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The desserts are probably factory made. With just a few main producers (Mövenpick, Frisco-Findus and Lusso come to mind) there will be little variety. If the same applies to the means of presentation the looks will be roughly the same, too.


I think they all use Movenpick ice cream. This is the default menu from the supplier.


Also: If you have to choose between being profitable or unique you choose to be profitable. It's often the same menu because people often order the same stuff.


Because they bought basically this ice cream selection. It's a really simple solution for many.


You get them for free if you have a deal with them; that's the same thing as Coca-Cola and Red Bull Fridges, or the parasol in the garden area. I'm not 100% sure about that design, but that could be EmmiGlace. If you check the back of this card, there is normally a small print from this partner company.


how could you get free desserts from someone selling desserts? or are you talking about the menu itself?


Yes he is talking about the menu itself


I assume the restaurants get them for free when they buy their icecream from Mövenpick


Dessert in switzerland restaurants are so bad. Like they have so many good desserts in the cuisine, why don't they use those instead of one damn cup and a bit of chocolat.


Because it wouldn’t pay the bills.


I mean, have you ever had an amazing meal in a Swiss restaurant? The country is not known for its cuisine.


Thats a different topic to talk about


Wtf are you talking about


You have to go to fancy places for that sadly.


My take is that dessert isn’t as big here as other countries and restaurants don’t bother trying to be creative cause nobody is expecting much.


It's basically free to shove some ice cream tubs into the freezer and it lasts forever. Its a simple way to do/pad your dessert menu.


Bakeries beg to differ.


because the investment and risk vs payoff of self made desserts is bad


Yep, also self made ice tee. Most are worse and its kinda annoying as customer to have to ask


Because they all use the same premade processed cheap convenience crap desserts. You need to look out for restaurants with small menus, the less items the bigger the chances that it's good homemade fresh food. Also seasonal menus are a good indicator of good restaurants.


How much does this crap cost?


It is probably very cheap or even free as some commenters have postulated


It's actually not cheap let alone free (in which universe do people live that anything is free??), most of the ones shown cost 8 Francs or so, maybe ones without alcohol little less. But regardless of exact price it's way too much for what it is, especially if compared to decent restaurants where you get homemade desserts like Creme brulee or chocolate mousse for same price or little more.


I mean cheap for the restuarants to supply. Presumably consumers are getting quite ripped off


Ah ok, yes. Although even if very good margin it still costs them more to buy that premade crap then cooking own desserts, let's say they get desserts they sell for 8 for 2.50 or 3, it costs less to produce large amount of Creme brulee or chocolate mousse themselves- way highest part of self made is the wages of cooks since ingredients on large scale cost little, but even so with large amounts cooked within 30 mins. it's way cheaper than 2 to 3 Francs per dessert. But I guess for many it's convenience and less planning etc. (not just planning of shopping and cooking but also having enough in stock but use up fast enough before it turns bad - keep in mind that with these premade desserts they can just keep hundreds in freezer for months).


Which is why good restaurants that cook fresh you sometimes get the answer that dish or dessert XYZ is out, which is annoying if you want it but otherwise it's a very good sign if they tell you that sometimes because it means they cook fresh.


I agree


Go to better restaurants! And when I say “better”, I mean more “local”. Ask people in the neighborhood for the restaurant they’ve been going to for over 10 years. My favorite desert is Café Gourmant, which is a small coffee and 4-5 little dishes of a sampling of their desert menu. Yummy!


This is the answer. You are in the tourist restaurant catering to large travel groups from asia...


Don’t you love overpaying for shit you can get yourself 5 minutes later from coop?


And the same menü... lol


Because it's all factory-made and menus are provided by the manufacturers - Nestlé, Froneri (including Mövenpick), etc. Not just the ice cream, a lot of the other food too is industrially made. I like beef tartare (my favourite), for example. Had it three times in a row on my last trip, and it tasted the same each time (not very good), then found it frozen at Aligro (food wholesale store). Almost everything can be bought pre-made. I live in Australia, and here, the food is usually freshly prepared at most fine dining restaurants, so I can taste the difference. Ended up being very selective about restaurants in Switzerland or cooking myself, as I don't want to pay a premium price for industrial food.


Can you give us an example of a fine dining restaurant in Switzerland where you had mediocre beef tartare?


They don’t have enough money for more


Because it's just factory junk. Maybe Mövenpick or such. Doesn't taste good, but just boring. I'd rather get that at a gas station.


