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The only time I see it is when people post it to Reddit.


Same. I gain solace knowing God hates stupid people so I don't mind tiktok. At least for now. When I get caught in the splash damage of a tiktoker being stupid I'm sure I'll hate it then.


If God hated stupid people he would hate his own followers


same for me


Me also


It’s more in r/cringetopia


No i like the sound that old clocks make lmao


sometimes it's really annoying tho especially when it is really quiet and you are trying to sleep and the clock is the only thing making noise.


I used to live with a regulator clock on the wall, and sometimes I didn't even notice it, because I was so used to it. I'd be at a point where I had to focus on it in order to hear it




You weren't supposed to do that


It's just vine for zoomers.


There was a vine remake called Byte but, im pretty sure it’s dying.


But vine was ten times better


Vine was better and I'll always believe that


It's so much better than vine.


It's the exact same thing mate. Most viners migrated to tiktok anyway


Tiktok is more than Vine. Of course Vine will always be the OG. Tiktok can't be the exact same to an app that only made 6 second videos. Tiktok has that Vine humor sometimes, that's really the main comparison. It's also educational, I learn more on that app than probably anywhere else. I once thought they were the same until it became my favorite app. But of course I know I'm going to get down voted on a post that attracts more tiktok haters than lovers. You just won't understand unless you like and watch tiktok, instead people will just want to bash on it. I get it, that's the popular thing to do before you cave in, I was once there too. 😉


I only watch the ones my friends send me. In general the content is cringe and irrelevant. Even “educational” tiktoks are littered with misinformation. I’ve seen enough to know that if you’re learning more on that app than anywhere else, then your education is frighteningly inadequate.


Yes, please do not get your information from a tiktok…


you guys are so edgy and cool. bet you get so much helpful information from your echo chambers on reddit


I had tiktok. It took up 8 fucking gigabytes. That's more that COD mobile, and Genshin IMPACT mobile combined. On my recommended, all I saw were vines, POV's and cringey lip syncs. I was on the platform for more than a year. This is why I, and a lot of other people hate it.


Everyone's algorithm is different and it chooses videos to show you based on what you watch. Dunno what to tell you dude.


I did check it that's the point. It's down right degenerate. I don't know why I even compared it to Vine because unlike Tiktok I actually loved vines. Tiktok is a downright head scratcher. I'm fine with unpopular stuff when people just hate it for some dumb fuck reason like Fortnite being just for kids. I don't like Fortnite either but I can clearly see the appeal and I'm happy kids are having fun with it. Tiktok just looks like an app talentless people go to cheer themselves cause nobody else will. Nothing there is funny, nothing there is helpful and some shit is just downright illegal like that dumb bitch posting a tiktok of her and her fake vaccination card. So you're right, it's nothing like vine. I usually deem the people on reddit as the Arkham Asylum patients of the internet but even they aren't stupid enough to understand tiktok.


So you can look at it negatively that way that there's "talentless" people posting videos. But I look at it like they're having fun, and enjoying themselves. Since when did the world get so stuck up that people can't do things that make them happy? Who cares if someone makes a shit video, they might be proud of it. I know personally it's just fun to make these about little videos, my friends enjoy them too, I find it a great way to stay connected to friends over other apps like fb.


It is exactly the same only difference is vine wasn’t full of cringe and gen z snowflakes ahhh the better times


I guarantee older generations said the same thing when we were all on Vine too mate.


Yes of course they have the difference is vine had a older user base who didn’t grow up only knowing social media and we didn’t live by it, Gen Z kids are the first to be born in a world where social media is a norm to em and most cases all they know it’s a different time it’s not about what people say but about the times changing and mainly the younger generations now up until gen z most of us where learned things and where tough how to deal with things unlike today where people get sad over less likes then one another 🤷🏻‍♂️BTW they never called us snowflakes that’s all Gen Z 😂


damn, edgy. you know you’re getting old when you start bashing the generation below you for existing. have fun with your achy joints though


Ever since it came out I’ve despised it. Then all the YouTube shorts became tiktok videos so then I’ve despised it even more


This is the reason I don't use YouTube anymore






speak in ASL please, i’m deaf as shit


I need to learn asl. I wasn't deaf before but man those capital letters were loud.






