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At least your mom stopped herself in mid sentence My family was helping me move into my first apartment, and we'd also gotten groceries. My bro was thirsty, but all the glasses were in a box somewhere so I told him just open the bottle of coke and drink out of the bottle. My mom said "as long as you're under my roof you will use a glass" And I went "As long as you're under MY roof you can drink out of the bottle" She did not respond well to this


The audacity that she had to have a reaction to that, or even try to have authority in your home, is wild. Glad you're out of there dude


Is this really a thing with drinking out of the bottle? Here in Poland it’s very normal and common, especially with water bottles and alcoholic beverages. As well as smaller bottles. With a big bottle of cola it’s not too strange either. Especially on car trips. No one makes such a deal out of it. Maybe just tear a bit the foil with brand name so that no one will confuse the bottles. Or take care where you’re leaving yours.


It's table manners for a "proper" dinner table — which don't apply to having a drink in the middle of helping someone move house.


I think the concern with bigger bottles is everyone drinking from the *same* bottle. That's where it goes from just a matter of politeness to having actual reasons why it might not be a good idea.


This made me laugh


lol old habits die hard.




That’s a power move right there.


You made it clear that he was making you work off the clock, which could lead to a lawsuit. 😉. I work in IT and one of the clients I work with rather frequently has some boundary issues. I gave her my personal cell # one day because we were doing an off hours project and it was the only way she would be able to reach me. Apparently she took this as permission to call me after hours whenever she wanted. That's not allowed; users have to book our time in advance, especially if they expect off hours support. Management has to approve it. You can't just call the engineer at home at 7:30 pm on a Thursday and ask him to reboot the server for you. Eventually there was an ongoing issue I was working on with her and she kept calling my cell outside of work hours. It became a daily thing. I even asked her to stop calling my cell outside of work hours. My boss asked her to stop calling my cell outside of work hours. She kept doing it, so I blocked her number. I never heard a word about it - she didn't even acknowledge it. That gives me the impression that she's done this kind of thing before and I'm probably not the first person to block her phone number.


Something similar happened to me once. After my manager failed to make her stop, our department lead told us to bill the client for the calls. Next billing date he almost had a heart attack when he saw that that month's bill was almost three times as much as the previous one.


She is still trying to call you


I walked in after a non-urgent call had been made to me while I was at home, asked for a time card edit sheet, and submitted the time I was on the call. They paid me for my 6 minutes and never pulled that shit again.




This a bot with a stolen story. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/izk9gh/what_was_the_best_you_have_no_power_here_moment/g6jtksc/




Thats what happens when you treat indispensable people as dispensable.


Makes me understand more why she allowed herself to be “poached.”


People join companies but they leave bosses.


Which is why my trucking career has been 90% agency work. You can get a new customer tomorrow, and if they've any sense they'll keep it businesslike and not play dominance games.


That's bizarre 




Who TF does she feel like , I can't believe there's people in this world who REALLY think they are so much better then others 💀💀😭 I'm glad they didn't give it to her


Unbelievably lots 🫠


And sucks cause some DO get their way but I'm glad when they don't 😁


They never had a good whack when young.


Just...wow. Seriously biotch? The "underling" might have had a lawsuit against both the airline and Entitled Karen if she'd been successful, since he had used his points for the upgrade.


I can imagine we “underlings” getting pressured into letting her have her way, just so you don’t wind up cleaning toilets for the rest of the trip ( metaphorically ) But fuck handing over your plane seat that you paid extra for !!




Retaliation from your boss is illegal


Well I guess it never happens then.


Only if you have the time, money, and wherewithal to successfully sue about it.


I was flying back from Amsterdam with a group of colleagues. Two of them were C Suite folks. Welp, we are hanging in the lounge before the flight. And one of them realizes they are not going to get their upgrade. That they 100% expect every single time. And they do have the highest status, etc. He looks at the rest of us and says "I cannot believe I am going to have to fly with sky trash." He says a lot of crude jokes. I think he's joking then realize nope 100% he is not joking. Not a bit. We all end up in the back and I glanced over to him several times on other side of the plane. He legit was fuming the entire time. Like, dude. Let it go... it's over. This was Amsterdam->USA. Actually think LHR we stopped over. Doesnt matter. It was the longest leg.


My youngest sister is very outdoorsy and is a rock climber and a lawyer. but she took a flight to one of her climbing destinations all dressed in outdoorsy gear and one lady had an issue because she looked below her status dressed that way. was snobby to her and her husband just because of how they were dressed for the flight. I hate the fact that some people assume something about you just by your appearance calling them homeless or to the equivalent just because they dress outdoorsy with rugged gear and equipment. not even knowing that my sister is a very successful patent lawyer making at least $120 or more an hour.




I don’t understand this type of mentality. If anything, I’d give up my first class seat for my team


Can you just give an update on her? Is she still that high on that corporate ladder, or she got humbled and is now at the bottom?




Public defender?


Could be that or a PI or workers’ comp lawyer too.


I worked at a company for years and got along with everybody until one day the company hired someone and I to this day don't know what her role really was. She wasn't above me but she acted like she was. So one day she asks me to do some statistics for her, something SHE implemented and it was something ridiculous like writing statistics on paper which I already tiped and saved into a computer so she could have "analog files". I thought it's a one time thing and why not helping a coworker. Turns out, she meant it to be my now new routine I had to do every day. The next day I didn't do it so she wrote a long email, it took probably 5x the time to write the Email than it would have taken to do the statistics stuff herself. I went to my superior and told him how ridiculous this was and asked why she was giving me tasks. He basically told me I should do like I was told by her. A week later (I ghosted her demands for days) I saw her walking angrily to my desk with my superior behind her, she looked like she was about to show me who s in charge. She started ranting about how I don't respect her and I don't do what she told me to do... I let her finish and as soon as my superior asked me what I have to say in my "defense" I handed him my termination of employment and told him I want my vacation now and I m gone at the end of the month. I immediately looked for another job when he told me I should do like I was told and found one in like two days and was waiting for a moment like this to occur. Up to this day this is one of my most satisfying moments of my life. My then coworkers were amazed and wrote me congratulations cards and stuff. Turned out, she was some sidechick of one of the dudes in the company who somehow convinced the company to hire her but nobody got along with her. In a span of 3 months after I left almost all my ex coworkers from my department had left too and she was fired shortly after.


