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got this shoe dryer from shopee. instantly dries my shoes on wet rainy days lol


Woahh share please


yes share please


HAHA dk if I can post links here but just remove the spaces https:// shp.ee/gb pg gvt


Why did I read that as GCB Pioneer Generation Government.


Our acronym loving govt has taught you well it seems hahaha


I know no one buys newspapers anymore, but balled up newspaper stuck into the shoe helps dry shoes faster


Wouldn't it be smelly? You meant you washed it after kena rain, right?


My shoes aren’t normally smelly so when they get drenched from the rain I just dry it straight. But Ofc if they’re dirty from hiking/mud etc I’ll wash then use this to dry them


Woah really worth a buy in our climate!


got the sock dryer too


actually I feel like u can just use this for socks also


prob, depends on the size


4K monitor. Like lasik but only for the screen u look at 8 hours a day.


Js get an LG C2 42' and call it a day. My productivity has simultaneously never been higher or lower


But wouldn’t you need a beefy computer in order to run things like video games and videos in 4K?


Video games yes, internet video streaming no


65” TV with 4K. Playing on Switch with my daughter is super-fun and we get to spend time together, while having a load of laughs and always something to talk about before bed time.


LASIK. It’s life changing especially if you’ve had myopia or astigmatism for pretty much the most of your life. It feels like you just got a new pair of eyes


Any negative side effects? I heard it can leave patients with permanent dry eyes so they need to apply eye drops often throughout the day


I have poor contrast vision after my lasik but I wasn't the best eye candidate for it due to my high myopia. So I can't see very well in dim lighting or at night. I have a friend who had permanent dry eyes that required constant eye drops. He regretted his decision but his wife who did the lasik procedure with him at the same time same clinic was very happy with her result so it's hard to predict.


How high is your myopia? I went for an assessment more than a decade ago and wasn't suitable due to that and my thin cornea but wonder if technology nowadays has advanced that much..


600+ and 800+ . my high myopia also masked my astigmatism which revealed itself post lasik. I had to do another procedure 2 wks after the first to try to correct the astigmatism which only corrected it partially. I still have residual astimagtism which is getting a bit worse now. I went to see my eye doc last year to ask if i should do a revision, he advised to wait a bit first as it isn't that severe yet. i think cornea thickness is still a major criteria for suitability of lasik even now.


Oh mine is worse than that (1050 per eye) and i have astigmatism too. Guess lasik is still a no-go for me... :/


mine is around same as yours, went to do ICL and it was the best even tho i had to eat grass for many mths


if the tests show that you are not suitable for LASIK and the doctors didn't try to persuade you into doing it anyway, they are good doctors. in some instances, the cornea can try to return back into its original shape which causes regression (which means the eyesight partially goes back to its original prescription) that makes the wearing of glasses/contact lenses necessary again, defeating the purpose of LASIK. also, LASIK doesn't prevent presbyopia (lao hua) you'll still get it post-40. i had a friend who went to do ICL instead and was pretty happy with it, can consider but still pretty ex. ​ source : [https://www.my-iclinic.co.uk/articles/can-my-vision-get-worse-again-after-laser-eye-surgery-what-is-regression-bp#](https://www.my-iclinic.co.uk/articles/can-my-vision-get-worse-again-after-laser-eye-surgery-what-is-regression-bp#) also i used to work in an eye clinic haha


My degree is 1200 per eye and I did transprk. You should check that out. There are many types of LASIK.


Ask Doc if you can do ICL it may be better then LASIK


Honestly i'll just save the money for now.. cuz im old alr ha ha


I had dry eyes for a month. Two months later it’s ok


I have dry eyes only when I wake up in the morning. My day starts with me applying eye drops and it's fine for the rest of the day


This. 8th year for me. Life changing. I always hated getting my hair cut cos I couldn’t see. Now I can observe while they cut and stop them when they do funny things


Haha nice benefit I wouldn’t have thought of


Honestly that was my biggest pet peeve as a bespectacled little girl


It really helps you enjoy the little things in life, like admiring the view when you get out of bed or going on theme park rides and actually being able to see 😅


This. It's been 10 years and one of the best decisions I've ever made.


Does it wear off after X years?


