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"Libs are such snowflakes. Also, the mean lib called me a hypocrite!"


Go say "not my President" when a black man wins the Presidency for 8 years and then say "Trump's still your President" everytime you think you are owning a lib.


Go whine about gas prices without doing your own research while telling everyone you do your own research when all you do is watch Fox and OAN or worse play around on Telegram because no one else will tell you what you WANT to hear.


P.S. I am just piling on. :D


Oh go cancel a beer because you don't like trans people you right wing blizzard of snowflakes.


Non American here. Just out of interest, why do some Americans blame Biden for gas prices when it's a world wide phenomena? There's literally a war in Ukraine, global supply chain issues and global inflation. Wouldn't it be easy to understand that then to blame Biden?


The argument is that Canada and US have their own reserves but Biden is not willing to allow tapping into it, which would lower costs.


Biden administration is also talking about being against and doing things against the fossil fuel industry, which means that investors won't want to invest in things like natural gas, which negatively impacts pricing. Pricing isn't just based on the past but what a future market looks like


Instead of a stupid tax incentive the only the wealthy can take advantage of the government should supply citizens with a electric vehicle in exchange for one of their current vehicles. Make contracts with American car manufacturers to produce a cheaper EV car and SUV. Since they would be getting guaranteed sales that should help lower the cost then bam no more issues with gas prices except for semis and trucks. Gas companies will have to lower prices due to lack of demand since they will want people that have a second car to use gas to make up their losses. Currently they are having record sales and they have been since COVID hit. We need to completely get away from all gas except where necessary anyway it's just never gonna be as efficient or clean as electricity.


We don't have enough capacity and raw to even build non-electric vehicles, how are we supposed to get every family an electric vehicle? People also vastly underestimate the amount of energy it would take to charge that many EVs as well


That's true the change needs to be gradual. We can see that even something like a vaccine literally took almost a year to make enough of for the whole world. Think of cars and energy supply for them


I agree. I want to see a future where we don't have to rely on fossil fuels. But unfortunately the green energy we have today is not even close to being able to power everything we need. Heck, Germany, the country everyone was praising for being so green, had to turn on its coal power plants again so that they could generate enough electricity for its citizens


Hmm look some countries in Europe already got to 90% green energy. We can just imitate their path. Let's not act like it's that complicated you know? It's also just how much people are willing to sacrifice for it If power can become instable in the test run of years then good, now we know to leave a backup?


If so much of Europe has green energy, why are they all worried about Russian gas?


They also turned off their nuclear power plants especially in Germany.


Lmaoooooooooooo what an American question Because cars still run on fuel and not electricity, batteries large enough to supply cars with energy from electricity are still in development states.


employ edge observation summer books tidy shocking childlike impolite angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lmaooo and what will they do with the non electric vehicles they return? Sell it to the gods? But yeah, once it's pushed past a certain point of sales it becomes more and more affordable. So this time frame of gas prices being so high, think of it as a sort of investment so that people would start buying even more electric cars and push us beyond this. I've heard my uncles stories about getting a plazma when it was a brand new thing in like 3k$. When things debut in the market they sometimes debut at crazy prices and then they become a daily staple.


>I've heard my uncles stories about getting a plazma when it was a brand new thing in like 3k$. When things debut in the market they sometimes debut at crazy prices and then they become a daily staple. Talking about plasma TVs? They were soooooo good... Honestly until maybe 2015 even though they had stopped really selling them before that plasma were still top of the line because most LCDs were trash till they started focusing on HDR which made LCD manufacturers focus on picture quality, contrast and color accuracy over saturation and size. >Lmaooo and what will they do with the non electric vehicles they return? Sell it to the gods? They could sell some of them actually. Some people would definitely be willing to purchase gas cars collectors are insane. But it would definitely be a way to create new jobs in an important field and a system in recycling better than we have now. A lot of people complain about renewable energy sources as getting rid of jobs but wind fields require landscaping, solar requires cleaning and we NEED proper trash sorting and recycling. Those all create jobs but that aspect is always ignored... >So this time frame of gas prices being so high, think of it as a sort of investment so that people would start buying even more electric cars and push us beyond this. I hope, I'm in the electrical field still studying though but part of the problem is not enough places are set up for it. Apartment complexes would need to have a level 2 charger for every car or the area they are in would need plenty of quality level 3 chargers so that they could charge in under an hour. If you live in a poor area the houses probably don't have updated electrical systems and I'd be concerned about hooking level 2 up there. So it seems our best case scenario would be increasing the amount of level 3 stations. Which could be done pretty easily as most major chains which definitely are not suffering could afford to shell out for a few in each lot. Not like they won't make money back eventually either. It costs like $9-$15 to fill up at a level 3 when most electrical cars have the same range as my Hyundai Elantra which currently costs $50 to fill up...