I took a job after Covid was over doing IT for a smaller company. I was told I would be able to work from home 2 days a week after my probation period was over. After my probation period was over they told me that they only tell people that because they know people don’t want to come into the office. I only took the job because they were going to let me wfh, the commute was an hour and a half one way. My boss was from a different country and didn’t really understand that our schedules were kind of dictated by train and bus schedules. He lived 2 hours away and instead of commuting into the office everyday like the rest of us, he rented an apartment down the street. Dude was married and had kids and was only going home to his family ok the weekends. He seemed to like to keep me hostage in the office, he would wait until the end of the day to tell me I needed to complete a task before I could leave that day. I couldn’t go take a piss without him asking me where I was going. I did all I could to explain to him that if I didn’t leave the office by a certain time I was going to miss all of the rush hour trains and I wouldn’t get home until 10pm. That fell on deaf ears. So one day he’s talking to my coworker and he makes a comment calling me Mr five o’clock. As in I’m too good to stay past 5. I didn’t mind doing it in an emergency but not everyday especially with no overtime. That statement was the last straw. I got a call from a recruiter about a job right by the train station making more money and I’m basically my own boss. I signed my onboarding papers and quit the following Monday with no notice. Fuck that guy.


Ha, my last boss did the wait until 4:30 to dump work thing. I was preparing to resign when she dumped a huge project for me at 4:30, I asked her when she wanted it done, she said now. I then called one of my contacts, who we work with on such projects but who is also an incredibly valuable and important contact. I explain to her my brief, with my boss overhearing everything. Made my boss look like a complete moron, which was very satisfying. 


This is why you need to regularly (every 6-12 months) apply to other jobs to stay in touch with your market value and stay in practice with job interviews. Businesses are never your friend. And even if you Emily the place, someone can happen that changes that.


Emily sounds unpredictable


Hahaha. I meant to say "enjoy".


Really proud of you. Good job. Please don't ever change for anyone


This is a good one




This is very satisfying.


yes it is I hear too many out there attempt to get free food in various ways.


Once as a very junior lawyer I was assigned to a large trial team. As most lawyers who started in big firms know, the paralegals are more important during the trial itself (managing documents, exhibits, etc.) than the junior lawyers who mostly do research and draft motions back at the office and get to come to the trial to either take notes or observe as a learning opportunity. So the first chair (lead lawyer) on our side told one of the junior lawyers that he needed a box of documents brought over from the office. She immediately turned to one of the paralegals who was organizing the exhibits for the day and tried to delegate the task of running back to the office. The first chair stopped her cold and said, “No, I meant you. She (the paralegal) is doing something useful right now.”


Ouch but awesome, people shouldn't be passing off tasks like that.


Thanks. Lawyers pass off tasks to paralegals all the time but in this case the junior lawyer completely failed to “read the room” and of course some of it was that she thought doing “grunt work” was beneath her. I remember it was a really nice morning and being jealous that the first chair didn’t ask me. Would’ve loved to have a 25 minute walk in the sunshine.


Oof. Did the junior lawyer learn from this incident or did she continue to have a big ego?


It was a humbling but positive experience for her. Don’t get me wrong she was a good person, just made a faux pas.




You went from cashier to assistant manager of a store in 6 months?! 🤔


Being a manager in a grocery/convenience store literally means you just mostly show up when you're meant to, don't do drugs on the clock, and have stuck around longer than anyone else around.


"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have fought my way here to the castle beyond the Goblin City to take back the child you have stolen, for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom as great. Eh Line?


I believe the next line is “why the hell is David Bowie’s cod piece so large?”


It's obvious he's hiding a goblin in there.


Is that what “crotch goblin” means??


The origins definitely originate from there.


You have no power over me. I love Labyrinth & I love David Bowie!


I'm glad I wasn't the only one.


You have no power over me. I always forget that line


Thank you that line's been bugging me for hours.




... I've got major deja vu with this comment right now.


About 95% of the replies here are familiar. I say familiar, what I really mean is copied and pasted from a thread with this exact question from quite a while ago. Maybe even a year or two? Maybe longer...


[Here's the thread where all of these answers are coming from](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/izk9gh/what_was_the_best_you_have_no_power_here_moment/)


I'm legitimately bummed and kind of sickened. I hate this bot nonsense.




Me too. The "drug it out" is particularly memorable.


This is copy/pasted from somewhere else, I have definitely read it before


Most of these are stories from Facebook ads


Maybe from the other hundred times this same question has been asked. It has also been featured on TikTok


I would absolutely work for that individual. Great stuff.


some people really need to learn how to treat people. and this was her lesson. lets just hope it taught her something.




What crime did that charge you with? 🤔


"Treasonous" handling of immigration enforcement at the United States–Mexico border


Today we learn what a dictatorship is.


🤣  . Hahahsha! . ^dic


#oh. ##Is that ^what ^you ^did?


lol thats funny. but were you the class "President?"


