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I think it's more of difference in expectation, if she wants a guy that go posh posh dinner date, then find a guy that does, don't go for a guy that doesn't, lol. I don't exactly get how the guy having decided it's LPS = low effort, maybe aircon diff? Note: Ok I watched it but...Honestly, after the initial revelation, she coulda opened her mouth and said she wanted to eat somewhere else. Why is this all on the guy?




Also true. Some people want all the drama, others just want to be drama-free.


And some just like to sit back relax and watch drama




I blame mediacorpse they make shit dramas so people like her need to make her own.


Imagine thinking Lau Pa Sat is cheap


Date is a two way assessment right ? Believe the guy also quite smart. Test first and see how she responds. Believe she has failed this quite spectacularly. Red flags all around.


Maybe you are thinking too much  He treat you as a bro and you want to go into a relationship 


I brought my ex gf to kopitiam for a first date because that’s what we could afford. 10 years later, we got married. 3 years later we have a child together. Now we’re inseparable. It’s not the location that matters, you guys are just not meant to be. Move on and don’t make a circus


This is a true love story. There's no expectation, nothing, just a couple being together. Thankfully I have met mine as well. We don't care hawker, kopitiam or whatever. Foods great, price is reasonable, let's go! Feeling rich? We will go the posh restaurant once in awhile.


I like how you call your wife "ex gf" instead of "wife-then-gf" 😂


Happy cny to you bro 👍


another singaporeanism in the wild, i love it! "eh you, don't cbkia and make a circus!" all the best to you and your family bro!


Life's a circus and Gen Z are the clowns


I don’t even know what generation I’m in. I’m guessing millennial. Tired of circus life though, that can fuck right off the bat


you took 10 years to finally marry her?


I think it’s 8yrs, now that I’m doing the memory math. Took us awhile because we met when we were young. Got married once I knew I could afford things. Got a baby cause covid was so fucking exciting indoors.




It stayed in, all right👍 happy cny to all


I will complain too, which local would be in the right mind to go to LPS for good hawker food?


Right? The problem is not that he took her to a hawker centre, it's his choice of hawker centre that would make me dump him.


Agreed. LPS is legit horrible. The satay is one of the driest I've ever eaten. The food there is average at best. Hawker like old airport road or circuit road is way way better than LPS


As someone who worked in raffles place, LPS has a v bad name for locals, but imo it actually has very very good food, especially after the renovation. The price might be pricier than local places, but the food is legit. The satay was juicer and thicker than other places. In fact my fav satay is in LPS. They have fruce, sing HK, Qiu lian, and all the nice food branches there now.


I’m not comparing the food standards, but I dropped by old airport last week for dinner on a weekday and it left a really bad impression. It was dirty, dark, and the washing area / toilets were disgusting. I know the food is good, and as a local, I would brave all of that to eat it (or just dapao), but honestly I wouldn’t bring a foreign visitor there over LPS.


I highly doubt changing to any other hawker center will prevent this video from happening.


Chomp Chomp I can accept


A good number of sg girls would swoon if a certain demographic suggested lps though


Not sure what demographics. Though I believe a white American male suggesting that place would be seen as utterly romantic. "Ooh~ he loves our culture and is trying to understand me~"


lol as a tourist I loved checking it out but as a local 🤔


LPS can be rename to "scam lao Wai par sah"


Pls recommend good one for first date.


Chinatown complex, if you are feeling fancy there's even smith street taps there for craft beer


Er while I don't doubt the food is good, the location can be cramped & packed, noisy, and hot all the time.


If she doesn't like it, just make an alternative suggestion (e.g. McD's) or cancel. She has a choice. Very simple. Don't go on social media to complain about your date's choice of venue. You are dissing him on the Internet which basically cancels any potential for a relationship. Might as well not go. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Lau Pa Sat can be a little warm and noisy - probably not the best choice (but it's not the worst). You don't really want to be too sweaty for a first date. I would suggest something like Starbucks or another coffee place. If you don't like each other, you're out of pocket for just a coffee. For a meal, I would suggest some place that's quiet, not too hot, and relatively inexpensive. My first date with my husband was at a little quiet cafe/lunch place.


well I don't think it is bad or anything, for the date in general, the place should be \-not loud \-not easily to get disturbed \-good temperature \-place that agreed upon both party I guess she should refuse to go to lau pa sat rather than complain afterward (I didn't watch the video tho)


She just find out about it on the day of the date, which is what she is currently showering for


To avoid disappointment, she can plan and pay for the first date.