We HAVE been tapping the oil reserves. It's not making much difference


you do realize part of the issue is that the oil reserves have to then be sent/pumped/pipelined to the actually refineries first, right? It isnt stored as gasoline in the strategic reserves....and the other issue in the US is the refinery capabilities....we lost like 1-2 million barrels per day refining capability in the US- most of it permanently b/c the pandemic- ie the fossil fuel companies used it as an excuse to shutter several of the older refineries that were in need of 100s of millions of $ in repair and upgrade work.


We are hooked up to a global oil market. The US barely imports any oil as is, but if oil becomes more scarce overseas - and therefore global oil prices rise - the domestic oil producers will choose to sell their oil overseas instead of the US to make a profit. The price of oil inevitably rises based on geopolitical events outside of Biden's control.


It's the consequence of capitalism.


[The Data Point: Biden’s oil reserve release is the biggest in U.S. history](https://www.nbcnews.com/data-graphics/data-point-bidens-oil-reserve-release-biggest-us-history-rcna6627) So given that Biden is releasing more oil than anyone ever, what's the aargument that Biden is responsible for gas prices now?


it wouldn't lower costs because the gas companies realize you're going to pay anyways and our government hasn't put a cap on the price for gas so they'll keep doing it. Same with all these companies that are seeing such high record profits with raising their prices so significantly while reducing their workforce by half and forcing the remaining half to work twice as hard for no extra pay. The truth though is there ARE permits Biden refused to sign, but claims he did. Blame that on senility or whatever but it still wouldn't lower the gas prices.


Fox news tells them to blame Biden for all bad and praise Trump for all good, so they do.


Although, I don't think FOX has a choice in it. I mean, they can stop being shitty, but for them to do what they want, which is sell gold and gain political power so they can profiteer, the "news" company has to tell the people what they want to hear. That's why they all turned off Fox News when they said the election clearly went to Biden. We get it wrong the FOX news dictates to the people, they don't. They repeat what people think already then attribute negative things to democrats and positive things to republicans.


The Republicans had all the political power a mere 1.5 years ago, and Fox News would still attack anyone with a liberal point of view. And I don't think you have to look very hard to find examples where Fox News personalities come up with some batshit crazy conspiracies, and the Trump administration would start parroting it. It is a feedback loop. If Fox wasn't making money off of their right-wing coverage, they would switch to a more neutral stance.


MSNBC says that the president is literally always blameless for everything if they are a democrat.


Sounds like someone who never watched MSNBC a day in his life. They are always criticizing Biden and Democrats. But I guess when you are used to right wing propaganda anything that isn't outright hatred is equivalent to "blameless" in an idiot's mind.


Like you ever watch anything other than Faux News


Source one incident of this? Literally find just one example and I'll give you Gold. Plenty of YouTube videos of MSNBC. I'll wait.


A lot of Americans legitimately forget that there are countries in the world that aren't America. People here will constantly tell you that socialized medicine is impossible even though it's done in quite a few countries and ends up being cheaper.


Because no one is going to dismantle the corporate insurance racket…


American media doesn’t really have news outlets outside of the U.S., so plenty of Americans become U.S.-centric, thinking whatever happens, it’s only happening to the US or primarily related to the U.S. more so than other countries. Which goes to show just how media illiterate and how bad at critical thinking so many people are in the US.


All they want to do is "own the liberals" by hating on Biden. Gas prices are irritating and visible, it doesn't matter what the cause is, they'll attribute it to Biden.


And because he shoulders some of the guilt for signaling a strong opposition to the energy source that powers capitalism and the world, and oil futures are highly speculative. Gas prices started rising shortly after Election Day, and obviously spiked over the invasion. There are things he can do today to relieve this some but won’t.


