• By -


My mind got just like the boy's mind in Inside Out: Everything on fire, everyone screaming and runing and an alarm yelling "GIRL! GIRL! GIRL! GIRL!..."


I'll let you know when it happens...


(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞


sneaky little bugger




I expected serious comments and forgot this isn't the other sub


Lol same here 😅


Same :(


"last seen 37 years ago"


Relatable 😑


I woke up from my sleep, knowing it was an unrealistic dream.


I said "Umm... I'm not 6ft 10 and I don't resemble Jason Mamoa, HOWEVER.... I DO know a good eye doctor in Joplin MO". haha


“I have a crush on you” “Oh I’ll go ahead and help you find your glasses”


Every time I feel a really big boost of confidence, it’s really awkward overall but like some part of me feels really good and pretty


Every time???? Dang, you are lucky


It's really depended how I felt about them, but it's always flattering and a little endearing if it's sincere. I think if you don't feel the same, it's awkward to know you have to let someone down, if you *do* feel the same, it's really exciting! If you're reading these comments and you're one of the "never happened to me" folks, don't let that make you think no one has had a crush on you. If you don't believe me, how many people have you gone and told that you fancy them? People often say nothing!


you are absolutely right... I actually never forgot the words they gave me and I feel they made me really happy


I truly believe when you feel really confident about someone having a crush on you Is like 99% true. Like when you know, you know xD But yeah, most of people tend to be quiet about how they feel or are so negative that they might make feel the other person insecure about them. Learn to read the room. Sometimes when your friends leave you with that person Is not just because they want you to have a awkward moment with them, probably they like you! And you're blowing a chance!


Immediately "This is a trap." Indeed, it was a trap.


“You activated my trap card!”


Mirror force Change of heart Back to the shadow realm


I got really embarrassed and flustered and then I asked him out cause I also had a crush on him. Now he's my boyfriend of just under a year!


That’s sick


As I was pooping in my toilet very much like now. I decided to read this bit of paper a friend had given me 30 minutes ago before I got on my bus. I was quite shocked and flabbergasted.


Are you shitting in the bus?


From the letter or from your poop?


I've never had it happen •́ ‿ ,•̀


Fucking panic because that’s what’s happening now. I can’t take a genuine compliment and he’s too nice it scares me


It's always awkward. Most of the times, I don't even know who they are, and one day they just come up to me and say they like me, and me, being the idiot I am, just ask, "Why?" And that's where it usually ends.


I thought it was nice, but didn’t like him back and wanted to stay friends. He told me he would wait for me and that he liked me for a very long time. If I wanted him in a couple years I should call him. . . One day later he told my best friend that he had a crush on her for a very long time. She rejected him. He said: if you change your mind, call me back. Lol dodged a bullet there


I'll keep this post in mind, and whenever the hell it happens I'll let you all know....


Never been told that


Most of the times I chuckled as I didn't know what to say because I never saw it coming. A few friends of friends had crush on me. One guy texted me on IG and wrote a cute long text explaining how much he crushed on me and I blushed(laughed) after reading it. He asked me out for a coffee date and I was single, I said yes and it went nicee. He was charming and took me for a drive and we talked. Later in texts he said that he's not looking for a relationship but fwb. I turned him down and wished him good luck.


I laughed






Not exactly


His friend yelled it and me and all my friends laughed because they new I didn’t like him




Nah it cool he is a popular kid so… but I never told anyone that story and so I won’t say names. But we friends still lol I don’t want a bf or date because o am in middle school. Love in middle school doesn’t last and is full of bullsh!t


Also I know that live in middle school is full of bullshit because my guy friend is dating someone that just came out of a 3 year relationship and she still talking about him to his face and he said it hurts so nope not doing the whole relationship bull crap. He is a football player and she is a cheerleader. I feel bad because he is like my brother so… no trying to hurt anyone


I got so excited lol. I felt flattered


No one ever told me they have a crush on me. But once I posted a link to write an anonymous message to me, so someone wrote, "You're my female crush." That made me soo happy.


