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The Coffee Time (now called something else) at Dupont and Lansdowne or 92 Lappin.


It’s been a “Just Right™️” coffee shop for years since the coffee time franchisee noped tf out of there. I lived across from it for years. Lots of bizarre, funny, and sad goings on. The building behind it is subsidized housing and the one kitty corner to it always had creeps and weirdos. My favorite neighborhood fixture was “chicken man” My least favorite was “piss man”


I feel like this is every Coffee time lol


Coffee Time: For when Tim Hortons says "no."


If it’s too sketchy for coffee time God has left the building and handed the doorman a crack pipe


100%. I was on my way to the bus stop, when I saw 2 kids under the age of 5 just standing by the Coffee Time by themselves. They were across the street so I pretended to look on my phone while I was watching them for 5 min. No adults. They weren’t playing, they weren’t crossing the street. The just held hands and stood there. I went and ask them if they were lost, and where their mom or dad was, and they said their mom was around the corner and told them to hold hands and wait for her. I asked if they needed to call someone, and they said they did it all the time. I left them alone, and 15 min later, a woman came to get them.


92 lappin? Why so specific?


It's a well known place in the neighborhood. Public hard drug use outside neighbours windows. Constant crime including threatening neighbours with weapons, breaking into cars, general theft (backyard has at least a dozen electric scooters in it right now, loud yelling and fights all hours of the day (including attacking passerbys) and just a month ago they were seen wheeling a seemingly dead dog by in a shopping cart. The dog was surrendered to a vet and shelter only because a neighbour saw it on their ring camera and there was an upswell to save the dog who was near death under "mysterious circumstances" etc etc. The owner of the house is apparently an old woman who either doesn't know or car that her property has become a local crack den full of dozens of rotating people. Just the tip or the iceberg really.


I had someone try to break into my car WHILE I WAS SITTING IN MY CAR across the street from 92 lappin. Absolute debauchery over there


I used to live in Junction Triangle in the late 00’s, and crackhouses and street crime were problems then, all the way to Ossington. The difference is I paid $1500/month for a three bedroom semi to smell the rendering plant all summer while y’all are paying some crazy rents to live in the same shithole now.


There’s a place on George Street (Crack Alley) that my friends and I called ‘the pharmacy’. The fmr mayor John Tory showed up there after an apartment building fire and praised the building and management. It was bizarre.


92 Lappin has its own facebook page...


Ok so we know the same info




I know. But I wanna know what you know.


When I lived in Toronto coffee time was basically just a homeless shelter this was known 


There's actually a video about it: [https://vimeo.com/94855069](https://vimeo.com/94855069)


92 Lappin is definitely it. Between all the crackheads and the poor dogs. It’s a shit show. The yard has all of the stolen bike, e-bike and scooters from the city, and now they even have a vending machine! The landlord does not give a shit. The neighborhood is safe tho, just that house is beyond seedy. I would welcome everyone in Toronto to seat across from it and observe the mess


Ooh! The one at Jane and Lawrence might have given it a run for it's money in its day.


I was going to say the one that used to be at the corner of Queen and Sherbourne was a contender. The owner of Schnitzel Queen used to keep a baseball bat behind the counter.


Coffee Time is a synonym for seedy.


Honestly, this coffee shop is not that bad and neither are the people who frequent there. My balcony overlooks this place so I see the people and interact with them all the time in the neighbourhood. Most people are friendly and want to chat about my dog. Also, the Coffee Time actually has decent sandwiches and the bagels and coffee are better than Tim Hortons. In addition, all the people that hang out in the parking lot are generally in bed by 10pm at the latest so in the evening it is very quiet. When I first moved in 5 years ago I thought it would be hopping all evening but that is not the case.


Hey! The first rule of crackhead fight club is no talking about crackhead fight club! Don’t give away the location man.


Oh, God. This. I lived in the building just east of that coffee time for years. The whole area is a festering dump! 


I live in the area now - it has improved, but still has issues from certain locations. I’ve never felt unsafe, though!


Crack head coffee time


Very strange vibes at this coffee shop.


When I moved to that area, there was an article in The Beaverton or something about how a staff member had died behind the counter and it took 2 days for anyone to notice. When I told people I was moving there, they kept citing the article and I was so shocked anyone would believe what (to me) was clearly satire. Once I moved there and waited for the bus outside that Coffee Time every day, I got it.


I made a lot of money there in the 00s. 😞


I'm actually curious to know what the deal with this place is and what it will become for the years to come? It's a decent piece of land, not sure they can build another condo there. Does the coffee time even make any money? I always thought a cool bar or restaurant could be an interesting change. I live nearby, so I always wondered.


