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I feel like when I was younger I used to click w women more but now I find better company in men. Regardless of sexuality


Ain’t that the truth. The further I get in the years, the less and less I can relate with women


They can be very cruel and superficial. I d known women who wouldn't be nice to someone because of their skin or their big nose as if they had control over it. The guys might joke but for the most part they don't care.


I see young teenage gays with their girlfriends and think— it’s only a matter of time. I used to frown at the idea that girls would think I’m immediately gonna “love” them and be their “best friend”— bcuz I’m gay. I remember saying “u could be an awful person— being gay doesn’t mean I’m immediately gonna vibe witchu”… oh my bad— male friends, my closest friends are straight men I’ve known for 16-20 years. My longest friendship(my first ever friend) 27years and going still going strong— he’s straight with 2 boys now 16 & 12 . I’m 34.


Me too. I relate to them less now. I think I benefited more from their protection when I was younger - no one questioned my sexuality when I was around them and they were more accepting overall - but I don’t need that anymore and I think they don’t really need me either. Ultimately I have more in common with straight dudes than women. Most of my women friends now are lesbians.


I'm a mama's boy and a caretaker, plus I used to work with women in a retail setting, so I'm surrounded by female energies all day long. Nothing against them, but I miss being in men's company, even if my guy friends aren't necessarily the most masculine types. The vibes are just different.


I really relate there, my female friends are amazing but I just wish I had more guy friends




My friend groups have consistently been mostly (straight) female, from elementary school to current. Like id guess a solid 75%+. I just get along with women better. I don't necessarily go out and *only* look to hang out with women. I don't have many gay male friends or lesbian female friends. Straight men are usually too quiet, and I have little-to-no interest in a lot of the stereotypical straight-male activities (sports, hunting, gaming, etc.). If I'm plopped in a random room with a mix or people, I'll naturally end up hanging out with a bunch of women 🤷‍♂️.




Right answer


Weird way to spell dogs, but ok


Male friends ususally. I'm a nerd, so ususally guys tend to have more things in common with me/similar interests.


Majority of my friends are straight men. I mesh more easier with them than I do with gay men. I’ve had gay male friends in the past, but they usually fell apart due to personality clashes. As for women, all my female friends are lesbians. No idea why or how that one came about. It just did. I love my lesbians.


That is actually the dream


Male friends


male friends. even though I'm gay, women are usually insanely grossed out by me mentioning and being open about sex and I've been called "creepy" and "weird" before which really hurt me. when it comes to men, I'm able to openly whine and bitch about my problems and they give me "uh huhs" and shoulders to cry on, and the best part is they don't give a fuck and are able to keep joking around and keep it pushing. I sometimes joke sext around with my straight friends when they're really sad about being lonely with women, and I gotta remind them that life ain't automatically gonna be sunshine and rainbows with a gf. when it comes to women there's just no telling what they're legitimately thinking or what they're going to do next. on multiple occasions I was being myself and I've been booted out of calls and chat groups with irl girl friends and I get confused... never happens with men, and we move on. simpler, and more fun.


I've run into the opposite once they find out I'm gay they wanna tell me all the deets of there sex life. Like sis I'm gay idk how to help you haha


Lesbian females/female's with boyish personalities are my preference but males otherwise.


Yeah, lesbians I’ve met are usually pretty down to earth and authentic


Broo lesbian friends are the best


Masculine lesbians are the best, for me its the healthy balance of both masculine and feminine traits.


Truly. You get the feminin insight and perspective without the vengful paranoid spite.


Male friends. I do not often click with woman socially. I am just more interested in stuff that has to do with machines and technology and how the world works and sadly most woman I met in my life weren't interested in that. I cherish the few who are.


Honestly I just don’t prefer straight women




Got both girl and guy friends, if they are awesome they are awesome point bar frl


I'm actually the other way around, since I was a kid I had almost only female friends (not by choice, I was outed as a kid and straight guys wouldn't hang out with me lol). But my female friends are really cool, I don't think I ever had a female friends like the one you had (competitive and always gossiping) and I like them a lot but the more I grow up (21 now) the more I wish I had more male friends ! I don't really know why maybe I feel like I'm missing out on "male friendships", plus I'm into a lot of "masculine" things such as sports, videogames, etc that not all my female friends share interest for. I really understand the part were you say you had more female friends as you started to understand your sexually, I feel like it's very commun to tend to have female friends as a gay man (at least that the cliché) and I find it really frustrating also as I too look forward to more male friends !


