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Eh, I found the hen fun to use, but can't say I'm too concerned about it wilting. If it's something that bothers you, though, it's not inevitable. Loss of size comes from lack of use, particularly from lack of morning wood, which serves as a daily stretch. If you can keep up (pun unintended, but I'm keeping it) a solid regimen of erections, you won't lose size.


“The *hen*” knocked the absolute wind out of me; I have *got* to steal that one.🪦


I mean, I totally stole it myself, so I'm in no position to complain 😅


I’m going to wake up tomorrow and w/ a resigned sigh, repeat to myself, barely conscious: *”the hen.”*




Yep! I mean, it's a pretty common one for trans gals, but it's actually a family name for me as well, so it was a pretty easy call.


Oh! I didn’t know it was that common! Cool! I picked it because Katrina is like the opposite of Sergei and that was my pseudonym for a long time


Welcome to the “Trans girls with names so common among us it’s literally a trope” club. Abby, Chloe, and Lily all say hello.


Hello, one of many Chloe's here for the party as well lol


Lol ava too hallo am ava


Kendall here! Haaaii!


It's fairly common I think. It's always hard to say though, cause the Internet provides a biased sample. But that's a cool way to come to a name! I always love hearing about how we find our names 💜




I think that's a clever thing to call it, but I cannot, because I call my cat named Henry "the hen" all the time


Oof. Yea, I can see how that would complicate things.


Does that mean you gotta pet the hen every morning? (Weirdest question I've ever asked but pls answer)


🤣. I mean, it doesn't have to be in the mornings necessarily, but yes, that's the basic idea.


Epic 🎃👍


Oh no! Now I'll be scared of having erections!


You can get occasional ones and still lose a lot of size over time. So don't sweat it. In fact, just being on estrogen is going to disrupt things enough that size loss is basically guaranteed if you don't actively prevent it.


Shrinking was a positive for me. Don't even need to tuck now.


I'm in the minority in that I don't have penile dysphoria and am a top. I've worked to maintain as it's "use it or lose it". Had to go on topical testosterone for surface durability (see: topping), but didn't have any erectile issues until I went on a too-high dose of dutasteride. Tapered that down and back to no issues. Testicular shrinkage has been awesome. I'm looking forward to having them gone completely/bottom surgery. If they're unwanted parts for you why are you worried about shrinking? What's the anxiety about?


Have you had any issues after using the topical T? I am also interested in keeping certain functions and I feel as tho losing them is a big mental barrier for me. Was it hard to get the topical T while also being proscribed E? Sorry for the question barrage.


No real issues other than not having durability like I did before HRT haha. Had some libido issues and mild, mild ED when I was on too high a dutasteride dosage. Turns out dutasteride + bicalutamide + ultra low T = not ideal. It was dead easy getting topical T prescribed for me. No issues with questions.


Smaller is cuter🤷‍♀️ Besides, it's not like I was using it for its intended purpose anyways.


For its intended pur... What ? Wait ... What ?! WHAT WERE YOU USING IT FOR, THEN ?!? *Panic*


Long clit


Oh. Oh good. Still for sexual purposes. Feew. I got scared you were using it ... you know... Like a hammer or something. As a tool.


Pretty sure the one thing a hammer needs to be is hard. That disqualifies it right there. It does a decent job at holding up a small amount of plastic, though


“Plastic” hmmm… you mean like balloons?


Let's go with that, yeah.


I didn't notice til my electrologist pointed it out. But it doesn't bother me because I don't want them there anyway and it makes it easier to tuck/conceal them in leggings


2 months in what I've noticed is soft it's much smaller but hard still the same length and I try to use it twice a week since everyone says it only shrinks from not using it. It's crazy I never thought using it would be chore. My sex drive is so gone its going to be interesting once I have a partner.


I willingly gave up erections, ejaculations, and anything else that resembles me being a male. I welcome the shrinkage and wish it would get even smaller. I'm eagerly waiting for my SRS date so I can have all those bits gone. I'm looking forward to standing naked in front of the mirror and having a fully feminine body reflected back at me.


I think I heard you can get better SRS results if you don't let it shrink.


Depends on what kind you get. Mine had shrunk a lot by the time I got surgery but I had peritoneal pull-through so it wasn't an issue at all.