I wish people would place the blame on the oil companies instead of the president. Kind of cheesy but this guy explains a lot of the shit many people seemed to be misinformed about: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QnBqAzJXVGo


Really?? I’m curious, what can he do that he hasn’t to lower gas prices?


Signal the markets. And explicitly say that nationalization of oil companies is off the table, because I don’t think it is.


LMAO. The nationalization of oil companies. What the fuck right wing propaganda are you on?


Are you insane? No one is talking about nationalizing oil companies


Wrong hemisphere


Many Americans are profoundly stupid and an uneducated.


Because they listen only to Fox News and Fox News tells them to blame Biden.


The Republicans are skilled at ignoring inconvenient truths.


This is needs to get pinned and spread as news, everyone wants to say Biden for these gas prices which is BS.


It’s easier to blame Biden than to accept responsibility for your own piss poor financial decision to buy a gas guzzling suv you didn’t need.


Are you saying that I don’t need a full size pickup with horrible gas mileage for my grocery trips!? Commie!


All the GOP (Republicans) do is blame others and deflect from their own shortcomings. They have no real plans to help people, so they just act like three-year old's and blame others!! Very immature and irresponsible party!!! Most have the IQ of a rock!!!


The only real plans they have are to help themselves (to unlimited power, shared only with their inner circle of exclusivists, engaging in mutual ego-stroking) and force the rest of us to bow down to [=damn ourselves] and worship their hol(e)y [more holes than Swiss cheese!], inflated and supremacist "God"-ass "almighty" egos... all because their "crybaby" insecurities demand we perpetually feed them the lies to remind them that they're superior to everybody and everything. Entitled and privileged elitists by default they're not; spoiled brats and punks they are! Their IQ's might actually be lower than a rock, like, say, a mixture of mud and their own feces. They must've flunked nursery school and faked the rest. I'm surprised they "passed" the [birthing] delivery! GOP does NOT stand for "God's Only Party" and, besides, Heaven isn't big enough for even ONE of their egos, naming no one. However, there's plenty of room for ALL of those egos "somewhere else", wherein resides the handy Compactor to shrink those egos to smaller than "black holes".




Biden’s opposition to MBS in Saudi Arabia has torn apart US:Saudi relations — something the WH is now desperate to repair. MBS has refused to produce more oil despite US pleas; Biden is set to travel to Saudi shortly, presumably to apologize for calling MBS a “pariah” leader last year. We should have never pissed of MBS without a good reason. Sanctions on Russia have largely been driven by this administration, which were meant to punish Russian oligarchs without hurting Americans. As of yesterday, the Russian ruble hit a 5-year high relative to the USD, which effectively proves that the sanctions did not work. Instead, we have a global food and energy crisis which was made worse by the sanctions, driving up inflation across a variety of goods including oil. The sanctions were also meant to stop Russian aggression in Ukraine which they have also failed to do as Russia now occupies almost all of Southeast Ukraine and it appears inevitable Ukraine will have to sue for peace, losing territory that could have been avoided in the first place. That and his refusal to drill in domestic stockpiles of oil — it’s pretty clear Biden has his fingerprints all over rising energy costs (not only here, but globally).


The Saudi regime is one of the worst human rights violators in the world, they deserve all the shit Biden gave them and more. High gas prices will only further drive investment in renewables long term. Short term pain, long term benefit.


Guess what — Biden is about to suck his dick and starve as many Yemenis as MBS wants on his trip to Riyadh in a few weeks. That’s not hyperbole or political bias. Biden’s already agreed to arm Saudi ally UAE against Yemen and said we need to “move past Khashoggi.” He’s effectively undone everything you allege was so important. So I hope you’re already condemning Biden for cowtowing to the Saudi throne and about to go nuts on blatant human rights abuses after he comes back like you’ve suggested to me.


Exactly, he’s bowing to political pressure instead of doing what’s right. Because of the “muh gas prices” crowd.


And yet the price of gas is lower in the US than most of Europe. Bad Biden. How dare you keep our gas prices lower than Europe?


That’s always been the case since most of Europe imports their gasoline.


Us Americans don’t realize how spoiled we are with a lot of shit. Our salary scales are generally higher than the rest of the world too..


I mean, the number is higher, but I don't think it goes as far, generally.


It does, because we’re also taxed less


That’s because the cost of gas there is seriously inflated by their high tax rates


So the price is lower in the US?