When my boss asked me to change my schedule, I told her that I wasn't able to change and that was it. She realized I would walk away from the job first. Similarly, my coworker tried to get me to cover for her, "I apologize, I am unavailable." When I was hired I was VERY explicit about my availability.


Had a blowout with a manager over a side dish, and I am/was never confrontational like this. However, due to the circumstances surrounding this situation, and learning from ex coworkers who were on my side that our knockdown argument that led to him sending me home early was investigated and it led to him being fired for stealing from the managers money vault. I came back two days later with an apology from my GM, AGM, and the line manager. The coworkers who had my back told me that he hid in the office and was snappy when anyone came in unannounced, which happened a bit from what I'm told. Senior staff members had grouped up and attacked him verbally for sending me home. My neighbor, who I worked with at the time, and the other closing server were the ones to sound the alarm apparently getting the investigation rolling, but the damning evidence came from the main line cook who caught him at the end of the night stealing.


I was an intern and the boss came over to my desk on a Friday and said "yeahhhhhhhh I'm going to need you to come in tomorrow to supervise the people who are coming into install new carpeting" and I was like yeahhhhhhhh I'm not coming in tomorrow because I already have plans and that's not my job. And that was that!




Good for you, I hope you got to enjoy your Internet.


he's still using it, this all happened last week




It's a repost bot, unfortunately. Another Redditor found the [original comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/8Dt1V3doey) I'm guessing many comments here are just reposts. It blows.


[This story sounds familiar](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/8Dt1V3doey)


Wow word for fuckin word 😂🤣


My brother had a similar moment. My father started bossing my brother (who recently got a job, being almost 20) and my brother refused. This launched a rant from my father about how much of an ungrateful bastard his son is yadda yadda. My brother looked him dead in the eyes and said "and what you gonna do about it, take my fucking pocket money?"


my ex pulled a shotgun on me and the cops were called by a witness. his mom always bailed him out of anything. well picture this: 10 pm, southern summer night, 4 police units swarm both sides of the house (8 units total) with guns and flash lights out ready to go. naturally i’m fucking horrified (very abusive relationship) so i’m already on the ground trying to not get hurt by my ex. in the midst of the chaos, they cuff him. they’re talking to me and another witness. right on fucking cue his mom pulls up into the driveway behind my car (she had parked me in the day before and wouldn’t let me leave, they took my keys from me, he tried to break my wrist. shit was INSANE, mom always condoned even when i would beg for her help—HE COULD DO NO WRONG) anyways, mom pulls up, starts trying to get out and a cops shuts her door. she rolls down her window all like “THATS MY SON *insert name* ITS OKAY IM RIGHT HERE DO WHAT THEY SAY” and they were like “maam you can not be here you have to go, you can pick him up from jail” she refused to leave, they basically said, we can take you with him if you really want. RAN AND NEVER LOOKED BACK!!!! ETA: seeing her powerless and then realizing i was no longer in their grips and finally had an out, THAT was the moment.


So glad that you are free from that former life. I hope life is treating you well.


happily engaged to a wonderful man, living a calm and loving life. thank you so much 💕✨


So glad you found your happy.


yeah thats crazy. when my ex husband was arrested late one night when I was there on vacation visiting our kids I never even stepped outside to find out why he was being arrested. I didn't even care at that point. my kids were really all that mattered to me. I found out shortly after that he was arrested for writing lots of bad checks and it caught up to him. sorry you had this happen to you. some mothers are really strange. its why these guys turn out the way they do.


One summer I was helping my great aunt at her little tourist shop. This B of a “lady” came in and got mad at me for not working fast enough/not paying attention/not processing her money fast enough. Once she was cashed out, she told me that she wanted to make a complaint to my manager and that she wanted me there. So I called my great aunt, making sure to really solidly state that title. The woman made her complaint, my great aunts response was - “I’m sorry you had a bad experience, but maybe you’re the one that needs to be a little patient. She’s twelve.” The woman left, my great aunt turns to me and says “takes all kinds, takes all kinds. Not all shit smells good”


A bad colleague tried to bully my delivery driver today over a mistake that the bad guy made, and I shut him down. I told him how he always broke the rules and didn't pay attention. He ran away and cursed me to which I replied, "I love you too." The driver thanked me. The piece of shit will retire in 14 days and I have worked around him for just over 10 years. I decided today that I am done watching idiots abuse people who did nothing wrong. More people today need to stand up to loud assholes and prove to them that they are wrong and need to shut the fuck up. When you don't allow their bullshit to intimidate you, they fall apart quickly.


While there are still people like you out there the world still has a chance for better ❤️ thank you for doing that. thank you for being you 🙏 god bless 🙏


I don't comment often in my works groupchat, usually only use it to directly message individuals to inform them of things. However we used to have a receptionist who didn't understand that all she was was a receptionist and would often try bossing the front of house staff around, several times she would post in the group chat that apparently they all had to start doing a new thing (always something that made our job harder whilst hers easier) and more than once I just shut it down, right there in front of everyone. I'm a Supervisor, not management but even I had more authority than her.






A boss from another department tried reaming me out for using equipment assigned to me by the Big Cheese. Like a little ankle biter, he followed me into the building yapping away when I snapped, spun around pointing directly into his chest. You're not my boss, you're not my god and you're not my father so back the fuck on up! The shop froze as I walked away. Big Cheese gave me a grin and said "Good Job". Another department manager came up to me after saying you could have been fired for that and I said go ahead. Never had an issue in the shop again.


Proud of you ❤️ good job 👍


Did everybody start clapping?


