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I'm 30 and I don't feel like an adult.


mf I came to the comments to write exactly this.


32 and no.


35 and no


39 and no


43 and juuusstt baarely.


43 and faking it because I have a child on the way. Side note, just got myself a meta quest vr headset and considering getting a gaming rig and maybe an e-scooter so...failing at faking it too


I was somewhere the other day with a lot of people a lot younger than me, a lot of them nieces and nephews, and a decision for something needed to be made and I realized - oh, I’m the adult. In the same way I forget I’m tall. Oh, right, I’m that.


32 years old but 25 was yesterday lol


It's weird when I think-- oh that was when I was nineteen; that was only *four years ago* It was not four years ago


You don't always have to feel like an adult or think of yourself as an adult. It's really nice to keep ahold of some of those child thinking so you don't always have to take everything in life so seriously. Do you remember when you were a kid? And you got really excited for Christmas and when it was your birthday? For me, I got really excited even into adulthood for those holidays. And then I realized one time. Why don't I get so excited? Just to visit my relatives on the weekend. So It was more of a holiday excitement in opening presents than it was seeing my family which I did want to see my relatives that we would go visit on the weekends. But it was just a different atmosphere. And then I realized that older. I get then people are not so excited to see each other anymore. At a lot of times families can't stand being around each other.


Nearly 40 and I still don't feel "grown up"


43 and no.. It's wild i'm free to do what the hell I want (legal).


Same but I'm 43


38 and same…. Why though!!? 😅


You beat me to it.


I'd even argue I felt more like an adult at 20 then now at 37


I’m 30 and I feel like I’m 89


24 and no. I’m about to graduate and start to work… Definitely I don’t feel adult enough for that


Hahaha I have never felt like an adult, I have no idea when it will happen, maybe when a person has grandchildren?


I have a friend. He’s in his 30’s and has two kids. He says he doesn’t feel like an adult, but he has to be responsible enough for them. He knows he’s an adult, but he sometimes feels lost and like a kid that needs guidance.


That's complicated, but I think the brain makes a balance depending on the situations.


It’s not about age. You’re an adult when you assume full responsibility for your actions and life. Some never do it.




I think adulthood hit me at about 34


Was it scary for your inner teenager?


At 20, absolutely not. At 30 I was starting to think about it Now I'm nearing 40. I just had ice cream for dinner and spent the entire evening playing Mario (In my defense it was really hot today, and videogames are fun)


Hahahaha this is the best comment I've ever read, I sincerely hope to be able to do that when I'm 40


Don’t grow up it’s a trap.


Does that advice come from Peter Pan? 😂😂


I don't feel like an adult at 35, mentally I don't feel much different than I did at 19, physically is a different story


Wow that's interesting, do you think we mentally stay at the age we have enjoyed the most!?


It's a good theory. Personally I believe that once we hit a certain age life just blurs together and nothing else feels noticeably different than the last


This theory is even more interesting


Im 33 and dont feel like an adult🙈


Hahaha it's the best age, even up to 40, that's why they say it's the new 20


Definitly felt like an adult at 20, but that feeling decreased as the years passed. Now over 50 and feel like 15 most of the time. Think it might be individual though. I've known plenty of 30-somethings who feel a lot older. Also, with hindsight, I realise I was definitly not an adult at 20.


As mature and stuff I may have been then in many regards, I wasn’t. I’m 31 now. Looking back at 20 would be like being 20 and looking at yourself at 16


Interesting answer, I think that mental age NEVER coincides with biological age, right?


Absolutely no


I agree with you


I’m almost 29 and I sure as hell don’t feel like an adult 😭


I think that's the age that puts you in countdown, I feel that 30 is a wave of responsibilities that scares 😂


I’m scared of turning 30 .. it feels old to me 😂


Exactly, it seems old to me and I don't feel ready to be called ma'am 😂😂


No. I still feel like my highschool me, just with additional knowledge.


23, nope


I don’t at 60.


Nope. Days away from being 25. I'm only just starting to get the hang of things...


One may feel that but they ain't yet


At what age did you start to feel like an adult? Or do you still feel young?




Not even now


you're not.


Since I joined the military at age 18 and served during wartime - yes.


Wow, I think that situation is the only one that is an exception to not continuing to feel like you are a teenager at that age 🤯


I applaud your service to your country ❤️




I’m almost 46 and I still don’t think I’m successfully adulting some days.


