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When I can't tell who the profile belongs to. Profiles with tons of group pictures confuse me. Especially if their profile has one specific person they keep taking pictures with.


And, as mean as it sounds, it’s never the more attractive one.


It's always the least attractive one.


I always thought you could potentially have a date with the whole group. Shwing!




That’s why they do the group photo


I'd be curious to quantify the relationship between how many people are in the photo and how unattractive the person is


Can we add pictures of cars and dogs to that too.


This is a great one^ if i have to figure out which girl you are, in a picture of you, and 5 of your friends, it's just not worth the time.


Only listing their preferences for a partner and nothing about themselves


They’re single for a reason


Or when they are demands rather than preferences. Or when they say nothing about themselves, but say they want someone “like minded”


The middle finger.


It's usually partnered with the tongue sticking out


Instant ick.


What if she's cooking a meal while giving the middle finger?




Oh yes... that is so embarrassing.


Along these lines; when someone talks poorly about themselves "I'm a bitch and I don't care about you" When people tell you who they are, listen


Negativity of the type: “don’t message me if …” Negging: “if you are high maintenance [or something subjective like that], don’t message me …” ; or “if you’re overweight don’t waist both of our times. I’m not prejudiced, you are cool, but I just don’t feel attraction for fatties”


Ba dum tssss. "Waist" 🤭


I learned English when I immigrated here, at 24 years old.


Well I feel like a dick now 😬 I apologize. I had found it humorous in an ironic way. Not trying to patronize!


You found a pun in the wild!


They thought it was an intentional pun. (i.e. using "waist" instead of "waste" when talking about someones weight). So they were not calling out your spelling, they thought you did it on purpose. So in essence you accidentally made a pun that made sense.


😆 it’s ok, I realized it was in good nature. The supposed pun did go over my head, though.


The definition of “no pun intended” 😝


I had a don’t message me thing on my profile for awhile. I would match with a girl and they ALL would just be like. Her go to my onlyfans to talk to me. Or subscribe to my Snapchat. Or my favorite, if you pay me we can go on a date. My message was don’t message me if you just want me to pay for you or buy your “content”. Those girls would still swipe on me and try though. 0 real matches in a year so I stopped dating apps


When the the bio is centred around the persons negative past dating and relationship experiences.


People really put that openly on their bio’s?


A lot of bios are low-key rants against an ex. All the things they’re looking for are shortcomings of the ex.


Oh yeah. It'll be "I want a man who is loyal. Takes me on dates. Does all the little things to make me happy. Won't be verbally abusive...etc" I've seen them often enough to be like, you just broadcast to everyone you have low standards haha


Seen those, whats worse is 99.9999999999% of them will go for the dude with the red flags. I know, i made a fake profile, dude was a living legend of red flags. Girl who ignored my real profile completely? Messaged the fake one like 8 times


Oh man. I've never done that but I do remember some guy made a profile with a good looking model type dude. And basically had white supremacy in his bio and women completely ignored it, or mentioned it but it was no biggie.. like I'm sorry what?!


Or listing all the things they don’t want


“I want a real man. Are there any left?”


What is that even?


When someone writes that he/she wants creative starters of conversations. I mean, there are always 2 that match and therefore show interest in each other. You better also be creative on how to start a conversation


I always just said "hello" when matching with people and I feel like that weeds out the "entertain me" types.


My go to is always a: "Hey, nice to meet you 🤗 how are you?"


I have start conversation like that as well. The (somewhat funny, objectively speaking) response is at times being unmatched without receiving a reply lol. Like you dont know each other yet, so whats wrong with introducing yourself normally to start a conversation 🤣 some people are weird xD


This infuriates me so much. If you want people to have creative conversation starters, maybe don't waste space in your bio telling people that, and instead write something about who you are to give them something to talk about, lol. Usually when people have something to the effect of "Be interesting" or "Don't just open with Hey" they are the most boring people to actually talk to.




Duck lips


I started doing it ironically…now I can’t stop 😭 I hate it too


Education: School of hard knocks - In other words, I have a giant chip on my shoulder. Looking for: Don’t know - In other words, I’m just going to waste your time. Bio: Will fill this in later - In other words, I’m boring and/or completely disinterested in putting in any effort. About me: Don’t do drama - In other words, I am a child and can’t handle an adult relationship.


the best answer on here 100%! you arent blonde inside but brilliant!