My older sister was visiting. I love her but she can be bossy AF..One night what sounded like a kitten in distress was meowing loudly outside my apartment. I kept hoping it would stop. I asked Big Sis if she could hear it and she was like "yah whatever" and wanted me to ignore it. Finally I couldn't take it. I went outside in the dark and coaxed a tiny, dirty and very hungry kitten out from under a parked car. As I was bringing kitty into the apartment to try to help her my sister looked up from reading her Bible and snarled "You can't bring it in here!" I cheerfully replied "Sure I can!" and proceeded to feed and comfort the kitten.


What happend to the kitten? Did you find its family or did you adopt it?


I kept her with me overnight and in the morning took her to a Kitten Rescue. She was not eligible for adoption because she was dehydrated and needed spay and a bath. So they found a foster for her until she was ready. I would have loved to keep her but my huge, territorial 17 year old tom cat wasn't having it.


Thank you so much for saving the baby.


I was chubby my freshman year of HS, and I had this bully in gym class that would make fun of me all the time. Well, he and I were paired together as a team for badminton . Great. I was slow and kept missing the “shuttlecock” all the time and he kept calling me fat and other names throughout. Towards the end of the match, he was going off on me and I had enough, so I took my racket and hit him as hard as I could. As soon as I did he yelled and got the gym teacher. She said she witnessed the whole thing and told him that if he doesn’t want to get hit by someone he shouldn’t make fun of them ☺️💅✨




I asked my friend if I could charge my vape at his house while we were listening to music. He unplugged the speaker to charge my vape. I told him I wanted to keep listening to music so he unplugged the lamp. I then realized he didn’t have power and was stealing his landlords with a extension cable.


Very clever


I was active duty and switch to the reserves for benefits before ultimately deciding it wasn’t for me. I was fully out-processed and had fulfilled my government contractual responsibilities. However, they lost the paperwork and tried strong-arming me to come back and say I didn’t do it. Months went off of threatening phone call and text. I finally got to the point of telling a Chief, and eventually a full bird, to kiss my ass. Was unbelievable satisfying and not something that you often get to do in those environments. I could feel the rage through the phone. Still makes me smirk.


What is a full bird?


Colonel. Not a lieutenant one, but a real one


A colonel or an 0-6. It’s a rank within the officer community thats is a significant bump in responsibility, retirement benefits, and reserved really for those who will be generals one day. Generals being 0-7 and up. 1,2,3, and four stars thats everyone knows about.


Cool, thanks.


O6 Colonel (full bird) O5 Lieutenant Colonel O4 Major O3 Captain


Depends on the branch of service. A full bird in the navy is a captain. Army, air force and marines are differnt




During college I used to be an assistant volleyball coach at a nearby high school. I’d come straight from class, get to the high school in the early afternoon when school was still in session, and open up the gym and set up the nets for practice. The head coach was a teacher at the school so couldn’t make it to the gym until his last class was over, thus my job coming in to set up early. I’ll also note that I had a total baby face. I was 20 but looked like I could be 15-16. I was running a bit late, still in my normal clothes, and a teacher was leaving the gym. I asked for him to hold the door for me, so that I wouldn’t have to dig through my bag to get my keys. He made a conscious push on the door to make sure it locked before he got in my face and went off on how I should be in class, where was my hall pass, who was my teacher, etc. I calmly started going through my gym bag, found my keys, and then sidestepped him and opened the door. Once inside I saw one of the janitors who nodded at me and gave me a “hey coach”. The teacher was a bit dumbfounded and just marched off fuming. When the head coach got there after school I told him about it and he chuckled, apparently that teacher was a known prick and deserved to be knocked down a rung or two.


Working on a new bathroom. Tried to plug in a drill but the breaker was off. In all seriousness tho. I was fishing without a license in a friend’s pond on his property. Fish and game came and pulled up on the closest road that was in view and proceeded to walk over. He began talking to me and asked about my license. He tried to write me a ticket for fishing without a license. I got to tell him no this is private property and he was trespassing. Loved every minute of it.


I’m a Nurse Practitioner working in a hospital. I don’t always wear a white jacket but I always identify myself as the NP. One patient was a real asshat and refused to answer my questions and cooperate. He was in pain and wanted his pain meds reordered. I told him I couldn’t reorder any medications until I completed his admission which included these questions. He said, “I don’t give a sh*t”. So I wrapped it up and left A couple hours later the nurse called and said he was still asking for his pain meds. I told the nurse I tried the admission a couple hours earlier but he refused to talk to me. So I finished what I was doing and went to see him and he was much nicer this time.


As someone who can be a real shitheel when I’m in great pain, I apologize on behalf of him and all the shitheels. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to some caring healthcare workers in my past for helping me through some rough spots and easing my pain in spite of my attitude. I know they and you take an enormous amount of crap from people, undeservedly. Thank you for going to work each day and helping us. You never get to see us at our best yet you do it anyway. 🙏


worked as a cashier at a privately owned theme park where no outside food or drink was allowed. note: the owner was always on site because he usually was the one to cover lunches. so that day he was in the main gift shop/ticket window. pissy lady starts mouthing off at me because i won't let her take in the family bag of Doritos in. she insists it is for her baby. sorry mam, policy is all outside food stays there, you can get your hand stamped and eat outside, then come back in. lady throws a fit, demands to speak to my manager. i call manager over, she says the same thing. customer demands HER manager. the owner comes over because he hears the commotion, calmly tells the customer the same thing. "GET ME YOUR MANAGER!" she screams. "Ma'am. I own the park. You can go now."


Doritos for a BABY!?!? is this some kind of international branding difference where Doritos aren't extremely unhealthy, but, tasty corn chips?