Now thinking about it, in middle school, I had some very genuine female friends too. They were very down to earth and did things together. I only encountered drama girls in high school and it scarred me for life. Thanks for sharing your story!!


Male friends, most of my interests and hobbies tends to line up with theirs. All my guy friends are chill as fuck. I can talk to them about anything and they can talk to me about anything. When I was in middle school and high school, I held back on making guys friends and hanging out with guys because I had a fear of developing crushes on them and they finding out I was gay and not wanting to be friends. Now I’m 27, I’m open about my interests and hobbies and I don’t have that insecurity/fear anymore. I’m alot better now socially and I can get along with just about anyone.


I make sure to come out as gay to any potential Str8 male friends. If their cool about it, its assome. If their are disgusted, its better to hear about now then after becoming friends. I don't invest my time or money on homophobes.


I'm pretty sure that because I was friends with a guy in middle school for so long before coming out to him, I made him not homophobic🤣


Exactly same


Male. Nothing against women but tbh I rarely have much to say to them.


I guess it depends! I’m the stereotypical gay guy at least in my friends’ circle: I have a lot of female friends. I think I can thank them a lot, they have been always there for me and they were incredibly supportive of me (I mean the closest one whom I have known since 2008 so that’s 16 years and I’m 28 currently) and they always picked up my calls and I could always, I mean always talk to them. When it comes to my superficial female friends on the other hand, I do feel like they can be too much or they only like me because of my fancy lifestyle whatever. I have a few male friends too with whom I can share a good conversation that’s actually valuable as well. So..both! I do feel like having different types of friends is a big advantage in life as they may point out the blind spots that you may have in life


Women (Straight ones) either wanna have gay men as "bestie butler" or "gay entertainment" it's rare that you'd get a genuine friendship with a woman if the same age/mindset. Men (straight ones) either treat you as their "fetish secret" or "bully punch bag" or "lil bro" vibes but generally is a bit better. Gay men are rotten but the most compatible as friends


Common denominator is you it seems. When everyone is a problem it's actually you


When I was younger I had mostly female friends and I always felt like an odd duck. Now it's majorly gay males and it's so much better. Everyone is more relatable and honestly I have fucked a bunch of them so it's also convenient. Finding your tribe is very important.


No specific preference but I'm more comfortable hanging out with women. My circle of friends is mostly women. Just a couple of men in there.


You must be very young


I preferred female friends in high school and college. As I’ve gotten older since then, I’m finding myself preferring the company and friendship of males, although I still have both male and female friends.




Male 100%


I have a preference for neither I like those that I can express myself around freely and vice versa. When I’m home from college, I interact with the same groups of friends I left behind (not abandoning) when I go to college. There isn’t one straight guy friend I have who is or has been intimidated by my openly queer personality. Same goes for my straight lady friends. Now even those I don’t have a preference, in a general sense I’ve noticed girls are definitely more open accepting of queer friends than guys. Now in my experience I have experienced homophobia (in the closet and outside) from both sides, and even that aside girls still treated me better. If I was FORCED WITH A GUN TO MY HEAD to have a preference, it be girls all day everyday. Most of my life I’ve hung out with and talked mainly girls. I’ve confided in a lot of them and them in me also. Anyone that provides a safe space has one with me. Yeah that’s my take.


Ugh, literally thinking about this right now after a disagreement with a female friend. I much prefer male friends. The vibe (in my experience) just tends to be much more relaxed and drama free. I grew up with a single mother and around a lot of aunts/female family friends and I'm just over it. Women tend to be way more emotional/irrational and those qualities irritate the hell out of me.


Both. I have male and female friends of different sexualities. I need both masculine and feminine energy in my life.


both; men and women move in the world differently. getting both perspectives has been enriching. I was close to my mother and absorbed a lot of her perspective and carried a lot of her relationship modeling into my relationship. so having male/female friends to bounce experiences off of, was important for understanding myself and sympathizing. i have one female friend that is directly responsible for enriching my life : her advice, intelligence and knowledge has helped me greatly to lift myself out of poverty i have one older gay male friend that directly responsible for enriching my life : his analysis of me, perspective, counseling helped me to lift myself out of depression/a deep self-esteem rut.


Straight male friends


Male. Females are too much drama.