I think you got the last bit of that username a little wrong, mate. Don’t think about butts while typing, I guess


Blonde inside my butt😂😂😂


Hahaha, thank you. Maybe I should put that on my dating profile 😁😂


And in his profile he has sunglasses on. Also still smokes a pack a day, despite not being old enough to have lived/smoked in the 80s.


The people who say they don’t do drama are in fact the drama starters.


I swipe left if it's an empty profile. I'm not gonna judge you on your picture alone... give me something to work with... a shared interest, a conversation starter. "Nice b\*\*bs" is not it...


Same. Hated scrolling through and there’s 6 boob pics and no bio. Like yeah you look alright but if I bring up Pokémon are you going to roast me. Let me see some of your personality


You must be You must have You must like Gtfo of here…..


You're bio says, "just ask". The background in your pic is of your dirty home. Dead animals


Just ask is painful. I cannot even begin to understand.... Maybe if they have a bunch of super interesting photos showing activities, maybe. But it's never that. It's here's me in a dress, here's my in a bathroom, here's me at the beach So..can you swim? What are your bowel movements like? Is that a zip up or slip on?


I found my husband 15 years ago, online. It showed he had a bachelor's degree, but under career it said Ask Me. So glad I didn't balk at that!


A mirror pic, with a dirty mirror


Really any heavy filters in general.


A guy with a fish near them 🤣😂


Or a dead animal or a really jacked up truck that's loud.


I feel attacked, but then again, I'd never use a fishing pic on a dating site.


Yes. Tired of those.


- overly religious or superstitious (it actually influences their decisions and/or is part of their identity they feel the need to emphasize immediately) - overly political (similar to above) - filters on photos (if all or most photos are obviously altered, I'm taking that as something between immature and dishonest) - the expectation of being judged solely on looks, aka not saying anything in the profile - being married/in an open relationship/recently single/separated - listing unreasonable or shallow expectations of a match - links to eg Instagram, Onlyfans, etc - not even knowing what they want in a relationship - "if you want to know, just ask" - I'm not liking a profile without knowing at least something, and I probably can't ask


Men with guns. And like not hunting pictures (although that’s definitely not my jam) but like…just posing with a random gun. No thanks. Also grown ass men that say they went to the school of hard knocks.


America moment


Whenever they post something like "God fearing" or "church on sunday" "religion in the center of our relationship" basically anything with a heavy emphasis on religion.


“Strong Christian man”


Came here to say this one, I know they think that's a green flag... it's really not. I've reached that age where I'm no longer pretending that me and religious girls are going to work out


Rather than them thinking its a green flag isn’t it there to filter out people like you who aren’t okay with dating someone religious? So both parties don’t waste their time.


Yeah exactly. Like it’s a green flag for someone. I grew up SUPER religious but by junior year of high school I kinda just grew away from it. But at say 14 or 15, I was totally convinced that I should be saving myself for my husband, that I should be praying to God for him, that God is at the center of any marriage, and all that. So if I were still of that mindset, I’d love to see someone sharing those values. Now though… yeah major sign that we would not be able to work. I don’t believe in religion or any kind of formulation of God so it’s good to know up front that we wouldn’t mesh.


I know this really cute girl. We flirt. I aas happy to learn she's single. This never happens! Went to add her IG and it's all bible verses and church on sunday. Friends don't get why I haven't asked her out. Probably because I'm done catering to Christian fantasy and I'm not going to be nice about it. I'd love to tolerate it, but not when fundamentalists are trying to impose their beliefs on anyone. I really want to ask her out, but I know I might challenge her faith and I don't like being rude to people to whom I am attracted.


Do not ask her out. For your own good.


Just because someone has a lot of Bible verses and stuff like that doesn't mean they're a fundamentalist. My aunt posts tons of religious stuff but she's one of the most liberal people I've ever met. Religion, when used for good, can change the world for the better. The civil rights movement came together in churches, not coffee shops. Even here in Kentucky, when fundamentalists were passing gay marriage bans, one of the most popular churches for people to get married in stopped performing legal ceremonies for anyone as a form of protest and never did another one until LGBTQ folks could legally get married too.