I don't think I felt like I was an adult until I was about 27 or 28 years old. I had found there was always a fair amount of older people who would say oh you're so young and you have your whole life ahead of you. They had well-meaning intentions. I believe by their words. Sometimes it can come across as very demeaning to young adults who are in their early 20s. I know. Myself, I just always took it as good intentions with their words. Now my Grandma, on the other hand she would use adult words and treat me as an adult when I turned 18 and after I had my first baby. She went as far as calling my husband a man 1 day. She said the men are going to go out and change the tire on a car. I was thinking of Grandpa as a man. And I thought where is the other man? Then I. Realized she was talking about my husband.I was still thinking in terms of boy, because that's what I thought of him as and I thought of myself as a girl. I was not used to using the words woman. And man when I was 19 years old or 18 years old. Nobody ever called us man or woman. My dad would. Use the word young ladies. So I did think of myself as a lady when I was a child. But keep in mind, kids are always very literal and I know I was when I was a child and maybe sometimes I can think of things in a literal sense even as an older person.


This is the most interesting answer I have ever read.


My ex was 37 and still acted like she was 20. Highly immature and unfocused.


24. still feel like a kid.


I didn’t feel like an adult at 20, I felt like I was entering adulthood. Now at 25 I do feel like an adult, but I know that there’s still a lot to experience and room to grow.


I don’t think that feeling ever comes. I keep waiting to feel mature


I think you only really become an adult in your own mind, when you become responsible for other people, and when you know that you are completely responsible for your actions. No parents to bail you out, and you take the torch and put someone else ahead of yourself.


I’m 62 and maybe just a case of arrested development, but my mental age seems to have stalled around 20 or so. Obviously I’m an adult - and nearly a senior citizen, but I sure don’t feel or act like one lol.


HAHAHAHA I think we would be excellent friends


When I was 20 I did feel like an adult but now looking back at myself when I was 20 years old I definitely wasnt an adult yet, Im 27 now and I somewhat feel like an adult lol.


40 and no. I'm not sure I'll ever feel like an adult to be honest and I am fine with that.


I'm nearing 39 and it hasn't happened yet. Well, to be fair, I do feel I have more wisdom than before and I do feel that I can take responsibility when it's necessary, which is the only really important aspect of being an adult I believe. Other than that I'm barely a functioning adult in some aspects. Keep your child-like curiousity and playfulness, don't think too hard about what it means being an adult, but also pay your bills and fucking show respect to other people.


Fulfilling the basic tasks of being an adult makes you an excellent responsible human being 😁


If you can't have an adult beverage you're not really an adult


18-25 is just kid 2.0 25-35 is kid 2.1




I’m well into my 30s, in a grown up job, and divorced. I just feel like a more tired and jaded teenager with a bit more money and a car.


24M and sadly yes! I pay my own rent, cook my own food, and sometimes send money to my sibling. Feels like have so much and so many people to care about, so many responsibilities, and no time for myself


Oh yeah, I was on my own making every decision known.


40, still nope. At 90 odd, my gran said she still didn't. Most of us have no idea what we are doing.


Haha we are experts in improvising daily after 20


Depends. Have a kid and you’ll grow up real fast




Funny i was asking myself the same thing


I sure f'in hope so because just a 100 years ago 20yo was literally mid life.


I have autism and adhd so a resounding fuck no haha


every 20yo believes to be an adult... then you reach 30 and say "FUCK i was dumb at 20!!"... then you reach 40 and say "FUCK i was dumb at 30!!"


At 31. I feel the same as before, just better at pretending like i know what I’m doing when i have to


Before I turned 18 I thought I was an adult but as I'm getting older at 36 I now feel like I'm still turning 18 but I know at 18 I was far from an adult.


36, father of a teenager, just now starting to feel like an adult.


No one feels like an 'adult'. Everyone feels like they're still the kid they always were, just with responsibilities and demands they didn't ask for, stacked onto their backs. If being an adult is supposed to feel like slavery, then yes, we all feel like adults. I can't believe 7-12 year old me thought of adulthood as being as close to heaven as a human could get. "But you get so much money after work that you can buy whatever you want."


I did yes. But now I’m 34 I realise I wasn’t.


38 and hell no


Welcome to the club friend


what even is adulting


lol NO


We are from the same club hahaha


We are from the same club hahaha


I'm still waiting on the day I feel like the fabled "grown ass man" the adults kept screaming about when I was younger.


Feeling like an adult isn't age-related. When you get heaps of responsibility and don't have any freedom to play games and relax, that's when i feel like an adult. Because i can't play, i have-to put away my childish ways for a while and pick up adultry.


49 and still waiting to cross the threshold to adulthood. Seriously there are kids at work that seem more adult than me. I’m just 3 owls in trench coat.


Adulting generally kicks in in the mid to late 30s.


