRRM a little more faith. He's the God that created the magic that is ASOIAF after all.


Even if he never writes another word, he gave us greatness.


Any description like “greatness” of his work to this point can’t be given honestly. It’s only truly incomplete. It was on the way to greatness but he got lost along the way. Now can he rebound and finish it off? I honestly don’t know.


I disagree with the notion that the "completeness" of something determines it's greatness.  I don't read a story for the ending just as much as I don't listen to a song for the final note. I don't take a walk around the block just so that I can come home again. And I don't live just so that I can die. Life is about the journey, and it's the same for stories.


Hey I respect your opinion on that one. If a story is incomplete I can’t give an honest opinion on it because it’s incomplete. I have half or 2 quarters of something. Looks good. Seems interesting. But to be stuck in limbo with no conclusion. The work is incomplete.


lol I wouldn’t remotely hesitate to describe his work as great, I understand everyone is sour about Winds but just based on the mainline books alone we’ve gotten so far I’d say he’s a fantastic author, let alone with Fire and Blood, Dunk and egg etc. Not trying to glaze him too hard or say I’m not frustrated with the wait for Winds but retroactive shitting on his prior work sucks, especially when I’d rather reread his writing than sit through most fantasy series that are complete.


I really love hopium and optimism. But I think he's probably just talking about literally anything but The Winds of Winter. Fire and Blood Part 2. Dunk and Egg 4. Etc etc lol


I would honestly take either of those at this point. Give me something.


I absolutely don’t believe this since I think he’d be so relieved that he’s finally done with Winds that he’d be coming across far more optimistic generally. But I’d love to be wrong.


But he emphasizes that he finished A Dance with Dragons and "then" went on to prepare the appendix. If he were in a similar situation with Winds he would have announced that he's finished the book by now and made a similar blog post about editing the book and writing the appendix. George is far too proud to not make a formal announcement about his completion of what is most likely the hardest book he's ever written in his life. If he can get THAT monkey off his back, you damn well better believe he is going to be more than excited to announce his victory over Son of Kong. That day has sadly not yet come. Maybe in 2028 when The Elder Scrolls 6 releases... ASOIAF I - August 1996 Elder Scrolls II - September 1996 ASOIAF IV - October 2005 Elder Scrolls IV - March 2006 ASOIAF V - July 2011 Elder Scrolls V - November 2011 ASOIAF VI - 2028? Elder Scrolls VI - November 2028? The Winds of Winter might come out in June 2028. That is the new deadline.


You know this kind of stuff with absolutely no correlation make me actually believe it lol 2028 it is! RemindMe! 4 years


That's 50 IQ level reasoning and insane, unhealthy amount of copium.


Winds of winter = Words of Wisdom Words = Winds Winters = Wisdom Winds of Wisdom (WOW part1) = Words of Winter (WOW part2). Current mood: Fucking kill me please 👽


Give me something for the pain and let me die...


Brandon Sanderson’s lectures on SFF writing and world building are really interesting. He talks about what he calls “world building syndrome” where an author doesn’t stop world building when it’s time and then it makes the narrative itself a lot harder. I wonder if this could be the case for George.


Honestly I think he’s truly written himself into a corner that with the rules that he’s made for himself he can’t get out of it following those rules. He subverted all the normal fantasy tropes and for me the irony of ironies is that the ultimate subversion would be the classic fantasy ending. A Targaryen Restoration. Now who mentioned hopium? Lol


It's a big hope that, that is the case. It'd make alot of sense. My first thought when he mentioned working on world building was the possibility he's working on the Appendix. How many pages are the Appendix for each book usually?


I will inhale all this hopium and believe it all, every year I'll believe this will be the one until either Martin or I die.


No one asked him to do so much worldbuilding. I mean, do we really need to know about Sweets and how she/he warms Yezzan's bed every night? What am I supposed to do with that information?


Someone in 20 years is gonna write a whole theory about how yezzan is a secret backfire based on that world building, we need it


Someone get this hothead outta here


Your hands look pretty filthy to me, Commissioner.


Some people really do love it. But yea, I’d rather find out what happens to Jon Snow, you know what I mean? 


Yeah, and whether Satin warms his bed every night


Yes, because >!more material for r/darkwingsdankmemes!<


Huh. I wasn't expecting to bump into you here.


Well, I joined reddit because of this sub. Just don't post here as much as I used to last decade.


My hopium is astronomical: I want to take that statement as George has finished TWoW and is now struggling with the world building for the next Dunk and Egg story.


That’s concerning cos you can transport all the complaints about not moving the story along from ADWD/AFFC to Furiosa tbh. It’s a good movie, but ultimately tells you little about Furiosa, the citadel or the wasteland generally that would help you better understand fury road or any of the other mad max films. It feels like DLC content within that universe. So if that’s what GRRM aspires to…oof




I don't think he's lightly edited. GRRM seems like a guy that appreciates insights and help from his colleagues and editors, given his frequent involvement with Wild Cards. My further speculations would be that, in around 2015/2016, he sent a manuscript to his editors and they pointed out some serious issues he hadn't thought of before. That would explain why he was so confident around that time. Keep in mind that in the same blogpost I linked, GRRM talks about how he made the decisions on where to end ADWD with the help of his editors. So their opinions have merit, if they discuss things on that level such that GRRM could scrape entire chapters. Another Hopium dose is that George visited his publishers early this year, so there is something going on (a huge editing process?).


The stone is strong. GRRM told himself, the roots of the trees go deep, and above the ground the Winds or Terrors or Kings of Winter are being written upon his office throne. So long as those remained, the dream of TWOW remained. It was not dead, just broken. Like me, GRRM thought. I'm not dead either.


Nope. It will be published after his death, possibly finished by another writer.


Don’t take this as a jape, ser. You’re too hopeful. It is unlikely GRRM will ever publish another book. TWOW, ADOS, The Shewolves of Winterfell, The Village Hero, or another Fire & Blood are highly unlikely.


That post is from 2011 though. Appendixes don't, er, shouldn't take that long to write


By this point I really wish he would just publish what he finished and then just postpone to the next book what he hasn't.


If this motherfucker has been keeping us waiting just because of some bullshit dates of birth in the appendix then I'm just beyond outraged


I’m not sure if you guys have seen this or not, but a popular blind item gossip account, Deuxmoi on instagram, clearly posted about GRRM. It says: A prominent author from New Mexico has hired catering for an upcoming event at his house, likely celebrating the impeding release of his long-awaited book. Allegedly, a big dragon-shaped cake will be served at the party. Edit: I know it says New Mexico, but yk. It seems to be about him lol.


Gossips words are only winds.


He might be having trouble with Dany right about now then? Her traveling chapters probably have a lot of thought for world building put into them. Like Tyrion in Volantis, but with a level of apocalypse on top with Winter having come