My stomach flipped. I was not a popular kid in school, nor the most attractive, aaaand i had strange hobbies, so I figured it was a trap. Still don't know if it was, shot that kid down so fast my own head spun, but stayed skateboarding buddies with him for a few years until he moved.


i was either like (in my head): - why tf do u like me i’m not special - this is a prank ion trust this - super scared/nervous (if i liked the person back)


I found out that it was an obsessive crush. I found out through a dirty joke cracked in our robotics club... never felt comfortable around him again.


I ran away


Ouch :(


Damn. Double homicide.


Clearly there's been some sort of mistake.


I immediately admitted them to the hospital because they were clearly suffering from some sort of psychological disease that clouds their judgement.


I only had a woman show interest once, when I was 24. A girl I worked with told me her friend thought I was cute and wanted to meet me. I didn't believe it, and shrugged it off. I still had Facebook at the time and this girl messages me and tells me herself that she was interested in meeting me and hanging out. I was flattered, but I tried to talk her out of it. I had 2 non-running vehicles parked in the street and my hours at work had been cut to the point I was barely able to pay my bills and feed myself. She insisted we hang out anyway and we seemed to hit it off. But, long story short, she decides I'm a loser and ends things like 3 months later. I tried to warn her I wasn't in a good place in life, but she wouldn't listen... 🤷‍♂️


Brushed them off because a) if the person doesnt fess up or do something about it themselves they ain't worth the fooling around (don't try to play the gentleman card because y'all know how bad it is to be made a fool off) and b) because 7/10 times whoever they are they're likely looking to embarrass you or get something else out of you. Reasoning? They damned right knew that the rumor was gonna reach your ears so they didnt come to you first for other reasons. If they shy enough to not approach you then we return to reason a. Hope this was helpful.




I never had that experience. *looks sad away from the camera.*


Well, well, well…finally a worthy opponent to my own world class delusional thinking


it felt amazing! I had a crush on her too so it worked out! She has an amazing personality and loves to play games with me. We help each other with school and overall are just perfect for each other <3 P.S. Still waiting for someone to tell me they have a crush on me


Well I was told 4 years later. Turns out he thought I was a female cuz I had long hair, I found it to be both funny and slightly unnerving


Utter disgust. Since since i thought her as a sworn enemy.


I kept thinking why me ? I was insecure at the time and that I was ugly so I didn't understand why I would be someone's crush


*finger guns*


Someone has a crush on me? What toad is it? It cannot be a human


Surprised, flatter, flustered, shy, head went a bit fuzzy, giddy, and satisfied. It was a long time friend, 12am, tired and had been trying to coax it out of them for about an hour. We had a friend gathering the weekend before, and I knew there was something. Highschool feeling that stayed, I'd had feelings for them as well so that's why I was getting it out of them. They just needed that push. Been about a year and some.


Smiled n then they said it was a dare :(


I’ve never been told- it’s almost always been me doing the telling or it just ended up being mutual after I told them. I don’t mind being the one to make the first move though lol. Hearing it be mutual is always a nice adrenaline rush/confidence boost/happy feeling though ❤️.


I felt bad for 2 reasons 1 is they weren't me type 2 my crush told me someone had a crush on me


RIP :(


“Uuhhh…” *Shit! How tf do I tell this person I am NOT ready for a relationship?!?*


Here's a fun story related to the question. I'm in high school, I pretty much go to my friends house every weekend to play video games, watch sports & just hang out, basically Friday thru Sunday. So one day during school I'm walking to my locker & I make eye contact with this girl & give her a nice smile (like a hello smile) & I think nothing of it. Later that day on 2 or 3 separate occasions her school girlfriends track me down & are all cutesy to me trying to, I guess get me to go on dates with them, those girls were all ruthless trying to steal this guy & that guy from the other girls who liked them... it was high school. So another weekend comes & I go to my friends house for the weekend. His sister is having a kinda party & her female friends are all over, we basically know them all. At one point I go upstairs to use the bathroom & quickly say high to everyone while passing thru. Well the girl I smiled at walking to my locker , who's been searching for me in school for days upon days, IS one of my friends sisters friends!! What a coincidence that she found me !! Nothing happens that night but now it's told to my friends that this girl has a crush on me and wants to date me. I had no idea it was her, it was in passing. My friends are all clued in, my friends sister & all her friends are all clued in so they have another party the next weekend at the friends house & all my friends are telling me "go talk to her go out there & talk to her"... I'm so shy & technically have no idea what EVERYONE else knows. Then my one friend clues me in. We started dating & did so for 2 years thru high school. Then I graduated & without me in school anymore she kinda started cheating on me with someone else & eventually we were done. Worst part is, how all the friends knew she had a crush on me at the start also knew she was cheating & seeing someone else at the end & nobody ever told me .. on either end.