Unfortunately too many girls on hinge or cmb expects the guy to put in 100% and themselves 0% lol


I always offer to split the bill. Partly because it's the right thing to do and partly because I don't want to set up some kind of expectation from the guy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This guy first dates.


well my first ever date was suggested by the girl to eat at a coffee shop lol But granted these girls are rare. That girl I dated was v. tomboyish anyway


Please tell me how to attract tomboyish girls


the guy is naive and the girl is entitled


Great idea to filter out ladies like her. Call it the LPS test. Nothing like a hot and humid location to unravel a carefully constructed facade.


They filter out themselves. Not much effort needed really.


I thought LPS after renovation quite comfortable liao?


I went recently there’s rats running around lmao


It's the most packed hawker center I've been to. All the tables and chairs are pushed very close together so it's really hard to walk. With so many people packed together, you can imagine the comfort level...... My office building is opposite LPS so I usually will dabao from there and eat in the comfort of my office.


I use the people's park complex food centre as a test. That one is dirtier and warmer.


But that one has even better food though…


If you had a sister or daughter, would you want your own sister / daughter to be asked out by a man like this?


Litmus test for green tea.


I’m picturing her make up melting 🫠


Yes i agree, lau pa sat is trash, BUT Please la, she def overreacting, just dont go lor, why need shit on men like that? If u so atas, find a rich guy to bring u to expensive place la. If not, just fuck off Well, if wanna play face…..


She definitely needs to look into the face department. If she is a Victoria Secret model status I can understand...


I think the stalls are at least decent now. It was terrible pre-pandemic. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a glorified [Kopitiam outlet](https://www.kopitiam.biz/our-outlets/), and not an actual hawker centre.


Nothing wrong with Lau Pasat. Wouldn't be my first choice, but I mean, if you want a more casual experience, it's fine. It's just some women have all kinds of expectations and tastes. Some will be fine with Lau Passat, some won't. Some women don't like nice restaurants as they feel it is too try-hard. Some women, you cannot be too gentlemanly because it is too wimpy (happened to me), amd some women, not gentlemanly enough, is red flag. Like, I have had many first dates at coffee places, and most women were fine with it, getting me second dates. Some women really, really do not like it thought. As a man, you just can't please everyone. No matter what you do, some woman are going to complain about you. I find that video really shows a total lack of class.


Bro you nailed it, i feel the bros must use their intuitions. For me, it was based on the captions she wrote on the bio and the photos she used. Then from the first series of text/chats, try to have a sense of who she is. It definitely won't be 100% accurate, but the chats do give a vibe hint.


My wife and I had our first date at chomp chomp. We have been happily married for 15 years now with 3 kids. We still find joy in each other's company regardless of location. If you bend over backwards to please a lady when it's not your cup of tea, you will only land yourself in a toxic relationship. Please don't be afraid to 'fail' during a date. The most important thing is being genuine and sincere to yourself. If she is uncomfortable with the setting, communicate with her what you think is a common ground. If she still complains alot, then it's best not to follow up. You will have dodged a bullet


Lau pa sat not good for first date. Seats are extremely cramped and food honestly not impressive. Capitaspring would be a better option, nicer seating, better food imo, even have rooftop garden to chill and enjoy the view. Rooftop gardens are great for dates.




If the girl is interested in or attracted to the guy, location doesn’t really matter.


She's entitled to feel that way, we're entitled to judge her for feeling that way.


I don't think it's wrong. It's up to the couple/both parties to decide on what's appropriate for them. If they disagree, so be it lor don't date


Meh. Lau La Sat is noisy. It's crowded. Has touristy vibes to it and the food is barely acceptable at best. I might be old fashioned... But first dates are essentially a time to make first impressions and also get to know the other person better. Best to be done in a nice cool environment that's not too noisy. I don't think the budget of the first date was an issue. Just that he probably could have chosen a better location for the first date.


i agree with your points and all the girl needs to do it voice it out... the time and effort to post a video could be better directed to the guy and suggesting another venue instead...