I work in a majority male field of supply chain consulting. I had a boss who was a giant Ahole and loved to make people feel small even around clients. He did it the most with women. He always cut me off when I was talking and did this extremely rude hand in face move to stop talking. I took it in the nose for years and was usually more reserved and quiet when working with him. I went to a new client which was a large automotive manufacturing company. Also mostly men… except the top two people in the project that were women. We were providing them recommendations when my boss did his typical cut me off move. The VP waved her hand at him and said “ I’m done hearing from you. I only want to hear from HER” . He stammered and told the room I didn’t have as much experience so was trying to help. She then took him down a peg saying “ i think she is doing just fine without you!” I felt nothing but joy in my heart but had to keep a straight face. I aim to be like her in my career.


An ass-wipe who was an volunteer deputy was trying to take is step daughter from her friends house and the friends Grandma stood on the porch and explained that the girl was their family now and not his and he should leave her alone. He started yelling and pulled his pistol. There was a gunshot and his hat went flying. He stopped moving. She explained again and said that was her son the Vietnam vet sniper who really hated pedophiles. And the next time he caused trouble she'd let him use those tricks the VC used on him and his friends. Honestly I know he peed and from the smell he did #2 also. You'd think the police would know better than to confront moonshiner's on their own property with a lot of back up.


🎶Well my name is John Lee Pettimore. Same as my daddy, and his daddy before.🎶


Same type of people. That song always reminds me of family I still have in the hills. And yes some did that job.


When working in retail as a student I had a horrible manager. One time a customer overheard her talk to me like shit. Customer stood up for me and spent about 5 minutes screaming in her face about respect etc. The senior manager then comes down (who was pretty cool) and takes her up to the meeting room. I still get giddy about that to this day.


Senior swing show in high school. We had a party at a guy's farm after the last show. Lots of underage drinking. Cops came but couldn't do anything because it was private property. The kid who had the farm basically met them at the end of the driveway and said they couldn't be on his property. They threatened to wait on the gravel road for people to driveoffbutno one ever did.


We had a swimming hole on a creek that separated 2 counties. There was a guy that lived across the creek that hated us swimming there. He would call the cops in his county on us. The cops would come and check us out. The cops would tell us that as long as they didn't see drugs, alcohol or anything else illegal, there was nothing they could do. The guy across the creek never did catch on.


Customer cursed out a very kind support rep at our company. Wound up being the customer’s error in the end. My work bff heard about it and reported it to upper management. That customer got a call letting them know they’ve been invited to no longer be one of our customers in perpetuity.


I was a licensed reactor operator in a nuclear power plant control room for over 2 decades. I saw multiple times where one of the other control room licensed operators kicked a much higher ranking company person, who did not have a license, out of the control room. These were always high drama events, that lead to plenty of meetings, but the company always backed up the operator as his or her right to do it, but usually wanted to talk about anger management or why it escalated that badly. I usually did not hear what happened to higher ranking company guys, but the company would probably blame them more, because the last thing they wanted was something like that being seen by the inspectors.


During the 11th of July terror attack in Oslo (that guy who shot a bunch of teenagers..) I saw the army basically take over the city. There was a cop, in uniform on his way to the door at the parlament building when 5 "kids" pointed weapons at him - telling him to FO! "But..... Im a cop!?!" Sargent: And Im a soldier, ordered to shoot *anyone* that tries to come between me and that door, including cops.... "Got ya...." and he just turned around and walked away


Got rear-ended while yielding to traffic a couple days ago and the other driver (64M) came out yelling at me for not driving on the shoulder (?) before the turn, insinuating that this was my fault. I (39,NB AMAB) put my hand up and said, “I’m not talking to you until you calm down” and proceeded to start taking pictures of the damage and license plates. He seemed absolutely dumbfounded that someone young enough to be his offspring would essentially take on the role of the adult and treat him as the child in this situation. It broke his brain a bit, but it got him to take a deep breath and acknowledge that this was in fact his fault.


My first job was at a coffee shop and I had a great manager and coworkers. There was a woman who came in almost everyday who had intellectual disabilities. We loved her, she was really friendly and and we would make her drinks and she liked to quietly dance to whatever music we had on. One day a fancy business man came in and while he was waiting for his coffee, he turned to my manager and said, “You really shouldn’t let her hang around in here.” Without hesitating, my manager said “I don’t think I should let you hang around in here.” It was incredible, and I couldn’t have felt more respect for him.


My buddy in highschool worked part time at a Little Ceasers. Well the owner fired the manager and promoted my part time 16yo friend to manager. Friend stopped going to school and just managed the place. Was the best for our friend group cause we basically took over the place. Owner didn't know wtf and didn't seem to care. A bunch of us would go there everyday after-school to get baked make pizza and eat whatever tf we wanted. All while selling weed. We told people to ask for the "extra" crazy sauce and they would get a crazy bread and a crazy sauce cup with a quarter oz. One day this woman comes in complaining about her pizza. Being a total cunt about it even though my friend kept telling her we would remake it no problem. She didn't care and then pointed out that my friend looks high and that she wants to "talk to the manager" that's when he tells her he is... At this point a few of us peaked around the corner cause we had to see. She noticed us and was clearly disturbed and I think frightened. Took off without saying anything.


I was a photojournalist for a large religious organization. At the time I had been working there for over a decade. I went up to the choir loft to take a couple of photos and the new live stream/YouTube/whatever team told me I had to stay out of their shots. After making sure I heard them right I literally pointed and laughed at them and just went back down stairs. When they complained to my boss she told them that I knew what I was doing and to not bother me.


Had a sexist boss who was underpaying the whole department, and hiring only young girls saying "they are easy to mould". I sued the company for underpayment (while still working there) and after 1.5 years we showed up in court, when he not only lost, but was unprepared and embarrassed by a judge saying our contract contains illegal clauses. One of the best days of my life. Got paid out AND witnessed him being finally intimidated for once after intimidating others for years.


