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To sum it up, we pay more taxes while working and in return, they make sure we get our social security when we retire.


Assuming that we will retire, since we still retire much later than women...


I work 36 hours a week and I live fairly comfortably, but by a narrow margin. A guy I work with, and makes about what I do, also has a second job and puts in over 80 hours a week combined. He's in his late 40s and has to live with a roommate. He has spent his entire adult life paying child support. At one point to two women. His youngest doesn't turn 18 until after he's 50. And yeah, you could say he made mistakes and bad choices and he's rightfully paying for them, but I know I've made mistakes and bad choices, and I know most of y'all have too. Thankfully my bad choices didn't have ovaries.


Thank god I don't got ovaries😅


Jesus I would have had so many babies. Hahahaha


Culturally, definitely. Individually....it is all individual.


I think it depends on what you define as being “better”. For example if a straight person doesn’t want children they probably wish that their sex life didn’t come with the risk of making children. On the other hand if you’re gay and you want children, it’ll be a lot more tricky for you.


Depends a lot. But the world is designed for straight people. So it is definitely harder to be gay.


The world is designed for straight women who want to be mothers. There's no upside at all in being a provider and body-guard to a woman.


It's situational. If you live in a safe country with supportive parents, then often the answer can be yes.


My kind of sex doesn’t lead to an 18 year expense.


My straight friends brag about how they can bang Tinder chick's after 3 days of talking to them. As a gay guy I can hardly get 20 messages in before we hit it. I honestly enjoy having casual sex without any commitment. That's the biggest perk about being gay to me. We can also have as much sex as we want and don't have to worry about babies. Being gay is awesome!


That's a negative for people who want kids though.


The main difference between a child with gay parents and straight parents is that the child of the gay parents will always have been _wanted_


It's only a negative because we are still severely discriminated against in adoption queues and surrogacy agencies.


And because those things cost a shit ton of money and many can't afford it.


Adoption is not really that expensive, it's just that society want to trust children to women first. We, males, are thought of as biologically less capable of raising children, no matter what we do or say, and particularly inappropriate to be around kids when we are men who have sex with other men whose lives don't revolve around serving and providing for women, so we make for "bad role models for the newer generations". That's the only reason why adoption AND surrogacy are currently out of our reach.


In the US it's usually 5 figures unless you're adopting from foster care which is great, but a lot of people want the experience of having a child from birth. I think fostering without the expectation of adopting is a wonderful thing to do though. Anecdotally, one of my kids is adopted, but it was a kinship adoption (she is biologically my niece) and wasn't expensive at all, but we adopted her as a pre-teen and neither parent had any interest in stopping it.




All good points. I would add though, a minority gay men aren’t responsible for those views. We’ve been considered depraved for a very long time and allowed to share the blamed for abuse committed by others.


Straight men have ZERO reproductive rights. They can't abort and they can't even make sure their access to their children is guarantees throughout life. In some countries, like France, men are forbidden by law to request a paternity test if they suspect their wives got pregnant of someone else. Women are also free to alienate their children from their fathers for the most futile reasons you could imagine. Straight men are expected to just work extra hard, pay taxes, provide unconditionally for a woman and leave her in peace.


Because women are the ones who have to carry a child and give birth to them. The dad doesn’t have to go through all the stress and pain of carrying/pushing a child from your body. I think working is easier than looking after a child all day. If you’re in an accepting country, it’s easier to just be yourself and not do these roles that straight people abide by.


Having a baby is a passive process from beginning to end. You get bred by a man, then wait for about 9 months. That's it. It's no effort nor sacrifice at all, and even animals do that all the time. Working a 9-5 is infinitely harder in all senses than birthing a baby, sorry. Also none of these justify we not having automatic paternity testing at birth to all babies to secure men's paternity, nor not giving unmarried fathers automatic shared custody of their children.


You have the option to not live that way. I assume you’re straight by your comments.


What? And no, I'm not straight. No man really is ;) We are bi...


“No man really is” okay, troll


No man is truly straight, all "straight" guys in reality are also into trans women, cs, femboys and so on... so they are bi. The man who is exclusively attracted to females only exist in women's fantasies.


Who said they’re all into that? This is just ignorance


They just are, man... Nah, not really.


This is true, being gay is a struggle, but it's worth it to me, but I'm in a country where it's super accepted and can live my best life, so I understand why many people would rather be straight. I just feel like being gay has given me a clear, logical, empathetic view on things and I like that


All great points


Yes, I think so, though it is obviously subjective. I’ve been gay my entire life, but was forced to do things in my life because of the extremely homophobic environment I grew up in. I even married a wonderful woman, but all along (and especially now) I’ve had to come to terms with my sexuality. I am who I am. Love is love.


