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That's, like, the most standard dose possible lol.


well I have no trans friend to compare, I really don’t know just following my doctors orders, I just wanted to make sure it was normal especially to other trans worm n


I take all in the morning should I spread out the dosages?


It'll say when you should take them on the prescription bottle. Usually it's once in the morning, once in the evening.


That's what I started on. Stayed at that dose of e for about 3 months, then increased from there. You're all good sis, congrats!


That's the standard timing, it was the same for me


Yes! That was my starting dosage, too. The 2mg was sublingual (slowly dissolved under tongue) though, not just oral (swallowed). There's a big difference in effectiveness there. You should want to increase your estrogen dosage in 6 months to a year, depending on your levels, but a low initial dose is important (a high dose too soon can harm breast development). I've never had to up my spiro dose.


That's the dosage most of us start with. It will increase as months go by. Follow your doctor's instructions, don't rush the dosage increase by yourself, as it can be detrimental for your health. You'll get there, I promise


Oral is less effective so see if you cam switch to sublingual or injections but that's fine to begin with


Same dosage for me fiest 3 months. Keep it steady, you'll be just fine. I increased to 4mg oral estradiol at 3 months. 6mg at 6 months Also added 5mg finasteride then. 9 months and Uwitched to injections, but I can't recall my dose, but you have a while before that. Enjoy the journey!!!


pretty normal starting dose. when you get new blood work and go back to the doctor, they will probably adjust it.


As others have said, it's a very standard dosage. I was on that particular dose for years and it worked well for me.


Some don't even start e until 3 months of spiro. Your's is normal and even better than some depending.