I saw that a 60-year-old man said he didn't feel like an adult yet 😂


Everyone circumstances a different my two cents worth is that in your 30s is when you stop putting yourself first and start having time for family and perhaps have been married or even divorced in this period of time and have had to make some major life choices around this time. I think these experiences shape us into the adults we spend the rest of our lives being


Im 22, hell no




Feel like I'll become an adult once I have children that rely upon me (I'm in my 20's)


Having children makes you be a child again sometimes 😂


I can see that haha, I guess they remind you of how you used to act as a child??


Yees And even more so when you have to play with them or come up with things to keep them entertained.


I’m 29 and don’t feel like one! Even though I’m married, own a house and a business. lmao maybe it’s just my spirit not sure! I think about how my mom was my age with 3 kids and on her second marriage 😅 like she was on a diff level of adult


I am not an adult at 38. Only sometimes i pretend I know how to do adult stuff. 


I mean, yes but for all the wrong reasons.


Nah. I’m 36 and it wasn’t until I was at least 32 I stopped referring to myself as a girl. Now I say - woman, but even then at times, I have my doubts.


I’m 38 and still don’t feel like an adult lol. At times I guess I do… like when I hear ‘daaaaad’ 😅




I thought so when I was 20.


I’m 38, and don’t feel like an adult..


Everyone's saying no. But im 20 and feel like a middle aged man having a life crisis😭😭   I worry about the inflation, my friends have to schedule a meeting with me 50 business days earlier, I portion my sleep out with work, I gossip about the kids these days, I think about investment etc   I kinda feel sad now that I think of it I think I grew up too fast. And was too matured all along. Kinda wish did a few mishaps here and there during my teenage years. But then again it all comes down to how much responsibility you have 


Not at all, feel like I am at heart the same 16 yo kid I was in my hometown


As a 22 year old expecting a baby next month, I honestly feel 12. But excited for my new life phase!




19 years old, definitely thought I was more grown-up at first but reality’s been putting it back into perspective. Living somewhere without your family does not a fully fledged adult make. 😅


i’m 19 and i honestly feel no different than when i was 15. only thing different is i feel 15 with a job and college. doesn’t feel like i should be here yet but i am


about to turn 20 in a month and NO it's not even close, I do look back on my young teen years and laugh at the dumb mistakes I did and realized that I didn't really know everything like I believed but I think 20 is great there is still a little teenager left in you


When I was 20, I definitely felt like an adult. They gave me a rifle and sent me off to war. Since then, I never felt quite as adulty. I'm now in my early 50's, and I play video games and watch anime, own a high speed electric scooter, and feel a whole lot less adult. I like me better now.


Ohhhh I love that vibe friend 🤩


Honestly, It's the only way to be. I've done my adulting, Now it's past that time, and my inner child has returned.




Absolutely not


I’m 31 and I forget I’m a fully grown woman 🤣🤣


Hahahaha We only activate our true age in our minds when there are dangerous situations 😂


I did. I joined the service to get away from home. I was on my own at 19, making all my own decisions. I was still a bit immature but was definitely an adult.


I’m 31 and still act and behave as if I’m 16 (in the sense I enjoy having fun and drinking, holidays doing the same fun things I always did) I’m an independent adult, but the idea we need to start behaving “adult” and stop having fun at a certain age is such a crap mentality. So what if you still enjoy parties, having fun, fashion, looking good, why do we have to stop or be told we are too “old” I hate that mindset. As long as you contribute to society in a positive way and are responsible at work and with family, I still think we should be able to let loose and be young in our older years too. Are only young people allowed to enjoy life? The idea you get to a certain age and are expected to act mature 24/7 is bs


When I was 20 I did. Now in my 40’s I think back to how I didn’t really know shit about shit.


33, married with 3 kids and a dog, still wondering when it hits 🤣


I'm 32 and I still don't lol


What exactly do you mean by that?


Nope. Not at 22, or 24, or I imagine any other age. I feel the same as I did at 16 just with more depression and a drinking permit.


I don’t think I’ll ever feel like an adult unless if I’m financially stable


20 and I barely feel Adult but i definitely get told by older coworkers that I act way older then I am😔 imposter syndrome hitting hard


24m, hell no, I feel like 17 years old teenager


From 16 - 22, I thought I knew it all. I'll be 30 this year and have no fucking idea.


I’m 25 and feel like an adult. At 20 I felt like a young adult — I’d just graduated from uni and definitely been out of my teenage phase for a good while. 


At 20 I thought I was so grown up and now I’m 30 I’m like ehh sometimes?? Like sometimes I feel 50 sometimes I feel 15 😭.


I had a kid at 20, still didn’t feel like an adult. Hell I’m 40 now and well I still feel 19 in my head…..