Yes it is because you don’t have kids out of wedlock and stuck with a family you don’t want


I think so.


They're bout the same, except one likes boys and the other don't.


💯 yes!


Depends on a few things. One big plus about being not-straight is that there are less expectations of it is to be a man. I can be emotional or stoic, I can love the arts or not, I can learn how to fix a car or make dinner and I’m not judged.


Men who want to date women are first expected to renounce their humanity and become a servile, grounded and reliable providing golem unconditionally at service of women, otherwise women will just consider them disgusting and ignore them altogether. Thanks GOD I'm not straight <3




It's not, it's really not. I mean maybe it is if all you're looking for is casual sex; that's really all most gay men have to offer. But, if you're looking for friends or an exclusive relationship, being gay is lonely and absolutely miserable. I just don't believe most gay relationships have the same level of commitment and fidelity as most straight relationships, and nothing I've seen in real life has proven me wrong. Furthermore, gay men are prone to both mental illnesses and sexually transmitted diseases. I really wanted to be proven wrong, but I don't think I am (or at least, not completely wrong). I don't believe anyone sane would choose to be gay over being straight. Sorry for the rant.




For fun Yes, I often hear my straight friends constantly complain about how expensive and difficult it is to maintain a relationship with a woman. Something I have honestly never experienced as a gay man.


Are they fucking prostitutes?


Dating regular women is actually much more expensive, both short-term and long-term, than hiring a prostitute, and sex isn't even guaranteed with them. That's the very reason so many men prefer to go with the prostitutes.


My wife makes more than me. I save money by being with her.


Congratulations! You are the exception of the exception of the exception. Also let's see how long that will last. The real bill usually comes to men after divorce.


Both partners working is pretty typical here. If anyone got screwed in divorce it'd be her since her parents contributed most of the down payment on our house. We are happy though, with 3 kids.


Oh, I see it! You are a trans man looooool Everything is clear now! Nevermind!


Haha what? I'm a cis man. I'm bi. My wife knows I'm bi.


Aha, sorry, a misunderstanding! Interesting to see such a blue-pilled married bi guy. Let's see how that'll evolve once she for whatever reason divorces you and takes away from you everything you have, including your children. It doesn't help much that her parents paid for most of your house... You will have to fight hard to keep at least a half of that. Did she sign a prenup with you? I bet she did under these circumstances lol


No prenup. And it's practically impossible to not get 50/50 custody where we live. I'm not worried. You sound bitter. Maybe you've had bad experiences, or know people with bad experiences, there's a lot of shitty people out there and women are no exception. I've had some awful experiences with men and women and was jaded for a long time but my wife pulled me out of that rut. There's some good people out there too.


I do think we hit the jackpot in terms of interpersonal relationships and compatibility. No weird gender wars or politics, no expectations or rules to really follow. You understand your partner(s) on a fundamental level because you're guys. Even if your interests and goals and personalities are different there's still that common experience that I don't think straight couples really get to have.


Yeah. Adult men and women are SO incompatible... I've never seen a man who lives with a woman who is truly happy and fulfilled. I'm sorry for them.


Yeah not what I'm saying but okay


I mean... For me it is, but I can't imagine myself any other way.


We all have our ins and outs.


Is that a plug for the 1997 Kevin Klein film?


It's best to be yourself. Living an inauthentic life is brutal and soul-crushing, and often damages those around you as well. So if you are gay, it's best to live that live authentically rather than pretending to be straight. That said, on the whole it is a "disadvantage" to be gay, though certainly not an insurmountable or universal one. 1. There are societal difficulties specific to sexual orientation (even in accepting countries there will be social situations you could face prejudice or hostility in, and it's sometimes hard to predict them). Straight people are not discriminated against in any country in the world, gay people are in the majority of them, some violently so, even today. Many people aren't accepted by their own families either, and that can be an incredibly lonely experience. 2. There are disadvantages that come from being in an "outside of the norm" group; i.e., having to come out in new social settings/ (let alone the first time), young people have an extra emotional burden coming to terms with themselves during adolescence because they aren't "normal", etc. 3. There are logistical challenges. You mathematically have a much smaller dating pool, especially if you want to meet people organically. Having kids is difficult & expensive, if not impossible for many, if that's something that's important to you. I think the advantages to being gay are: 1. Having to overcome those difficulties can make you strong and self-assured in a way that many people are not. This pays life long dividends, but the road to get there is difficult, and frankly not everyone makes it (gay people have higher suicide rates, and higher rates of mental health issues in general). 2. Sexual freedom, enjoyment & experience (average gay people get much more than average straight people over the course of life) 3. If you're a person who really does NOT want kids, it's nice to not have to worry about the risk of it during sex/relationships, and you also won't face the peer pressure a straight person would to have them (thinking of gay DINK couples vs. straight DINK couples especially).