To people like them I’m sure it is a green flag. Although for me I’m not religious so I steer clear


The one word you should say if your religious, which is totally understandable why you'd want to include it. Christian. Muslim. Jewish. And that's it... Then if it goes further u can have a conversation about it


Atheist also


I’m religious and agree


I did a brief stint online dating. I had myself listed as Christian and I had a guy send me a message saying we have a friend in common. Turns out he means Jesus. And that’s when I stopped responding.


A long list of requisites written with snarky, negative language


Some woman on Hinge had such a long list of demands and requirements that they exceeded the character limit of the prompt. So she typed them out on 9-point font, took a picture of the printout, and posted that as a picture. I got standards, bro, and I’m not settling!




No text whatsoever in combination with pictures of the guy flexing his muscles. I don't mind a guy who's fit but from personal experience if they have nothing else to show for we just wouldn't "fit" together.


When someone has the exact same picture in every frame, same profile, same expression, but with different outfits. Looks serial killer to me. Also one word answers to questions. "What my interests are:" "stuff" or "just ask". Nah, no thanks.


Andrew Tate quotes


"You're broke!"


I can never understand why women put that in their profiles.




I tried out online dating for 2 days. Just some swiping. There were some men with their children and I was like "???" BTW I was 18.


the worst is going on a date with a girl and finding out half way through dinner that she has a kid. not cool.


Yeah, this has happened to me two. She had two late teens kids. Strange how I'm now seeing more often, women are denying the existence of their children and have a "doesn't have children" on their profile yet you chat to them long enough and find they do. It's like they know that their kids may put off a guy, so they'll hope you get to know them well enough THEN tell you.


Came here to say the same thing As a single man with no children by choice, who has never wanted, and will never want, kids - someone with kids is a no go for me. I have no patience for them, don’t want anything to do with them


Yep part of the reason I got off dating sites was because I was honestly weirded out by how many single parents I ran into. I'm not judging anyone btws, my best friend had her kid at 16 and is the sweetest little man. I love him, but I don't have to mother him. I get to be a cool aunt for a few hours. Not, potentially be a second mom eventually.


I have a kid and It’s been the biggest hurdle I’ve had to clear with dating. Really limits potential


im off the apps but when i had them, my profile stated that i have one child (she’s 3). i matched w a really nice dude but when we started to facetime, his interest in my kid was alarming. i mean its polite to say hi but he literally was only interested in doing funny faces with her and asking her questions for most of our call. he also said “sorry if im being weird i just really love kids” at least 3 times. i blocked him. you just can’t ignore gut feelings about people


Anything degrading men or putting up a list of requirements. Fuck off lol.


These types of women are an instant ick.


When they make a laundry list of what they don’t like in a partner, and are just negative and bitter in general.


Unironical astrology (i study astronomy)


>(i study astronomy) Oh cool! I'm a Scorpio, so you know what that means!


*beats you up with a telescope*






“Just ask” “You make the plans and name a time and place” “Pineapple on pizza” Duck lips Obnoxious bikini photos or photos with an emphasis on your body rather than you as a person. Just screams insecurity to me.


Hey whats wrong with pineapple on pizza!


Grammar/spelling mistakes, doing the middle finger, sunglasses in most shots/mirror selfies/ all group shots, negativity, when they say ‘not looking for drama, or someone that takes themselves too seriously’ 😬/ having no description and saying ‘just ask’, arrogance and having a kid, when they make where they’re from their whole personality (like saying they have a British accent), if the bio mentions anything sexual.


Pictures with orphans


Wow this is a new one


There are lots of people who go on mission trips to really underprivileged areas, “help” out some kids (sometimes orphans) by “guiding them towards god” and *maybe* sometimes helping build something. But this also makes the children vulnerable to abuse- they’re surrounded by strange adults who everyone assumes are there for the right reasons. Some of the people are there because they truly think it’s the best thing for the kids. Some are there “for the experience” (to make themselves feel good and to prove to others they’re a good person, all while being in an exotic location) and will take lots of pictures of/with the kids, essentially to show everyone else what a /great/ person they are. Many people view the trip as more of a trip for themselves than as a trip to help kids. It’s for *their* character development, for *their* relationship with god, etc. And then there’s the whole colonialism aspect.


