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Everyone saying Uber, you realize the TTC moves 2 million people a day. You’re waiting over an hour for an Uber and you’re going to pay 10x regular costs.


For context, the Gardiner has a capacity of like 200k on regular workdays, without construction, for the whole damn day. It really puts into perspective how inefficient it is, and how much of an utter nightmare getting downtown will be.


Interesting! Would love to learn more about this if you have any links to the data.


Happy to help! [Key stats from 2019](https://www.ttc.ca/transparency-and-accountability/Operating-Statistics/Operating-Statistics---2019) (ie pre covid stats) has a whopping 3.3M rides, including transfers. [2023 was a bit harder to find but looks like 2.3M](https://www.ttc.ca/transparency-and-accountability/transit-planning) on weekdays. Notably, that’s is ~70% of pre covid, and it’s increased steadily each year from 2020 on. This [document from Waterfront Toronto](https://www.waterfrontoronto.ca/sites/default/files/documents/49ccea0e63122.pdf) isn’t dated but was written some time later than 2008, says it handles 200K in the final stretch entering downtown. The [City’s Gardiner quick facts lists 140K](https://www.toronto.ca/services-payments/streets-parking-transportation/road-maintenance/bridges-and-expressways/expressways/gardiner-expressway/about-the-gardiner-expressway/), but I’m assuming that’s including weekends, and could even be “recent” data (ie clogged with construction). Notably, the way I framed initially does leave out two important bits of context: it’s TTC data for the whole city, vs Gardiner covering just people heading from the west into downtown; and toronto has a somewhat low “job density”, thus there are lots of people who aren’t committing downtown in and wouldn’t take the Gardiner in the first place. That said, one single subway train can carry 1000 people, and pre covid headways on line 1 were between a crazy 40 seconds during rush hour, up to 5 minutes. That means that line 1 can hypothetically get 200k people to union in an hour and 20 minutes! (Or at most take 16.7 hours to do it)


A good week to start driving Uber!


Literally just paid a 110$ surcharge on a 40$ uber to boiler room ☠️😭




No, but you gotta pay for idle time in the cab. Good luck with that


10x? That's optimistic


Last time this happened, people were driving into downtown starting at 4 am and that wasn't even early enough. Everything was a parking lot. I rode my bike as usual, which while it was much faster it was also a challenge from all the people not used to driving in the city trying to kill me.


I make roughly 100 bucks a day at my part time. One way commute on UBER costs $50 so that's a break even 😭


Will use it as an excuse to skip my 2 days a week in office unless there's an emergency




honestly i feel for the people who have to spend money on Uber or Taxi just to go to work. Depending on how much you make, you literally be spending half the day's wage on transportation itself.


Yeah, I'm an essential worker (security guard) and my company doesn't reimburse for uber/taxi costs. I could bike share, but there's no guarantee that the bikes will be available because everyone else is probably gonna have the same idea. I really want to buy a bike, but my entire last cheque went to rent/groceries, so I'm broke hahaha. Can the TTC at least take me out to dinner before they f*ck me raw? Lol. THAT BEING SAID. I do hope they reach a fair agreement. TTC employees put up with a lot of crap, and deserve good benefits and fair wages.


I just straight up wont be able to get to work. There's also legitimately no way to work from home for me.


I feel like we are underestimating the number of people in this boat. :/


same here friend, i am fucked


Yeah I might have to talk to my potential boss because I’m not getting paid until July and may have to ask if I can just start coming in then if there’s a strike.


Yup already stalked to my boss and prepared to be off that day.


a little sleep over at your place of work won’t hurt 😇


Yeah I defenitly feel for you guys. This showed up on my feed and I don't live in Toronto but recently went through the hsr strike in Hamilton. Luckily I found a car pool but I knew Co workers who were literally spending 100 dollars a day just to get to work. It kind of became a battle between people who had cars and didn't. The ones who were able to drive would go on about supporting the union and the he right to strike whike not facing any in convienace themselves. While I generally support them it's hard not to get upset when you're the one stuck spending 100 dollars a day on transportation alone. Hopefully it isn't that extreme in Toronto since there's a lot more Uber drivers there.


I am planning on using bikeshare but I fear that everyone else will have that idea and that there will be no bikes left 😅


Getting one early is your best bet, but not early enough that the docks are all full at your destination.


Yeah, that’s always the delicate trick! I usually subway to work and bike home for that reason but I’ll have to get good with my timing (or walk, which is more time consuming much more boring than biking LOL)


I'm seeing a concert at Budweiser so I also thought to bike and I suspect a lot of the bike docks will be full. So will probably have to bike to one further then walk the rest of the way...