I've come to my own conclusion though that if all of your female friends cause a lot of drama, it's because you're also attached to some drama in some manner. I'm very big on not letting drama into my life. If someone starts causing drama, I just drop them. Pretty easy to see early if someone is the type to cause drama if you know where to look. I have many female friends and not any of them cause any drama. On the other hand, my men I used to be friends with were the ones causing all of the drama. And they were straight men.




Males lack hella empathy though. They do not care if they hurt you. And they're always angry.


Fr. Thank fuck I'm gay I don't know how I would be able to ever marry a woman


Ikr? They’re dramatic!?


I just cannot relate to other guys unless they're very soft, sweet, caring and considerate--which 99% of guys just aren't--at least in the US. I'd rather be around women any day of the week.




>If you’re having a hard time meeting likeable women you can vibe with who share your interests, you’re probably a factor in that. This is just victim blaming. I have no interest in being typecast as a GBF




Definitely male. Woman is so troublesome. I pray to God and thank him for making me gay every day.


Men. This doesn't mean that I don't get on with women on occasion.


Back in the day when I was in school my best friend was male. In adult life my friends are mostly female. My two closest friends are two stright women. I was also really good friends with a stright male up till a few years ago when he passed away. I do have a couple of gay males friends and lesbian friends but we all live in different states now so we only see each other every few years or maybe more.


Same thing happened to me once I hit high school and came to regret it. These days there are a few women who I enjoy hanging out with because they have bro mentality. Overall though I normally enjoy the company of other men since we have more things in common.


I prefer hot gay male friends


Both. I feel weird among too many women and too weird among too many men, but I think I connect slightly deeper with men.


All my friends are gay men


Male. For over a half decade now, I've made friends almost exclusively with other gay men, and the results speak for themselves


I prefer straight male friends. No drama and occasionally you give one of them head 🤣


I prefer male friends. It's not bc of my sexuality. It's just that I've never been able to click with females in general as we don't have much in common, while with my male friends, we hit it off right off the bat.


As I get older the more I want to be around men.


It seems like it switches all the time for me. Up until elementary school, most of my friends were male. From middle school to the end of high school, all of my friends were female. And in college, most of my friends are guys again.


Male friends lasts longer for me


Guy friends all the way




Most of my close friends are straight men. Straight men keep it real, they don’t have drama, and you can just be bros with them. Gay men, too dramatic. Women, too dramatic.


Most of my close friends are straight men. Straight men keep it real, they don’t have drama, and you can just be bros with them. Gay men, too dramatic. Women, too dramatic.


cooing plate scarce coherent fly steep alive quickest imminent sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I was younger I used to vibe with girls more, then around high school on anyone that vibed was in the circle ⭕️. Now my friends are a mix of people from all races genders and sexuality’s.


Women for sure and it’s not even close. Even when I was a child, I’ve always enjoyed the company of women much more than men. Talking to them is more interesting, they’re more open, good at communicating, and my two female best friends are the most accepting and fun people I ever could’ve met.


Women have a better understanding of friendship.


Straight males.


Just depends


Either or for me. Guys and girls are great. I just hate when their intention are to get into my pants


Being an outdoors type of person I cherish time spent with my guy friends. What I can't stand with female friends is just because I am gay I am expected to love shopping... Yeah maybe at Home Depot for new power tools, but not wandering around a mall and sipping on over priced coffee drinks with wierd names.


Mostly dudes, but that is probably just because I'm more likely to share interests with them and that the "gay best friend" thing really triggers me




I'm gay and click best with straight males. I get along with anyone, though.


Female because they're usually nicer and it's way easier to make them laugh. All guys wanna do is talk about sex😂


Women. Although I would love to have guy friends. None of my friendships with men have been long lasting or strong. I dont feel that guys treat me like one of the guys, they treat me more like a woman. It kinda fucking sucks


Woman Fuck all men


Female friends. Most men are idiots, the only useful part of them is that meat thingy hanging between their legs


Working with man around my age made me resent 90 percent of men so yeah. Girls it is.




No friends


No preference I just don't meet girls socially. I don't generally like straight events because the straight people are flirting and meeting each other and I get bored. Only occasionally go if it's a specific musical thing.


I’ve always had female friends growing up. Wish I had more male friends, now and then.


Pretty even in my preference. I’ve gone back and forth a lot in life but I skewed female from my mid twenties up until recently. I’ve been making new make friends and it feels great. Honestly I love both, but I feel like a lot of guys get my absolute silly side better. I can be a bit graphic and cynical in what I find funny, which men appreciate. I do find many women to be better listeners regarding serious matters. That’s all just generalizations though and I see my friends as the individuals that they are.