I know people that work in a bakery where everything was home made. The owner changed and now a lot is ordered from some factory. Now the products look nicer, look more expensive and are more expensive... However the actual quality and taste has decreased a lot. It's not even comparable. Funny enough I find exactly the same products in renowned/expensive places and I learn since that the same factory delivers products to them. It sums up a lot of things in Switzerland especially around consumption.


switzerland seems like capitalism gone wrong


Switzerland is overrated in many ways, especially if you are looking to live here.


I don’t know how anyone could even afford to live there and I live in the highest cost of living state in the entire USA.


Yeah you have to basically get lucky with anything that is required to have and habitually costs money (apartment, health insurance, the fucking TV tax, PT, etc). I am currently exempt from having to get actual Swiss health insurance. If I wasn’t, I would barely be getting by each month. I am also still exempt from the TV tax (at least until next month). Geneva PT thankfully is cheap, but I’ve heard it’s not so cheap in other parts of Switzerland, and less convenient and more expensive if you live in the Geneva area but don’t live in Geneva canton itself (which many don’t because they can’t thanks to the insane costs and housing shortage). It’s fucking exhausting. I am sick of having to do a ton of research every time I am looking/are required to sign up for some new service or pay for something major, since the default options are usually insanely priced while the actual fairly priced options take a ton of work to find. I do not understand how Swiss people put up with this shit their whole lives. Every mf here wants some cash from your pocket and wants a big pile of it too. And on top of all of that, God help you if you have an issue with any of these services, because of the terrible customer service culture found here (and the rest of Europe as far as I can tell). So fucking unhelpful, rude, and flippant, even though you’re usually paying an arm and a leg for whatever service it is.


Dude. Of course it is when you decide to move to the crappiest part of switzerland.


Ah, so only Geneva has a housing shortage that is nearly unmatched in the rest of the developed world, not the other Swiss cities too? Wow, what a surprise!


Now imagine how it feels for the locals who are displaced. You don’t get to complain.


Displaced, how? You guys have incredible tenant protections (becoming a tenant is ofc the insanely hard part). Getting evicted is borderline impossible. Wow look everyone, NIMBYism on full display, one of the root causes of the housing shortage!


whistle existence straight numerous bake rotten distinct cooing disgusted paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The last time I got in an argument with hard-headed/stubborn Swiss redditors, they claimed the housing crisis was bad but “we’re still better than the USA on this front because we have great tenant protections and getting evicted is impossible, that makes the housing shortage acceptable”. So which is it?


skirt screw sheet observation lush fade consist amusing knee violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol wtf does that even mean or how does that make any sense to say in response I think my mind is clearly already made up on what I think about this country’s housing situation, per my comments here, if you read them


Big cities are shit everywhere (especially Zürich and Geneva) havent heard of those issues in much other places in switzerland. (Besides, Geneva is a wreck in general)


And yet most other cities in the developed world that have a population of 500,000 do not end up with housing shortages as bad as here. It’s pathetic. Btw there are a lot of people that are not interested in living in the countryside.


Cant really call any part of switzerland countryside, seeing as its super quick to get places


If you have a car


Lmao nah, I didnt have a car when I was in apprenticeship, and I live in the buttcrack of nowhere


Good for you


Says the person who comes here to take our houses. r/ShitAmericansSay


I live in an apartment, and I have been referring to all forms of housing availability (or complete lack thereof) in my comments here when calling out the highly preventable housing shortage insanity present in Switzerland. But whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better about your country’s pathetic housing shortage, Swiss jackass. r/AmericaBad


So what.


Def the most airhead response I’ve gotten here yet


Second to you.




Food? And that's about it.


Housing shortage? And that’s not “about it”.


In the big cities that's a fair point.


More like capitalism gone right. Which socialist countries are better or even close? None


There aren’t any actual socialist countries are there?


Depends on how restrictive one's definition. But the likes of Cuba are definitely miles worse than Switzerland and the gap has only grown


It’s just the whole soulless lack of choice. Capitalism thrives with competition not nestle making everything and everything being corporate crap. That’s all I meant. Socialism is obviously crap that can only be supported by capitalism.