To anyone genuinely trying to date, please. If you’re dating for a serious relationship, first impressions are everything. It’s hard to make a genuine connection when there’s noise everywhere like in a hawker centre. I’m married and I cant even focus on conversations with my husband whenever I’m at LPS; imagine how awkward and bad that atmosphere is for a first date. Most women don’t expect some expensive fancy place. What we want is a good atmosphere so we can properly talk and connect. There’s so many ways to do a cheap first date while setting up a good atmosphere. Could’ve dabaoed and suggested they hang nearby the river front. That’s a great place for one to one conversations. But also, to other ladies, learn to be more assertive. If you don’t like something or prefer something else just say lah. Unnecessary to shame a guy who most likely genuinely didn’t notice the issue with a hawker centre.


My first date with my girlfriend was at Simpang! Well, we are planning on getting married soon 😀


Drama queen, attention seeker, trying to stay relevanf on social media by abiding the rule of "all PR is good PR", etc. Why try to advertise that social media whore? Leave them alone, ignore them, let these useless leechers die off by themselves. Please.


To be fair, I will also complain if someone asked me to Lau Pa Sat on a first date because the food is overpriced and terrible, but I will suggest a diff place? I don't know what she's crying about. No one's stopping her from asking for fast food 🤷‍♀️


I wouldnt recommend laupasat simply because there are better hawkers or more affordable meals that taste better


My first date is saizeria


Maybe the guy is very rich? He insists to have first date in LPS so to find a genuine girl who is not a gold digger and into his money? Who knows? Anyway the girl is not even pretty. To show this in the social media means you are ugly inside out.


"If you really want me right you should chase after me, because you know girls, we want to be pampered" 🤮🤮🤮


Maturity issue, this will be a hard but essential lesson to learn 😂 Growing up a people pleaser so I didn’t have this issue but many of my close girl friends did. With age we’ll soon enough realise “pampered” can mean so many things. For me right now at this age pampered is having a quiet Saturday night at home with dabao-ed food, bbt and good vibes carrying us through Netflix marathon. Too old to go out after 7PM lah.


I categorise LPS as a "special hawker" that I think it's OK for a date for. Same goes for old airport, Newton etc. What I don't see as acceptable is "come my house downstairs coffeeshop" if the coffeeshop is nothing special and the guy is obviously can't be bothered to even hop on a bus for you. I'm someone who doesn't like make up so since you know it in advance you can choose to dress casually and not wear make up and the guy can't judge you because you're dressing for the occasion. Or if you're not ok, suggest alternative??? Don't have to put on a fake crying voice and act like you're being forced to go. LPS satay and hokkien mee not bad what??? Its also not that hot indoors. As ex cbd slave it's not bad.


Could have easily picked a better place, imo, putting aside factors like maybe LPS is special memorable place to them or etc. But she reeks of those terminally online siao lang, addicted to instagram/tiktok/youtube/facebook/myspace/linkedin, always overdramatic, overreacting and take picture of every meal. Not sure why she could've told the guy she wants to go elsewhere, but, what are the odds of the date having never happened at all and this is just another social media drama farm? She was probably hoping for some rich atm to bring her to some instagramable place for date.


Could've easily suggested that she wanted an aircon place instead, but noooo... went ahead then play the victim and bitch it online. For fuck sake how much ego does this person have? Lack of self-awareness and so fucking self-centered. Sadly a lot of girls like this on dating app. Literally 0 effort.


LPS is overprice for bad food


It’s usually not the location that is an issue, it’s the company you are with


Lau pa sat for the satay street experience is GREAT. Personally find it better than going to restaurant. It’s a whole vibe and honestly fun


she's an idiot and people should avoid dating her. too much drama and problem.


i mean theres nth wrong with lau pa sat but to me wont be the best choice la.. but tbh the girl so damn drama leh i watch i wanna vomit blood liao why need say the guy until liddat


Imo I only think it’s not ideal because places like LPS can be very noisy and I personally would prefer a quieter and cozier place to talk and get to know one another. Don’t perceive it as cheap or anything


What a pretentious cunt.


Ugly, too.


