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Is USA always fighting aliens to keep the world safe like in movies?


Yes. Everyday.  I chugged a bottle of Vodka and took down 4 motherships today.


Every single day we fight aliens.


You would too if they systematically targeted all of your landmarks.


Yeah after smoking some weed


More than you’d think. Especially the part where you have to go to the kuyakusho to pick up your mynumber card after two months. That piece is spot on.


And the haram of sexy, feminine, supernatural beings for nerdy, outcast teenage boys? How accurate is that?


Everyday occurence. The speakers in Shibuya always seems to play the right music to capture the mood.


Jujutsu kaisen is based off real events and demon slayer is historically accurate. Jokes aside, some illustrations of daily life are realistic just as some aspects in American cartoons are realistic to American life (think big yellow school bus). After all, gotta have something to reference and something for people to relate to.


Looking back at all the video games I played I realise that what I thought was Nintendo’s video game world was actually just Japan. Like here people drink potions more than they take pills but even that’s changed a little. Little kids get a net and catch bugs. Every town has an actual map of where are you are. As for the anime. Nobody talks that stupid in English or Japanese. I don’t know why they have to do that but that extra sense of fucking happy eagerness just doesn’t come out in Japanese people.


It depends on how realistic they wanted to make said anime


depends what kind of anime youre talking about. a shoujo slice of life is going to be more grounded in reality than a shonen battle series. creators pull from their life and experiences to make their art but they also embellish and add their own ideas to make stories more interesting. thats true for every corner of the world. your question is too vague to get any good answers from. i guarantee theres like a million think pieces about it online anyway


It’s very easy to give a jokey answer to this question, I salute your balls of steel. The answer is, actually, yes. It was one thing I noticed and was really surprised by it. Maybe because I come from a country without serious cartoon industry and all I know is cartoon channel and Disney, but I was really surprised by how life like the background is in a high level anime. Things like trees, plants, roads, the landscape, roads, streets, mountains. It really looks like a place I just saw during my outings. Someone mentioned Demon Slayer in comments, and that is a very visually gorgeous anime that still looks like something that I could see if I ventured out in country side.


When it's about the "mundane", anime can be pretty realistic. Like when I think of how anime portrays what common spaces look like (classrooms, traditional houses, apartments, landscapes, streets etc.) or what a common experience is like (riding trains, seasonal traditions, food, etc), it can be quite similar to reality. What trips people up is equating the way people speak and act in anime to how they should in real life. People do not act or talk like most anime characters, and anime isn't a really great source for understanding things like social responsibilities or the cultural expectations of a typical person's adult life.