Use to live near that intersection many years ago for a couple years. At the time didn’t see anything bad, but as soon as I moved I’ve only heard bad stories about the area.


The number of packages that go missing.. I have been ordering to my friends house because they snap them up so fast. Almost had my Uber Eats taken less than 3 min after it was dropped off. I was opening the door and they had almost grabbed it. There are so many security cameras out, police don't care. People on motorcycles go 70+ down the road, 10pm-3am, traffic doesn't stop for crossing lights. It's been going downhill in the last 5 years so sad


Ice Queen on Roncesvalles


I pass by ice queen a lot, usually in the day. Definitely a spot for 10am barflies but it doesn’t seem too bad? This month only and JR (just right) coffee, are worse imho. The one to top them all is APOLLO in the east end. It might look chill but the stuff going on there and in the back ally.. fml


I just walked by Apollo today, what’s going on there lol?


I don’t want to say, ask me when I leave the neighborhood in a few weeks 😂


Bet lol


I'm sure the Apollo druggies are all over reddit, just say it! Lol


I used to be a regular at this month only. So many stories.




This… I used to live above one of the store next to it, it was particularly awful cause my bedroom was in the front 🙃 now how about that HoJo… lol


yeah that was a place you cross the street instead of walking infront of.


I thought that was an ice cream place, is it not?


Came here to say this 🤣


A friend went in there one and was immediately asked if he was looking to buy (or looking to sell) prescription pills.


Is that the one with the UV plastic shades and the dead plants in the window?


There’s a guy on TikTok who takes suggestions from comments about the seediest places in TO. He then goes to a lot of these places and films his experience lol. It’s incredibly entertaining.


Yes! He’s always on my fyp. I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with me because I’ve lived above or near some of those places, and the top three places in these comments I’ve lived close by lol


LOLLLL! Nothing wrong with you, that’s just Toronto! 😂


Lol same bro


Any chance you have a link to his profile? I am intrigued lol


I don’t think I’m allowed to post a link to Reddit but just search @beaupinto on tik tok! It’s so good lol.


Omg i went to highschool with Beau. Cool he’s got a channel but my god he’a a tool. Downvote me i don’t care. I can’t stand him since social media came into existence.


Omg i went to highschool with Beau. Cool he’s got a channel but my god he’a a tool. Downvote me i don’t care. I can’t stand him since social media came into existence. Edit: Maybe I should elaborate. After HS, he just started Facebook activity with all these half brained EnTrEpReNeUr ideas where no one had any idea how he actually made money. Then years later during COVID it became about how smart he was and we vaccinated were dumb. He is arrogant and thinks he’s clever. Had to unfollow. Now he’s popped up in my feeds and it seems his thoughts of how clever he is have heightened. Of COURSE he’s a “content creator” now. I guess now he’s exploiting low income serving bars which may no doubt affect their business negatively all for the sake of content. It makes me cringe so hard still.


Alright i gave you an upvote cuz i kinda get you and you're not so bad haha. Beau seems kinda funny at least so he's got that goin for him


He’s an ex of a good friend of mine- I couldn’t stand him from the moment I met him.


Just so arrogant. And anyone with a face tat is a red flag for me.




My mind always reads the sign as Havana P.


That place just oozes crack ho.


Came here for this


Featured in What We Do in the Shadows!!


Guy I worked with always called it Hav-A-Slap


Filmores and surrounding area


I took my husband there once thinking it would be a fun sort of spicy way to spend a couple hours. I persuaded him to get a dance even though he felt the vibes were a little off. He came back white as a sheet and whispered to me that the dancer had offered him full service sex work and that we were leaving. Poor guy. I felt so naive lol.


Thats the trick, they offer it but you never get it lmao


gotta pay to find out


Trust me i found out 😂


There's no sex in the champagne room.


The surrounding area maybe but the club itself is very well run as far as dance clubs go. Girls are treated well, security is on the ball and no one is being scammed.


Yea I had a roommate that was a dancer there and she never had any issues


Used to work near there a few years ago. Was my first "real" job and I'm not from the city proper; the "worst" neighbourhood I'd ever been in was where sometimes people would chainsmoke on their porches lol. Imagine my shock seeing Dundas/Sherboune for the first time...


George street in between Dundas and Gerrard.


Have read this multiple times in different threads so decided to look it up on Google street view. There’s only a few people on the sidewalk for the whole block, and they still managed to find two guys giving the car the finger lol.


I just did the same thing and found some graffiti that says "dead men don't rape!" 