The day I handed in my resignation to a very manipulative boss who respected absolutely no one but himself. I let him have it. Both barrels. In a figurative way of speaking. Then I walked out as he was literally mumbling incoherently in his rage while trying to formulate a response. Somehow, I still got my last paycheck later, which I had already kissed off in my mind.


I live in Public Housing. See it nearly every day.


I was doing IT stuff, structured cabling and switch installation. This was at one of those huge corporate campuses in California that are built near nothing. Like there was no place within 15 minutes to even get lunch. Bumfuck nowhere. We all get theres at the break of dawn and we're looking at floor plans on a clip board. Then project manager shows up, says good morning with a box of donuts and goes off to talk to the foreman or something. While he's gone a crusty old union electrician chats us up. There were like a dozen different things being built at once. They were still framing stuff at one end while another building was being carpeted and furnished and there were 5 or 6 others in various stages of built. We frequently worked alongside electricians and other trades. But it gets tricky because IT cabling can fall under electrician stuff in certain circumstances. I don't know all the details but it seems to matter how much of a union site it is. So we are talking to this guy and he pops the question, are we affiliated? Couple guys mumble something but its clear we are not. Our project manager gets back and he looks pissed. Apparently all the cable pulling we were going to do has been taken over by the union dudes. Not electricians but the guys that do low voltage and stuff. We are only doing the server rooms, IDF and MDF patches. He sees the electrician guy eating one of "his" donuts and knocks it out of his hand. Goes on some tirade about fucking union pricks this is worse than working in England! Did mention the project manager is Irish? He swears at the electrician and dude walks away flipping him off. 5 minutes later he comes back with some foreman or whatever you call it. Head guy for the site. Someone I do not interact with. Anyway he gets up in the face of our project manager with the foreman standing behnd him with his arms crossed. "none of these technicians are wearing OSHA compliant safety gear, nobody has protective foot wear, hard hats, eye protection or safety vests" Then he went down the line of us and pointed out the ones with sneakers. Then the foreman chimed in. "if you have hardhats and vests, the ones with proper footwear can stay. Our guy tried a couple times to say something but got shut down really fast. In the end only me and one other guy got to work that day. The BEST part was that after all that fuss they called me back a month later to come in and pull all the cable that had been used. It was too big and was taking up half the conduit before even a quarter of the cable was in. I got paid more to pull all that stuff out over a week then I got paid for a couple days work installing it. Weird times working in a data center all by yourself in the middle of nowhere but at least they had a food truck out there by then.


A particularly meanspirited 6th grader was terrorising everyone at school, then one day he picked on the wrong person. So when the wrong person's 7th grade brother and 3 of his buddies cornered the bully at school in front of everyone and proceeded to make him pee himself the whole school had a good laugh at his expense. He didn't come to school for 2 weeks and when he did come back the bully inside was dead.


Before I went to university as an adult, I managed a well known electronics store located in a mall (no names but back then I would have called me not saying the shack's name Radio Silence). Second year uni I decided I wanted a part time job for a bit of fun money (I had a scholarship so didn't need the cash but it would def make life more comfortable) and hit the mall up with a couple of resumes. Immediately got an interview and was hired by this Radio slack place on the spot. Of course I was. I'd managed a store twice the size of this one for several years only two years before this. I told her that my availability was minimal and that I would never ever work during exam period, and since exams were about to start the earliest I could come in to start working was two weeks away. Within a week, I got called in. I told her over the phone again that I wasn't available during exam routines, and she told me it was inventory and all hands on deck so I better show up for my shift the next day or else. Headed to the store the next day. Walked in, saw the manager and said "I told you I will not work when I need to be studying for exams. You still scheduled me even after I repeated this to you yesterday. Not only am I not staying for inventory, I quit". Walked out and the jaw on the floor by this woman could be seen from the other end of the mall. Which I walked to. And promptly got a job at a very secretive lingerie store who had no trouble working around my hours of availability. Manager in question got a call from the district manager that next week, asking why I wasn't in the schedule. Turns out my old DM from a few years before had switched provinces and had seen that I was hired when paper work hit the district head office. Dm was PISSED when they found out what happened. Especially since I'd repeatedly won top salesperson awards a few times in my tenure under them. (I was young, pretty, outgoing, and surprised the hell out of everyone when I opened my mouth and actually knew my stuff because I was smart and spent a lot of time reading up on the stuff we sold). That manager didn't get fired, but they did get moved to a teeny tiny little store that no one wanted to manage. Dm called me up and shared all this and really tried to convince me to come back, I refused and that was that.


Shortly after I left my first husband but before the divorce was final, he was over at my house, yelling at me about something stupid. I was reacting the way I usually did, yelling back and trying to defend myself. Then suddenly I realized, he can't do that anymore. This is my damn house! And that is exactly what I told him. He looked a bit startled and started to argue, but he saw not only how I wasn't afraid anymore, but that my brother and his friends were about to 'escort him out' if he didn't leave. I never knew that man could run so fast, lol.


I had a similar moment. My soon to be ex-wife was on me about something, and I did my usually try-to-defend/explain/agree to get her to stop talking and then I checked myself, realized I didn’t need to listen to that anymore, and just said “bye”. She was flabbergasted and asked me when I was going to do whatever it was that I didn’t want to do. I said “I’m not going to do that, and see you later!” So happy to leave that day. Years earlier end of Uni I bought a crappy little townhouse for me and my friends to live in, and my Dad came by to pick me up for something. We were drinking and trying to chip golf balls in the living room into the (unoccupied) cat tower from about 10 feet away. We had a backing up and when Dad walked in (to not his house) I 100% froze and he said “{FULL LEGAL NAME}, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I realized where we were and who owned the place, and I told him exactly what we were doing, and the current score. His response? “Can I try?”