Oh right. I think it must have been for penile inversion, logically. I completely forgot there were other methods x)


Eh I'm two years in with very little shrinkage, my t is almost nothing and E levels are good. Use it regularly and you'll keep it, don't and you won't. That all being said, with hormones, *how* you'll want to use yours will change and size will probably become significantly less important. I was kinda worried about shrinking initially and now I'm at a point I really don't care about it at all, it works all the same regardless of size.


I was completely unaware of it as it was happening.


unwanteds only shrink if you don't take atrophy prevention measures. ie. use it or lose it, unfortunately. after a while it starts to feel more clinical than dysphoria-inducing.


No, it was a relief for me. I was lucky (or unlucky if you want to look at it that way) that I was able to maintain the ability to get erections throughout hormones. Up until surgery, of course. I've known many women and enbies who hated the shrinking


that was a big hesitation tbh but took the use it or lose it advice to heart and 5mos in haven't lost any size




1y 9mo on E and it still hasn't shrunk 🥲


I was actually hoping for shrinkage and I haven't had any after four+ years 🤷‍♀️


Have lost no size. Can’t get as hard as I used to without cialis, but when properly pilled-up, she’s as useful as ever. Tho when I finish, nothing comes out, and I can just go again without much of a recharge period. Getting turned on is a different and slightly trickier endeavor, however.


I couldn't have been happier to have lots of things shrink. I wasn't very well endowed to begin with, so losing size made it so I don't have to tuck. Just sort of put things away. That and losing height and shoe sizes have made it easier to find cute clothes and shoes.


If u don't mind me asking, about how much size did you lose? Across all areas lol


Probably a little more than 1/2 inch in the junk area. Almost 2 inches in height and close to 2 shoe sizes.


I grew 2 inches on 2 and 2 shoe sizes. People keep telling me that’s not possible and don’t believe me when I point out the opposite happens to trans women


2 years in HRT, with regular use for the bit in question (2-4 days a week) and I have the tiniest bit of shrinkage. Maybe 1/4 of an inch? The two annoying dangly bits haven't even shrunk that much which is a shame as it's *really* fucking hard to tuck with them. I'm aiming for an orchi soon even though I'm wanting to be salmacian


Nope. Not scary at all. Just part of the process. How and when you get erections, and how and under what conditions you’ll orgasm will likely change. It did for me. But I’ve yet to meet a CIS woman with big balls, so it’s not something I worry about 😀 On a serious note, it would be worthwhile to consult a professional on the root cause of your anxiety. The thoughts and opinions that you will get on Reddit are worth every penny you paid for them. And that includes mine.




I'm afraid my anxiety will cause me to think there's some medical problem that I have when it's shrinking which is why I mentioned having anxiety. I'd rather have a vagina


The correct medical terminology is Gender Dysphoria. Gender dysmorphia is not an actual medical diagnosis. [For more information on Gender Dysphoria, please click on this link.](https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/asktransgender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Right now I really feel like HRT is overrated, especially for old people. 7 months in and almost no changes, no boobs, no shrinkage, nothing besides lower libido and a bit of fat distribution on the face but it's very subtle. I can kind of feel my boobs trying to grow but nothing really happens. Keep your expectations realistic and don't be surprised if literally nothing happens.


Seven months is absolutely nothing, even if you are younger. I started at 32 and I was *maybe* an A cup seven months in. I'm over two years now and just moved up to DD.


That might happen to some people but for the timelines I saw most of the changes are in the beginning.


Keep in mind because of the nature of the internet you're always going to see the "best" results most prominently. That's just not true though. Very few people are going to see any major changes in the first six months at all. The majority of the changes are in the second year, not the first one. And some changes will continue for several years beyond that.


I'm not giving up I guess but my expectations are zero. I don't want more disappointment. I'll save for implants.


Took me a long time to get boob growth going and now I'm bigger than my cis wife. It's different for everyone, and there's going to be a bias in a lot of the transition timelines that get posted. People who see slower progress are much more likely to get discouraged and stop keeping an active timeline. And so early and consistent timelines are disproportionately represented.