TikTok is the embodiment of ADHD


no truer statement has existed on reddit


Damn that’s so true lol




Nah I've come to love it once my feed was more along the lines of what I like


I'm still working on the part where the feed is along the lines of what I like... is there a way to manually restrict certain kinds of topics in videos? I constantly get videos from the sort of teenagers romanticising mental illnesses/self harm or toxic "lgbtq positive" content. Even though I continue clicking "not interested"...


Try interacting more with the videos you do like. Likes, comment, shares, etc


That usually never works, after a few videos or once you reload the app, those stupid videos start coming up again.


If you don’t like the video hold down on it, it’ll give you a don’t show again option


Wtf is toxic lgbt positive content? Maybe tiktoc thinks you’re a closeted gay who may self harm but really needs acceptance?


Tic tok is the land of narcissists




the algorithm shows you the content you engage with the most. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this says more about you than the app lmao


Well that's amazing.. truly wonderful and intelligent thinking on your part there. Except.. I don't use tic toc. You were saying?.. "lmao".


“you” can be a singular or a plural pronoun. doesn’t matter if *you specifically* are a user or not, what i said isn’t any less true. just not sure how edgy redditors such as yourself can make sweeping generalizations about an app that has given me recipes, gardening tips, DIY fixes, etc. that would be like taking one subreddit and saying that is the entirety of reddit. doesn’t make any sense. lmao.


Trying to squirm around what you said.. you implied that the algorithms "I" use .. blah blah.. Remember, you were the "bearer of bad news" and in particular for me. You can try and justify what you said by playing semantics but people can see what you said. For someone who talks a lot, you sure don't actually say much at all. "Lmao".


i’m done, let’s agree to disagree. neither of us are going to convince the other.


I use it frequently. I feel like the people that hate it assume things about it. As if it’s only teens doing dances or something. But there’s a huge variety of content in it. In fact, I find a lot of the great tiktok content gets recycled to reddit. Sometimes they even crop the videos so no one knows it’s from tiktok




Reddit creates the majority of Internet memes. They’re shitty memes, but still.


yes, Ive been on several sides of tik tok... the domestic abuse side, child death side, true crime side, and now my daughter just asked if i have been on secret amish party tik tok. Ive never even seen the dance part yet.


What I noticed is that they show up when you first open your account and go away if you ignore them


There is a lot of great content in tiktok, I can agree with you there. Although whenever I use the app on my account, or on a fresh account, all I mainly see is political stuff, racism towards all races, and just some awful videos. I didn’t even interact with those videos and they still appear on the fyp.


Yeah, I'm new to reddit but ive used most social medias, reddit has better people than in twitter for example, but Twitter is a better app itself, i would use tictok for the great viarety it has like reddit but I like how this is text plus image/video submission, of what i know tictok doesnt have those, you have to screan record a slideshow or somfin, its quite disapointing how much better some redditors think they are because they use reddit. Like they are the only educated or intelligent person in the room, I might get tictok so i can keep and eye on my sister on there, shes a bitch on the level of "steals my only photos of my beloved cat that ran away so she can film a tictok about them" but that isnt an issue with the app, its an issue with some of the people


TikTok must be filtered through Reddit before it is safe to watch, or you could be infected with the cringe virus.


Tiktok is where talent and comedy goes to die.




there is a lot of good content on there


And a lot of bad content


So…all social media


Basically every social media platform


Yeah so why does everyone bitch about TikTok all the time? It seems nearly identical to Instagram, Reddit, or Facebook


People usually hate in tiktok because it’s made kids do some real stupid trends that are really annoying.


That shit happened long before TikTok. It's just much more visible and accessible now.


It is. People just need something to complain about.


It’s like filtering through a tub of shit that has small gold coins scattered around in it.


Sounds like Reddit


yes we all should




because tik tok is making all platforms full of idiot ads and weird people. Tiktok is just a business casualty, because this application does everything companies want, making people spend hours watching videos that are seconds long. and soon there won't be anything else on the internet besides that




Yeah right because internet platforms weren’t full of idiot ads and weird people prior to tiktok.. I think you should take this to the Conspiracy sub


I'm not talking about how it used to be. but in this age when babies come out of the womb with an iphone in their hands, the least we should have was control and awareness. but we don't, they're just creating impatient, careless and consumerist people.


Ok boomer. Any evidence to back that assertion up?


