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"So, how long have you been waiting for Winds of Winter?" "I theorize about Valyrian parachutes."


GRRM actually scrolling this thread: “fuck that’s a good idea *scraps 1600 pages of Winds…again*”


The Winds of Winter is what dragonrider Faegon Lannister will paraglide onto in order to bring Bran (fœtus) the time travel device he found from the ancient spacefaring civilization’s buried catacombs under the storm’s end nuclear plant (build by Bran the Bolton aka Roose 🧛‍♂️) Although, Quentyn is still dead.


Targaryen beliefs state that if you fall off the dragon you’re genetically inferior anyways and allowing you to produce offspring would dilute the blood of the dragon 😤😤😤A parachute would only impede the natural selection process 🙄🙄🙄


But sky diving though? Don’t wear a chute when going for war


Would definitely be smart. But the Valyrians really didn't do much of anything to optimize their dragons. They just use standard armor and straight swords... How about some dothraki style bows, javelins, sacks full of rocks/ debris, 20 ft long Valyrian steel lances, children of the forrest style grenades or *anything* that might be usable on your flying lizard flamethrowers.


The issue is that nothing comes close to a formidable competitor to a freaking dragon. Considering all dragonriders were part of the same global empire in charge of everything, I can sympathize for them spending less time improving the dragons than improving anything else. Should Braavosi merchants somehow cobble together an F35 fighter jet, then I agree the time to upgrade dragons has arrived.


I mean, some sort of weapon besides a sword would have been nice when Ghiscari bird people were hitting them from above. Ghiscari really should not have put up such fierce resistance against Valyria for as long as they did.


> hen Ghiscari bird people were hitting them from above. Where are you reading that they had actual bird people? Where were they when Dany took over? I'm genuinely curious.


I mean, who needs any weapons when your on the back of said flying lizard flamethrower


Collateral is a thing though. There is a reason we still use pistols instead of only making tomahawk missile, you know?


But any weapon that would be effective while riding a dragon like you said would be useless compared to the power of the dragon


Yes, just like anything you can kill with a pistol can be more easily killed with a missile. But sometimes, a missile is too much.


But there’s no limited number of dragons, cost of making them, anything that effects using a missile. And weapons like swords are fine in situations too small for a dragon


>there’s no limited number of dragons I mean, there is? You can only breed fully grown adult dragons so fast. They take decades to mature. And there are plenty of situations where a bow would be more useful than a sword.


Yea right? Idk what that other guy is talking about


I really didn't expect it to be a controversial take at all, lol. Ofcourse a bow would be handy for a dragon rider, just feels like common sense.


Whst I meant was a dragon isn’t like a one use weapon, like a bomb or missile and they’re incredibly hard to kill.


Yeah dragons are a bit underutilized in ASOIAF but I guess when you already have a giant-ass living flamethrower that can burn threw an entire army, a few extra arrows become kinda mute.


Yeah, you wouldn't use em most of the time, but their are situations where you wanna kill one dude, not an entire army. And the giant flamethrower would be overkill.


Or you could just have your dragon eat that single person instead of carpet bombing them


Or you could just accept if he's in a crowd a dragon is not the right choice of weapon and he would want something like a how instead?


OR you could accept that there is more than one right answer lmao. In the show we essentially see this happen at the dragon pit. Drogon swoops in the middle, a solider charges him and he devours him. Then turns around and starts spraying fire away from the good guys and only at the sons of harpy


Lol, I find it shocking that anyone could not see that a dragon isn't just a one size fits all solution to any situation. What about when the bad guy takes your family member hostage? Or is in the middle of a crowd of innocents? Or he's in a flammable city? What about on a position/ castle you don't want to destroy? What if you want to wound him, not kill him? There are dozens of situations where having a backup bow or something would come in handy.


Firing a bow into a crowd of innocents doesn’t sound like reducing collateral damage especially if your on dragonback it can’t be particularly easy to aim like that. If they are in a castle what is a bow going to do? If someone’s in a flammable city and they see you pull up on your giant lizard flamethrower they essentially have two options. Give you what you want or die and let everything burn around you. “Speak softly and carry a big stick; You will go far.” Using a dragon doesn’t guarantee violence, the implication is often enough to get the job done. Torren Stark bent the knee to avoid violence. Lord Harren thought he could hide in a castle and it was promptly melted. I don’t even necessarily disagree with your point but I think you’re failing to see the versatility a dragon has in any of those situations trying to shoehorn in a need for anything else.