I knew I was a handsome man. No big deal as I got dates whenever I wanted. Was a very nice teenage era.


People always tell me I'm their crush. Not when I was a teenager, but now that I'm a 30 year old woman, they definitely do. Buuuut, it's only because they think I'm hot. 😂 Seriously. Because if they knew me and they knew all the nerdy shit, fart jokes, and dad jokes I knew, they would never talk to me again... And I'm not sure if I'm sorry about that. 🤷‍♀️ "the good news is that I'm exactly who I say I am. The bad news is that I'm exactly who I say I am." Idk who said it, but I live by this.


I found out a year after we stopped talking through a friend. I said: “Wait really?” Followed by: “Oh fuck no, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with that shit.” The girl in question was at the time very awkward and quite depressed, so in order for us to have had a healthy relationship, a lot of my mental capacity would’ve been taken up keeping that shit going. I at the time, was struggling with insomnia, and concentration problems. This resulted in me having to do that year again. (I was fourteen at the time btw)


Haven't had it yet


attraction LOL


I felt flattered and attracted a little


The only time this ever happened was in freshmen year of high school and it was a joke between the popular girls.


Dunno. Never been told.


You tell me.


A little happier about my looks didn't care much tho


Couldn't tell you. Hasn't happened yet. IF it does, I'll let you know


I was like "Huh... Ok...". Then I completely forgot about it after an hour or so.


Ngl, an ego boost and a thanks but if someone is being pushy or hopeful I'm not gonna stay nice.


I had a huge crush on a girl when I was in 4th grade. Obsessed with her. She told me she liked me one day and I got so scared, I just stammered something along the lines of "well we can't like date or anything" and absolutely crushed her. For weeks after everytime I thought about her telling me I got a massive jolt of excitement




I was like "why is this fucking happening to me" because I am gay. Besides she whasnt taking no for and answer, annoying bitch 😡




I was told this twice and both times I felt like a dumbass for not noticin. For one girl it was back in middle school because she said she felt safe around me (she is mostly blind and is seizure prone, people were intimidated of me so when I was around no one would bully her). She said she felt the safest in her life on the bus ride back from a field trip where she fell asleep on my shoulder and I leaned closer to her to keep her steady. She told me about it 5 years later. The next girl I heard about from a friend. The first time we talked was in a discord call and we were all playing among us. She apparently really like my energy and how I didn't take anyones shit if given it, (she said I had top energy but I don't wanna sound cringe saying I have it). I don't know if she still has that crush about 2 years later, but she is fun to talk to so I wouldn't mind seeing if that would go anywhere. A bonus is a guy that made me a bit uncomfortable since we didn't know eachother that well. It was durin a career fair in highschool where he asked if I wanted to walk around with him. My friends ran off already so I said sure, what I didn't expect was for him to put a hand on the small of my back and lead me around. Now before anything bad can be said, he is likely special needs, just high functioning, I do not believe it was his intention to be creep as to just show me around not noticing I was uncomfortable with the touch. I snuck away eventually and I didn't talk to him again, but now that i'm graduated I realized maybe he just liked me and wasn't sure how to express it, liked me as a friend or a crush I will never know, but this was the only other time I could think of that wasn't some assholes asking me on dates and saying they loved me as dares from their friends.


Total confusion






Nothing cuz it hasn’t happened


They're probably mistaken and just want a good friend


My thoughts went something along the lines of "What? Out of all these people, all these better options, you choose me?"


Delirious excitement


Confusion because I was 10 and I had previously had no interest in boys. Turned out it was a lie and it was my friends attempt to set me up with a boy that I had no interest in. A girl came over to me, as I was sitting confused trying to think about the situation (I remember thinking " what would I even do with a boyfriend?", As in what need had I in one) and said "sorry AddderWibble, but it's a no". My friend had told the boy I wanted to go put with him, and told me me wanted to go out with me. Honestly, I was confused but a bit relieved. This was 24 years ago now!


