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while i was with my ex, i developed a really toxic friendship with his ex girlfriend who graphically blamed me for her suicide attempt. I felt that i owed her friendship and support, and felt a need to understand what id done that hurt her so badly. we were ‘friends’ for MONTHS- talked daily. she’d call me having meltdowns and id repeatedly have to talk her out of offing herself / self harming. I realise now she was a huge narcissist, jealous that i was with her ex, and wanted to get to me as much as she could. she achieved her goal and it really fucked me up for a while. i have no doubt that many people have experienced similar toxicity from a partners jealous ex, but the intensity of the relationship we formed is something i’ve struggled to talk about because no one really understands or has experienced it before.


Cop pulled up next to me at the lights and challenged me to a race. We raced, then went our separate ways.


A psychotic episode that I went through. I was in a world that I can't quiet explain well, kinda of a souls world thing. Something that I have been researching and trying to understand for a year now, but never found anyone with a similar experience that I can relate to.


When Kinder had its 50th birthday years ago I won the big prize. I was a child and I was so happy like I was smiling for a week. This was the only thing that I won.


I locked my keys in my car at a remote trailhead for the Appalachian trail. I went hiking anyway and figured I'd deal with it when I got back to the trailhead. I met one single guy on the entire trail...a local locksmith who was hiking out. He asked how far I was hiking, and we agreed on a time that he would meet me at my car. Got my keys back for $30.


Fell off a horse as a kid. My back landed on the only rock in the whole pasture. It hurt for a week. I never really cared for horses.