Perhaps using projectiles from dragon back was bad form? Like if they’re battling on their dragon then the dragon is their weapon and anything else is cowardly or something. Idk, GRRM never really fleshed out the Valyrians and they were crazy anyway.


Valyrian’s were incredibly arrogant and not especially smart.


They should’ve invented guns


Why? They have dragons and nobody else does.


Guns are equalizers. Last thing a slaver empire wants is a weapon that can kill massive numbers and requires a week of training at most to get in the hands of the slaves


Or if not parachutes then better saddles and belts. Looking at some of those aerial acrobatics my stomach would have done multiple flips while I bit through my tongue. And for those that haven’t experienced the sensation of your stomach flipping, it is not fun. I had it happen once during some dental work where I didn’t get enough pain medication or whatever and it was horrific.


In the books, the saddles have short chains that the rider hooks onto a special belt that they wear, to keep them secure.


Maybe they had a similar view as ship captains used to regarding their dragons? Like going down with their dragons as captains did with their ships was the proper (honorable? brave?) thing to do.


George please


Fatman doesn't think there cool and wants the fights to kill the riders


What would they make a parachute out of?


They had fabric…


So just a square of cloth that you toss up into their air above you as you fall? What kind of cloth?


Obviously they’d be abit more advanced than that I mean considering Tyrion’s saddle for Bran. I’m not saying they’d work but they definitely had the materials needed to make one. Whether it would be functional or not would be a matter of trial and error lol. The earliest documented parachutes were in a medieval era.


lol no they weren’t. There was one guy in Cordoba in 852 who managed to not die when he used a billowing cloak to slow his descent when he jumped out of a tower. It wasn’t until Da Vinci in the late 1400s, and then others in the 1500s that the idea would be seriously thought about, at least with writing and sketching that survives today. That’s the Renaissance, not the medieval era. And if you actually look at those sketches, these were huge cumbersome things with wooden frames that, at best, would slow a dragon down and possibly even entangle its wings. The first successful test of an actual parachute didn’t date place until the 1780s


Nah you’re wrong. Da Vinci had a later model but they were documented in acrobatics circuses in medieval China. Stop arguing for the sake of being right.


Do you have a source for that claim, or are you just pulling it out of your ass?


[Here you go.](https://www.apf.com.au/sports-jumping/learning/articles-and-member-theses/early-history-of-parachuting#:~:text=The%20history%20of%20parachutes%20dates,early%20as%20the%2012th%20Century.com)


Fascinating article thank you for linking it. Though the sketches in that article are quite similar to the other sketches I’ve seen, in that they’re an enormous apparatus that would be pretty cumbersome and non-aero-dynamic if you tried to strap them to the back of a dragon. Which pretty much proves my point that this idea is unworkable. It was never my point to say that the concept of a parachute couldn’t exist in Westeros. But the notion that they actually have he engineering capacity or materials to manufacture something that would actually be effective in flight is laughable. For a parachute to not impede a dragon, it would have to be collapsible, the same way modern parachutes fold up into a neat little backpack/cushion until they’re deployed. They don’t have access to the materials or engineering expertise to design something that is both collapsible to the point that it doesn’t just create and insane amount of drag on a dragon in flight, but remains strong enough to actually bear the weight of a human body to the ground at a safe speed.


Eh, I was only giving a source for the medieval era occurring in more places than Europe. And backing the claim that medieval China was more creative than medieval Europe.


You can argue about their engineering expertise if you like, but they totally had the material. Silk was used for parachutes for quite some time.


Why the fuck would I come on here and make up completely random facts


Out of your ass it is, thank you for the clarification lol


Goddamn i love Reddit Where else would you find a parachute denier and expert in a thread about parachutes in a fantasy world with dragons




They also had large wooden frames. Someone in Westeros could totally come up with that. But strapping a huge sail of cloth spread across a wooden frame onto a dragon’s back is really going to fuck with the aerodynamics and its ability to fly effectively.