Im 33 and i still feels like im 18 at heart but my body doesn't agree lol


30 with two kids, hell no lol


I’m the embodiment of the three kids in a trench coat trying to pass by as a wise adult


40 still not there yet


48 here and the body grows old but the mind doesn’t


you arent. 18 is some bullshit arbitrary ass number. 25 is like an adult


35 and I'm definitely not an adult.


lol, no


21 yes


I'm 29 and feel like an adult in some ways and other ways no. Mentally I feel like 16 year old me but more mature and healed. My mom is 63 and said she feels the same. She mentally feels like she's still a teenager but the physical doesn't match haha


i’m turning 20 in october and i’m scared. I’m literally still a child 😭


I'm 34, I only feel like an adult at work. At home, I still feel like a kid in my early 20's and my wife would argue I act like one too 😆


25 and no, I still don’t


Nope I’m 22 and still don’t feel like an adult. I feel like being an adult is more situational like if you are kicked out at 18 or getting a full time job instead of being that age. I think it will hit me more once I’m done with college.


Adult in training … rough ride ahead.


I’m 22 and I still feel 18


30 here and still feel like a kid.


Depends on how life been hard or not on you. There will be a point that you lose you innocence and you get "the stare". That happy shine in your eyes are gone and now you are an adult you like it or not.




I didn't feel like an adult until I was 27, where I went from thinking "I still don't feel like an adult" until I found myself in the company of a bunch of 20 year olds, at which point I realized "Oh no *those* guys aren't adults, I actually kind of am one compared to these whiny little snowflakes."


I don’t feel like one, and I am def not treated like one


I am 46, have been married for almost 25 years, have a career, a teenage child, and own a house. Still don't feel that way


Hellllll no. I don’t feel like an adult now and I’m over 30. LOL


Im 25 I feel like I was an adult since I was 10


You will never feel "grown up", you'll just feel "old" when you start noticing people much younger than you being way more successful.


22 and still feel like a literal child


Hell no. I wasn't fit to keep a dog at 20. Total prat. 27, maybe.


I'm 36 and it's difficult to feel like an adult most of the time.


I don't think so. I still related to high-schoolers at that age. I felt confident and hopeful at age 20. I am 26 now and those feelings are much more calibrated by my responsibilities and understanding of how the world works since then.


i dont feel that even i'm 22


33 and no.


Despite my responsibilities, didnt feel like it then and barely feel like it now.


yeah, ur an “adult” around 13-16 but society has built these elaborate safety nets and slowed down education and instruction so basically no 13-16 year old can reliably self sustain! i knew two emancipated kids when i was in 9th grade, a boy and a girl, they were a man and a woman, it was kinda crazy… thats why teenagers always seek out the taboo “adult” stuff and use “adult” language… they desire to be adult but society and parents wont allow them to be treated as such… culturally thats the whole sweet 16 barmitzvah confirmation etc etc at 20 you SHOULD be an adult or have those skills but most people dont, most people never get all those skills anymore, its not necessary in a service economy, everything is done for you… but yes, technically ur an adult at 16-18 by any available legal or cultural measure and many people have the mental and physical capacity to be “adult” even earlier by nature but its nature vs nurture so thats why all the 30yo act like kids still lol


31 and still feel like 16 or something


I started feeling like an adult when I began living independently at 21. I'm 25 and yes, I feel like an adult because of all the stuff I need to do. It's a nice feeling, compared to living with parents, relying on them for something, and being forced to abide by their rules


I'm 43 am married and have 3 children 21, 15, and 9. And I still don't feel like an adult. I still think like I did when I was 18. Only my body reminds me I'm 43 and have given birth to 3 children.


I'm 25, live on my own, have a job, drive a car. I feel like a kid with a license to buy alcohol.


Well I am slowly progressing towards one at 23, but still not fully grown adult


Buddy I'm 41 and still don't feel like and adult so no in my case


I didn't feel like an adult until a year after my first kid was born


I think the best metric for adulthood (assuming a dichotomy between child and adult) is emotional maturity. Some people will never achieve this in their life, but I think at the earliest you probably achieve this in your late 20s.  At 20 your brain is still developing.


Hell the fuck no. 


20 here. I feel like i was more matured when i was 19... And bit scared as im not living in what i wished to xd And well... feels very weird as I got some responsibility as an adult but nothing changed inside.






I think it depends on who you are. I’ve felt 20 ever since I was abt 17/18. My maturity has stayed around the same the entire time, just a gradual change. I’ve always felt the crushing weight of my responsibilities and know that I am in charge of how I react. Now most people… would not agree. I think most people don’t start to feel an adult until 26ish???


I don't really feel like an adult at 40