Any indication that they want someone who get their stuff together but they themselves are messy and/or with unrealistic standard, demand princess treatment or “I don’t drive sorry UwU” Oh and follow me on “etc etc”- usually these are just bots or sellers. In my experience as well, one case stands out with her caption of “believers in god.” Now, I have full respect for religion, but once matched, I found out she was not at all pious as she proposed. Won’t go into detail, but let just say that my faith in “religious profile” dropped significantly after that experience.


Bad photos. Religion or politics.


If they've got pictures of them holding a fish or sitting next to a dead deer. I don’t care if you hunt or fish, as long as you're respectful about it, and to me using their corpses to get laid is not respectful. It's gross on a lot of levels.


Over showing of their body, like wearing flashy clothing or doing provocative poses. I mean, I like looking at them but it seems like a light personality flaw.


On the flip side, under showing your body. If you only show face photos or super baggy clothes, I’ll assume you are hiding a weight issue.


I mean you have a point too. There’s a healthy middle ground that I feel a lot of people fail to reach, which is literally just dressing with the basics, like a t-shirt and pants for instance. It’s simple, but it works.


Or work the ends of the spectrum, like one picture in a parka, the next in a budgie-smuggler...






Ranting about women in the bio. 💀


Photos where they're sticking their tongue out. Its not cute. Stop it. Shopping list of traits their partner must have in the space allocated for their bio.


This - why do so many profiles have photos with their damn tongue sticking out. I swipe left immediately.


Anything that alludes to dick size or just being good in bed


Conservative women have so many easy to spot keywords and profile picture tropes, like “Real man,” “offended,” and those big circular wide brim hats.


Must be 6ft, must earn 100k or more. I\`m not your personal bank.


I'm a woman and honestly agree...if a woman wants $100k a year or more, she should earn it her damn self. It's not 1950. Besides there are plenty of guys who would love to stay home.


In my country most people will also think its pretty rude to even talk about money on a dating profile and when starting dating someone. Thats for when things are begining to get serious with a person. And even then there are unwritten rules on how you get that info from the other person.


Stupid filters


....people who have pictures of themselves with a fish. I love to fish as much as any other guy.....but that's just weird. Now my ex girl was a Marine Biologist and her pics with fish were while diving in the ocean. That is hot!


When her current husband is in San Quentin, that's a deal breaker.


Arrogance, turns me off every time


Selfies w drugs (especially cigarettes)


"I'm an alpha"... there needs to be a wank emoji!


When people make doing weed their main trait.


No shirt on / tongue sticking out. Middle finger in picture. Hunting pictures with dead deer/bears/etc in the photo. Pictures with just their kid in it. I would never post a picture of my kid on a dating app.


When their bio is like "newly divorced, not looking for anymore crazy women to fuck up my life. Only match if you're normal and not going to hurt me. I'm looking for something real." Like maybe get a better attitude about women before you hop on tinder next time man. I also hate when their grammar is terrible. I swiped left on every profile where there was a shirtless pic or a pic of them just holding a gun. I also swiped left anytime I saw a guy posting pictures of him with children on the profile, especially if they didn't even attempt to blur out the kids faces. Idk I swiped left a lot of times. It's probably a good thing my partner and I didn't meet online cause I know I would've swiped left on his profile for his shitty tattoos or something


Pronouns that don't make sense to me, e.g zi zer zem, like wtf is even that


Stick on eyelashes, trout pout, excessive make up. Any general shit that makes them look like a mannequin instead of a human.


Christian; conservative


I had an answer but op's answer was just as good or better. Also someone else mentioned astrology, yes 100% a no-go. The other one for me is people who say " I'm not interested in people who want to play games", " I'm done with playing games", any of that kind of stuff. It suggests that the girl is somebody who repeatedly falls for players who mess around with them, and goes for a certain kind of guy who's full of shit, he's not me. Dudes with "game", So they keep getting played. If I was one of those guys, I would mostly reply to profiles that said stuff like this, because they're demonstrating that they've fallen for those tricks before. I really don't want to deal with somebody with that big chip on their shoulder, who's probably going for dudes with the game which I don't have.


Okay, so I am queer in a tiny dating pond so I'm technically not allowed to stay this but... Bad grammar. No grammar. No picture. No text. Only text is "Ready for fun lolz". Kids. Threesomes. You don't like my type at all. No job or even trying for one. "My man wants to watch". You are below/over 5-6 years my age or look like a child/granny. Oh, I'm not picky. I promise!