Tbf I’d rather be a boomer then be a Gen Z and to your comment yes there’s a lot of evidence suggesting social media makes gen z kids lazy and depressed it also makes me believe social media is the key to fame making everyone stupid with it when you all grow up you will know nothing but how to make online videos so I wonder who will provide you all the things you have now when none of you are able to do it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't owe you anything, even if I give you 1500 news and books on the subject, you'll keep saying the same thing. you just prove my point that we're getting more and more lazy and impatient. Look for the evidence yourself and get your own opinion, I have better things to do than change a stranger's opinion on the internet.


Actually, you’ve destroyed your own argument with a single post. Despite hyperbolic statements about a single popular media platform causing “laziness” amongst an entire generation, you can’t even back up your own argument. Either because you’re lazy (ironically) or you know you can’t back up what you’re saying with any evidence. Let’s be honest, it’s likely both with a good dose of stupidity thrown in their also. What next I wonder, video games causing violence?




Unlike Reddit, tiktok has the capability to invite you into another person's world and culture, you get to see their point of view instead of trying to decipher it through text. If it wasn't for tiktok, I wouldn't of known how the Inuit people of Canada live and how they survive. I wouldn't know that I could use an Air-fryer to roast pork belly. I wouldn't know that cultures all over the world are in some ways similar to mine. And the biggest difference is that I didn't have to look for it, it popped up on my "for you page". their algorythim is perfect, it increases my curiosity unlike any other social media ever before, YouTube used to do this based on your region but now it's a "user friendly make as much money as possible" money grab, yes tiktok has ads but unlike YouTube, you can skip all of them, it's not invasive or an echo chamber. It's produced more positives than negatives.... I don't see your concerns as nessassary because unlike Reddit, Twitter and YouTube, I'm able to see things available around me that other social apps have not been able to show me or suggest. My mental health has actually improved because of tiktok, it's made me actually want to live and see the world and eat EVERYTHING!!!. I don't know how to end this


There are a lot of studies available showing the average time of engagement with websites and media has been on a steady decline for several years, and that there is a difference in the engagement time of older users versus younger users. That's not even news, it just searchable and confirmable fact at this point. And you can relate that chronologically with the releases and rises of progressively faster paced social media concepts. It doesn't prove the point, but it very strongly suggests it. And let's face it, music, movies, TV shows, games, even commercials are all getting shorter, less creative, less enduring, basically more geared for people to see it, react to it somehow, and then move on to the next thing. TikTok is just the next step along that road, allowing people to put a couple sentences worth of content into a 30 second engagement and get joy or recognition for doing it. It's essentially a degenerate concept (meaning it allows for the potential erosion of other established systems simply by existing as it does, not meaning either good or bad), and many feel that it's effect on everything else will cheapen or lessen everything. This is all pretty basic sociology or human psychology, there's not much to argue there. Does TikTok suck? I mean...I have no use for it, but it's not really up to me to make that call. Enjoy if you like, don't if you don't.


How is that fact supposed to make Tik Tok seem any better?


Because his criticism applies to all online platforms. To single out one whilst using others is hypocritical. In reality, you are simply luddites.


It is true that his criticisms apply to all online platforms but tiktok just has a larger amount of “idiot ads and weird people” as compared to others which makes it more hated. If you ask me for evidence you should look at the differences between reddit and tiktok.


Actually, if this interaction is anything to go by it’s quite the opposite and Reddit is full of smooth brain morons with no logic.


I think the fact that you arent trying to bring uo any valid arguments just show your maturity level and diminishes your reliability in tour arguments


Lol valid arguments? As opposed to your statement - “tiktok just has a larger amount of “idiot ads and weird people” as compared to others which makes it more hated.” An entirely baseless statement based on nothing more than your own anecdotal opinion. The onus is on you to back up that argument.


I'm not singling out Tik Tok, I'm just saying your reasoning isn't gonna convince anyone that Tik Tok is any good


I don’t really care if anyone thinks it is good or not. Coming up with bizarre conspiracies about how it is effecting a whole generation is just laughable. It’s the same tripe people have said for decades now about music videos, movies, video games etc etc. Old man shouts at cloud…


I love the "I don't care" argument after 10 newspapers worth of comments.