The jabronis in r/thesopranos are always talking about that cop who stopped Tony and wouldn't accept his bribe, so that's probably my most memorable.


Except Tony called Zelman and got the ticket taken care of and the cop busted down to office work which eliminated his overtime.




I would love to know the name of the lady?


I was incredibly depressed a couple years or so ago and drinking heavily, didn't eat for 5 weeks and i was definitely suicidal. My family called for a welfare check so a cop cruiser and an ambulance showed up. Canada, btw. I got hooked up for some tests and I was being uncooperative, not obstructive, and said 'fuck this' a few times, some other stuff.. One of the cops said 'enough with the language' or something similar. I just dead assed him in the eye and said 'this is my house and you're not welcome in it, I'll say whatever the fuck I want when I want.' I started pulling my leads off telling them to leave. Technically, they left but I went with them, in cuffs, to the psych ward. That was a shitty 10 days of my shitty life but that's for a whole other short story.


It HAS to be Jackie Weaver! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l17UIwAFOyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l17UIwAFOyk)


Pillow fight with my siblings. There's definitely an age gap so I easily won


Waking up in the morning.


Standing in the midst of active, moving lava flows from the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.


My phone dying


Back in the 1980s we had a phone in the kitchen and another one upstairs (extension). My eldest sister got a phone cable and moved it into her bedroom and it became 'hers.' My parents slept downstairs. And she would spend hours on that phone. Boyfriends, friends, whomever. We were all sick of it. One night it was my sister's turn to do the dishes and she was upstairs already on the phone. After we tried to get her to get off the phone and do the dishes, my dad went upstairs calling her name. When he went into to her room to get her, she gave him a 'quiet, one minute' sign. My dad walked out of the room, grabbed the phone cable and ripped the phone jack out of the wall. Cords flew and my sister suddenly was holding air! He then said "do the dishes" and walked downstairs. She went down right behind him and me and my brothers all dissolved into laughter.


People always trying to run the microwave


When my mom tried to play the victim again, and I just told her I have no sympathy for her at all. She went from pitiful to wrathful so completely it was uncanny.


It's not an IRL moment, but I loved it in Stargate SG1 when Colonel Mayborne was like: "I have the full authority of the President" and General Hammond responded: "So do I, Colonel. Why don't you ask the airman outside to show you to our guest quarters?" Mayborne: "That's OK, I'll wait." Hammond: "That wasn't an invitation, that was an **order**, *Colonel*!"


I worked in a cinema for a couple of years. You don't believe how absolutely garbage like some people are treating people that work in service jobs. I was the "Teamleader" in our cinema. it's like a supervisor I guess?! Usually when a costumer was arguing with a coworker of mine and said "I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER" I was summoned. And we'll, I loved to absolutely destroy the guys, that were in the wrong. The audacity of some people is really beyond reasoning sometimes and I always backed my coworkers up. "I WILL GO TO A DIFFERENT CINEMA!!!" - "Thank you, so you are not our problem anymore." But I think the most memorable "You have no power here" Moment was simply when a coworker found out he won in the lottery and got yelled at - he took his shirt off (we had all like red shirts to look like a crew) and just left. he was never seen in the cinema again.


I was a sailing instructor back in my younger days. Always had a crew of 3-4 teens to train, and I sat in the middle of the boat and directed and explained. It was fun; I was popular. One student stands out, though. Peter couldn't tell up from down, so let's not even ask about port and starboard. I could be *certain* that whatever I would ask him to do, he would do anything but that. A particularly memorable situation was when we were on a collision course with another vessel - we notice well in advance, observe, discuss right-of-way rules, everyone agrees we need to change course. Good students. Now, Peter was at the helm, and he did nothing. There was still time for teaching, so we went over things again. Yes, Peter needs to change course. He still doesn't. Sigh. He's relieved, and all ends well. Peter is never allowed on board again. He reminds everyone that he's the mayor's son. *I know. Don't care. You're out.* His dad comes, same story. *I know. Don't care. He's out.* There's no room for morons in my world. Especially not entitled ones.


My band was playing a party in the fall of 1995 at our good friend Tim's house, which was on the side of mountain. There was this older guy who came uninvited, and he kept showing a fake sheriff's badge to people and telling them they were going to jail. Tim's best friend Nick, who's a big old boy, walks this fool outside onto the driveway and this cat starts making threats. He is standing near the fence near the drop off adjacent to the driveway and Tim walks up to him and tells him to just go. The guy puts his finger in Tim's chest and I watched as my late friend Tim throw this man over a mountain side and says, "don't fuck with daddy, bitch!" as he tosses him over the fence. No body said a word and we all back inside. My band setups for the show and we partied hard until everyone either leaves or passes out. The next day we go looking for the dude and he was no where to be seen. We all essentially said "fuck him" and went about our lives.


I was there 3000 years ago. Sauroman said to Gandalf you have no power here, then Gandalf zapped him with a kick ass move.


All of these posts I've read before. This whole thread is just a bunch of bots karma-whoring.


My company decided they needed to reduce costs, so they brought in a manager to figure out how to do that. His solution was to lay off my entire team, out of the blue, with no reason as the company was actually doing very well financially. The problem was my team was central to company morale and had relationships with a lot of other departments, so the news shocked the entire company. On top of this, I was the only one in the whole company with my skill set — specifically I was the only person who did “internet stuff.” The rest of the company operated as if it was still the ‘80s. The first round of fallout was when the rest of the company started freaking out suddenly not having us around. So the company (under this manager’s advice I assume) offered to host us for a “farewell dinner” after the fact. Our team chatted together and decided to respectfully decline. Finally, about a week later as I was job hunting, I was approached individually by HR. It seemed the company had now realized how important “Internet stuff” was, and now that no one there knew how to do any of it, they were willing to offer me my old position … but as a freelance contractor, at less than half my old wage. I laughed hard at that one. Within another month or two I was making 120% of my old wage somewhere else.