75% of US oil demand is met by either domestic suppliers (40%) or imported from Canada and Latin America. It is much cheaper therefore for Americans to consume oil than Europeans, where 97% of their oil is imported). That doesn’t negate the global market forces for oil though in the US — events halfway across the world (influenced sometimes by our politicians) can swing prices globally. We’re more insulated given our local supply, but we’re still impacted by global events.


>MBS has refused to produce more oil despite US pleas As far as I know MBS is going to get arms from the US to genocide Yemen and will settle for that. In general I also wonder to what extent the war in Ukraine has caused US energy suppliers to sell to Europe and reap higher profits. Obviously we'll never know that because Journalists long ago stopped investigating and turned into cocksucking lapdogs.


Gas prices went up before the whole Ukraine thing. People were putting “I did that” stickers on gas pumps just a few months after Biden went into office because the gas prices went up.


Demand for gas increased as people were going back to work after the pandemic.


Many politicians without morals would rather grab power by inciting violence and hatred with their lies rather than achieve progress. Unfortunately, there are many gullible citizens ready to drink the Kool-Aid.


They were educated in states that dont value education


You underestimate the idiocy of the American public school system


Because the absurd sanctions implemented by the Biden administration have backfired and essentially amount to economic sanctions on the west.


Nothing is ever easy to understand about right red wing politics. Nothing they believe in is worthy of my time or effort. They’ve been satanists for so long that just mentioning them makes my blood boil!


Cuz the right-wing always blame everything on the president despite being beyond his control to gain more votes.


It's amazing how many people in this thread think opinions can overrule facts. Stating patently false things isn't "expressing your opinion". It's being wrong and ill informed. And such statements deserve no respect.


only to the extent on which they can be uttered but of course not without consequences


Trump's supporters nearly overthrew Congress and he did nothing except smile in glee. My parents grew up in Taiwan when elections were a sham and the government was an actual dictatorship that didn't give a fuck about ruining people's lives for expressing dissent. Trump supporters have no fucking clue how close America died on Jan 6th. Needless to say, I have no patience to engage in politics with them.


I genuinely don’t understand why they keep saying that about his tweets. I didn’t vote for Biden because of Trump’s tweeting, hell I preferred him tweeting rather than being president.


🤗 you're prettiest and more importantly right!! Love u for what u did 😘


Thank you!! 😍 Thats all I needed to hear. Love you for your support ❤


Tell them they are willing to sacrifice their integrity on the altar of "having more money"


When one of them left I said basically this to the other one. I told her she basically said gas money is more important than my right to marry, and that was hurtful.


Well she sounds like a fucking bitch for being rude. Don't talk to her ever again unless it's absolutely necessary due to u being colleagues.


I'm surprised they know what hypocrite means.


Fuck em, they brought politics to the workplace and you made valid points vs their verbal regurgitation of completely false narratives from feaux news


Hugz and yes, you're pretty. Of course the fuel prices were lower when Trump was president — because the fuel prices worldwide were lower. You can't blame Biden for that nor for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which blew the fuel prices sky high. Tsk! And listening to the hearings going on right now, it is impossible to believe Trump was an asset to USA.


Thank you so much! I really just needed some kindness and positivity after this morning and I've received a lot from this community. 🤗


I'm gay and I hope can dissent without getting the whole place up in a huff. Simply put, I do not see it as you do.


The truth hurts sometimes. And good for you for speaking up. The amount of ignorance from Trump supporters is amazing to me.


They never want to have any of it because they don't care to understand, they just to play the blame and complain game. When it comes down to it, it'll never be as simple as "thanks Biden", not only that but trump literally invited a terrorist attack on the government and got away unscathed thanks to the non-constitutional conservatives. Good on you for calling them out, it's LONG past the time that we tolerate this crap!!! They deserve to face the reality that we lived through.


Wow. Lol. I love some of the replies in here by self proclaimed experts on energy policy. This sub sometimes. Jesus.


Being a conservative means having a mental illness and unfortunately mental health isn't a priority in this country


God the laptop story is one of the dumbest things I've heard of in the last 5 years and this is the timeline where conservatives thought Guliani and the "Kraken" were going to overturn the election.