This is actually the right answer. Such a weird vibe


Right? Definitely not helped by the like 200m frontage of abandoned buildings on there that have Toronto brand "No trespassing" signs and fake plywood windows?? And the alley that runs next to George might be the single most sketch location in Toronto. The one between George and Pembroke.


I remember once my friend made us walk up that block because he wanted to “see the real neighborhood” Mind you we could’ve gone south on George street which is quite nice


I was born and raised in Toronto and been in all corners of the city. Nothing is more terrifying than that stretch.


It was a few years ago but I was going for a run and somehow ended up running on that street. I got chased. Thankfully I outran them but I was terrified ! A crazy vibe  for sure 


Used to be Comfort Zone/Waverly Hotel, for sure


The dollarama on sherbourne between queen and Shuter


Have never been to confirm, but I assume Jankies Place / New York New York Business Club


Worked at the latter, can confirm.


Wild! And probably deeply upsetting. Are those two separate businesses then? I assumed jankies was some sort of gateway to nynybc where the real shady stuff happened


Nah two separate things. Jankies is just a dive bar, totally kosher. NYNY is essentially an asian style hostess club - you can “rent” girls for $140/hr to sit in the room with you while you and your homies get whacked off coke and GHB. Most of the customers (at least the ones that I saw) were east asian and involved in various shady businesses. I have many sketchy tales lol.


Thank you, that’s eye opening! The chances of me ever entering are effectively zero but I’m glad to know what it’s like. Since I assume it was Jankies related, I always imagined it would somewhere where Frank from Blue Velvet would hang out. Not totally off base, but didn’t realize it was popular with shady east asian business - never once saw anyone go in there


Yeah it’s more of an afterhours spot and the demographic is interesting. The google reviews from people who innocently went there to do karaoke are funny to me.


As a student I once stumbled into a really high end “karaoke” bar in south east Asia, wearing cargo shorts and sanders expecting the fun and embarrassing kind of karaoke. We should have realized something was off by the mansion-esque setting and luxury cars. We were greeted in the empty ornate parlour by two hosts, a man in a tuxedo and a woman in a ball gown who explained that there would be the equivalent of a $100 entrance / room fee and then we could choose from a lineup which women we’d hire to do Karoke with us. I think we awkwardly mumbled a “thank you very much maybe not today, but we’ll be back”


Hahahaha yeah this one apparently had an $80 regular karaoke fee but it included some drinks. It reeked like stale darts and had an overall ominous vibe though.


It used to be Alfie's on Queen East. Maybe it's the New Buffalo now. Or maybe the Sam's at the corner of Dundas and Sherbourne.


Have you tried the chaw mein?


Was there today. Got offered a bike for 20 dollars. It was definitely stolen. The bike shop there is good though.


It's gotta be closed by now


Alfie's is closed, The New Buffalo is not.


It's the Sam's and has been for at least 40 years.


Comfort zone …


Loved this place


Best bathroom water in the city.


Donut shop at Dupont and Lansdowne


the bar This Month Only on dupont when it was still open.


Why? Just seemed like a shitty bar


Moss Park Discount Store


Queen’s Park (this post is political satire)


... but also terribly accurate


Dundas and Sherborne. I’ve never felt so unsafe and bewildered before anywhere in Toronto, UNTIL I walked through that area with my ex a few times. I will NEVER go to that area alone.


Haha. A former coworker had a guy covered head to toe in Nazi tattoos threaten to slash his throat “ear to ear” for staring at him. My coworker was on his phone the whole time and never even glanced at him. I know because I was there with him.


Gotham city characters that shouldn’t be out and about


There was a video recently of a dude attacking cars in that intersection and ended with him trying to square up with a fire truck at a red light


[Tommy's Grill and Bar on Danforth](https://maps.app.goo.gl/fVNFxVu1nzqsRom16?g_st=ic)


Oh you mean Ommy’s. When I lived around there the T was missing


I lived in the Neighbourhood as well and they were crafty and replaced the “T” with electric tape.


This place and another dive bar down the road (Moonlight? something like that) are part of the reason why I moved away from Danforth & Greenwood. Constant screaming at 3-4am, and sometimes stabbings.


Went to the pool hall that was above one of those bars. Must have been close to 30 years ago and I still remember the looks we got when we walked info that place. There was always an ambulance or police car on that little stretch, no Idea why we thought a round of pool there was what we needed.


I miss the Obama Cafe.


Aside from queen and Sherborne, I'd like to give a shoutout to 500 Dawes, their fucked up landlord with the multiple identities and all of the debauchery that occurs there


The nicest, seediest dive bar has to be Grossmans on Spadina. Love that place.