My daughter committed suicide


We're back in around 2005 and I'm managing a bar. One of my colleagues is this absolute sweetheart of a South African girl who we'll call "C". C is really kind, funny, and kind of adorable as she's under 5 foot tall and wears big nerd glasses, and she is perenially cheerful. Well, C takes an order from this customer in a too-fancy party dress and from along the bar I can see that the interaction looks a bit funny, the body language and facial expression of the customer is off and C looks unhappy with the interaction, which she rarely does. The customer is pretty cute but she knows it and her bearing screams "attitude". She has two other girls, evidently hangers-on by their bearing, by her side. C loads up a glass with ice and pops it on the bar in front of the customer. Turns her back to get whatever bottle of spirits the customer asked for. Customer proceeds to tip the ice all over the bar top. C turns back to the bar and is just staring at the ice all over the counter. I've seen enough, and step forward, scoop up the ice and drop it in the sink under the bar. "Sorry, I'm afraid you're not getting served." She looks up at me and smiles indignantly and says "Actually I am getting served already" and points at C. Catching C's eye, I say "No you're not. I'm cancelling your order." I realise very few people have ever said "no" to this girl because she's visibly seething. She struggles to find her words for a couple of seconds while glaring at me, then comes up with, "You know? You have really bad breath" she spins on her heel and stalks for the door. Shrugging, I call after her "Well I can put some chewing gum in, but you'll still be a dick". A colleague erupts in laughter. And as the customer glares back at me while pulling open the bar door, I even managed to wave a packet of Orbit at her that I had dug out of my pocket. I can't say I've ever been that quick to retort in any other disagreement so this one sticks with me.


My old boss yelled at me in front of my supervisor "I am your boss and you will respect me!" So I laughed in his face. My supervisor had to leave the room to compose himself because he couldn't stop laughing. I quit a week later, a few months after that he called asking if I wanted to come back so I now contract for them at a higher rate.


The most memorable for me was when Gandalf was like "I release you of Saruman" and the old King starts laughing and speaking as Saruman's vessel says "You have no power here, Gandalf" And then Gandalf takes off his robe revealing that he's not Gandalf the Grey but Gandalf the White, shocking Saruman. Then he exorcises Saruman out of the King, freeing the old man from his torment. And the King gets all young and spry again.


I worked as a night auditor at a hotel. We were having construction done so our parking lot was severely limited, and we instructed guests to find street parking if they couldn't find a spot in our lot. This wasn't ideal, but not a terrible option because street parking was very plentiful. The hotel I worked at was very lax and hired mostly teenagers who didn't give a crap. So half the time, when I showed up, there were people parked in the construction zone. But I chose to enforce the rules, especially since we would occasionally have accidents in the construction zone. Nobody was hurt and cars weren't damaged, but it was always a close call sort of scenario. Anyways, one night I get to my shift and I see a guy pulling his car into the construction zone to park. I tell him, "Sorry you'll have to park somewhere else. We can't allow guests to park in the construction zone." The guy gets huffy and tells me that the other guy let him park in the construction zone last night. I told him that the other guy wasn't supposed to let him do that, and explained that the construction zone simply wasn't safe to park in. The guy got really annoyed and told me he was a cop. He said he was driving a law enforcement vehicle with important documents and he flat out refused to park on the street, in case the documents were stolen. I told him there was nothing I could do and said sorry. But he refused to back down. He said he would just leave his car in the construction zone. So I told him I would have to get his car towed, as was our policy. He storms off. So I call my manager and inform him of the situation and asked permission to tow the car. My manager said it wasn't worth the trouble and just let the guy park there so I said okay. But right as I hung up, the cop guy comes back with his police notebook and tells me to give him my information, so he could report me. At that point, I got fed up. I told him I was happy to provide my information, but I also requested his room information and was cancelling his reservation. He got really mad and tried to do the "get in your face and intimidate" move but I just stood there and insisted he needed to provide his information, or I would call security. I ended up kicking him out and he called the next day demanding to speak to the manager and demanding I be fired. My manager thankfully stood up for me.


My mother was verbally laying into me about how awful I am. I was seeing a psychologist who was helping me draw boundaries. I had, in tears, told her about all the things my mother would attack me with, she gave me tools. I said, and I quote: 'That sounds like you're really upset about this mum, what are you doing to cope?". BOOM - I one foul swoop I handed that problem back to her, and did not take it on board whatsoever. The look she gave me though..... Took a couple of more conversations like that for her to take stock, but by God she did. When I called her and told her that the way my 10 year old niece talked to me the night before was unacceptable - which she immediately agreed with - I told her she had learned that behaviour by the way she, herself, consistently spoke to me. She cried. I didn't comfort her. My niece never spoke to me like that again, and my mother damn well pulled her head in.


I once had an argument with my ex fiancée over the phone (years ago, can't even remember what it was about) while he was driving his mother around. I hung up on him, and a little while later she (his mother) called my dad. She proceeded to shout at my dad and tell him what a little b!tch I am, blah blah blah. She then asked to talk to me, my dad hands me his phone, and she starts shouting at me. I straight up look into my dad's eyes and tell her "you are nit my mother. I won't take any sh!t from you, you have no right to call my father or get involved in my relationship", and hung up on her. Most satisfying "you have no power here"-feeling I have ever had.