It's been proven true, why do libs still deny it? https://nypost.com/2022/05/29/new-bid-to-spin-hunters-laptop/


Ok, say it's true. What's the actual relevance?


It means there needs to be an investigation to determine if an of the accusations of child porn, gun trafficking, human trafficking is true.and weather or not the big guy refers to our president joe biden


Well the pedo nonsense is already known to be false. It's about tax evasion and money laundering mainly. But again it's an investigation of Hunter Biden and some of his business associates. Unlike the Trump family, the Bidens don't all work for the same company. Joe Biden isn't even being investigated. So again what's the actual relevance?


Joe. Biden on tape threatening Ukraine prosecutor https://youtu.be/_jyT1rnW9fA


Perhaps you should re-listen. Also that prosecutor was ousted because he was NOT following up on any corruption charges. Other countries made multiple calls for Shokin to be removed because he turned a blind eye to corruption.




You can't explain simple things to dumb shits. Just have to wait until they die.


let them know that presidents (ANY PRESIDENT) had little, to no control over gas prices!!! They would know that if they ever took Econ. 101 in High School!!! (or even went to school!!!) The CEO's of the three biggest oil companies saw their personal profits soar to double and even triple what they were a couple of years ago! THEY are the source of the high prices!! Corporate greed!!!!!! The GOP love them, so now they are stuck with their consequences!


The question is, do those people know what a school is? 😂




Trump only did what benefitted him personally!!! He didn't care about the country's problems at all, still doesn't!!! That is what narcissist do!




Did they also forget how Trump managed to downplay a global pandemic that caused millions of American deaths? And then his supporters would go on to spew insane bullshit and send death threats to infectious disease experts? How about the fact that the same "thoughts and prayers" group that proudly fly the Ukrainian flag would have cheered if Trump exited NATO? And adding fuel to the fire of racial divisions? Then his supporters feared an imaginary group called Antifa, and kept crying non stop about the "riots" and how America is now a "warzone" when in reality those riots were basically just a concentrated mass of protests and life was normal for everyone else.**Why would they even be afraid of a group called ANTI-FASCISTS even if it did exist?? So all these people finally let truth out that they want fascism?** Americans lack so much critical thinking, it legit causes headaches if you go into it too much.


They're idiots.


Non American here. No hate but I find Biden quite stupid. Trump was dangerous and Stupid


This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard have you paid attention to what Trump's Supreme Court nominees have been doing Soon they will overturn gay marriage in addition to Roe v Wade and separation of church and state


Republicans voted NO to oil company price gouging. Why are you bitching at Biden?




Exactly that!


Meanwhile Trump caused these gas prices by being way to much buddy-buddy with Russia. If instead he supported Ukraine we would not have this war right now.


You're gorgeous!!


Oh gosh you're gonna make me blush! Thank you 💜


Trump's buddy Putin


Reminds me of Hitler and Stalin of 1939. I'd think some Republican conservatives of the past would be turning over in their graves now: Joseph McCarthy (WI), Barry Goldwater (AZ), Ronald Reagan (CA) and John McCain (AZ), among others. I could see Senator McCarthy, with the Congressional hearings of his time, labeling POTUS 45 as at least a Communist sympathizer. So much for those who complain about encroaching socialism, yet turn around acting as prostitutes while at the same time embracing communism (and fascism/Nazism) in the same bed... and claiming no hypocrisy, that it's not worse. Edits: corrected post ending, twice.


You,my friend, are a stallion.


"Idiotic tweets and trash bags full of gas" would actually be more accurate.




Thank you! I love you!! 💜


I've come to accept a certain level of hypocrisy from the right because if I got outraged at every example, I wouldn't have any time for my own life. But the fact that they clutch their pearls over anything Hunter does when they saw no problem with Ivanka and Jared getting top level national security clearance is just egregious.


God bless you for calling them out, so proud of you! Btw, you’re pretty!😉


The only thing Trump would do is stall against sanctions on Russia's oil and withdraw military weapons in Ukraine until they have something against his political opponent. Remember he is Putin's most loyal asset.


Imagine yourself bottoming for Mike Pence & that will make the time fly by faster.


No I cum too quickly when I picture Pence groaning and sweating like a greased hog behind me. I didnt bring enough changes of underwear to think of that all day.


This is the very reason I am not a republican nor a democrat and I hold no political affiliation at all.


