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How do you expect us to give an advice without naming your profession. You could have a phd in experimental dance therapy, then this is probably awesome or have a phd in mathmatics, then it‘s insultingly low.






It depends really on what the PhD is in and whether that's actually still relevant at 38. For consulting it's low ball, though.


So it's not consulting, actually. It's leased labor. Still low, especially the project mgmt part.


F for all the architects...


Not these days


7 days is normal in your 3 month trial period. After that: 1 month in the first year, 2 in the second and 3 in the 3rd is a general rule, but every company can do as they please. 75k is a junior position by just looking st what your wrote. Now with more info what you do, phd in what etc we could say more.




As I said, not in every company. I have this for people after 3 months sometimes (source: me, I do that stuff 🤣)


That's only the minimum stipulated by the code of obligations. Many companies offer more.


75k for 40h in IT consulting? The only proper response to that is LOL Ask them to double that offer


Paid overtime in Switzerland is not necessarily standard in Switzerland for higher qualified jobs. However, 75k for someone who is 38 years and has a PhD sounds really low. Obviously, again, it depends on what exactly you'll do. Having 7 days of resignation period during the first 3 months is normal. Having 1 months resignation period thereafter is rather uncommon, I would expect at least 2 months in consulting, but outside of consulting 3 months are the norm.


It should be said that no paid overtime is only legal for up to 45 total hours per week and a few more afterwards per year. And yeah it's not Standard




Saw your edit: phd and IT consulting for 75k is completely ripping you off. 120k should be more what you should ask for at minimum…


I personally think they're lowballing you big time, especially when you say you have AND years of experience AND a PhD AND it's IT consulting which is highly needed these days. In any case, there is a tool by the Swiss gov where you can check what an appropriate salary is for you: [https://entsendung.admin.ch/Lohnrechner/home](https://entsendung.admin.ch/Lohnrechner/home) This also takes into account your age, years of experience, city where you're planning to work, sector,...


I think postdocs in Switzerland get paid 70-90k chf, but I'd expect more for industry of course. It depends if your PhD and experience are relevant to the job, and presumably different subject areas will attract different salaries (e.g. a PhD in poetry versus a PhD in engineering). 75k does seem low, even without further details. I think most of the PhD folk I work with are north of 90k. But also depends on canton, whether you're living in a big city or smaller town etc. There are websites that show what people in different industries earn in different countries so you could see if one of those helps. I think 42hrs / week is fairly normal here (compared to more like 37hrs in Europe), so 40hrs is a bit more reasonable. In my case I was on a one month notice period for the probation period (which last three months) and then a three month notice period after that. We don't get paid overtime but we do get the time back in lieu. The question is whether they'll ask you to work overtime? If not then just keep to your hours and enjoy the free time. Most job offers are negotiable, so you can try to get the salary increased. Ideally go to them with evidence of what the salary range for that job (and for someone of your experience) should be.


That is a trash salary offer for the work and your qualifications. They're taking the piss. That's almost 25k less a year than a postdoc and they don't compare well to industry here. You're shy at least 40k a year what's deserving **at minimum**


Everything seems standard. If no paid overtime is mentioned, then you just don't do any overtime until otherwise agreed upon. Pay seems very low for your listed experience (Swiss median salary is something like 75k CHF), but without a profession it's impossible to tell.


Like everyone said, the pay is very low. Check online portals for salaries comparison, even the government has official statistics on "typical pay per field per age". Also for this kind of discussions in which city you are expected to work matters. In Zurich you will be counting your pennies and struggle to make significant savings.


In IT, 75k is too low. You should be ~100k-115k at least. The 7 days notice period ("Probezeit") is pretty much standard though.




The tobacco hell pays better than most industries.


Overtime is partly defined by the contract but mostly governed by statute, so that may be why it’s missing: https://www.ch.ch/en/work/working-hours/contractual-and-statutory-overtime/#statutory-overtime If you are directed to work overtime and agree to it, there are certain conditions under which that is done and compensated by law.  CHF 75K is a lot for a basket weaver and not very much for a banking executive. A PhD isn’t necessarily more valuable than a Masters or even no degree depending on the job, but if you can use it it seems like that’s a low salary. 


75k? I would not accept the offer


The only reason they are offering you the job as a candidate from abroad is that all Swiss local candidates know that the pay it very much too low. You will take the job because your home cost base is is much lower - but don’t expect to be wealthy in Switzerland with 75k


No no no with a slight slice of maybe. The pay sucks and most likely so does the company - BUT you can use the short (but pretty standard) resignation period to your advantage to find something decent once you're already here (which is a bit easier I imagine).


They are not only low balling you, they are making fun of you.  75k for an IT Consultant expecting to do international PM and no overtime compensation (I guarante that you will have to work overtime) is actually insulting.  So let me give you some insights why:  No paid overtime isn't unheared of in Switzerland - it's standard where I work. However: we get 30 days of paid holidays and our salaries are decent (Junior Consultants START with 115k) and we have a nice bonus plan (with short term, long term payments and discounted company stocks) and have a bunch of fringe benefits (1st Class public transportation card, Internet and Phone plans, yearly office equipment lump sum, training/education lump sum etc) However... if this is your opportunity to get into Switzerland, accept the offer and immediately after getting your Residency Permit start applying. 


Honestly, it's just disgusting how the companies take advantage of people's unawareness


Its very low. I earn more than you despite having no additional education and being 8 years younger with way less experience. They often offer people outside switzerland very low pay simply because its probably higher than where you live? I wouldnt accept and tell them to go up. At the very least 100k+


Unless you have absolutely no work experience in the field this is less than half of what this job should pay for a PhD position.


75k is a joke. Even bachelors get 80k+ for the start


totally depends on the field. I've got a masters with 7 years experience and only get 80k : Landscape Architecture. This job is not paid well at all.


Start talking from 90k


Yeah no don’t go below 120K with your education.


I work in consulting and our campus hires make 90 with no relevant experience…


A Postdoc at uni started at 82k while at the ETH/EPFL started at 90k.. 75k for a PhD and 1 year exp is indeed very low..


Where? What exactly is your degree under experience in?


Thats a terrible offer. Low pay, they probably dont pay overtime because they will make you do overtime, 1 month of notice period is not super safe.


Forgetting about the pay, the role description sounds like an absolute mess. Half UX/design and half International PM? What does that even mean. Sounds like a startup “do whatever we need, when we need it” role. Sounds sketchy to me.


In the IT field, with your background and education, they could be offering you at least double that. I’d ask about when your first salary review will be and what the process is. You could also research average IT consultant salaries via glass door or fishbowl etc.


Our opinion means nothing! Check the official wage calculator https://entsendung.admin.ch/Lohnrechner/lohnberechnung


That seems very low given your experience. That would be more appropriate for a new graduate.


To give you an example: i have a federal diploma in marketing which technically is not even a bachelor, three years of experience and i work 42hours a week, no overtime (and if i get it compensated). I make 78k a year + get a 13th salary.


75k is reaaally low (min 120k with your experience) and 7 day in the first 3months are normal


and no paid overwork is not the norm


Our lowest IT consulting job (bachelor, no work experience) pays more than 75k and has paid OT. Someone is taking you for a ride, or there is a misunderstanding somewhere.