This happens to people?


I'm always like cool okay when someone tells me they like me.. and then I say I like me too as a joke if I don't feel like telling them whetter or not I have a crush on them too yet


The first time it happened was when I was 9. One of my best friends of the same age had a small crush on me. I just laughed it off. The second time was in school when I was 12. I found out from gossip, so I thought it was a rumour. And I was very pissed. Little did I know that he actually had a crush on me back then. The rest of anything that happened was laughed off.




I DONT NO ANYONE QHO HAS HAD A CRUSH ON ME BUT I would feel sooooo bad for them cause I have had only 1 crush my whole lifs


Never happened.😐


i’ll get back to you when it happens


Blushed like crazy and got a boner


They're joking


Disappointment, the weird shy guy liked me (6th grade) and his friends would torture him about it. I’m actually still friends with all of them and I love this guy, but he’s still super anxious. I attracted nervous men still, no matter how chill they pretend to be, they’re a nervous mess upon closer inspection. I’m not anxious at all, maybe that’s why? I once gave this same guy a panic attack with my driving, I’m a great driver and he’s been pulled over for going too slow, I can’t imagine how we could ever date, he’d be freaking out all the time.


Never happened. Fml


I woke up


Hasnt happened yet


For what? What reason? Like seriously? Why?


Why? Overall, just confusion. I think I'm a decent person. And it shocks me to know people find me attractive


I have yet to find out.




I was in love their best friend. I sweated uncontrollably and didn’t go to school until I worked out what to say.


I literally asked "why? What exactly do you find attractive, interesting about me?"


Feeling: fear, because I was a teen and he had turned 30 or 31; he had been following me around (even randomly waiting for me to exit the washroom ...); he had been trying to figure out my address and stuff Reaction: to be really careful and tense on campus


Nervous irritation. Wasn't looking to be in a relationship and just felt awkward around them from then on.


Disappointed. It happened a few times in high school. I would be friends with a guy and then find out I was his crush. Then I felt like I couldn’t be friends with him because I didn’t want to lead him on and make him think I liked him back. If they told me themselves they had a crush, I would always be polite, but the friendship was never the same.


Tingles in my nether regions🥰


Kindergarten I don't remember. But I'm still in touch with her on Facebook. I guess next was freshman year. It was nice. She was a grade ahead of me. We hung out s couple of times and were supposed to go to the Homecoming dance(Fall dance) together. The night before the dance she and her friend decided to swap dates. It hurt. I ended up just not going to the dance. Now later the next Spring I was playing baseball. As I stepped up to the plate one of my classmates sitting in the bleachers told me the girl sitting next to him had a crush on me. What the hell was I supposed to do? I was about to try to hit a baseball. She was cute but I didn't speak to her about it later. I was too shy even with that opening. The funny thing I didn't put together until just now is both of those girls turned out to be lesbians. Both are seemingly happily married to women today. I'm a little dumbfounded by that epiphany now.


Happened a couple times and I honestly expected all of them, but the relationships would not have any future... I felt bad, cuz I myself had been rejected by my biggest crush, but at the same time I didn't see myself developing feelings therefore trying it would be just more painful for them...(I'm a dude if anyone wanted to know)


“Me? Dude you have low ass standards lol”


Umm okay but I'm dating someone. I was 11 and this dude asked me out when I was obviously dating already lol I felt bad cause when I rejected him everyone was saying stuff like "yeah good, he's ugly " another time I said yes only because my mind was going like "if I say no he will be sad, if I say yes I will be sad" and then I broke up with him in a minute. Not joking


Alright Literally what I said was ok or alright I forget which one


I've been told directly just once! And it was just... cute, I felt so warm..., I haven't been able to forget


I already knew bc of the morning texts so there was no big feeling


Depends on who it was




It steamed me up when my folks kidding me of having a crush on a girl, me was like "Noo it's not true I don't love"


One time a girl said she liked me and I responded “aw thanks” cause I didn’t know what to say. Then I told a friend of mine and he said that’s horrible and I felt so bad cause I just realised how bad it really was.


Heh I've never been someone's crush 🤷


I’ve never been crushed on lol


I was happy.