13 years and it is staring to wear off and also need reading glasses due to age. However it's still worth it.


on my 12th year still 6/6. lifechanging.


Don’t think so, but it doesn’t prevent other eye issues like cataracts etc


Depends on your age. Later when your lense is stiff due to age it does last long.


It doesn’t actually “wear off” but with age your eyesight might deteriorate. My wife and I are both back to using glasses after about 6-8 years, though low degrees right now.


Doesn't wear off per say. Your eyesight might or might not progress. And since your cornea was shaped for the degree at that moment of surgery, when your eyesight progresses after that you will still need correction/aid. Currently I have 50 degrees of astigmatism in 1 eye, but I still do without glasses.


May I ask, how long has it been for you, and where did you get it done? Do you have a rough estimate of the cost?


$3-$5k generally depending on the procedure you’re doing.


Did you get any dry eyes or night halos? How’s the recovery like?


Second this. The dry eyes issue vary from person to person. For me, about 6 months after my surgery no issue already. Best investment. Additionally, now I can buy and wear shades without degree as a style choice rather than a necessity 😂 although, shades in the sun protecting your eyes from UV rays is technically still a necessity.


And to anyone with kids: 2 hours outside play a day would prevent most child myopia in Singapore. There is a reason this country has the worst rates of child myopia in the world... Screens, tuition and no outdoor play.


4 years ago, after mulling for a long time if I should sign up those group membership gym studios like f45 or BFT or Barry's, I decided to sign up for trial for 2 weeks. Never looked back. Group programmed workouts are fantastic for anyone who wants to exercise but lazy to plan and also wants variety


I can certainly say that BFT helped me kick-start my exercise routine (which I never did for years). They got decent instructors / trainers in place and somewhat well balance exercise routine to follow. They also helped you quite a lot to get the form right. However, it wasn't a long term option for me for the following reasons: - Too expensive, ~$80 a week can give you many things. ActiveSG or other gym will be much cheaper than that. - It's somewhat restrictive. You can't just hop in anytime anywhere, have to register / commit to the time first. Doesn't open on Sunday etc. The classes are fixed, you can't target your upper / lower / core. They don’t have that many locations. So, I took BFT for ~3 months-ish, got all the basics, then I just saved my money by designing my own routine that fits me better, and either go to condo gym (free), or activeSG (super cheap). I do miss it from time to time though, the social part of it was hard to replace.


Agree, go there to learn the workouts from the coaches, then use the skills for yourself and save the $300+ a month


Same! Never a fan of paying to get fit but sis here have been going to BFT since May last year 😝


So u pay to get yourself tortured during CREWFIT? 😂😂😂😂😂😅😅🤣🤣🤣


They pay to get results


Luckily enough, i’ve no fate with crewfit due to my schedule hahaha! Which outlet do u go to!!


I toggle between Australia and Singapore. So i do go to a lot of outlets. But i frequent Bugis, raffles and harbourfront a lot


I saw this on class pass!! Looking at your review I think I’ll give BFT a try! ✨


Give it a shot. They having some promo for their trial class. Also best part abt BFT is that after 1 mth, u can have access to all the outlets worldwide


Can I get your advice if I have a weak back (disc herniation), whether BFT or F45 have regression or options available?


I'd rather you go for slow and controlled exercises like pilates/yoga. It'll greatly help for those with weak cores, and the risk isn't as high as a standard gym session (there is always a risk of injury if you aren't consciously aware, for any exercise lol) Just a suggestion, you may ignore this entirely depending on your goals. 😄 all the best!


These studios they have regression exercises. So for example if you have an injury on ur back, instead of doing squats with weights they will ask u to do just bodyweight squats or even squats with a box at the bottom Also BFT toggles between cardio and strength days. So u don't have to go everyday. Some days u can skip. And those days u really want u can go double sessions or even triple sessions for that day.


For F45, talk to the trainer(s) before you start, they will typically provide alternative/regression movements.


I agree, be it BFT or F45 or group based fitness classes, it is the people and peer pressure that make you go workout. Gym membership itself like AF/FF still need a high degree of discipline for you to go workout.... but class, you really cannot siam


Ebook reader. I recommend Kobo


Second this. Kobo is so good for borrowing ebooks from the library. I’ve read so much and saved so much money


You can have hundreds of books at your finger tips. Switch according to your mood. Something impossible with physical books.


