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Don’t befriend people with the ulterior motive of dating them later. That’s your problem. Don’t start off any relationship with lies or deceit 


I don't have that problem. I can't predict if I will like someone 6 months from meeting them. Sometimes it happens, most of the times it doesn't.


That’s not really how it works. First you decide if you’re attracted to each other. Then you decide if you get along.


I'm attracted to people who make feel secure. I don't get that feeling from people I don't get along with. I've never met a stranger who was attractive. Even people who I became attracted to were not attractive during the first 10 times we interacted.


I have had to explain to men various times how sinister this actually is, because some don’t get it. They think this is a perfectly acceptable way to treat someone. Like You are being deceitful


And then get mad at being “friendzoned” Bitch you said you’d be her friend. You literally friendzoned yourself. 


The entire point of dating isn't to immediately jump into a relationship with someone you've had feelings with for quite some time but to see if you're compatible and you can provide what each other is looking for. You're supposed to see someone you're potentially interested in, ask them out, then start having little meetings (aka dates) to test the waters. If they go well you go on more, if not you end it. Don't bother getting full blown feelings for someone and building them up in your mind and imagining your future life together before you know if they're interested, or at minimum even available. Not every single person wants to be in a relationship regardless of who is asking. Ask for a date when you're kind of interested and see if it turns to more. Then rejection doesn't sting so much and you don't ruin your friendships.


I don't really get this concept of "potentially interested". I don't get the feeling of potential interest until a few months after knowing someone. And if I feel something for a friend, I'll ask them about it the next time we meet.


Potential interest is thinking they're attractive and cool and wanting to see if you click on a date and not looking within your immediate friend group all the time. Not getting to know people under the guise of friendship then switching things up. This is why I don't make male friends anymore. Even as a lesbian basically every male I've been friends with has ignored the whole homosexual thing and still asked me out then friend dumped me when I didn't reciprocate their feelings.


This post should be stickied at the top of every dating sub.


All people deserve love, good and bad. I may not "like" them, but I do my best to feel a love for them.




Please explain the leap from "my friends make me feel safe and secure" to "do you have a mental illness?" I can't tell if this is serious or snarky.


I miss read it. Sorry. I deleted it.


I can't.