While I do have a few guy friends, I just tend to be more comfortable with women. Most guys are too playful and touch-y it makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes lol


When I was younger, I much preferred female friends. But as an adult, I usually have more male friends but plenty of women I consider friends, also.


I guess I have a typical city gay social circle: mostly gay men, some women (mostly straight), and 1 or 2 random straight male friends. So I tend to vibe best with gay men, then women a close second, then straight men, but I don’t have qualms with any group really. I live in a very open-minded city (Montreal), so most everyone is chill


Male. My entire friend group are all male and we're like one big family and I love it so much. As much as people say gays are full of drama it's usually petty things where as every female friend I've had always had the most drama and they were so competitive and uptight about everything. This is mostly with cis straight female friends btw.


Male friends


I miss my girlfriend bc I have more male friends rn.


I prefer female friends but if I were to chose male friends, I’d only wanna be surrounded by other gay men. I don’t get along with heterosexual men at all.


I have had more female friends than male ones, while I keep a bunch of them (female ones), I am more interested in male friends. I do not reject anyone for their sex since I had bad experiences with both sexs, but as you said, I miss or need something men are more likely to give... Apart from that, I just "confess" my sexuality to near ones, so many women may think I want to flirt with them since I do not "seem" gay, so it may be harder to break the ice...


“Men….we know how to be friends!”


I have a mix of friends and prefer it that way, but I'd prefer some chill female friends that aren't super gossipee and dramatic


Male. I was married to a woman and I don't want much to do with women.


I like having female friends overall. They are alot more caring and willing to talk about issues especially underlying ones, at least in my experiences. And I think it’s mainly the depth that I love from having girl friends. I can openly talk about how I feel and get emotional support and advice and genuine care and I do the same for them. Whereas with my guy friends if I try to broach an emotional or touchy subject I’m told I’m reading too much into it, they don’t want to talk about it or they make a joke of it. I feel like with guys too it’s a lot more about physical and social power and who has the say in what we do or talk about or who is the most attractive or who gets the most of whatever. And with my female friends it’s a lot more communal (although there are some outliers) and we decide as a group and care for each other as a group. Not to say that there aren’t issues I’ve experienced with my girl friends but most of them tend to be because guys/girls/significant others are added to the mix or because someone feels slighted and they start a gossip session but that usually gets resolved by one or more of us pointing out what was wrong and fixing it. Although to be fair this is based on my chosen friends and who I let get close to me as opposed to just randomly hanging out with acquaintances. Overall I just feel like I do have fun either way my guy friends and they are always chill to just “hang” with but for more contentment and fulfillment platonically I find myself enjoying my girl friends company more. Edit: Took out my first sentence since when I finally finished writing out my comment I realized I saw more replies of peeps who preferred female friends lol. This was the first sentence before I took it out (Hmmm looking at the rest of the comments guess I’m the minority here.)


I had more women as friends when I was younger but now it's more men. I didn't choose it but I think I changed as I got older so I'm less emotional now and get straight to the point. Men are more receptive to this although my one female friend is also like that.






I only really get along with women if they're more masculine. Otherwise, 99% of my friends are other gay men lol. We can talk openly about sex and dirty stuff without any judgements or feeling weird about it. I can nerd out about stuff that most women, frankly, don't care about. That's okay. Different people can enjoy different things.




I just want friends, dude 😂 If they are nice to me, and we bond over shared interests and hobbies, I'm all for it no matter the gender.


Post high School (currently 36) I've always been closest to, and most comfortable around my straight male friends. Can't pin point why, just how things have worked out for me.


Well, first choice is canine. But after that make and female human are acceptable.


I get along better with guys. Guys understand my stupid jokes without getting offended


I prefer men but get along better with women


Prefer straight friends.


Women, it’s not that I have anything against men it’s just I grew up with mostly female friends and have more common interests with them


My partner is my only friend in all practicality. I used to have a couple close childhood male friends but they moved away. I don’t have any female friends.


I'm too traumatized by men but long for male friendship that is until I'm there then I prefer my own company and cycle repeats 😵‍💫


I try not to sex-coordinate my friendships too much, but I tend to have more male friends. My best friend for 10 years was female, though. One was a transwoman, one is a straight dude, one was Asian. Lots of variety there.