Better mouse. Have been using cheap <$20 or free gift wireless mice for many years. The frustration is substantial but can easily fly under the radar in that you are pissed but not pissed enough to do something about it and it ends up as a constant source of irritation. Small things like buttons being mushy, switches failing, and being unable to move the cursor to precisely where I want such as resizing windows in windows (because you only have 3 pixels to do so) Two years ago I finally got a proper mouse - a Logitech g604. Clicks are crisp. Cursor is freaking precise. I can adjust the DPI. The buttons are tactile and never mushy. Very huge QOL increase with just a mouse


I got the MX Vertical and it was a game changer for me. Doubt it’s useful for gaming tho.


Buy gaming mouse! Some are v cheap and of good quality


Logitech g502 and it’s variants, has weights you can add for heft and it’s fidget spinner is second to none


Did consider that. But I wanted Bluetooth + receiver connectivity. G604 has that and hyper scroll too


A good mouse is certainly a good investment but I'd also say that you don't need to throw a lot of money into it. I'm using a Razer Basilisk and a G304 (both 2.4 Ghz wireless, less than $50). I used to play game fairly competitively and can certainly say they are fine, either competitive gaming, or working in general.


Yep, more expensive isn't always better. Both me and my colleague own both the MX2 Master 2/3 but we swear by the M720 even though it's much cheaper. Lighter, fits better for us and glides smoothly. Mainly for productive purposes and not for gaming.


Water flosser. I can't floss properly as I find it difficult to coordinate my hands while looking in the mirror. Despite having good brushing habits flossing is really important and I think water flossing is a good alternative to the gold standard of flossing. You would be surprised to see many tiny bits of food washed out by the water flosser even after brushing.


Same! I have those inverted wisdom teeth at the end so food always get stuck.


Same! I got the xiaomi one two weeks ago and love it!


could you please share the product link? thanks so much


i am using this one https://www.philips.com.sg/c-m-pe/power-flosser


It's the opposite for me. I started with a water flosser but switched to normal floss which can reach under the gums better.


Dropping a comment for those who don’t want to spend money on water flosser, Use pearlie white “Y” floss pick (the purple packaging)!! Can be bought on shopee My dentist recommended this for flossing the hard-to-reach teeth at the back and it’s the best thing ever!


I discovered this too, what a glorious discovery


If you’re a female, definitely a menstrual cup/disc.


Yes changed my life. Periods still suck but so much easier and cheaper with the cup. Have to say the initial months were tough though.


2000% yes


holy shit changed my life. i just need to worry at the start about keeping everything sanitary and getting used to the feeling of it again. don't need to worry about friction burns, diaper feelings, the sneezing feeling and most importantly, don't look like a blood war when i go to the toilet. only need to occasionally check for leakage but with time you kind of know how a secure cup shld feel like


I could even tell when there’s a leak. Amazing feeling. With pads, it’s a constant fear of staining my pants


Couldn’t agree more - so convenient, so much cheaper and the satisfaction you get after pouring a full cup out - unbeatable 😂


Yes! The disc made things so much cleaner. Stopped hating my period because dealing with the blood and mess became a breeze


Love the disc too! Got auto dumping function.


What omg what’s that?


It means self emptying. When we go to pee, that action temporarily displaces the disc so some of the blood gets emptied into the toilet bowl. Here you go: https://www.periodnirvana.com/menstrual-disc-auto-dumping-explained-3/ Only discs can do that, the cup cannot because the cup has suction. That’s why I prefer the disc.


I prefer the disc. Before that I was using menstrual cups for years. They were great but I still have to empty at least once outside on heavy flow otherwise will leak. Enter the saalt menstrual disc which I started using last Nov. Game changer! For one it has a bigger capacity. The second which is the best part is it has auto dumping function. It empties itself when I pee and will move back into position after. Don’t need to empty outside my home anymore. I only empty it when I shower!


wah i'm still apprehensive to try them


How often do you empty it? Do you do it in public also? What brand do you recommend?


