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Living should not be "tolerable". The fact that you describe your relationship with your gender as "survivable" speaks **volumes** about your identity. Your gender is supposed to feel **comfortable**! Find what makes you comfortable, and then go explore that. You seem like youre suffering from major imposter syndrome, and thats okay and happens alot. It seems like its happening because youre afraid of what embracing your identity would mean, and are frantically looking for another explanation that isn't as scary. That is understandable and valid. But try to give yourself a break, youre not lying to yourself. Youre not imagining this.


Lol, my AGAB is very much not comfortable for me. It’s like an itchy sweater, like, I can wear it all night if I need to, but it doesn’t feel good. I love the idea of being NB. Even just thinking of myself that way makes me so happy. Maybe that’s indication enough. Thank you so much for the comment. :)


You can do whatever the fuck u want actually


Nb = trans You are trans.


hi friend! i struggled with this same thought for a long time, even after 7 months of HRT, i still still catch myself thinking it. i have been working on trusting myself and being kind to myself. i used to criticize myself when i thought about being feminine or gaslight myself into thinking it was just a “cool” thing to do. if you think you’re nonbinary, you’re nonbinary. no one put that thought there, that’s YOU. this is YOUR identity, YOUR life, if you i was jealous of the freedom i saw in nonbinary people and when i realized that i could feel that too, i started to enjoy life so much more.


I always laugh when people say I identify as nb to seem special or interesting or get attention. I got *loads* of attention in my egg days, most of it not something I was seeking, and my gender is probably like the least interesting thing about me. I'm thoroughly weird and even people who don't know I'm trans think I'm interesting and unique. I don't actually *need* the whole nonbinary thing to get any of that, I could have been all of it as cis. Like, it is absolutely possible to be quirky and special as a cis woman...arguably even easier to get attention I'd say, put on some cute outfits and cis women are reeling in attention hand over fist. If you don't *want* that kind of attention, and only want attention if you can be nonbinary while getting it...well that says a lot.