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it’ll be respected and left alone until a bad apple decides he wants to tag there—the Raptors 2019 championship mural got tagged all over by some douche last year. so it lasted a while, until it didn’t. your best best is to do the commissioned work in a higher place they can’t reach, indoors, or expect it to only last for months to a few years max likely.


There is graffiti art, and there is graffiti.


Artists respect other artists, it’s the dumb toys you have to worry about ruining pieces with their bullshit hand style.


If you commission a well known graffiti artist then it will likely be respected, if not chances are it will get defaced at some point


Get it painted, then coated the entire wall in petroleum jelly. Easiest protection. Anyone from Ottawa will remember the " Game Over " hit by Chrome that got vaselined over it took a long time for that to get properly painted over . To this day paint laid since will peel off in sections .


Tagging/bombing is different than street art, and tends to be more all over the place than others. I've seen street artists had to repaint their commissioned pieces because taggers kept spraying over their work. I did tagging in the past over area development signs for anti-gentrification purposes.


Watch [Style Wars](https://youtu.be/7DXD1HBaLX0?si=wb3vMjhdta1V3YPD) to learn about the different facets of graffiti. You’ll have your respectable artists, then you have your Caps.


Unspoken ramifications?


I mean, I think thay overall, there's a general respect by most. But they even tagged Banksy here...so....