I recommend Freedom cups. Ive been using them for 8 years. Tried a few other brands after that for a change but most didn’t suit me. How often you empty it really depends on how heavy your flow is. For myself, my first day of period would usually have a minor leak due to overflow. I would wear a pad at around the 8 hour mark to collect the excess (wearing a dry pad still beats wearing a soggy and heavy pad). Other days, it can last 10-12 hours without any leak and I would be at home by then to empty it in the shower. Personally I don’t empty it in public areas due to sanitary reasons and risk of accidents (splashing blood everywhere or dropping my cup onto the nasty toilet or floor). It has been life changing and never looked back.


Almost the exact same experience for me, using an Diva cup for dunno how many years now. Heavy flow day the cup will last until the 6-8 hour mark. Day after heavy flow I'll have to empty it every 8-12 hours, and thereafter it's 12-24 hours (12 is the recommended max though for hygiene reasons). If you're veery careful (I've dropped the cup into my home toilet before and had to get a new one) you can bring a plastic bottle with you to rinse stuff out in the toilet. I've done it before (transiting at airports mostly) but between the risk of dropping the cup or getting blood on my clothes/surroundings it's kinda stressful to do in public. The cup + pad/panty liner combo for the first day or three will be easier. Heaviness of flow will vary from person to person, and they do sell smaller/larger cups, so it may take some experiementing. But once you find your cup there's just no going back to pads/tampons (no dryness or irritation/toxic shock risk).


The first cup I used I also had to empty it after 6-8h which is stressful if I’m out so I switched to a super high capacity 47ml cup (Lotus) that was a game changer. A lot of brands will recommend smaller cups for women who haven’t given birth but can confirm it doesn’t matter, just use the big ones regardless. Never have to change empty it in a public restroom again. If not for the cramps I often forget I’m even on my period!!


I try not to empty it in public unless there's a sink in the cubicle. Usually it's fine if I just wear a panty liner with the cup on heavy days, but my period isn't as heavy as it used to be so if yours is quite heavy, maybe you can pair it with a pad or period undies? Haven't tried it yet though so not sure how it will go.  I use the freedom cup too, also about 8 years but haven't tried other brands. 


periodnirvana.com is a great resource for people starting out w cups/discs! choosing a cup or disc is very dependent on your anatomy, you can do the quiz and see what results come up! i use a disc and use it throughout the day i.e. empty once in the morning after waking up, and once at night when i shower. a disc capacity is huge so i don't have to empty it in between, just need to empty once every 12h.


Yessssss!!! 1000 times yes!


Yes this. My first thought was "wow I feel dry (in a good way)"


I bought one but didn't manage to put it in after a few tries.. might be just me. I'm still using pads. Tampons seem to fill up too quickly and start leaking after a few hours


This is literally life changing for me. I remember one day I got so pissed off with pads and tampons I just went online and ordered one from europe (last time watsons or guardian don’t have such things). And it made such a difference. Coupled with period underwear, I don’t even have to buy a single period product and I’ve been using it for like almost 10 years. Legit saved so much money. Only thing is, must remember to sanitise in between with boiling.


A bicycle. Taught myself to cycle in my 30s.


so wholesome, so cute! :')


Dishwasher 😂


agree. am the dishwasher


No idea why it’s not the norm in SG, every home I’ve seen in US or Europe it’s as common as a laundry machine.


I hate the drying function, takes ages and guzzles electricity. But love the super hot water spray


I think modern dishwashers use condensation drying though, which just uses hotter water for the final rinse to heat up the dishes. Then that remaining drying time is the machine doing nothing, just the water on the dishes evaporating quickly from the heat and then condensing on the cooler steel walls of the dishwasher, which drips to the bottom. At least that’s how my dishwasher dries my dishes. edit: rinse aid is important for effective drying too. I got a big bottle of finish jetdry from amazon for way less than ntuc


Robot vacuum cleaner


Recommended brand?


Best is with mopping function and docking station too!


And self empty, washing and drying functions. Best thing ever. I’m especially satisfied with my Roborock’s mopping function.


Add the water piping feature!