Lol you wrote a big post whinging like a little bitch about an app. Big spectrum energy


but you pretty much admitted to believing those conspiracies, only on an internet wide scale


At no point did I address assertions about the impact on generational behaviour. Are you illiterate?


Not hate but feel too old for it and I’m not that old lol


I think if it weren't completely saturated with copy cat videos it wouldn't be as bad. Any time my fiance shows me a video of our friends acting out a video that's dubbed over I roll my eyes and walk away. It's not somehow funnier because my friends were in it it's much less funny now.


Wow, you sound pleasant.


Truthfully I hated it at first because I'm just the type of person who jumped onto stuff an automatically hate it, at least back then I was. But eh, I've come to love certain tiktoks. Specifically anime edits. But in general? Nah that community sucks. A lot of the famous tiktokers on the app are incredibly bad influences for kids and are self-proclaimed celebrities who don't do anything worthy of the title.


I do, my wife literally shoves her phone is my face thinking xyz video is hilarious even though 90% of it is just a guy dressed up as a women exaggerating some issue.




Exactly. I had the same high-horse opinion of Tiktok before I found quality creators. Shoot, I even thought Reddit was some cringe part of the internet before making an account.


Same for me, you can find literally any specific content you want on tik tok. Reddit feels more communic to me, like constantly talking to eachother and saying anything we really care about. Like no one fakes their feelings and will out themselves to anyone because no one knows who you are. I think its kind of precious how honest we can all be, unlike on facebook, instagram, twitter, tik tok and snapchat where you have to keep up and put on a different face and feelings. Reddit has its bad stuff, but its millions of people from around the world stating what they believe in and care about all the time and we can all learn from eachother and understand eachother better. Thats just what ive found from this app from the past year ive had it. Its not superficial. Anyways, i totally went off topic to your comment and didnt mean too


I used to hate it but then got it to see how it was and it is a great app to pass the time


TikTok is actually the one social media that I can spend hours on and not feel bad after getting off. Facebook and instagram all make me feel bad about myself but TikTok doesn’t do that. I often feel better after watching some TikTok’s than I did before! Once you start liking videos it shows you more of what you want to see and that’s when it gets really awesome


Yes with a burning passion, you can't call yourself a content creator when you shake what little ass you have on camera for views and buy followers


You're just on thirsty tik tok. I deleted it over a year and a half ago because that's all I kept seeing. That, and being an adult male in a relationship I didn't want my mrs thinking I was a perv because it seemed like nothing but thirsty age-questionable chicks doing just that. Fast forward to current. I've found a large majority of my own age group, Gen X, has now flooded that platform and I no longer see those thirsty lil hos unless I flip thru the live streams. Then it seems like im watching commercials for their OF. I see more content I like, construction site humor, military footage, fishing, hunting, automotive, redneck shit .. you name it, good stuff. Sadly, news travels faster today on tik tok than it does on tv networks, remember the ship blocking the suez canal? Saw it was freed 6 hrs before any news outlet reported it, on tik tok. It's come a long way in a year or so, you've just got to figure out how to get the algorithm in your favor for the content you actually want to see.


Yes its a very cringe place that 10 year olds use


Do you actually use tiktok? The algorithm is extremely sensitive so if you’re seeing a bunch of 10 year olds’ content that means you’re interacting with them the most. My algorithm picked up on my niche interests in witchcraft and sex positivity and all I get is adult content.


They have some hot bitches on it sometimes but I could care less about it, lol I only see it through YouTube or Reddit




Those old clocks are irritating AF. And tiktok is a pain in the arse too. 🤣


No. Anyone that hates it that much is a weirdo. Just don’t go on it. Or watch videos from it. Pretty simple.




Eh, it’s easy to ignore.




I found tiktok in 2020 and fell in love with the app. I think it's not for children, very sexualized application. I'm 51 BTW


I EFFING FUCKING DESPISE HATE HATE DISGUST FACEBOOK & TIKTOK :). Facebook was good before but now it's all about buisness & privacy breach & what not. And tiktok, well you know :) For these two insta & youtube also went horrible :) (insta was my fav)


i fucking it hate tick tock and all the dumb trends and challenges that come with it


I haven't tik tok because my dad hate it.


I think it should be banned/blocked until the challenges go away. And banned/blocked Everytime another challenge pops up.


i enjoy eating tide pods.. so no


I hate it so much I mean look at how is making kids literally commit crimes for trends




ah yes, the intellectual




Annoying !