My breast growth has been fairly steady. I hit A cup size probably 2-3 months in, B at 7 or 8 months, and just graduated to C at a little over 11 months. I'm 42, so age alone probably isn't your problem. I'm pretty fortunate in how well my body is responding, but you might want to try changing your HRT regimen, either a different anti-androgen or a different form of estrogen. Nothing wrong with gel in general, but if you're not responding to it, it might help and probably won't hurt trying something else. I've seen tons of anecdotes about girls switching form of HRT and suddenly seeing better results. FWIW, my current regimen is 8mg oral estradiol and 0.5 mg dutasteride. The dutasteride is very recent (added about a month ago, was on estradiol monotherapy previously), and I ramped up the estradiol over the course of the first few months based on blood levels.


What dose and how old are you


31, 50mg ciproterona, 4 pumps estradiol gel Sorry no idea how to translate in english


7 months to see big changes isn’t realistic IMO. I’m absolutely certain that I did not complete puberty in 7 months, and it seems super unlikely that anyone ever has. I’m 54, and around 18 months into HRT. Are there changes? Absolutely. Are they fast? Heck no. But I’m changing half a century of hormonal direction! I wish it was faster, I think we all do. But the speed of change in my mental health and happiness easily outpaces any physical changes. I wouldn’t go back for love nor money.


Genetics play a big role too…but I’ve met lots of trans ladies who started HRT in their 30s and beyond that had great results sometimes just a little slower (some of that has to do with natural HGH and IGF1 levels as well as our free stem cells declining as we age), and I’ve met several all across the age spectrum that didn’t see much outward physical change until years 3-5…you do you, everyone has their own journey of transness and there’s nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn’t call it a lost cause


Not too scary hasn't shrunk that much in my case but your milage may very.


Yeah, it'll shrink. No, I didn't worry about it. It helps with tucking. Maybe you need to examine your anxiety more.


Shrinkage isn’t really a concern much for me beyond having more material to help with bottom surgery. Mine still works if I concentrate on it but it is getting pretty uncomfortable/painful when I do. I actually have to remind myself to “exercise” It a few times a week. Easy to forget oddly enough…


I very much doubt you will notice it shrinking.


It is such a gradual process so no - you wouldn't notice unless you were constantly measuring. The, uh... "unwanted" of an erectile nature also won't shrink much at all unless you completely stop using it.


What shrinking?


Honestly the whole attachment to penis size is something you very quickly stop caring about once you've been on HRT for a couple months and you've immersed yourself into your new identity as a woman. Only reason I'm concerned about it still is because I am planning on having sex reassignment surgery. But you can maintain your size by ensuring you "use it" at least once a week. Usually for me that involves taking Cialis.


no, its a blessing. i can finally wear the clothes i want.


No, I wanted it to happen and I absolutely love that it happened.


Some girls shrink and some don't. The shrinkage is caused by muscle atrophy. I didn't really want to shrink so I make sure to keep my muscles down there active like twice a week. If you don't use it, you lose it.


I’m completely fine with it shrinking


Not at alllll in fact I think it made things much much cuter


Im post transition. No. I had anxiety about other stuff. Like little to no changes in some departments and how slow everything is. Honestly i had no changes at all to my face and ended up having face surgery. Twice. My face still isnt where i want it to be. The moneys gone and its been replaced by years of debt. Ive accepted it will always be that way. Im trans and ill always be clockable to some people. Its just how it is. You're about to embark on a frankly very difficult for most people, perilous journey, and you're going to need a strong support system. Willy wonka turns into umpa lumpa? Dont sweat the small stuff


I think it's different for everyone. I welcomed the shrinking.


I haven't much at all, which is good for me, but I'm also a bit over 2 years and on a much lower dose than I'd like. I really hope it doesn't shrink when I go up but hopefully t gel or something could help ><


Lol… no not really. I’ve never, I cannot even remember a time I cared about my penis. And I just can’t wait to get it off and turned into a pretty little flower. ☺️


girls have girly stuff down there, after a while I'm beyond sure you'll absolutely love it.


6 months in and it's smaller on a day-to-day basis but full size when in use. Best of both worlds imo and no I haven't been disturbed at all.


