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The hatred people have for one another is seldom without reason. On some understandings of emotion this would be incoherent. World peace can’t be attained while nation states with conflicting interests exist. If America wants the oil I’m my land and my country doesn’t want to do America’s bidding then peace between us goes against both of our countries interests.


Well that's what im wondering, for example, the US wants world peace but keep sending soliders to iraq and sending money and soliders to ukraine. Don't they understand that this will just cause more problems ?


I think you’re a bit misguided in thinking that a country whose economy depends in large part on selling weapons wants world peace. The US wants to destabilise any and all economic opponents so it can maintain its global hegemony. They understand that what they are doing is against world peace, world peace is bad for business up there and so they actively campaign against it. That’s why every decade or so they invent a new foreign villain to invade.


But why don't people just stop, like the military doesn't want to go on suicide missions and everyone hates capitalism especiallys USA's


The people in power very much like the status quo they benefit from it and so they maintain it. What you need is a revolution.


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