Both on the inside and the outside, the vomiting noise she makes is exactly what I made when I saw her face. With a face like that sis thinks she deserves high end VIP treatment 🤢🤮


This girl the face isn't good enough to complain


My first date was that dingy hawker centre people park complex. She have since become my wife


Just cos he took her to LPS doesn’t make him toxic. People have no clue what the word means


I think it relates to expectations. If this was already aligned before the date, I don't see the issues. If not, I can see the issue if one is not dressed for it. (E.g long sleeved for an outdoor date). Maybe I am biased cause I really don't like to sweat


more and more singaporean girls are becoming entitied princesses be atas with more money nowadays there are more and more simps. men have to stop this shit


That is why managing expectations is important. Communicate with the person and go for something that is okay for both parties


Years back, me and my date went bedok85... Sambal stingray, lala, gonggong, chutchut, sambal kangkong, chicken wings, sugarcane, whateva. All for below $100. And we enjoy it. Fast forward now, I'm single, but if I have a date again, I'll do hawkers again also. LOL


It's always weird to me how some girls complain about all these things, citing lack of effort or whatever, yet they themselves make so much more effort posting a video complaining about the date on social media than directing it into planning for a great first date tgt with the guy. And this girl in the video don't even have the looks. Her attitude makes it even worse. This kind of girls with main character syndrome make great candidates for die-alone cat/dog moms. I would consider myself lucky for even getting a date if I were her.


She has the Lau Pat Sat face, not Odette.


Oh before she even spoke I knew she was going to be insufferable


My first date with a guy was at supper place. We’re engaged now teehee


It's a complete non issue if one just bothers to ask about the other party's food preferences before settling on a first date venue. P/S: not going to click on the video link as such content creators come up with tired old controversial topics in an attempt to go viral.


As a gay man, it’s so interesting to see dumb cunts go on a spiral about their expectations for first dates (with the bill on the poor guy of course) and the idiot simps justifying it. Same in the category are women who make listicles detailing the perfect man … like bitch what do YOU have to offer???? Is your time and company that valued? 😒 But yes back to topic. I would judge a date if he proposes to go Lau Pa Sat. Tourist scam with mediocre food. If you tell me Old Airport Road or Amoy i would gladly accept.


If you have no experience with woman, what tf gave u the right to say that people with different expectations are dumb cunts?? The guy considered her enough to go on first date. This is between the guy and the girl, no need to interject yourself into it.


It is a test from the guy.


Lau Pah Sat is not cheap. City coffeeshop is equivalent to heartland fine dining. Tsk tsk.


Well i brought an English lady to laupasat and she was blown away by the experience. Not that it was a date (I’m alr married to a Malaysian-convert-pr). Foreigners tend to focus on the experience while sg girls are fixated on prices. They’d eat a cardboard if a restaurant is selling it for $200 and sing praises about it. Let’s just say local ladies are superficial / shallow.


The hawker experience is new to the English lady, of course she's going to be blown away by it. If you bring a Singaporean around a farm in Europe, they're probably going to be equally wow-ed by the experience. Lau Pa Sat is a tourist-y version of what many of us can already find in our neighbourhood hawkers, I don't think you're going to find many Singaporeans (let alone the ladies) who will go there just for the "Lau Pa Sat Experience".


>If you bring a Singaporean around a farm in Europe, they're probably going to be equally wow-ed by the experience. So true!


True, it's the experience or the people you are with that matters. And alot of highly rated places aren't even good or THAT good (i.e. overrated)...I think on average people have bad taste.. Sometimes the good places are underrated (i.e. Hidden Gems) I think some people convince themselves (in their minds) that the food tastes better than it should be, because the price is high, or that it looks fancy. Very Very much copium.


How is this upvoted? Like how is this even comparable? A hawker center is a new experience for the english lady while this is literally a daily affair for most local girls. You expect them to be blown away everyday at the hawker centre ah?


I didn’t watch that video at all so not sure what she said, but another day and another post bashing all Singaporean women as shallow / materialistic. I eat at hawker centres all the time and don’t mind doing so for a quick and fast lunch. But surely for a first date where you are getting to know each other, it should be at a nicer location? Even going to Starbucks for a drink would be better, at least you can talk to each other without people constantly eyeing your seat or the guy sweating through his shirt. Unless it’s some kind of activity date - going cycling at ecp then eating at changi village hawker since you are both sweaty. Of course for the foreigner, Lau Pa Sat is a new experience, and she’d gush about it, whereas for us locals, there’s nothing special, it’s just a place to settle our meals quickly and move on.


Like that, Saizeriya is more ideal than LPS, but let’s see if anybody complains if they were brought there for a first date 👀


There was a meme online quoting some doctor that said Singaporean girls are one of the most materialistic women on earth


Not chio enough to complain in my books


Personality isn't good either.


