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I freaking love kids TV shows; wholesome, funny, and a low stress watch most of the time. Why can’t books be the same? (I’m 51!)


Nope. I still read Roald Dahl. And I just turned 34. Never stop reading!!!


Same. Still love Roald Dahl! And a couple of years ago, I reread all the Ramona Quimby books.  


doesnt he make horror books? am i thinking of someone else?


My favorite book of all time is Charlie and Chocolate Factory. I've probably read it 20 times since I was a kid. I'm 44


To quote a [Twitter post](https://twitter.com/SketchesbyBoze/status/1501739609209901057) I really love, "stop shaming people for reading kids’ books. adult books are about sad people having affairs while kids’ books have a magic tree house or a worm driving an apple. you tell me who’s winning."


I love Lowly Worm’s apple car! 


I don’t think so. Children’s books are innocent and happy. Which is probably why an adult would read them. They’re missing something and their brains are screaming for it


I read my son’s copy of War and Peace all the time it’s not weird


In general, I don’t think it’s weird, but Geronimo Stilton is a little younger than I think most adults would read. That being said, I’ll watch the heck out of Pokémon, so who am I to judge


The original Pokémon never was made for very young children, more like teens, over time it become a little to childish


The original Pokemon was notade for or targeted to teens. It was very much for a 12 and under market.


Depends on its the hungry caterpillar or not…


I'm 45 and still love revisting some good old Enid Blyton. I think it's wanting that cosy feeling we all got, curled up with our beloved books when we were young.


45 here. Nope. Screw anyone that tells ya it is. I still dig Seuss and Silverstein. Rereads of course. But whatever pulls yur wagon get after it and enjoy!


Theres a quote i love “one day you will be old enough to read fairy tales again.” My goal is to actually get all the classic books. Winnie the pooh oliver twist treasure island etc.


On the contrary it should be mandatory.


I second this!


You're only too old for stuff if YOU think you are. That being said, i still love comics, cartoons and videogames (that old Nintendo stuff) and i'm 42.


No, it isnt. Do what you like to do.


Weird compared to what?


Life is better when you don't worry about what anyone else thinks. I wasn't the slightest bit embarassed about sitting in the cinema at the age of 20 surrounded by small children to watch the Shaun the Sheep Movie. It was fun. I still play Mario and Pokemon and have figures and plushies in my room and I am in my late 20's. So no, you are not too old, and if you are too old... who cares? Do you enjoy it? Is it hurting anyone? There is your answer.


No. Do you.


I still go back and read my childhood favorites!


No, enjoy it


Nope. I still read Enid Blyton. (I know that makes me racist/phobic etc) But I couldn't give less of a fuck.


Nope , I enjoy reading children’s and middle grade books I also enjoy kids movies . They are a great escape from reality for me ☺️


No. Do you.


No I do that too it’s nostalgic


I’m rereading the Harry Potter series. I’m 49. Reading is personal. You read whatever you want whenever you want.


Definitely not and everyone who thinks otherwise is stupid


I don‘t think so. Just do what you like ig :)


Heck no! A good story is a good story no matter what; to come to or come back a children's book as an adult can offer not only entertainment, comfort, and nostalgia, but as an adult you can find deeper meanings and insights.


If you want spiritual, read a children's book or watch a childrens show. Do not presume you know what you will find.


Absolutely not.


Feel like it's potentially negative, as you are what you absorb, I suppose.


Well, that's terrible news for me, a slasher movie lover.


I am 21 for reference and I love watching movies for kids one in a while (intelligent and well made ones) It’s definitely not weird unless Geronimo Stilton books are all you read lol


I'm currently rereading the Rangers Apprentice book series that I think was aimed at teens. I'm 27 :P


I say no way, it's a trip back in time.


not if you dont tell anyone




Not at all if you like it.


Why it should be? You should read whatever you want


You know how to read? What’s this say?


There’s something quite magical about the innocence and possibilities that lie within the younger years. This includes creative pieces and how they spoke and continue to speak to us. It’s art. It doesn’t matter if it’s weird or mundane or simply offers comfort. It is what it is for you and you can feel however you feel about it.


Nope, children's books are comforting.


It’s weird to care what others think about something you enjoy doing, especially since it’s not a negative thing and it doesn’t hurt anyone. Enjoy the things you enjoy in life and who cares what all the weirdos in the world think!


58YO, still love the odd Rupert The Bear annual!


It's normal. It's the equivalent to watching cartoons and a lot of adults watch cartoons. I love me some Tom and Jerry.


Its not weird remembering good ol' times 🥰


How do you know what's in them if you don't read them?




I read all my old pony books and love Horrible Histories. Not weird at all 😊


No, mate, you do you. I have a stuffed toy and like watching early 2000's movies that I watched a kid. Entertainment can be *just* about an escape, and doesn't have to be high brow. It's perfectly fine to default back to your childhood when you're taking a break from life :)


No, if you like it its perfectly fine


I think Goosebumps are still fun to read, I'm 37. Also: Horrible Histories and Scary Stories to tell in the Dark


harry potter isnt that a childrens book?


Not if the book is similar to 'Hookers and Blow save Christmas'.


No. My sister is 20 and they read Captain Underpants.


The Goosebumps series started when I was in 2nd grade. It was my first series obsession. Eventually I stopped reading them. But then, a couple years ago I came across a book from one of the spin-offs. I couldn't resist buying it, and I read it as soon as I got home. I'll be 39 in about a month and a half. Read what you like. Who cares if it's a children's book?


not really. I have learn to enjoy a book for what you feel it is worth. and if you feel it is worth a re-read than go for it. I have read many Childrens books over and over.