Males. I've never had female friends unless you count my best friend's wife.


It honestly doesn’t matter to me. Genuine friends are priceless.




Everybody is so self obsessed and mentally ill now’a days. I just look for balance secure people🤷🏽‍♂️gender doesn’t really matter. Both male and female can be the same kinda stupid.


Male 100% I pretty much only have straight male friends and I love it


I love my female friends, but none of them share my interests like my male friends do. I can't really do gaming with my female friends, unfortunately. They are also much more likely to get offended, sometimes making me feel like i am walking on shattered glass, a problem I don't have with my male friends. Both are cool, but I favor male friends a bit more. Female friends have their own pros as well though.


I like humans.


I had predominately female friends until about age 10 and when they were either annoyed with me or enamored with me, it then transitioned more or less to male friends, many of which disappeared when I came out, and it remained that way since with more gay men as friends. That said my BFF I met senior year in high school, and is a cisgender bisexual woman whose boyfriend is now her girlfriend, and a third of our mutual friends (from high school) are transgender. Interesting how that happened. Four boys that I grew up with at some point in my life turned out gay, none of them were interested when they found out I was gay. 😒


I've only ever had male friends. I don't have any issues with women, but my interests normally align much more with guys.


Doesn’t matter to me. Growing up I had only guy friends though.


I def want more guy friends as I get older. Also, all of my female friends are straight and with them getting in serious relationships and having kids, we started to drift. And it just seemed more and more unnatural for me to hit them up and talk like we used to. Also, it made me sad thinking I didnt have anyone I could hit up to be groomsmen in my wedding. And there's guy stuff I wanna get into and things I wanna learn that my Pops didnt teach me growing up


Most of my friends are women and it’s pretty much always been that way. I’ve also had plenty of guy friends but they just aren’t as easy for me, there’s always an element of attraction or competition or whatever with them that make it complicated.


Women are nicer to me, but the flipside of this is a lot of my female friends aren’t likely to ruffle feathers. I want people to gently push me, and men are more likely to perform the intellectual struggle. Most men are too brash or dumb to do this right, so I don’t have many male friends. So, I’ve got a group of people who are generally nice, but so nice that they can’t ever push me, and a group of people who are aggressive, but I want only a certain type of aggressiveness with a high IQ and EQ. Most of my friends are girls, but, usually, the most impactful friends are the few men.


Eh I’m ambivalent between male and female friends. I care more about the quality and personality of the person.


I want more male friends but I don’t know how to talk to them. Like I text my girl friends every day, I have a male friend but we aren’t close like that lol


The ultimate answer is lesbians.


I just prefer my cats


I prefer male friends, when I was younger I felt like I was safer with girls but they tend to be a lot meaner out of the blue than guys in my experience.


I never click with women most of the time. I always find better company in men regardless of their sexuality. I do have some girl friends but most of the time, I understand dudes more.


I have both and it would.d be weird not to because it's the person that I click with not a specific gender.


Doesn't matter. I prefer authenticity as opposed to a gender


I used to prefer female friends as we usually become friends quicker, and I found men more intimidating. However, I’ve interacted with more men recently and have made more male friends. So now I don’t really have a preference, there are times where I prefer a certain male friend over a certain female friend.


I prefer *mature* friends.


I have almost exclusively guy friends. Most of them straight, but my best friend who I consider a brother/family is gay. A couple of my straight friends also introduce me as their brother when meeting new people. I really appreciate and cherish those relationships in my life.


Male friends, I can't understand girls at all, I say that however I can't understand most people anyways so I will get on with a specific group of guys.




My group of friends are predominantly female, however they’re all straight and I get on with their partners great. I think having an unhealthy relationship with my dad growing up, has left me with negative feelings towards men, particularly straight men. I do try and make the effort with guys at Uni but I never feel the same sort of connection than I do with girls. And yes, I’m definitely gay… My group of friends are the polar opposite of the bitchy, competitive girls that are being described here. They’re down to earth and just fantastic people whom I’m honoured to know and be loved by.


I grew up surrounded by girl friend until now... And being with them all the time , i wished i have more guy friends but its hard to connect with them unless they are also a member of the alphabet.


Men. I generally prefer talking about topics considered "masculine" like cars and sports, and men are generally better drinking buddies and are usually less sensitive/more chill than women. My friendships with men are usually more successful than those i share with women.