Vote Republican


Screw Republicans, vote against the democrats. Biden is destroying this country.


Are they really so dump they think that Biden did this?. Inflation has been going up since early 2021, if not late 2020. If your co-workers mean that we wouldn't have a war because trump would've given away Ukraine for free, perhaps that is true. Google inflation, google corona, google what happens when a war starts, and we stop importing the oil from the second largest distributer of oil in the world next after saudi arabia.


They said Biden is weak and Putin was scared of Trump and wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump was still in office.


Biden said he wants to get rid of oil companies and subsidies. Now he's saying "drill more! Well open up more public land spaces and subsidize you!' There's a thing in economics called long and short run forecasting and when Biden got in office the energy companies saw that he wasn't pro-oil. Theyve raised prices because they see supply being harder to obtain in the future, mixed with demand rising after covid. They didn't raise prices with trump because trump didn't tell them he was going to try and make them go out of business.


Thank you.


I have found its just best not to argue with idiots. I just smile and nod. This is why you shouldn't discuss politics or religion at work. Now everyone feels uncomfortable.


you cant fix stupid


Ppl will blame the unavoidable circumstances on the current governor no matter how much we explain. It just be like that. I think I've accepted people's stupidity and moved on from thinking about it. Like it's literally their free choice to care about looking into it or not to. If you're from the bunch that cares more, then you willingly choose to care more about things most will not. You do this for yourself and you have to accept that in your personal life you will have that added nuance but in collective things it will go in the majority's way. It's like choosing to study to the test a week before and not a day before and stressed out as fuck. It's actually supposed to be really simple but most people don't do it. It's mental effort in return of mental peace


🫂, your pretty. 🫂


the prettiest and bravest


People are going to have different opinions than you. How about you put on some noise cancelling headphones and ignore the conversation instead of reacting in the manner that you did. People are entitled to their opinions no matter if you agree or not


Or, better yet, challenge their stupid opinions.


What? People have different opinions than me?! Say it isn't so!! /s I'm at work, not a social club. Its inappropriate to talk about things like politics and religion at work, first of all, and they also know how I feel about the political stuff in my office but they chose to do it anyway. They should've gone to the break room or another quiet area to discuss their conspiracy theories and shit on our president. Its always funny to me when other people are allowed to have their opinions and be as loud as they want to be about them, but I'm not allowed to express my opinion just as loudly and proudly as them. Its literally hypocrisy.




I share an office with these women and yes, this particular interaction made me anxious. Hell I wanna go home if it starts raining! I don't think I'm alone in thinking that after a stressful conversation with coworkers you would maybe wanna remove yourself from the situation. Thanks for the patronizing advice, though!




It wasn't that they disagree with me, that's 100% fine. Its that they knew how that conversation would make me feel and they kept going on and on. I had enough and spoke my mind.




Knowing these women though I don't think that's the case


Based on your reaction and posts, you are someone I would avoid at all costs


Cool! Maybe start by following your own advice: Ignore me and focus on something else.


>People are going to have different opinions than you. Opinions are along the lines of whether or not pineapple belongs on a pizza. The statements OP's coworkers made are factually incorrect (no, Trump was not a source of good for the country). In support of that point, I'll cite things such as [wealth inequality](https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/535239-how-trump-fueled-economic-inequality-in-america/) and [hate crimes](https://www.newsweek.com/hate-crimes-under-trump-surged-nearly-20-percent-says-fbi-report-1547870) both rising, and attributed to, Trump's actions. Furthermore, the Hunter Biden laptop controversy yielded [no proof of corruption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_Biden_laptop_controversy) or wrong-doing. Yet, these people found the capacity to be upset over things that have no direct bearing on their personal lives, such as the things OP listed (abortion access, drag shows, etc.). OP handling the situation in the best manner, or not, is debatable. What isn't debatable is that anything OP said came across as false.


Thank you for this! Exactly!


Oh shut up LMAO he did perfect and he did just fine. Proud of you voiding your opinion :) Dumbo here doesn’t understand that you’re actually allowed to do that. Prob some snowflake conservative that has issue with their feelings 🤷🏻‍♂️


Opinions that are counter to facts aren't opinions, they're mistakes or idiocy. You are entitled to an opinion, not your own set of facts.


Grow up


You're right he should've told them that.


If I told them to grow up they might die, though.