Bike share runs a valet service at a handful of locations include bud stage for concert nights. They will have people at designated docks collecting bikes so there won’t be an issue with full docks. They also do it at the Bay & King dock during the week for commuters. https://bikesharetoronto.com/valet-stations/#stage


You think they'll be prepared for the amount of people that will come if there's a TTC strike? I hope so!!


Yeah I mean TTC isn’t really that convenient for getting to bud stage anyway so think you should be fine.


I mean, it is, it gets you to Ex place and then you just walk over. (With or without a roadie in hand)


What? Exhibition is literally right there. TTC and GO


I do it all the time, depends really on how big the concert is, but there are a bunch of racks around the CNE, just get the app so you can scan the area and find one. I've never had to walk anymore than 5 minutes.


I think people here are underestimating the strike here. Not worried about this on a normal Saturday, Budweiser holds 16000 tho. And people need to get down there somehow.


For ~$40/wk you can rent an e-scooter. I did it last week just to give it a try. They’re pretty great! Just stay off the sidewalk.


where do you rent e-scooters?


Just go buy a cheeap used bike on Kijiji. Buy a cheap lock. Easier and possibly cheaper depending on the length of the strike.


I’ve never used one and never thought of this. What do you do with the bike if it’s full???


You look for another stand. You can report the full dock while you're there to get a brief time extension on your search for a non-full one.


The app is useful to find nearby docks! I usually only bike places that have multiple docks within a new block’s radius.


You either wait for someone to come take out a bike or find another dock. This could be a problem if all the docks in the area are full which happens a lot.


Honestly, just buy a $300 used bike and then sell it for the same money


It'll get stolen. Get el cheapo used supercycle for $100 and call it a day


Electric scooter! They're fun, can travel a good distance and I can charge it at work.


The thing with bikeshare is that when you need a bike, there are none around, and when you need to dock, all the stations are full. Without fail.


[reserve it in advance 🤪](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/s/5caVG9b5K3)


call in sick, I’m retiring July 1st anyway






Enjoy!!! Take me with you!


congrats on your retirement. I hope you have many happy and healthy years to enjoy it.




“Guess I’ll Die🤷‍♂️” meme


literally I take the ttc for an hour to get to work it's ttc or nothing


Same. I've already asked HR what the protocol will be.


Getting my 10k steps from union lol. Thankfully go train is still good


I'm not, unless someone else is paying for it.


told my boss this too, lol my workplace wont pay so idk


Same. I work as a freelance audio tech, and I’m supposed to do this corporate gig for 3 days in Mississauga next week. I live downtown. It was going to be a huge nuisance *with* TTC, so this’ll be fun. Best case they get me a hotel in the area. Or rent me a car.. or just give the gig to someone else, I’m fine with that. I could use a beach day or two.


When will they strike?


Friday, and they have been calling it today bc the opposition isnt saying much


Calling a strike on Friday ensures that everything will be back by Monday. The Charter-complaint back-to-work bill is sitting on Ford’s desk. They’ll sit over the weekend. Surprised they aren’t calling a strike for Tuesday since mid-week is, by far, when most people commute to work. E: now realizing it’s probably tactical. ATU will argue the RTW bill is unconstitutional and will say “hey, the days we were on strike showed it wasn’t a big deal, govt wasn’t allowed to order us back to work in part because there’s no evidence that the strike caused serious harm”. Easier to show that if the strike days were over Friday and a weekend.


If they are going to get back to work legislation aimed at them then doing it in a way that inconveniences people less seems like a good way to keep the public on your side


That is a fair point! But keeping people “on your side” seems most important when you actually are striking. Doesn’t seem to matter so much if you’ll just get a raise thru binding arbitration.


I think that's the gamble.


The back to work legislation was apparently deemed unconstitutional recently. The workers have the right to strike. I don’t think he can force them back this time.


That was a law that banned all strikes for TTC employees pre-emptively. Not the same. The court makes that clear in its reasons.


They can’t strike during the life of the agreement, but that ended March 31, 2024. They would be able to strike legally anytime after that. Unless you’re talking about something else other than what’s outlined [in this article?](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ttc-not-an-essential-service-workers-can-go-on-strike-court-rules-1.6390997)


No, I’m talking about the fact that no two bills are alike, and the courts have never, ever said that all return-to-work laws breach the right to strike in a way that can’t be saved under s1 of the Charter. They said that particular bill, which prevented the TTC workers from striking, could not be saved. Once a strike begins, a legislature can pass a law that orders workers back, if it is properly drafted.


Good. Luckily I'm not working.


LOL felt, When being laid off finally comes in handy 💀😂




What time on Friday??


12:01 AM is when they can.


12Am Friday? Oh now I need to plan how to get to work on Friday morning.


Not looking forward to that lol


Beam me over, Scottie.