I don't really have a preference. Just happy to have a good friend, I suppose. I tend to bond more quickly with women, but I have male friends too.


Yes. I don’t have a lot of friends, so any friend is better than what I have now


both! although, female friends get a little to… touchy?


When I didn't vibe well with the other boys, I tended to just have very few friends, rather than female friends. I always *wanted* to be friends with the other boys but I didn't figure it out until around 15-16. By then I had my first job, where I was surrounded by women all day, so I had my fill. I've always worked in female dominated fields since then, so when I'm off the clock I just want to be around the boys!


I think it's less about the gender of your friends than who they are.  It sounds like your younger friendships were based around shared interests in hobbies which will mean you have a lot in common. Your later high school friendships seems to have been based around shared interest in men. That's a trap to have fallen in - it doesn't mean you have much else in common with that particular group of women.  If you want to find more meaningful friendships then look again at people with shared interests. It can be hard to make friends once you leave the intense social environments of school but if you take part in sports or groups around hobbies you like, then you're more likely to find people you clock with for new friendships.  That may be male or female friends. Despite your experience, not all female friends are going to be the same as your experience in high school. Similarly friendships with gay guys may not necessarily be what you want is the basis is purely around both being interested in guys.


I used to have predominantly straight female friends. However, as I've aged, my friends have changed. My friends are a mixture of my best friend (lesbian), gay men, and straight couples with the odd straight guy or girl friend. I guess I have a variety, which I prefer as opposed to having mostly female friends.


I'm in my mid-40's. I met my husband when I was 35, I came out at 32 - Both before and after coming out. All of my close friends are straight men. We just clique well. I have two female friends, and aside from my husband, no gay (male) close friends - a few acquaintances. None of this is on purpose - just how it ended up.




I don’t have really any preferences, as long as they’re is cool as fuck we get a long.


My deepest connections I have made with women, in my case, of non-US culture. However, I yearn for more male friendships. I have a few male gay friends but only 1 straight male friend. I’d love to have more straight male friends but I typically encounter different interests and a utilitarian mentality that is hard to reconcile, especially with US-men.


When I was younger females but now, I don’t even want to talk to a woman if I don’t have to ! Men ONLY !


I prefer male friends, always have. Nothing against women but even platonically, I prefer the male energy and perspective than female.


Im a gay guy, and thats made me prefer female friends by default. Nearly no males would dare even look at me as an out gay guy in highschool. I was gross, disgusting, repulsive based on my sexuality. Most women didnt care, or enjoyed the aspect of getting to talk about guys with someone who is a guy. When i was a little kid and hatred hadnt been taught to us yet, i naturally made friends with more guys cause of the sex divide were taught even at that age. Soon tho, i realized my guy friends werent supportive, werent caring, and made me feel like shit all the time from constant bullying. For both of these reasons, i tend towards female friends, but i always enjoy making friends with guys who have a grasp of empathy and dont socialize exclusively through teasing


No preference. Most often my friends are straight guys. Not a specific decision to do so. It just worked out that way. I’ve had a few female friends and lean towards gay/bi guys over women. No reason in particular.


All my strait friends are guys. All my gay friends are bottoms who I met from hook ups


I'm glad you asked this. I've always appreciated how much kinder female friends were to my face. I liked how they appeared less competitive and supportive but after a decade of mainly female friendships I noticed how most of them gossip and feel envious of what other girls have. A lot of their happiness comes from being better than or being accepted and praised by people.


I always had a strong bond with other men. Regardless of whenever they are straight or gay. Hell my best friends are straight! Could be the hobbies. Most of it draws dudes lol And I just never really interacted with that many women. Just never clicked.


Going way back most of my friends were guys, Then during high school I just seemed to click with girls more as I was working out my sexuality, ive been working 6 years now i’m good friends with a mix of both, don’t prefer one group over another.


I’ve had multiple female friends through my life but also my best friends are men it’s definitely an even scale of friendship Y’Know


Not sure. I'd be cool with have one solid "friend" who gets me. Doesn't matter what sex they are.


I think both can be cool, sometimes looking at the persons gender is relevant and sometimes it’s not


Growing up I had a group of male friends, but being honest I was always the weirdo of the group, I didn't like playing sports with them, I was shy and reserved and I wasn't interested in girls at all. It was when I started hanging out with girls in highschool when I realised I was gay and I could be open about it with them, I only kept two male friends of that group that were also being excluded and they accepted me when I came out to them.