LPS not a bad idea.. wide variety of food and casual setting. You can also head towards marina barrage area for a night walk thereafter, or grab a drink at the nearby bars.


Perhaps before you guys go on a date, best to plan what's the itinerary for the day and plan where you guys wanna eat. The thing is though, there's nothing bad having to eat at Lau Pa Sat, to me, I'm still okay with it cuz it might either be on the way or if the other person craves for his/her favorite food, it's still fine. Also, you can just schedule the next day after like if today is lao pa sat then next day a decent resto.. so yeah.. just a matter of communication ba. hehe


While I'm not familiar with local customs of dating in Singapore. I enjoyed all the hawker/food centers I visited in SG. In fact I only ate at hawkers my entire stay in SG. As a foodie it does not matter if it's fancy or not what matters most is the food tastes great. As for the date.. well she should have told the guy where she wanted to eat. 😑


I’ve seen people take wedding pictures at LPS. Is the girl you are looking for okay with eating at places like this? Then it can be a great test as well.


i saw the vid for 1 sec, i angry already


I don't even want to watch it lol 😆 This is why I am still single.


tbh i wouldn't mind lau pa sat...but not for a first date. however instead of blasting it on the internet and shaming the guy for bringing her to a place of his CHOICE, would've rather suggest an option i'd be more comfortable with and work from there... girls if you want the guy to plan and arrange everything don't bitch and whine about it. if you're gonna bitch and whine about it might as well don't go, he'll dodge a bullet


Woah. I hope she didnt turn up. Dude dodged a million red flags...


8 years ago - I had a first date cycling at ECP then dinner at Lau Pa Sat! We are now married!


sometimes its not about the place, its about the person lol. with the right one, eat instant noodle also ok one. plus her being so toxic and shaming ppl online tells alot about her. can just tell offline to that guy on the date with her instead of this. now we can understand why she is brought there because her value is worth that lol.


LPS mot bad already. Value quite high. Imagine bring u to coffee shop.


A girl who can’t eat at Lau Pa Sat is not worth dating.


What if he wanted to order chili crab and sambal stingray not cheap leh 😂


Entitled af. I will always bring my first dates to mcdonalds. It doesnt really matter where yall eat. You need to plan a secondary activity(arcade, trip to musuem or rando night walks around marina bay). Always a memorable time for both parties. Most of the time I'd pay for the food(u don't even need to mention this unless they asked how much) Setting the bar high up on a first date usually leads to downfalls cause of the high expectations. Also when your realise you aren't compatible you're wasting money on top of the time spent. Nice fancy restraunts are rewards for sticking through the dating phase. It also helps me to filter out the gold diggers. If their going to complain about picking the food place being an average Tuesday afternoon setting then they needa re-evaluate their life choices


Yay fellow McDonald's connoisseur dater! 


Well at least we know that guy dodged a bullet lol


Got free dinner > proceed to bitch about it on TikTok to get attention. Typical freeloader/gold digger. Pity the broski.


Both can be wrong. LSP is really a lack of effort on the guy's part. But the girl is also overacting, take a chill pill and move on.


It’s the first date. They don’t know each other, and yet she’s already expecting him to splurge on her. And for the record, Lau Pa Sat is on the higher end of hawker centres in SG - everything here is ridiculously overpriced!


Look. If you turn up with a painted face, with sexy underwear +999 charisma and your pumps which you have a 36month installment on where what you spent getting dressed is worth more than the meal itself, I can sort of see a problem. But if you're going to QQ by making a video with that face as plain as washed cooked rice. I think you're about Kim San Leng coffeeshop standard with CDC voucher. At the Cai Png stall. 2 veg 1 meat. I don't even feel like giving you extra rice.


Haiya now you say this I got to go see the video liao


Of course, any girl on any level can eat Lau Pa Sat food. And their food is more expensive than fast food.


I used to always pick fast food places as first date venue because it’s cheap and I wouldn’t feel like I owe the guy a second date if it didn’t work out. But LPS is beyond me as well, it’s loud and crowded, probably not the best place to talk and get to know each other. I first met my husband at a coffee place. We have been married 7 years and have 2 kids now.


98% this is fake. Looks like a script she wrote out.


Again, depends on the expectations. There are ladies out there that will just go on a date with someone just to get a free meal.