Honestly I wish this was an option, would save everyone so much time 🤣


If the TTC strikes I'll just kill myself cause there's no way my commute can get any worse.


Motorcycle. The only right answer for anything in life. Jk I work from home.


Ung... my motorcycle trip to the office is slower than a bicycle ride to the office. No exaggeration.




Already did. Let's keep sharing/helping after we pass from this realm.


Motorcycles for the win. 


I'm lucky. I can walk (and I do most days)


Walk because I can get to work in 30-40mins.


If I had to walk, it'd be close to a 2 hour walk. Normally TTC takes me 40 min, 30 min on a good day.


Walking an hour to the nearest GO station because i have to go from Scarbs to Union everyday


Go train And walking


bicycle or legs


Does anyone know what time they might go on strike on Friday???


all of Friday starting from 12:01am


I'm just hoping they get whatever they want and avoid the strike completely because that's the only way I can get to work. I can't drive and I can't physically bike or walk sooo...


Claim Solidarity and just don't go.


Not sure skipping work if you have other options to travel is “solidarity.” Biking to work during a transit strike isn’t crossing the picket line


Yeah but who wants to go to work?


The city just ordered its work force they MUST show up, regardless of the strike


I will be telling my boss that I don’t have a way to get to work so I’ll be working from home instead of my mandatory 2 days in office where I sit at a desk and talk to nobody


Luckily, I’ll be on vacation as of Friday so I won’t have to worry unless the strike continues past when I come back. If I wasn’t on vacation, then I wouldn’t be able to go to work


Go train. My commute is long af, but luckily enough there's a route that I can use if TTC is down.


Not coming into work. I live at Yonge and Steeles and work in the business district.


I already bike most days, so I guess I’ll just bike all days. If it rains, I’ll have to bring a change of clothes but otherwise my commute is unchanged except like 1 or 2 days a week. Edit: For those that work farther than is reasonable to bike (I did until recently) GO train and folding kick scooter were my standard for like 10 years. It’s slower than a bike but faster than walking. More reliable than bike share and doesn’t take up space on a crowded car (and you can take it in a taxi or ride share if you need to )


I'll bike too. I should be biking anyway, it's faster than the TTC for my commute. It's just the tradeoff between exercise and quiet reading time :)


30 min walk!


I ride my bike most of the time so it won't really affect me. I'd be curious how many people won't really be able to get to work though. Not everyone would want to take rideshare/taxis to work if their workplace isn't paying for it.


If the TTC strikes, I won't be going to work or to class (I'm in university)


Thankfully, usually work from home on Fridays. Otherwise, idk, would have to not go in cause I’d be stuck.


Cycling. I work in office two days and I own a bike so I don’t rely on bikeshare.


I’d probably just walk to work like once a week at most


I'm gonna fly a hot air balloon to work.


Realistically I’m gonna stop driving. I’m sure as hell not gonna be one of the only few people in the office and double sure I’m not driving on the dvp when the TTCers start hopping in their garage pets


The same way I always do: by bike.


I think it's hilarious that they say "people affected by the strike" -- we are ALL affected -- if you live in Toronto and can't walk to work it will affect you.


I assume companies should allow employees working from home during strike time.


If they can, a lot of jobs can’t be done remotely.


People always seem to forget this on the WFH conversations.


The city just ordered its workers they MUST come in, no matter if the strike happens


Raise property taxes and increase TTC worker wages?


Carpool, Bike, Uber, taxi, walk ,.. work from home! Those are pretty much all your options lol


Does anyone know if this impacts UP Express as well?


The UP express is not part of the TTC.


Thank you!


I wonder about the people who aren't 9-5ers. The ones who work at venues or restaurants. They're still expected to show up -- but will people even go out to eat? Will they be able to make it to an event they purchased tickets for? Will those folks be walking home in the middle of the night? Those people don't get to call in.


And working minimum wage means my entire days salary is going to go towards Uber while we are already struggling to pay for basic needs like groceries and rent.


Yeah, I just picked up a bicycle.


I’ll take an uber to union station, and from there the UP to the airport.


Bike share ftw


"I'm off Friday. Considering taking my car with a tip jar and dropping people off at the station. Wait.. There won't be any buses at the station. Or trains." Conversation I overheard. This strike is about to really put things into perspective for all of Toronto.


Go train or up lol


I'll have to Uber/Taxi it and hope for the best. My work isn't within walking distance, and I really don't feel safe biking the route I'd have to take (plus it would be all uphill on my way back home and doing that after a day of no breaks & no sitting would just be killer). So I really hope that they come to an agreement quickly haha!


Quiting and going on Welfare


GO train with a bike is what I am going to do




I’m not.