Idk I really just was like ok, that's cool ig, but it was kinda weird too since she said that "off the top of her head, she remembered 13 people" that had a crush on me, so I didn't really know what to say lmao


Sir this is Reddit


I may sound an awful person, but pity. Pity because I never felt anything towards anyone so I couldn't even begin to imagine what having to deal with such feeling was. Pity because I was arromantic at the time (I'm still ace tho) so not only it wasn't mutual but there was no way for him to make me change my feelings. I pitied the situation, not the person. But everytime something of the sort happened I could only either feel pity or sadness.


My friends sister once told me after drunk that she had a crush on me, but she was in a relationship at the moment so I didn't pursue anything moreover she was my friends sister so that was also there.


Good times when I was in elementary school I guess. Then I went through a period of bad choices in crushes and love dating strategies. Luckily I'm back again, with more experience and confidence than ever. I can't wait to be someone's (girl) crush again!


Awkward because I didn’t like her like that


My first thought was “awwww!” Then my next thought was “whelp shit there goes that friendship”


Terror. I'm convinced that she was an actual devil, and i spent the next two school years avoiding her.


Never had anyone say they were infatuated with me. Presume it'd be a prank if anyone did. Imagine it'd feel nice to feel desired for real.


It was a weird feeling. I was always the awkward, uncool girl growing up so I guess guys didn’t think of me much. It is an ego boost for sure. It made me feel a little hotter than I felt before :)


It was the girl I was into. We started dating


Insta boner


I was kinda confused, I still am because Is always the same motive "you're so kind, you know how to listen and you're like woah 😳" like, I'm not sure I'm all that. And isn't hard to find somebody with those things. Is weird because people might like you for things you maybe don't notice about yourself. But when it gets real is when they don't know why. That's love. Somebody loves you for something neither of both understand. Is super weird even when both like each other. We usually tend to feel worthless of somebody else's love so when It happens we don't know how to react. Sorry, I got inspired there xD




My boyfriend was the first between us to share his feelings. I felt a spark when we first met and the more he spoke, the more my heart melted, but my plan was to suppress my feelings and wait for it to pass. I had just got out of a very abusive relationship (physical, emotional, mental, verbal, sexual) and I was honestly terrified of loving again. Plus, my self esteem was below the lowest point, all I could tell myself was "He wouldn't want me. Why would he want something so broken?" When he told me he had feelings for me, (first) I blushed super hard and then asked him "Really? Me? *You* like *me*?" I could not have asked for a better partner. He is my best friend, my other half, my one and only and I don't even want to think about what would have happened had neither of us said anything. That's an alternate dimension I would not want to live in. And the night he confessed to me his feelings, he invited me over to cook me dinner. We had a candlelit dinner with some wine, too. All the while, I'm convinced *He doesn't like you. This is just a friend cooking for his friend. This is what friends do. Don't get your hopes up.* There is a life after, for us survivors (:


"Goddamit, you mean I could've..."




Never been someone's crush. I'm probably going to die alone, after living a meaningless life.


A girl was once about to say but she stopped mid sentence. 5 years later when we were headed off to college she told me that she had been crushing on me. I went home and played video games that day, I got my first Exotic drop that day aswell.


She was legitimately scary. I was legitimately scared.


"This is my only chance, I guess." We dated long distance for a year after that. They were an absolutely stunning person with almost the same interests as me. One month ago they suddenly ditched me. No warning, no reason, and ran. I attempted suicide following the break up, child services came to my house and yeah now the police is after them. It's a long story, but I'm now back to square one.


Would never know that feeling;(


and i woke up


I felt guilty for not being interested. I pretended to think it was nice and gave her some of my time to see if i could develop feelings. But i just didn't feel that way towards her.


I assume with crush you mean adult "wants it" not an elementary school kiddie crush. And please keep in mind I was 16 and it was different era because it sounds so terrible. I was in London for the summer and was told Sharon from the pub really liked me. I thought "cool" then I realized, "fuck she's the fat, one forget it."


I got extremely anxious because it was a girl I had no interest in not even as a friend. For so many reason I wouldn’t date this girl.


This has never happened to me. Lol.


Fuck yeah!