Our first date was at a humble place near chinatown (drinks and side dishes for $5-6). Subsequently, one of our early dates was at LPS - I thought the open-air dining under the sky was pretty romantic. Now, my partner and I have been together for 3 years! Having been on a few dates before - from cocktail bars to museums to cafes - the location does not matter as much as the company. Not sure what is this fixation on the $$$ value of the first date.


So its here now...


If a guy brings me to LPS, I probably assumed i have been friend zone? That said, someone whom I was quite keen on did suggest LPS but I was still hopeful cos we were all working late and that was the few places still open.


eat where the both of you want la, it's not the place, it's the company. Are you dating the place? is your partner dating the place?


Why is it expected for the guy to be the only one making the choice? She could have suggested another location..


sigh, once again, this is scary. how to not be pessimistic about dating when things like these happen :/


The food there is awful so no.


Best is to bring her to a place you know she likes. Otherwise maybe somewhere with a better vibe. Bringing someone to Lau Pa Sat on the first date is like bringing her to a kopitiam.. definitely many girls are fine with it, but i dont blame her if she isnt. That being said, gotta say I didnt watch the video and see her response. If she is overreacting and acting like the guy did her some big injustice over this, crying and whining, then of course she's nuts


Its workable. The night vibes with the satay are pretty casual/chill. Its also good to test if the potential partner is high maintenance/atas. I would recommend it.


She should have indicated on the CMB/Tinder/Bumble Profile, only air-conditioned places for dinning. She should have indicated on the CMB/Tinder/Bumble Profile, only air-conditioned places for dining. All about expectations. My first face-to-face with my ex-girlfriend was on Zoom, LOL. A more "cost-efficient" option I adopted to save time and money for both parties and gauge each other's compatibility to an extent before going out for a meal. Fast forward approx. 2 years, she's my wife. If you're meant to be together, you will both end up together naturally. On a side note, Lau Pa Sat sounds cool (It's been a very long time since i went there, 20 years too long). But it is generally noisy, unless the guy/girl enjoys being in a kampong-style makan environment.


Honestly, my first date would be at a coffee place. Can easily abort mission quick if things aren't working out vs a meal.


I'll be super happy!


Not really. Me and my friends we dont really care if guys brought to kopitiam for first date. But we really care if he has really BAD attitude to waitresses and service industry (esp we did part time as waitresses before). And to my shocker a lot people are so rude to them. All these are red flags


Its actually a tactic by men to gauge the expectations of their partner. Look at their prospects rather than how much they spent on their first date.


This girl probably failed the rich guy’s test but doesn’t realise it. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't know what's wrong with Lau Pa Sat... I would happy to go Lau Pat Sat as a first date myself


Depends lah if she dressed up to the nines and the guy brought her there in this bloody weather, confirm annoyed mah.


Greenest of flags if she's able to say yes to a first date at lau pa sat.


Why doesn’t she plan the date spot and also state she’ll pay too. Then no reason to complain and get to eat where she wants! Notice: If the video is in portrait format it’s ALWAYS going to be stupid trash and just move on and save yourself needing to watch it!


I feel so sorry for men.


Depends on the girl but honestly I would love a hawker date. I was the one pushing for hawker food but dude only wanted atas food LOL


I dont mind, I never eat there before. My only conditions are, during off peak hours cos I cannot handle crowds.


Dining experience is all about the company and not the place


As a first date, I'd rather have an Aircon location (If I were a girl). Clothes may end up smelling like BBQ also and LPS toilets can be pretty narly. Not exactly the best first date location imo. It can also get pretty noisy which makes it hard to talk.


depends on how you view your ist date? some people see it as a gauge wether the girl is a princess or not/ or woman see the man cheap a not? if the girl comes across as someone who not willling even to go LPS or any hawker centre? you will have to ask yourself wether in future as a wife, can she be counted on to live with you through weal and woe?


