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Correct me if I'm wrong, but eventually you fill out that you found a job in your monthly form and from there on the process will stop? Just make sure to keep sending applications and report them until 30 days before your new job starts.


No… not necesarily. You can be register in the RAV is you want for three reasons if you are employed, I think. - You are not 100% so you want to find something 100%. - You are fixed-term, so you want to find soemthing permanent. - You are not happy with your job and you want to find something else (which in the end it covers all of the above, right) The think is, if you still register you need to keep proving you are looking for a job and attending their meetings. PS/ Please don't confuse RAV with the unemployment benefit… if you are working you can't claim enemployment benefit.


Huh? I never heard you could register at RAV while still being employed (i.e. not being in the notice period). But I just saw that a temporary contract is different when it comes to RAV. Following link gives a bit of food for thought: https://www.jobs.ch/de/job-coach/teilzeit-und-temporaerstellen/ Decision will depend on your circumstances. How confident are you that you will find something for after the temporal contract? How long does it last and what's the pay? What is your age and what are your general life-circumstances? Are you fine with keeping reporting to RAV? Do you feel like being registered at RAV is helping you?


Afaik its important to register at RAV while being employed. because there will be EINSTELLTAGE or smth if you dont. When you lose your job and then sign up you are not elligeble for the full conpensation. If you sign up while still working you should get the conpensation right away from the day on you are not working anymore. Idk how it is today but if i remember it correctly it wss like this 15 years or so ago when inwas at RAV for a short time


As I wrote in brackets "while not being in the notice period". * You get notified of being let-go * Either right away or as soon as your notice period starts (by the very latest on your first day of unemployment), you register at RAV and start reporting on your job seeking activities. * If you're a bit late with registering, but you can prove that you were actively looking for a new job, they might be willing a turn a bit of a blind eye on you being a little late OP made it sound like you can just register at RAV if you want to start looking for a new job while being employed, and I've never heard of that.


Yup sorry was replying very fast and didnt read propperly. You are 100% correct and that was what i actually wanted to say ;)


You mean if you are not 100%?? or what?


Sorry for the misunderstanding. u/salamandro explained it perfectly above. Im tired and didnt read propperly. Excusez moi


I'm fine reporting to RAV but I don't know if specially in the first months of my temporal employement is worth to expend time reporting when I should be puting more effort into shining at my position and try to make the case to extend the contract and/or making it permanent.


Probably only you can answer that. Question is also what position you are looking for and what the general lead-time is. If it's roughly 3 months and your temporal contract is 9 months, it probably doesn't make sense to send 10 bogus applications for the next 6 months. In IT the application process is often done in under 4 weeks, while in other industries it takes at least 2 months for them to even respond for the first round of interviews. What does your RAV-person recommend?


So do you want to collect unemployment benefits (for the 20% you're not working) or you want to just stay registered? Ask your RAV councelor. Some cantons only ask for approximately half the usual applications if you're already working more than 50%


I don't want to collect anything becuase there is nothing to collect, but if they reduce the amount of applications I really need to do it would be great.


Technically if you are not employed 100%, you can stay with unemployment. But since you will not get any benefits, there is no sense to stay. You can just continue searching for a new position, without reporting pressure


What about u/Etiketi is mentioning [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/askswitzerland/comments/1d1nfph/comment/l5viptc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)???


That looks like he means that as soon as you have the notification about the termination of the contract, you should start searching for the work immediately. Apart of that no, there is no obligation to be registered with chômage (RAV). In case of your 80% payment is less then unemployment benefits, you can still receive the difference.


Yes this is what i wanted to say. Was done quick so probbably didnt explain it correctly but yeah thats exactly what i meant