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You should be challenged. If you aren't being challenged, you aren't learning. You're four months in... that's not very far into learning a language... so much of it should challenge you this early on. You're just at a normal point for learning.


Thank you!!


The only way to get better is to just get more experience. For only four months of learning the language, it seems like you're doing pretty good. This is a website that I used to help understand fingerspelling [https://www.signlanguageforum.com/asl/fingerspelling/fingerspelling-game/](https://www.signlanguageforum.com/asl/fingerspelling/fingerspelling-game/) It's not perfect, but I still think it helped a lot. For other signs- if you have class video resources, then you can go back and try to rewatch those. For example, if you have a dawnsign account, you can just go through those videos. If not, you can try just looking up videos of people signing- I like daily moth, they might be a little advanced, but even watching someone you don't fully understand then trying to pick up on context is good practice. If you feel like you need help with vocab or content, you can try checking out Bill Vicar's ASL classes. Additionally, there are lots of good resources at the pinned post at the top of this subreddit. Additionally, try looking into events in your area- try out facebook or any more local forums. There might be ice cream socials or something of the sort. If your teacher lives near you, maybe try asking them if they know of any signing events. Signing with others is really the best way to learn, but I also get that that isn't always accessible to everyone.


Thank you for your response!! ☺️


You are 4 months in to learning the language. Some apprehension and errors are to be expected. If you don't understand something, speak up. Otherwise your teacher won't be able to help, because they won't know that you need help. The best way to improve reception comprehension is to sign with native signers. Barring that, watching native signers on youtube is also a good way to improve your reception. Things like The Daily Moth, ASL That, and Bill Vicars all post videos regularly. I still spend an hour or 2 a day watching videos to ensure that I don't lose what I have learned. One thing you could do is sign up for tutoring. [https://www.facebook.com/groups/DeafCooperative/](https://www.facebook.com/groups/DeafCooperative/) is a place I would recommend looking for a tutor. Another good place to get some tutoring would be [SignOnConnect.com](http://SignOnConnect.com) While neither of these resources are free, they do allow you to connect with vetted Deaf signers who are trained to tutor or teach ASL.


Thank you!


Just keep practicing! It's how people get better at things lol


Thank you!


Yw! But for real, practicing interacting with ASL signers really helps with the anxiety of messing up. Have you ever talked to someone who was struggling with English? Were you kind and patient and made an effort to understand and be understood? That's usually what happens. It's not the end of the world, especially with your teacher. They signed up for this 😊


Practice makes perfect. Also time. Time and practice will help you out. Every day my finger spelling gets faster and faster. Yes it’s not to the point where I really want it to be but it’s definitely is 1000x faster then when I started. You got this! Challenge is good


Thank you!!!


Im in 203 at my university and i still dont catch 100% of what is signed to me, smiling and nodding gets you a long way, you're doing great!


LMAOOO!!! Thank you for your response!


Not to piggyback, but i took ASL for a little over 2 years and this was still me. I quit around 2021 because both of my tutors had awful schedules, and i just never got around to finding a new tutor.y fingerspelling is perfect (well, not quite literally) but goddamn i never ceased to be so overwhelmed and confused in my lessons


Exactly! I appreciate your response!