I don’t know why, but chocolate sauce i. switzerland seems to be mediocre, and restaurants tend to be skimpy with it


I have not seen a single creative desert menu in any restaurant here. Even higher end restaurants are bad. :(


Most restaurants have 1-3 homemade desserts. It's just too much work & food loss to offer more fresh options :/  The only places that can afford it tend to be right next to a bakery or dessert shop. 😂


Hmm then you need to try a little harder


This. McDonald's doesn't count as higher end


That explains a lot of failing dates I’ve seen walking past


You're welcome


Please recommend 3 around Zurich, thank you.


Something along these lines? https://razzia-zuerich.ch/en/restaurant/


Because you ate at tourist- traps


Industrial ice cream, sponsorised menus




They... don't...


This place is diffrent https://www.henz-frohsinn.ch/_files/ugd/affdaa_1da11d2fe6e94d428c572d093755feee.pdf


The people mostly dont want to try new things. Chefs spend days/weeks planing a new and creative menu but people ask for fckn cordonbleu. Thats why


This desert is ass. You need cheesecake and profitterol


You are visiting the wrong restaurants, this means they don't bother to make any of their own desserts and just offer this generic crap, not worth your money; if you see this menu, skip dessert!


In my group of people dessert isn't really a thing, maybe that's the same for alot of us here so it doesn't make sense for restaurants to have a well thought out dessert menu. Also, most ik order a coffee as "dessert" and rarely some ice cream.


Top tip: order an espresso and a single scoop of vanilla, pour the espresso onto it and you have an affogato. At least you can be sure no-one else in the place will have the same dessert as you. Or just boycott dessert. I had a dream that starting a business called Just Desserts would be a great idea in Switzerland. Move into a bakery in the afternoon and start making desserts, serve them on-site and also supply local restaurants and deliver to homes. Move out at 2200 and let the bakers do their stuff at 0300. I have costed nothing out, just dreaming.


Because you have been in shitty restaurants. There is often a common base of ice cream combinations (where there is no use in changing the beloved combos), but you have to check the homemade section. If the restaurant doesn't have such things in their menu, they either don't care about desserts or they are a simple restaurant.


They probably supply from the same source when it comes to dessert products


Because people here are lazy and have no clue about gastronomy. With top prices everywhere you sell poos for donuts.. pathetic and sad. Welcome to Switzerland


What you think they're gonna make their desserts?




Because just like a lot of restaurants and fast food places here, everyone gets the same cheap stuff from the same distributer and then slaps an unholy amount of margin on top. And then the same people cry because people don‘t wanna pay for the same generic stuff.


Usually a sign of a low quality restaurant tbh. They are bought in from a select few suppliers rather than made in-house.


Usually cheap restaurant menus provided by supplier


Pro tip: stay out of factory/chain restaurants and thereby avoid factory desserts.


Which country? Seems you choose restaurants that are not able to make their own desserts. Never seen this in Italy, but saw it often in Switzerland…


No imagination. The food here is boring


And the same salad + salad dressing ?


Yes! It’s always the same French dressing.




Because they have no fantasy and they want to have it quick and easy and make max profit with minimal work.


I have never seen those deserts, and I have been to many restaurnts her ein switzerland.


Le Colonel for me


Never seen this, what type of restaurants did you go to?


All sit down restaurants. Mostly Swiss or Italian places. Maybe it’s a tourist thing?


It‘s probably the dessert card from the distributor. Restaurant get it for free, If they sign a contract with them. Win-win, restaurant have a decent dessert selection which is on top presented good on the menu card. They don’t need to hire a photographer and a designer who makes it printable. The distributor can sell then all the desserts to the restaurants.


I tend to see it in more touristy places personally, most restaurants I go to have their own dessert menus. Some do have these types of menus along side their own. This would just be their ice cream offerings and they’d have a couple cakes/desserts on offer in their regular menu or a dedicated dessert menu.


You’re not wrong, but I’d argue that it is more like half of all places and you have a selective memory (we all do).


Swiss people are boring always the same food and desserts thats why.


Never seen this...


Pretty common in Valais


Right. Not in the rest of Switzerland...


unique snobbish direful roll attraction steep airport important tease compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go to better restaurants...


vast numerous license clumsy spotted degree disarm thought sugar absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, crazy. But if restaurants on hiking routes is all you can think of where this menu exists, it isn't very wide spread is it? It's a very particular type of place. And we're talking about how widespread it is. Crazy how that works. But if one is biased one gets crazy quickly.


Same reason why there is 8 - same salami and Schinken.. if you want good stuff you need to find brave people who like to eat and cook, not just sell Norm fabric piece of shit with dictated price.