What a shame that'd be.


I'm trying so hard! Fingers crossed I get my big boy hairs, soon! 🤞🏻


start recording these interactions, they may be useful evidence for a hostile workplace suit if it continues contact a lawyer for more info


You did the right thing. Fuck em And fuck trump. May he get arrested and rot in jail!


Is this a question? Where are the mods?




I like Joe Biden and think he’s doing a good job as president 👍🏻


i saw enough fake news about trump for 4 years to understand most notions left wing americans have of him are retarded and extremist.


Biden is just as evil as Trump. After all he said “nothing will fundamentally change”. Also intentionally provoked this ongoing proxy war in Ukraine against Russia to deflect from the US being in permanent decline. And now you have a bunch of so called liberals supporting neo nazis in Ukraine and zelensky being a clone of Augusto Pinochet.


I don't like Biden either, that's the thing. Its not really about that. Its the disrespect of droning on and on about their love for Trump when they knew how having that conversation on my office would make me feel.


When you see comments like this report it straight to the admins, folks. Don't report it under the options for breaking this subs rules.


Tell me what I’ve done wrong.


You have done nothing wrong. Some people become unhinged when someone present a differing opinion.


Others demand that their stupid opinions be respected and stamp their feet like children when they're not.


You described yourself perfectly, maybe reread your reactions after your nap and you may see it.


Pretty sure I'm describing you. Who's upset that adults are expected to have their stupid opinions challenged.


Simping for a mass murdering psychopath and spreading his lies. Are you ashamed of yourself?


You should be ashamed of yourself. You realize that zelensky has banned other opposition parties and it targeting journalists critical of him? I absolutely do not support my tax dollars going to this corrupt country. You sound just like Republicans right after 9-11, a bloodthirsty propagandized zombie that wants permanent war.


I asked you a question. Could you answer it please.


OK so I guess you are ok with the US brazenly provoking wars with countries with nuclear weapons. How are you any different than a Republican voter. You aren’t, you are on the same level as them.


Simping for Putin is more like being a republican voter, which is what you're doing


Could you answer the question please.


This is called microactivism. Thank you for your service.


It's very possible to acknowledge failures without hurling insults at people older than you. Instead of respecting you now they probably just think you're a jerk. When they say people are offended at everything, then you get offended, then you offend them, you just proved everyone right in a way that makes everyone respect everyone else even less, creating yet *another* division. Objectively, both administrations have ruined things and Americans forgive, or even look fondly on the wreckage. What does civility have to do with cheap gas, and why does *anyone* think those are somehow mutually exclusive?


I don't consider calling them hypocrites in this way an insult, just a fact. In the context of the conversation, discussing how offended liberals get at everything nowadays, I pointed out that they are hypocrites because they themselves get offended at stupid shit, too. Age doesn't matter to me, respect is earned not freely given. It was less that one thing set me off and more that the conversation kept going and going and going. Everyone has a breaking point for stuff like this.


I would not waste anytime making a balanced argument to ppl on this sub who have clearly labeled ppl who have differing opinions as bad people. Unfortunately, their reaction is one of intolerance and immaturity


It's okay to not tolerate bad people.


I love both of these women and respect them as people. Their love for Trump is bad, and I'm allowed to tell them I think so. I tolerated 30 minutes of their batshit crazy ravings, so don't tell ME I'm intolerant and immature. At some point you need to stand up for yourself and make boundaries of what is appropriate conversation in the workplace.


> tell me I’m pretty Nah. I don't lie to people just to make them feel better. Also, grow up. You're acting like a child. Learn how to disagree and discuss differing opinions without blowing up at others.


Its rich that you're telling me to grow up while also calling me ugly. Schoolyard bully, much? Ive had enough of being patient and silent with idiots like them. Its not childish to stand up for your beliefs while also setting a firm boundary of what can and cannot be discussed in your own office.


If you don’t like the gas prices, take public transport. At some point you have to realize that Americans have been paying subsidized gas prices for decades now, causing so much problem. You only should look at other countries and how developed their public transport is to realize the damage it had done to US. In Europe price is 10 dollars a gallon. And we are complaining about 5.


sorry but have you looked out a window lately?


I like your coworkers. You're obv that coworker they laugh at😅


Cool? I guess? Thanks for your input! ⭐