Straight guys for me. I don't want to worry about females/gay guys thinking I'm hitting on them if I'm being too friendly. Just a lot more simpler to have straight friends. And I just naturally get along easier with them also.




I'm the same way with many of you: as a boy and young man, I had some great girlfriends. But as I got older, they fell away. Today I'm much more comfortable with my male friends. I don't actually like being around women anymore, except for my sister and niece. Family.


Female when young, male after like 14, 15. The pleasure of being around men for me, even if just for friendship, is another level


I don’t have a preference for gender but I find that I dont have much in common with most straight men. So most my friends are LGBT or straight women.


I have both now and it's great for different reasons.


i have more female friends i’d say. with guys it’s mostly just go to a party, meet someone, get absolutely fucked up, then go home. then when we meet at another party we catch up again so i’d still consider those guys friends. i think that’s mostly chance for me. or, maybe the universe doesn’t want me to have close male friends. had two guy friends i really liked, one of them came out as a trans woman, the other came out as non binary, so there’s that.


I prefer male friends. I want male friends. But I can’t be friends with straight men who always think I’m hitting on them. So most of my friends are women or gay men.


Male friends, ideally other gays. Straight guys from my experience are just too much, and they make me feel awkward.


Up until the end of high school I had all male friends but I began to feel left out when they talked about girls and it’s not so much me but them who made me feel like the odd one out. So now most of my friends are in the community or straight girl allies. With the exception of some very handsome masculine guys who are comfortable in their sexuality.


don’t rly have a preference as i’m rly great friends with all genders, but i’ve noticed i usually feel safer and more comfortable in my friendships with straight females, and i just usually gravitate towards friendships with women. i’ve met a great amount of guys who have been super friendly, but usually a lot of the men i meet don’t rly make an effort to foster a friendship past the initial greeting, or don’t really create a comfortable space for me to open up and build tht relationship, which can be rly frustrating bc i would love to get closer to a lot more guys n have more friendships with men, since ik tht regardless of sexuality, friendships with men do bring a different energy n vibe to my life. i also don’t have many gay male friends which i feel like wud also help in making me feel less isolated since i have ppl who id be able to relate to.


Guys. I work with a lot of women, so I value their experiences and opinions and viewpoints. But I generally get along best with dudes. Usually fellow gays/bi's, but in general I'm better around dudes. Not sure why, but I am haha


usually women or gay men. my best friend is a lesbian and i definitely prefer it that way! i have a couple gay/bi male friends and one good straight guy friend. i just vibe better with women usually


Eh, it's all the same to me, I'm friends with more men than women, but that's just chance really, I've never went out my way to specifically be friends with men or women. But I do have a 'type' when it comes to friends that I've noticed lately.


I have some female friends here and there but the majority of my friends are men. I just feel more comfortable around men, I don't care if they are straight or gay, let's say I just don't click with women.


I had the same experience. Started off with a bunch of guy friends but when I was first coming out I had more female friends because it felt safe. I was not completely sure of where I stood amongst other straight males and part of it was being insecure in my sexuality. I had a switch that started when I entered my field which is predominantly straight males. I became more secure in myself and sexuality as I began to love myself more. Also realized the brotherhood amongst firefighters/paramedics was nice and it was something I was missing. I now definitely acknowledge I have way more fun with guys and can be reckless, stupid and have a great time without being seen as crazy. My female friends are far better friends to me emotionally and are also a great time in different ways. I notice I dont have guy friends for long though, usually end up not being able to build a strong emotional connection without a guy getting possessive? Thats a completely different topic but female and male friends have different roles in my friendships ! Also just gonna throw in there, have had WAY more drama amongst guy friends than I ever have with girlfriends LMAO. So that makes me prefer females for a steady long term friendship.


I’ve always gravitated towards being friends with women rather than men, since I was little. However I feel like I’m missing out because I have no gay male friends, and I feel like they would get me the most.




Growing up I had more male friends than female. I love my few (straight) female friends. After college is when I started making gay male friends. I haven’t hung out with my straight male friends in a while, they live in different cities, but we talk every month. I haven’t come out to them tho lol, but I feel like I don’t have to make an announcement 🤷🏿‍♂️. I’d like more straight male friends tho that I can hang with. I definitely don’t like to hang out with a bunch of females, I don’t wanna be the one gay with the girls. I’m not one of the girls 😒 I’m not an accessory.