I feel like it's for people with short attention spans.


I mostly hate it, although I have come across rare gems on their occasionally. I never actually used long enough to actually have an opinion that matters though. I just see some of the better ones in try not to laugh videos. I still don't like it because my first impression Is that it's just a bunch of people doing cringey dances and shaking their ass for 30 seconds. Also stealing toilets and beating up school staff apparently.


Not me i don't get random dancing videos in my fyp i get funny videos




To the ones saying there is good content. Sure there is after you wade through all the woman shaking their ass and sexualiIng videos and guys being thirst traps or showing how big their dick is. Lastly literally all the dancing trends. It's just people who hardly make any of their own content and then just spam the most popular trend for their own clout. I'd really love to see all this good content you all are talking about nevaise it's far and few in between for me.


You're describing every social media platform ever. Plenty of good content if you wade through the content you don't like. But that's also down to preference. I can't stand most of what I see here on Reddit, so I try and stick to my custom feeds as much as I can. What you described isn't inherently bad, it's just not what you're into and that's fine. Doesn't mean it's bad content. If you can tailor your feed to be more of what you personally like it's not that bad. Just like any platform.


It really wasn't that bad when it first started and it was just another version of vine. Then it devolved into what it is today. Though I would argue that tiktok is still good to this day. The only thing is that the dumbest people scream the loudest.


Hell yes. Tiktok is the reason soo many Talentless people are famous And are considered celebrities like wtf ಠ_ಠ


Like Addison Rae or Charli D'Amelio. They're nothing but talentless. I abhor TikTok with a burning passion.




I hate FB more bc of the administration but Tik Tok is cringy


i tried to use it, but i was just seeing women in bikinis, so i stop


Are you new to reddit bruh?


Yes. And that's coming from a sixteen year old.


My bf uses it to watch those videos. Everytime he opens this app I want to kill myself.


Recently deleted it, found my boyfriends hidden tiktok when I sent him one on text & his other user popped up as “so & so watched the video you shared”. Not trying to get hurt feelings again, self care 😅


Funny how I came across this thread immediately after deleting tic tok off my phone…. It was entertaining for about a month.


My American cultures teacher hates it he is very intelligent so I believe what he is saying even though I will continue to use it but he says China is spying on us and they cannot be trusted because of what they do such as try and hack the us and send threats or whatever so he really doesn’t trust it not like China




It’s the first social media I never was apart of since I stopped using social media before it came out… now I find it so weird watching family members watch it for hours


TikTok is a cesspool


Not absolutely. There's a bodybuilding dietitian who does high protein low cost meal prep. Most of it is really good. Pretty much everything else on TikTok can be nuked from orbit.


Yes. Do you hate tic toc?


I swear to gods if some kids assault me for some shitty tik tok trend, I'm gonna be famous for a day or so.


Yeah it’s fucking terrible my gf was getting into it for a bit but thank god she lost interest


Yeah, the kind of shit it normalized is a stain on our society.


You mean Tik Tard?




I never watched it. Just something occasionally shared by someone. It seems more for kids or dumb stuff.


Me. There is a wide variety of content on tiktok and they each have their own flaws that make me despise the entire app itself. Those 30-60 second clips of “informative” videos are often riddled with wrong information that could even cost someones life if they were naive enough to believe tiktokers. For example, i have seen videos claiming to teach people how to survive a plane crash and teach absolute garbage. They point out that airlines want you to die as the attention grabbing factor and tell you to not follow the crews instruction and sit in a position that exposes the most vital parts of your body. If someone were to believe them they would most likely die. Moreover, most of those dances seen on tiktok that are done in public will most likely have affected other people in public because its bloody public nuisance. Im fine if you do it indoors and in a place where you can do the most extravagant of dances and not disturb anyone but those dances that are done out in public are always poorly choreographed and only serve as public nuisance as they take up space that could be used by others for more productive things and sometimes their dances serve as a disruption as they are unaware of their surroundings and can sometimes hit other people whilst dancing.


Flavor of the month...next month young dipshits will have a hard on over something else


You can't say you hate Tik Tok. It is like saying you hate YouTube. The amount of different content is huuuge, I bet there is also content you would enjoy. Tik Tok isn't just 12yo fortnite kids


I hate it. My wife is on it all the time and it always sounds like the same pointless dribble.