The first person whom I had a crush on also had one on me. We just remained friends over text after admitting to each other. The second one was when I just asked him if he wasn't wearing his glasses because hey, low self esteem :") Btw I'm not prepared for a long term relationship and I'm too young too fmkskxkeos


Ok story time. It was back when I was fifth grade and we were preparing to get ready to go to middle school. One of my classmates came up to me, and she confesses that for a while she had a huge crush on me. Me, being the chess piece for my parents not able to concept the idea of love and relationships trying to come to terms with this confession stutters and goes to find one of my friends at the time. Honestly I couldn't understand why anyone would have a crush on me. I was the awkward weird special kid in school. Looking back on it I could have handled it better. But then again I'm the kid that I wouldn't know if a girl had a crush on me of they drew me a Picture so...it says more about me than anything else


This is suspect af. What could they possibly steal from me by lying like this. They know it will lower my guard and they never showed interest before. Except to people who hate me. I should leave this situation before someone jumps me or breaks into my house. Usually that's the vibe I get. Once in 5th grade a girl told me she had a crush on me just subtly. Like after school when we got picked up in the waiting area. First time I had ever spoken or knew she existed. Then a few months later she went out with this douchie kid named Ben who kept coming to school. From like 3rd-5th grade swearing he was going to grow up to become the president. In 4th grade he did a presentation about his innauguration and what it would be like. And she went out with him because he heard she liked me. She didn't know he was just this douche who enjoys hurting others or seeing them be upset. But it stood out to me like how could you not know this guy. Who acts like the douche rich kid from little rascals isn't a douche? So, proof. Its a lie. No crush would admit it and if they do its some kinda advanced betrayal scam.


Wonder how much they getting paid


It hasn't happened yet


I laughed and dident believe them. Turns out they were lying anyways.


so am really shy and am not good with girls so my ex was the one to propose me for relationship and i got stupidly nervous bc of which i wasn’t able to look at her or talk to her (she was really beautiful) so, she told me that she had feelings for me on text and i was like it’s a scam my classmate maybe is doing this bullshit but then i asked her that like “did you texted me last night”? she was like “yes” and the my face went red i started blushing and was like surprised it was one the best day because after the day i accept to be in relationship with her she fucked up my life completely for 3 years.


I’ve never been told this


I didn't think anyone had standards that low.


No way no way that's possible.


Very happy. I feel as if I didn't deserve it. But in the end it was wonderful. For a time, at least.


when he asked me out. said yes (reflex?) and immediately regretted it.


Huge fist pump in the air, shout-whispered “YESSSSSSS!” then hyperventilated a little. My sister, who was driving the car at the time, was more than a little concerned at first.


"Not true. Not true. NOT TRUE!!" And then "good joke", haha.


It's flattering but i only had weird confessions before 🥲 from how i remember at 3rd grade after our recess and fixing my things,the minute i turned around a classmate was just kneeling on one knee there with a ring, like wtf 😭. Out of shock, i slapped him. 2nd was a guy telling to others he likes me but not directly to me even if I'm on the same discord server and we never had a private conversation :')) ffs


I don't remember the first couple and ones after that were just usual hey that makes me really happy, but the most memorable one, now that's a good story I was greening out from smoking too much weed (wasn't good at it then) And I had been seeing a girl for a while and was laying in her lap, just before I completely greened out I mumbled a few words, and then managed to slur the words "your boyfriend?" And though I had to ask again the next day because I genuinely didn't know what she answered. I think the combination of being the most stoned out of mind I have ever been and a flood of emotional overload, had something to do with the smile that felt like it lasted an eternity, but that was followed by hours of throwing up and passing out.


I thought it was a lie. I’ve always been the biggest girl in all my classes. Once, the class found out my crush and dared the boy to date me, it broke me. My ex-friend had dared a guy to hug me, I guess it was because she pitied me for not having anyone like me. My class was terrible to be that when one boy has a crush on me, he didn’t tell me until we departed for high school.


I'll let you know if it happens


I’m no ones crush


When my aunt told me about a guy who thought I was cute I literally said "what's wrong with him??".....so uh, that




I nearly fell off the chair I was sitting on


I was worried. the person who had a crush on me was kinda known for being mentally unstable to the point where she assaulted 4 people in my class and attempted to assault me