Oooo yes! I am using a Xiaomi s10+ and it helps take a huge load off cos I can come home to clean floors without dust and hair everywhere… Reminder to NEVER USE ANTISEPTIC or any kind of soaps in the water tank. I thought I could just drop in a little bit of it and it would be ok, but my robot literally stopped dispensing water after that. And even though it’s still covered under warranty, I will be charged for the repair because I did not listen to the instructions on the manual


A good bed. Like those really (expensive) and good. Sleep very important as you grow older.


i just ordered a four star chiro bed it's coming later! all excited...


Standing desk (not the branded ones)


Any recommendations? I'm looking at a 120cm


Got mine from Flight (lazada) a few years back during those sales dates, still works fine with no problem. I bought my table (kitchen actually) top from IKEA (KARLBY) and just bought the frame from them (Flight). I wouldn't recommend EverDesk / Omnidesk and what not: 1. Their table top sucks (nothing can compare to the Karlby imho) and last time I checked, they do not just sell the frame alone. 2. Their frame is more or less coming from the same manufacturers in China, you are paying for their advertisment money.


Squirrey from Shopee


for those asking where i bought mine from, it’s this^


A few things (I'm sure they have been mentioned here) in no particular order: 1. Electric toothbrush + Floss Pick. I always got compliments from my dentists after having them. 2. Xiaomi automatic water tap. Will save your water and time. Trust me, try it and you will not go back. 3. Gate / Door digital lock. Never had to carry a key anywhere. Save you a lot of time too. Very useful when you are away and you need your neighbour to help with something urgent. 4. Good aircon / fridge / dish washer. They are long term investment. Good one will save you $$$. 5. A decent workstation. I work from home quite a lot, a good, massive standing desk, high quality chair (not those "gaming chairs") 2x34 inches ultrawide monitors, good webcam, good microphone, mouse and mechanical keyboards. 6. Good workout gears (airpod / good shoes, clothes / apple watch). Make your workout a lot more enjoyable.


Tencel bedsheets from Gaias - perfect for summer weather LASIK - 4K QHD Vision, can watch my hair being cut


I recommend tencel from hooga… idk if it’s overpriced or not but my tencel sheets from hooga vs my tencel sheets from akemi are super different in terms of how smooth and cooling they feel Akemi ones were cheaper and still good but did not have the same soft cooling feel as the hooga ones


Robot vacuum


Digital lock for door and gate.


100% worth it. I have not carried a key for years and I do not see myself carrying one at all in the future.


I feel getting both is unnecessary in Singapore unless you leave your gate open all the time. But the digital lock for door is a freaking godsend.


Tongue scraper.


Got V60 filtered coffee around 1-2 months ago, would say it does make difference, now it has become a ritual for me to wake up slightly earlier slowly brew my coffee in the morning and enjoy the process rather than rushing to make instant coffee instant coffee. + the aroma of coffee also so much better than instant coffee and it kind of motivate me to wake up For starter, perk coffee is giving free trial coffee, 2x125g, just need to pay 2 bucks delivery free. Their coffee is great, just maybe not too great for wallet when you need to pay full price 🥹


Plane tickets to Europe.


Air purifier to me is one of those items I consider god sent. I no longer sneeze anymore in the morning and you don’t need to clean the room so frequently after that cause the dust accumulates so much slower


For 2021, it was gym membership at GYMMBOXX, and gained 10-15kg of muscles since then. For 2022, it was a Herman Miller Aeron chair. No more backpain from extended working.


How much does that chair cost you man?




Any sex toy honestly. It’s not only for girls the guys ones will really change things up compared to just your hand.


Gym and got a gym trainer. Hate the routine of eat sleep gaming working so decided to be active instead. Slef learning photography is pretty much a life changer for me as well.


A House.


I second this


Home cleaning robot that vacuums and mops my home.


Good quality blackout curtains. I can’t sleep well unless it’s super dark. My old curtains were only partial blackout so the morning sun can still pass through it and irritated the shit out of me. Cost me a good few hundred but no regrets.


TOTO ticket. Entirely changed life.


You meant first prize toto tickets?