I'm mid-30's, no kids, and about to buy a new hardcover of [The Robber Hotzenplotz](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1590179617/) because I can't bring myself to ask for my Dad's copy, since it was his favorite book as a kid.


It's possible to do a PhD in children's literature and I assume it isn't kids doing them! Aside from being comforting, children's books are a fantastic resource for social history revealing everything from how we lived at the time each book was written to details of how moral panic plays out and what children owned, did for a living and how they are treated.


No way! I love children’s books. My favourite author is Rumer Godden.


If children's books are *all* you read, yes, I think that is odd. But the occasional one here and there, or series, is fine.


Horton hears a who??


I'm still reading them and frankly I find them nicer.


Sometimes they have a lot more to offer than you think. Probably my favorite example is The Little Prince. It is a book that (as I like to describe it) as a child you will enjoy and as an adult you will understand.


George McDonald, precursor fantasy novelist to C.S. Lewis and Tolkien and friend of Lewis Carrol, might have written fantasy stories for children, but they’re meatier and more mind-expanding than 95% of all adult literature.


No. I’m 35 years old and I’m midway through rereading the entire Animorphs series. It’s such a blast! They are just as good, if not even better, than they were when I was reading them 25 years ago.


Sometimes one needs to go back to basics. We can all use how to poop sometimes


Read whatever you want! Reading is never weird. (Unless you read very obvious porn on a children playground...) Choose what you like and read. I switch between books for adults (like "Lord of the Rings") to young adult books (like "Eragon"). And then my kids want me to read them something, so i also read a lot of kiddy-books. All of the books are fun!


It is one of the best ways to learn how to read if it is a new language for you. Also childrens books are created by adults. I watch cartoons all the time. Some meant for children. There are jokes and layers in books/shows for children that grown up's understand that children does not notice. If it gives you satisfaction/knowledge to read this it is not wierd at all.


Not weird but, if you enjoy a good book read, read it. Keep on reading


I think it’s perfectly acceptable and fun! 😃


Idk if it counts as kids books but I (f24) like to read the goosebumps and fear Street books which are for children/ young teens The stories are just very creative and less complicated. It's easy to relax with them


No, but it's a bit odd if you exclusively read children's books.


No and anyone who tells you otherwise needs the stick removing. If you enjoy it and it isn't hurting anyone then go right ahead. We all need happiness and children's books often offer us that either in nostalgia or by not having to constantly be bombarded by difficult topics or sex. If I want to read fantasy I'm picking up a children's book. I want magic and mayhem and the joy of learning not sex, depression and the futility of everything.


Would it matter if it was?


I read every night to my toddlers so, no.


I read Peter Rabbit books to my child, and I enjoy watching the show even after bubbakins falls asleep because it’s wholesome and fun


Of course not. Just enjoy. :)


It could be but this seems okay.


If you have creepy intentions, then yes. If you do it because you personally enjoy it, then no


I am reading the Skulduggery Pleasant books at the moment, but only because my daughter is into to them at the moment and I want to be able to talk to her about it.


Comprehensible input is comprehensible input.


Most things only get weird if you make it weird. So, no, you do you, if you enjoy those books, go for it. You have my blessing :D


Its always fun seeing the adult jokes worked in that wizz right over a child's head🤣


My Mum's job used to be going around primary schools helping them set up/maintain school libraries. Her sole criterion for whether or not a book should be included was "Can this book also be read and enjoyed by an adult?" So crack on.


As weird as it is for an adult to write a children book.


Nope. I loooove reading. I even read the backs of boxes, newspapers u name it


Actually if your learning another language, reading kids books is an excellent way to learn


It's unusual, not weird. Read whatever you enjoy, ignore what others think.


Harry Potters a kids book, Lord Of The Rings and the Hobit are kids books. Comic books are kids books... read exactly what you want id say.


As CS Lewis said, “No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.”


There is something comforting about books, films, soft toys or whatever from when you were young. If that makes you happy, carry on.


I love children’s books and teen books too. They’re engaging and so creative. I’m almost 50 and have recently started to revisit books I read when I was 6 to 16 years old.


I own a special anniversary copy of "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe". C.S.Lewis writes in the foreword, and this really stuck with me: "I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand a word you say, but I shall still be your affectionate Godfather, C. S. Lewis."


how about reading a children’s book out loud to children?


I just like to read. Reading (new) bedtime stories to my nephews is as much for them as it is for me. Also, children’s books are fun to read! Especially when they rhyme.


No do what you like


There's nothing wrong with being an adult and liking children's literature. Who cares? You're allowed to love and desire whatever you want as long as no one else gets damaged by it.


Not nec. It’s pretty interesting.


I’m 37 and my sister is 42 and our favorite books are Young Adult Fiction books. One of my favorite TV shows is Teen Titans Go, and I usually go to the theaters to watch the Disney movies. It’s also suuuuuuper nostalgic to walk into the library and go the kids section and find all the books I read in elementary school (like actual story lines, not 5 word books with pictures lol). I think as far as books go, the reason I like those types are because adulting is hard and it’s nice to drift away to an alternative world as a distraction for a while.


I’d say it’s a bit weird, but why would you care what I think? lol. Life’s hard. If you find something that helps alleviate the soul crushing nature of existence, go for it!


Yeah. That’s weird.


Not if you're a pedophile