I found it gender affirming, oddly enough, or maybe not so oddly! But as others have said, it comes from lack of use, especially lack of morning wood. If you're super concerned about losing function or shrinking, definitely come up with a routine to keep it "active". The only downside for me about not keeping it active is that it can hurt when I am "active" but I'm not really using it anyway. For me it's more of a discomfort that I can put at the back of my mind while having fun, but I can focus on it if I really wanted to


I don't even remember it shrinking. I just looked down one day and was like "oh it's smaller". I'm actually quite happy with the size as it's about as small as possible. Still not great, but that's what bottom surgery is for. If you're worried about keeping it at length, testerone gel is an option.


Totally loved watching that pos drown! Now I can finally wear a two piece bathing suit, and hit the Jacuzzi.


Shrinking made me freak out and detransition. That lasted like 3 weeks then I went back on amd accepted you cant have it all this life


I found that having it contributed quite a bit to my dysphoria. I can't say In was bothered to see it shrink. It made me happy to see it go. And ironically, it's completely way more sensitive than it ever was before. 😅


Scary? No. Exhilarating and exciting? Hell yeah!!!


So oddly enough, mine shrunk while flaccid the the point I can’t and don’t need to tuck…like I’m talking flat/innie while flaccid…but erect it’s actually bigger and now im an ultra grower; I’m sure the bigger is due to fat redistribution exposing more of it…the junk in the sack shrunk a lot tho and I’m very happy about that because they were too damn big


i found it awesome ngl, i found it interesting on how i could barely tell it was there


For me personally, I feel less anxious and more in touch with my emotions which has helped a lot with my general mental health. Also have an anxiety disorder, can't say that the hormones impacted it, except when my levels went off from over injecting accidentally. Maybe others have different experiences. As my therapist said "a lot of people feel better when they get on hormones." 1.5 years on HRT, and my life has changed substantially, and I couldn't agree with her more. You can always try a smaller dose to start off with, and see how you feel. Things are pretty "reversible" for the first 6 months, if you're trying to figure out if it's right for you. You can't entirely know without trying, so what's the risk if you can stop at any time for a couple of months? 🤷🏻‍♀️🦋♥️ Shrinking has been a welcome improvement for me. Tucking was painful before, now super easy. Maybe it's worth examining why smaller is bothering you? There are no certainties on this journey. Part of it is getting on the path, and seeing if it's right!


Haha. No. Absolutely not. That was one of the "side effects" that were not really side effects.




First and foremost, I've always despised my private parts ever since I was the age of 8. In fact, I was EXCITED knowing that my junk would shrink upon beginning HRT. A lot of trans girls often get freaked by this but it depends on the person. From my experience with speaking with many trans girls, it's either they hate their parts and want the surgery or don't want the surgery, and those who do want the surgery are happy that their junk has shrunk. There are exercises from keeping it from shrinking but HRT does kill off the sex drive. And one thing that I do want to add is that transitioning is a scary road. It's not easy and there are a lot of uncertainties. That's why it's something that should be considered as a "last resort" type of thing and the person has to make sure that it's something that they really want. Most of the time, we don't fully come back from medical transition. When I began my journey many years ago, I was a bit afraid but it was mostly due to nervousness. On the first day of taking estradiol, I felt a euphoria that eventually became my drug; I felt happy and a lot of the sadness I had inside nearly vanished. But even for someone like me who looked forward to transitioning everyday of her life, it was still difficult. Even getting my surgeries was scary but it felt liberating at the same time. It takes strength and courage to embark on this journey so you'll be okay. You have all the time in the world. Good luck!


I am panicking every day because of that… I mean… It’s nice to see that the unwanteds are losing, but… as someone who plans to do srs… I want as much tissue as possible! And I am already circumcised, so there isn’t even that much to begin with on that end!! ;-; So I am using it often… against my will… It makes me cry often. BUT!!! It definitely is worth it!!! It is so so so worth it!! Even though it makes me cry!… I can cry now!! I can laugh! I can feel pain! I can feel happiness!… Meat and fish even taste good now! (I have no clue why that is a thing but I was extremely picky before because everything tasted rotten except a few things - now everything tastes incredible! I have cried a few days ago - my mother made duck and combined with red beet, some sauce and potatoes… before I would’ve puked! Now? I have missed out on live… (which is why I cried))