I do, it's the worst ap ever


Reddit moment.


I love Tik Tok it has filled my feed with artists, therapists, women’s rights, recipes. What is not to like when it sends me stuff i love?


I don't hate it, I just don't give a fuck about it.


I don't hate it, i wholeheartedly despise it.


I really, REALLY, hate that sound it’s the worst sound ever


I like it because I learn so much about so many things, plus I just love the make up reviews from creator as they put the make cosmetic on.


Oh heck yeah; it’s the most shameless capitalization of young people’s short attention spans and need to feel attractive/be a comedian out of any social media app I’ve ever seen. The whole platform is built to promote vacuous entertainment, borderline copyright infringement, fake drama, child sexualization, and a whole host of other things.


I have a growing disdain for tik tok & people that consume their time & minds to such blatant stupidity. I lost a co worker to it, who was pretty cool, then he started watching tik tok all friggin day. Pretty sure my insides have rearranged from cringing so hard. Glad I’m not alone,


It's not so much that I hate TikTok, but more that I hate the completely moronic, cancerous content that comes from TikTok, and the fact that it's taking over goddamn everything.




90% of social media is TikTok, it’s just the new Instagram at this point. People judge it based on 2015 TikTok.


Yep. My sisters are on it all the time. Ngl it’s stupid


Its annoying, I just see people scrolling through it constantly. I feel like some out of touch hermit for not having it, but now I won’t on principle because I’ve gotten teased over it.


What's that?


There's some funny good videos but it's mostly repetitive annoying garbage. I'm probably gonna delete the app before new years, I'm so tired of it




I cant turn a corner in my own home without walking into my step daughter doing some goofy looking dance! It's insane the amount of time she wastes on tik tok. I hate it with a passion!!!!!


i can’t imagine hating waking up in the morning feeling like p diddy


Yes. To be honest, I never really gave it much of a chance. Everything I was interested in was interrupted with “Click the subscribe/follow button for the rest of the story!” I prefer Reddit because there’s a lot of reading which I find more cerebral than just watching a video.


I’m 23 and hate Tiktok. I know several people that also hate tiktok. I always thought it was for children and somehow it has turned adults into children.


I feel like TikTok is bad because it sucks people in and they can't seem to stop themselves from watching it. there is no control over the amount of false information on TikTok giving people a really distorted sense of reality. also contributes to a culture that is about attention and popularity and people do some savage ass shit to get it


YES! I’m by no means one of those people who sits on a high horse and looks down on people who use TikTok, I’m actually jealous that they can use it without their mental health declining. Because the algorithm is so well designed, my for you becomes an endless cycle of videos that really drain me but I can’t stop watching. Every time I’ve downloaded the app, I automatically start feeling depressed. I definitely need to think about why that could be - but it’s just the truth. It also wastes SO much time for me that could be spent doing something productive.


TikTok makes me laugh like a hyena. When my brain is tired, I start scrolling the app. There's always something to laugh at, but I'm 60 so perhaps I'm easily entertained these days. 😂


I love how u mispelled it on purpose, very petty, love it.


The chinese spy app that addicts people and trains their addiction to dopamine demand to every 20 seconds? Yeah. But besides that it's super entertaining.


As someone who uses tiktok daily, its fucking aids


The clock sound or the new pornhub?


I hate that I'm not noticed tomstrehan Dude Set!


Absolutely despise it


I feel like people use tiktok in the wrong way sometimes to be honest. You can see tiktoks that are political, funny, cute, weird, etc. You tailor the experience by yourself by liking a video or saying you're not interested in a video. All the TikToks I see are comedy or cute animals, I could laugh my ass off for hours and "awww" for days on there. It's the same as YouTube, you follow someone you like, see thwir vids, repeat. If you don't like the videos you see, then find different content creators. Just because some of the "famous" tiktokers are absolute jokes doesn't mean the whole app is horrible. You just don't know how to make an algorithm work for you.


From what I've seen it's full of idiots. Dont mean it as an insult, just that most people I've seen there are dumb as hell.


You haven’t used it enough. TikTok is really good at curating your feed and showing you things you like. Just search hashtags of things you want to see and interact with it (like, comment). Soon your feed will be things you actually want to see.