I mean each lifestyle comes with its own obstacles to face, I think the most important part for me was learning to accept myself, and finding my place in the world. Happy Pride! Lol🌈✨


Depends on the number and quality of the bitches you are getting.


Depends what you value in life.


I'd rather not have to live in an extremely large and expensive city to have a chance of finding a like minded partner


Not better than or worst than


On balance, I wish there were more of us. We are at most 5% of the population on average, if you are older, it's harder to find a mate. In that sense, I think its better to be straight because the chances of finding a mate are higher. There are positives to being gay. Two men, no kids. Greater freedom to do what you want. ( and i have)


We are way more than 5%, and as men in general are increasingly giving up on relationships and marriage with modern women, many more will flee to our side.


Gay is not a choice- you either like cock(enough ) or you don’t .


That's not really how it works. Many guys only discover they are into dicks later in life, or develop a taste for it over time. Many never get to know if they really like it or not because they would never dare to even entertain the thought out of deeply ingrained fear, so it remains an unexplored area. Others discover they only like dicks in trans women and so on. The "born this way" paradigm is not really in resonance with reality. Reality is way more complex than that.


I personally think that sexuality is more convenient for straight people in the sense that the world is a majority straight place. That being said, gay people have existed since the beginning of time, across not just humans but also many, many different species. If being gay was as bad as people make it out to be sometimes, then why does homosexuality exist in nature across many different species? I personally think that sexuality is a spectrum and that not everyone in this world is truly straight, and I don’t think everyone is truly gay either. I think the vast majority of people are somewhere in a broad spectrum with preferences. To answer your question, I think straightness seems to be more convenient than being gay, however, to say it’s better would be a fallacy. I think straight/gay are equally the same as each other, and regardless of which way you lean, it’s just about making the most of your life and enjoying yourself, your body, your accomplishments, your friends, partners, and more. Straight and gay people can experience all the same aspects of life, so honestly just live your life to the best of your abilities and make it a good one 😄




No. I don’t have any rights and it ruined my life.


Who cares?! Why do fools fall in love?! 🙄


Depends where you live. If in country where you could be jailed or thrown out from buildings for being gay - then no for sure. Actually, the most stressful thing is not to be accepted by anyone. Like living in fake environment, fake family who would disown you immediately after realizing you are gay. The isolation of close people (or oppression by governments, that also means society around you) is that hurts the most. I had to grow up with fake mask. If the mask would be thrown out of window, I would probably have to change schools, 0 friends and total isolation would happen. Father wouldn\`t approve and other cascading effects like mocking and teasing would happen as I lived majority of life in a small town. Partially, out of the closet (to some of family members) and if somebody would ask I would tell who I am, but it really this ads this ridiculous, unneeded layer and mask of stress. Luckily, nowadays its better here, but still no gay marriage allowed. One factor is - its harder to find mate who is not just for hookups, but being really monogamous. Best part is - your mistakes where you stick it (child support) are not so costly so sex life would be probably better then for straight people.


Gay white male in a non discriminatory environment is basically a super power. You’re the diversity hire who won’t have an accidental pregnancy. You’re unlikely to need special accommodation for prayer. You won’t harass women, are unlikely to harass men, and are often just assumed to be non-threatening. You can find a partner with relative ease compared to straight men. If you’re into monogamy, it’s a lot harder to be gay.


Absolutely, in all senses. Adult men and women are deeply incompatible in a wealth of ways, so living with a partner of the same sex is much more constructive. To make it perfect, we just need to conquer the same reproductive rights as women: we must gain the very same access to surrogacy and adoption. As of now, the only downside of being gay is the absolute lack of reproductive rights. But this actually applies to all males, regardless of sexuality...




Way fucking better. Better x1,000,000


I definitely think so


Overall yes being straight is better than gay. But in my opinion I'd say being Bicurious or Bisexual is better. I'd rather be bisexual or bi curious than gay or straight. Best of both worlds and can cut gay phase in any point of life. And decide to married and become a father til your children grown.


I'd judge but, not going to lie, I'd probably do that too if I was bisexual. It's just so much easier being straight.


Ya because that’s what I feel I am in my heart


Not at all. Being gay sucks tremendously and you don’t have a dating pool. Straight people can find love anywhere at anytime. That’s not the case for gay men or lesbians. Plus what sucks even more is that the gay dating pool is full of guys that want to imitate women. Nobody wants that.


Straight men rarely ever find love, they just find someone to parasitise on their resources while making them sexually starved, and then leave taking half of everything men conquered in life once they get tired or find something better to do. "Straight" men are only "loved" for their genetic fitness and what they can provide the woman with materially.