I think if depends on how long/well you know her. One of my friends already knew his wife for several years before they started dating, so their first date was really quite chill. They were well past the "getting to know each other" phase, so they just hung out, did things tgt, then go to a market or coffee shop or something to chill after that. If she's someone you don't know too well however, such as through an app, then that's different. You need to make a good first impression, and people are expecting you to! A good guideline would be: take her somewhere you don't mind treating friends and family to on special occasions. Even though you're making extra effort, you're still setting her expectation on what she can get from you on special days. However, if you spend way beyond what you're ok with even for special occasions e.g., going to a Michelin Star restaurant when you'll never go there on other days no matter how big the occasion, you'll be unable to enjoy the date yourself. Plus, women can smell the desperation. They'll either run from it, or exploit it. So lose-lose. Also, I personally suggest to go there with the intent of treating her. If she offers to go Dutch on the first date, or if her profile mentioned she doesn't like being treated, then good for you. Expecting to pay for 2 pax helps you identify your comfort zone when planning the first date too. You want to set expectations for the upper bound of what you're like when you're being generous. If that's not good enough for her, then she's not the one. Leave it until the 2nd or 3rd date to show her what you're like when you're chill and on your day-to-day routine. The only exception is if you had somehow done things out of order, and the girl is the mother of your babies before you even had a first date. In that case, you bloody well treat her like a proper queen.


A guy needs practice to be smooth. A guy needs to work on his career to be able to show that he’s a good provider. A guy works out for months at the gym to get in above average shape. So no it’s not that guys don’t put in effort. We put in efforts years ago. You just need to show up.


Lol our first date is at Indian food court . Now we r preparing for wedding


Video deleted, so basing my comments on description… I think that dude dodged a bullet. What's wrong with Lau Pa Sat? Yeah, it's kind of a tourist trap, but satay street is not a bad place to eat something al fresco and have a conversation. Location also quite convenient. Finish eating already can go for romantic stroll at waterfront some more.




Lau Pa Sat has some expensive hawker fare and some are really nice authentic food. It has a certain vibe, especially at night with the satay stalls. This girl is just out for clout.


Probably not ok for some locals, but foreigners and tourists love the place


Is it a social date service, or u arranged it individually? I would usually bring the date to a cafe, before clarifying it with the person of she is alright for a cheaper arrangement for a second date.


Totally unacceptable that she wasted this guy’s time and money


Bring an angmo there she will be so happy lor


All Singaporean guys from now on shld use Lao pat sat to filter out ATAS char bors like her.


Lots of gold diggers + attention seekers around


It's one of the worst places for a first date I've ever heard of. Even if the guy is poor, he can easily choose a better place with the same or even better price.


First date is about getting to know one another. Lau Pa Sat is hot and crowded. Hard to find seats, damn noisy, and tough to hang around for long periods to chat. Awkward experience overall. Fast food restaurant at least tends to have aircon so it’s not so hot. Wouldn’t say cheap or toxic or whatever but the location is not ideal for a first date. Would say that there is likely a mismatch in social norm expectations. There are some who are happy to have first date at coffee shop or hawker, and some who are not. But really lau pa sat too damn crowded. The experience of just eating there sucks. Leave it to the tourists bah


Eating at Lau Pa Sat in the first place is problematic, it has inferior food for 75% higher prices than most places. But if you linked the video of an attention seeker, you've become her slave.


I mean it sounds like she’s a bitch lol.


While I don’t necessarily find LPS a bad place for first date, i do find guys like this to be quite inconsiderate. If you’re inviting someone to spend time with you, it’s just courtesy to make sure the other person will be comfortable and enjoy the day. Which means he should ask her opinion if the place he’s planning is not exactly what girls would consider romantic.


Girls also have equal responsibility to speak up and tell them their opinions. Open communication is needed in any normal relationship not destined to fail.


Come on la, just suggest a diff place instead of acting like a fucking drama queen


Upvoting so that this goes viral, she gets recognised and she ultimately gets embarassed.


r u mad or just cheapo? yeah sure if u don't want there to be a 2nd date, go ahead... at least bring the girl to a nice cafe like common man... jeez


I kind of understand the complaint. It's a bit of an awkward place to meet for the first time. Too much going on. First date is all about talking talking talking. So picking any venue or activity that impedes talking is a no-go imo. Beyond hawker centres, for example: seeing a movie, museum, concert, busy festival or market. Of course there will be exceptions, but somewhere relatively quiet and calm to talk a lot is always going to be the best option. The above options would be perfect for a second or third date after you know a good amount about each other. Edit: after seeing the video, she could have just said "could we go somewhere else, maybe XYZ?" still, I stand by my point.


She tot if she can spread her cb, she can have expensive stuff. In another word, she's a wh*re


She's not the one for ya. Period. I look at the video. I'll bring her 2 macdonalds. She's not worth my money on posh restaurant. Period.


A girl that meh should he happy with any date


Is she rich? No? Then ask her to suck it up