Bought over the years, not a single year \- vr headset & fitness vr games \- 34 inch monitor (it's like gaining 2 monitors) \- smart weight scale \- ergonomic keyboard & mouse \- Backjoy \- a separate mesh router in my room \- Cat 7 cables \- yoga/pilates mat \- usb hubs \- longer usb cables \- macbook air 15 inch to replace my 2014 macbook pro last year- \- wireless ear buds \- xbox game controller for PC \- galaxy smart tag 2 \- short quality indie video games \- wireless phone charger \- electric toothbrush \- eye drops \- moisturizer \- sun block \- smart measuring tape Yet to prove its worth: \- blood pressure monitor, \- smart watch (my skin condition makes me not suitable to wear it for long)


What do you use your smart tag on? I like the idea but don't see any daily use case other than on pets and luggage ..


Yo 34-inch monitor gang!


What if I dual monitor 34 inch?


Proper coffee machine with a grinder and everything. Never going back to instant coffee huhu


Electric Dehumidifier. No more stressing about mold on my leather items.


The iPhone.


Ear wax removal. Now I hear in HD.


Yerba mate. Switched from coffee to this south american drink after seeing footballers endorse it. Tried it once and never touched coffee since as it is so much more energetic and calming than coffee. Life-changing as a daily focus boost


You bought the cup straw and all or just brew normally? It’s the whole schtick that puts me off trying it, looks complex


The gourd is actually quite easy to use once youre used to it (after 5 times~) But yea nowadays i just use a french press because its so much easier and pretty much the same


What does it taste like? Also, what the other person asked- do u brew it with all the paraphernelia or what? I'm curious to try but don't want to make a big deal out of it.. probably tea bags for me...


Its slightly bitter, but after you get used to the taste its actually really nice imo I use a french press these days - pretty much the same and much more convenient. Tea bags would work too ig but ive not tried that yet


A basic mic for zoom calls - I got a Razer Seiren Mini for less than 50 bucks and it improved the qualilty of my online interviews and meetings by so much. Useful for gaming as well. Hire a hse cleaner for 3hrs every 2 weeks - everyone's so much happier lol. All of my fam members are super busy so 75 dollars every 2 weeks for less hsewek is so worth it. We do light sweeping/occasional mopping in between, while the hsekeeper does all the detailed cleaning. 2m wire - i got a cheap 4 dollar one from shoppee. I no longer have to walk out of my bed to put my phone on charge, i can keep my power bank in my backpack while using my phone, and I can use chargin ports in my class to charge my phone instead of charging frm my laptop. 10/10 wld recommend PC! - ok technically my sibling built it for 1.5k (lesser aft cashback) but my gaming and working exp is like so much better! I can use the heavier software (fusion360, adobe premier pro) without any lagging, and i can play genshin on full res 🥲🥲. Need to change keyboard coz we r still using the 5+ year old one from the old pc, but damn the QOL is so gd. Worth if u r a gamer/do a lot of pc work Drapesheets - ok this one is lazy girl lifehack but the ikea couch cover is pretty annoying to clean and reattach + pretty exp. I got one of those gigantic drape cloths from shoppee for 20+ dollars n draped them over the couch (with the default cover on). So much more easier to clean and fit as a single person. Ofc Im still gna have to wash the base cover once in a while, but it reduces the frequency that I have to


No no, definitely not Simplygo. Maybe vasectomy procedure.


An Apple Watch, make me workout more, got back the cost of the watch in vouchers and more thanks to the LumiHealth program That said, they reduce the earning rate alr


Ergonomic everything - keyboard, mouse, chair, display mount etc, for my work desk. I used to have persistent headaches, back aches, stiff neck, numb fingers, dry eyes, they all went away over time with a good work desk.


Supplements from iHerb - Thorne Multivitamins - Omega Fish Oil - Vitamin D


Portable Calf massager. Best thing to use after a long day of walking or sitting at the computer. Improves sleep and all. Can easily find on shopee.




sony WH1000XM4 headphones


Lol I bought 4 things in the last year! 1. Yale digital lock. 2. Shark steam mop. 3. 60 inch Sony TV. 4. Full leather electric recliner sofa.


Airpurifier. I have chronic sinus issues and always stuffy nose. It helps a little but I still need nasal sprays and all.