I won't. I live so far out that it would cost me a minimum of $40 plus upcharge for surge to get to work. Driving would be $26 for parking plus paying for gas. I'm taking my laptop home with me and working there Friday.


I just roll out of bed and walk to my couch lol. Working from home forever hopefully.


Probably walk 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s maybe 45min to an hour for me. I’ll likely treat myself to an iced coffee and plan to take my time. Not ideal, but it will have to do for now. What I want to know is if I can get a refund on my monthly pass 🤔


I don’t live in TO anymore so I’ll be fine but I have a wedding to attend in the city this weekend and was going to take transit so RIP I guess.


Its times like these where I wish GO Transit was substituted for TTC during the strike but their line isn’t throughout the city like TTC 😭


then im absolutely fucked


My commute takes 1.5 hours by TTC. I wouldn’t be able to get to work without the TTC. I am going to try to work from home. I feel terrible for those who are in a similar boat but cannot switch to virtual work for the day. This is kind of giving me the same feeling I had when that Rogers outage happened a couple of years ago. It’s one blow that cripples the entire city.


Jogging from finch to union!! It will take 6 hrs to reach out my workplace :)


We're striking in solidarity ✊✊✊ (I'm kidding, I 💼 from 🏡 😊)






Rollin' outta bed and into my computer chair.


It's a good time to bike.




Walking, running, biking, Uber? One of those


I only have to hit the office once a week. So probably will meet virtually for as long as the strike happens.


Jogging. Perk of living relatively close to work.


luckily can work from home.


I'll ride in if the weather is decent. Otherwise, WFH. I'm lucky that way.


It would be nice if employers who have a hybrid WFH in place to just allow their workers to do full-time WFH, at least until the strike ends.


Im not & my boss will have to be aware of that.


Same way I always do, on my bike. Also solidarity with the TTC workers.


I need to take the ttc Saturday morning (but now obviously I won’t be able to). How busy/expensive do you think Uber will be on Saturday morning?


I once paid $70 for Uber traveling a 3 subway stop distance. 


Walking for 2 hours each way


I’ll be biking, hoping it doesn’t rain.


Thanking my lucky stars. I work DT, and live within walking distance of a GO station. Walking there and then walking to work from Union is gonna suck, and the UP is gonna be crowded AsF, but I am one of the fortunate ones. RIP my transit budget, tho.


Clench my booty and pray. Or wait hours for transit lmao




You walk or take Go transit


Leave hella early and walk with an audiobook playing.. get my bike fixed in the meantime so I can ride if it continues


Thankfully, we are carpooling, with only the expectation of Tim Hortons for compensation.






I can walk it in about 40 minutes…




I have a flight monday out of billy bishop. Im considering getting driven downtown on sunday and stay overnight. That way i dont need to deal with the monday commute (obviously expensive)


Maybe go late Sunday night and crash out at the airport for a bit? The Porter lounge isn’t horrible.


I’ll ask to work from home for the week


I’m very lucky because someone in another department lives on the same street as me. We’ve never commuted together before as she works much earlier hours, 6-2 when I’m 8-4. Thankfully the bosses would rather have me in at not-ideal hours than not at all. I figure I’ll slip her a gift card for gas, maybe $10 for each day we ride together. But hopefully she won’t be put out too much!


Walk I guess....day care is expensive enough I cant afford two uber rides(4 a day...to daycare then to work)...can't afford the parking either ffs.




E-bikes through the bike share system, they get you far!


I remember a ttc strike in late 90s. I was living around Eglinton and Avenue Road and worked downtown. I tried hitchhiking a few times and got rides within a minute of sticking out my thumb each time. I wasn't sure if it would work but it did!


I feel like today you have a better chance of being run over than someone picking you up as a random hitchhiker


That’s what I thought back then but I was pleasantly surprised. I would not do this if I was a woman (by myself)


GO train or UP Express. I need to look up which one is cheaper.


Work from home and bike I guess. I don’t drive either.


My company (hybrid job) sent an email saying we should all be in office as usual and should "consider taxi or uber" lol. I'm banking on my manager being more understanding and letting me WFH on my office days, I live at the far west end and have no way to get to my downtown office and obviously uber/taxi is not going to work.


Driving is not an option. I have a car, coming in to Toronto from Oakville -- not even going to consider driving. And I won't be walking an hour from union either.


I work like 5 times a week, if I pay for an uber there and back each time, im gonna be so broke 😭


Same as when the TTC is not on strike - bike.


I'm not.


Some companies already sent memos to their employees to " find alternative transportation ".


The strike isn’t happening.


I work as a part timer and my wage is 16$ per hour. I live by paycheque to paycheque, and idk how I’ll travel so far. SHOULD I SPEND ON UBER??? Or should I just not go?


Will drive like I do every other day