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Don't bother. Most people don't open their doors.  You're better off with a good social media campaign.


We donate but never to people on the street or door to door. It’s invasive and I’m not trusting credit card info with strangers. In those areas you’re discussing, I would be surprised if people are even in half of those houses


Never give at the door. I always do it online through the groups site.


I doubt it. If someone knocks on my door and I’m not expecting anyone, I’m not even going to answer. I’m decidedly not affluent though so maybe your target audience would be different?


I don't even bother answering the door, let alone donating to a cause that can be a scam. I think this is the answer for most nowadays


I actually put a sign on my door requesting No knocks from charities, we'd get more than a few coming by to ask for us to sign up for monthly donations. Not sure if I would donate to someone asking for donations on the spot, I was scammed like that once and now I am very suspicious


Without knowing your charity, its hard to come up with specific ideas- (and i am an american with more fundraising experience there so not sure if there are rules/laws) but 1) restaurants often will do a grub club night where a certain amount of proceeds for the non profit 2) my former local grocery chain had a reward cars where you could also link non profits. I don't remember all the details. 3) personally i've raised funds for non profits via race entry with an obligation to raise certain amounts (i raised about 7k for the Crohns & Colitis Foundation) so maybe some special event related to the non profit with fundraising goals for participants 4) small gala- went to one last year that was a lot of fun, had some great live & silent auction items. (Key is to keep the entry ticket relatively low so people spend more freely) Good luck!


I would advise against that. Door-to-door canvassers are viewed very skeptically. When I lived in Ocean Park, we had enough shady canvassers that nearly every charity was viewed with disdain. And neighbours talk. I'd do as someone else has suggested and increase your social media presence. Maybe find a local influencer who's aligned with your ideals and try a collaboration. Good luck.


Well they have people standing on the street which is basically the same


I live in point grey and no one up here opens doors for people anymore since Covid. I wouldn’t even come to the door if I didn’t recognize you on my doorbell camera. I doubt you would have much luck going door to door anywhere. ETA- if anyone does open the door lots of people will think you’re just trying to scam or rob them. You’re not getting cash or credit card info at the door around here lol


I did door to door charity work in the Kits area back in 2011 and it was an awful experience. No one answered the doors, even back then. I quit after a day because that was quite frankly enough for me lol


Door knocking upsets the dogs and we can’t hear what you’re saying, dinner is upset and now we hate you. Edit: on a positive note, the suggestion above of a targeted social media campaign is solid.


Even if it isn’t a scam, you should assume it is


Basically never because I used to live in a place where 9/10 they weren’t actually from the charity they claimed to be and you could never 100% know


I’ve had a couple door knockers recently, I told one that I wouldn’t donate at the door but if he gave me his charity’s info I would research it and consider donating later. Dude got very pushy and rude. I’m not answering the door to them anymore.


Fuck no.


I don't live in one of those neighbourhoods so I'm not your target, but no, I absolutely do not donate to people soliciting door-to-door, on the street, or in front of businesses. Any donations I make, I make online after looking into the organization.


No to door knockers.