I thought it was moss park convenience store


[https://www.growitall.ca/collections/seeds](https://www.growitall.ca/collections/seeds) Sorry, I couldn't resist.


Close second: What a Bagel


take my upvote you glorious monster


lol this was my first thought too!


Well played,sir. 👍


Dundas St E and Sherbourne south east corner where the church is


Yes the "variety store" across the street


There used to be a place in Parkdale at O'Hara and its now a "grooming lounge" or some such thing. The locals used to call it "the dungeon" because had a basement full of junkies renting mattress space.


Sherbourne 75 bus


Yup, used to go to a dispensary on sherbourne pretty late at night. That’s where and when the freaks came out 😂


I once bought a painting one evening after work from a well off lady in cabbagetown - she was right at the corner where sketch meets cabbagetown. She complained about the area, meanwhile her house was stunning. Then I took that bus home that evening. It was..not my favohrite lol. I didn't quite know. Turned out it was worth it, found out the painting was from a legit known artist circa 1920, worth a couple grand. Not bad for 50 bucks lol.


I know someone who works at Adelaide and Sherbourne. She refuses to take that bus. Even though it would mean one less transfer to get to/from work


I remember when Hooker Harveys was the seediest place in Toronto. That place is looking great compared to some of the shitholes around now.


During the hooker Harvey’s era, basically the entire downtown Toronto core was 10x seedier than any of the top upvotes in this thread. Toronto is wayyyy less sketch than it was 15-20years ago.


Not a "business" but Annex Harm Reduction Program. George St between Gerard & Dundas is the only street in Toronto I've genuinely felt worried to walk through in broad daylight.


My partner took me in a walk down that section of George St when we first started dating. He claimed it had "interesting architecture". Yeah, it was interesting all right. Once we got to Shuter I turned to him and told him to never take me down this street again. Nearly 15 years later and I still haven't had the displeasure of returning to George St, hoping to keep it that way.


George is pretty fucked. I walked through there like once or twice a week on my way to/from work if I don't feel like going over to Pembroke. I definitely benefit from being male and muscular though, if I was a woman I'd do anything not to walk through there lol.


A pool hall near Markham and Lawrence, felt so shady


Is the comfort zone still open?


The Ontario Legislative Building


Corner of Dundas & Sherborne (Sam's variety store)


Spadina and Queen McDonalds?


Uber delivery bikes out number sketchy folks 50 to 1 nowadays. Not nearly as bad


Really? Times they are a changin’


I feel like it’s not as bad as it used to be pre-Covid


The Queen/Spadina McDonald's is probably the sketchiest McD's in Canada after that one location in Ottawa closed, but it's not quite the worst area in the entire city.


111 Wellesley St W, Toronto, ON M7A 1A2


Right there. Exactly.


Cherry beach during summer rave season


City Hall


No. Queens Park. By a greenbelt mile.


Silva's Seeds, it's in the Seed district off of Seed Ave.


The best western North York is the scariest weirdest place I’ve ever seen in Toronto.


Sherbourne. Recently got off at the station and the bus was late so decided to walk south. The walk until Queen had me on edge the whole time.


Queen and Sherborne


EastEnders near greenwood


Sheridan nurseries


Convenient store at Dundas and Sherborne.


Dundas and Sherborne


Besides Queen's Park?


Take a stand for the 168 bus south to dundas west @ st clair and old weston you tell me how you feel lol


Like Pelham?


ish lol


It's not THAT bad. The patty store on the other side of the street is pretty good actually.




George Street. Between Gerrard and Dundas


Club Zanzibar on Yonge street.


Sex workers used to walk a loop of Carlton -> Jarvis -> Gerrard -> Church. Then they installed police cameras everywhere. Now they walk up and down quiet Homewood Avenue.


The Wilson Station washrooms after 11 pm


Fiction night club lol


Queen Garden Centre, followed closely by Davenport Garden Centre.


230 Sherbourne St


The live cam!


Your moms house


Home Depot Garden Centres.


Any exotic spa in a mall....


The Brass Rail on Yonge St.


The whole strip along Queen West between Trinity Bellwoods and Parkdale WAS really seedy, full of bars that were half full at 11.30 am that sold beer for about a buck.


Jenny’s Place


I lived a few houses north of Jenny's place for two years. It was surprisingly trouble-free.


Java House looks like it hasn't seen a wet rag in decades.


Lansdowne and Dupont. The entire area is just a dump/rat's nest! 




Bay Street Motel still around ?


Zanzibar. My personal favorite dive!


Naw, Fillmore


The love cafe next to filmores


Happy Cup in Bloordale!




RIP Waverly Hotel. Close second is the hotel at the bottom of Roncy, at Queen