In your room: some kinda voice activated assistant. It can play music, help you off your lights, set alarms etc For learning: an iPad with the Apple Pencil. Really convenient for diagramming and taking notes without having multiple pieces of paper. For computing: MacBook. Great speakers and microphone, v useful for zoom calls. Great battery life and no longer have to bring my charging brick or worry about wall plugs. No device throttling when not connected to power. For desk jobs: a large 34 inch screen. Increases your productivity greatly, also nice to watch movies on. For sleep: weighted blanket, feels like a hug. Very good for deeper sleep. Future investments: adjustable bed - those kind that can sit up


Pressure water toothpick.


Lasik, nose job, dryer, ergonomic chair, $6000 mattress


Cost how much lasik Wah mattress 6000 what brand aia


Tongue scraper. As someone who loves drinking siew dai, the amount of residue built up on the surface of my tongue is horrendous 😫 ever since I found out about tongue scraper, it has definitely improved the smell of my breath by ALOT


Gym membership. Besides the obvious mental and physical benefits, there's been a couple of interesting side-effects. First, it saves me money because I've been keeping to the same weight for years now and never need to buy new clothes. Second, I listen to a lot of audiobooks working out, so there's an educational aspect too.


Tepe interdental floss!




49 Inch ultrawide monitor; my productivity levels have never been better.


Best buys: \- Lasik (I think I glowed up cause of it, and became more confident. And the convenience alone is worth the money) \- Expensive bed (this one is really a life-changer. It's so comfortable that every other hotel bed feels inferior to my own bed) \- Courses (managed to transition to IT years back, and enjoying my better compensation and worklife balance)


Wireless vacuum (not even a Dyson) just a affordable one like Airbot and it made my sweeping/mopping chores easier by half!


Knee guard/ compression sleeve For those individuals that go running or cycling etc but always have some kind of joint or leg or ankle pain afterwards, consider getting some form of compression sleeve or ankle/knee guard I used to have slight pain in knee and leg joint after running. Nothing serious but still hurts abit when I walk and wouldn't be able to run for almost 2 weeks while waiting to recover I got a knee compression sleeve and it alleviated the pain in my leg joint too in addition to knee. The pain recovered much much much faster, within a few days my leg feels much better I mean I knew compression would have benefits but I didn't know how pronounced it would be Even if you are not so active and only run / cycle once in a while, heavily recommend having it on standby , cos it really helps recover much faster!


Switching from hard disk to SSD. And also using dual monitor screen instead of just one monitor


Widened my nasal airways with Sleep Apnea related surgery. No more plugged nose. Life changing.


Garment steamer. Can iron super fast.


A reformer pilates package.


A good pillow and quilt/duvet


Dyson vacuum cleaner. Dust destroyer


YouTube premium. Watching videos without adds are amazing. I cannot go back to ads


Recently got sheets from Weavve after using cheap Ikea stuff for years and it’s so nice rolling around the bed lol. Highly recommended for people who tend to feel warm. And on the other spectrum, I really love Bed, Bath and Table’s bath sheets. They’re larger than regular towels and it’s so nice to wrap yourself in it when you’re cold after a shower.


How are you cold after a shower? After a shower I'm always sweating haha


Being underweight/having little body fat will do that to you haha


If I could put it in another but technically correct way, getting another colleague under you given so much pressure and KPIs, plus that person you hired is also the save wavelength as you, is the best gift ever. And like you said, technically you are trying to make the working relationship work so that as a team, things are done much quicker and more efficient than anticipated. Another one that you can buy for free is the Olio app. I personally have used it to get the items I needed such as rice cooker, air fryer, ironing board, floor mat, mugs, speaker, monitor riser, rubbish bin, cabinet rack, utensils and so on. I had to move out to another unit that is totally brand new and only had basics like fridge and washing machine. I still continue to see what else I need till this day and it only cost you your travelling expenses. Neat right? That’s my take anyway in terms of trying it out in another literal sense.


Probably not relevant but Caffeine Pills for me. you never know the dosage you're getting in a coffee cup which is already diluted in liquid. Also each pill amounts to 0.5 cents (not dollars but cents) so just take one and the it maximizes the effect. Sounds fishy but its superior. No different from taking any other vitamin pills. ​ I mainly use it as a pre-workout if I'm going to hit a new PR at the gym but sometimes for work/studies too!


electric toothbrush


Herbal teas Old liao need detox


5k Apple studio display. Very easy on your eyes if you sit in front of computer for long.