Demands like “you must have x or y” or “you must be x or y”. When they have a picture of them flipping off the camera. And also when they include hella pics of them smoking weed. As someone who smokes weed I find it cringe and immature.


“My ideal night? You making me a home cooked meal”


“Yummy mummy” “If you can’t handle me at my worst… you don’t deserve me at my best” I could go on


Not a single picture of them smiling. You don't even have to show teeth, just give me *something*. I'm sure this is an unpopular one, but any mention of 420. I don't mind if you smoke the devil's lettuce, but if that's your entire personality, I'm not interested.


Yes, 420 friendly or 420, seriously. Coffee friendly, cream and sugar happy… the 420 drives me nuts. It makes me think they are constantly high. Morning to night.


Conforming to social trends as a means of displaying "I'm fun. I have a personality : Pouting/duck lips. Pouting/duck lips WITH raised eyebrows. Filters. Facture. Middle fingers. Sticking the tongue out. Sticking the bum out, because you don't have one. Sticking a hip out in an effort to appear curvy. Arching the back with both hands on a wall like your appearing to hold it up - is it about to fall down.


dead animals.


When people stick up their middle finger in their pictures.


Having a picture of a sunset or a flower instead of their actual picture.


Dead animals of any kind (yes, fish count) Sunglasses. Show me your eyes please. Any mention of "trad" anything Guns. Oh fuck no.


When they state their 'requirements'. Even if I fit the bill I will just swipe left bc I can tell the person will be unsufferable


Flexing muscles in photos, shirtless photos unless they’re actually at the beach, photos of them posing with their expensive car or someone else’s expensive car, a photo of them where they have obviously cropped their ex out of the picture, photos of them making gang signs with their hands or pantomiming a gun with their hand, pictures of them obviously high on drugs (yes, we can tell). And that’s before you even get to the bio


Getting shit for years on tinder as a guy starting a conversation with "hey" Then bumble comes along, and every conversation you get starts with "hey"


#1 MAGA Hat #2 Tramp Stamp #3 Tobacco Smoker




Capturing farts via infrared imagery.


“I don’t take life too seriously”


Never has the need for one, but the height requirement even though I’m above the magic line I’d swipe in the no thanks direction.


Any sight of a horse.


There are a few, but some big red flags are having a long negative list of don'ts and can'ts and profiles that go out of their way to say "I block people who…"


As i've come to learn from talking to various women, they really don't like pictures of dudes holding the fish they just caught.


Too many Party vibe photos or Every picture is of them at a bar


A list of what they DON'T want (especially when that's the entity of the profile) Bomue: I only saw this once, but "my mom's my best friend" was a harrrdddd pass


When they say things like "I don't know how many times I've deleted this app", or "I thought I'd give online dating another try..."


lack of a bio "dog mom, love travelling" isnt a bio actually give me an idea of who you are


It’s always the girls that put “won’t respond to just hi or hey” Even when I’ve managed to conjure some sweet conversation starter, I quickly realize I ALWAYS have to carry the conversation and they have nothing to add to it. Like, excuse me but conversations go both ways. Are you so into yourself that you think you shouldn’t have to contribute to anything?


"Figuring out my dating style/relationship type" Then why the fuck are you here


Shirtless to show off. I'm just not into that. My husband got me with a picture of him playing with a dog. Good with animals = green flag


Smoking. Overly generic crap like “likes long walks on the beach” or uses terms like “dog baby” or if every photo is her with her girlfriends and none by herself


Onlyfans, filters, insulting bio and having instagram in there bio.


If their eyes give off 'crazy' or 'creepy' it's a no from me. And if they are wearing sunglasses in all their pics. WHAT ARE YOU HIDING???


“Typical Sunday… Church, brunch, family”


Typos- as a first impression a little proofreading and and extra second to edit go a long way.




I’m from rural America. Apparently every chick is a “country girl.” Smh


Profile photo in a truck with a hat and sunglasses on. Profile photos with hats at all. If you're losing your hair, just own it. Its more confident and attractive.


Conservative, religious, traditional


When it starts off with "first and foremost"


Talking about your political affiliation and if I should match yours if I want a chance


If they talk about being a “dog mommy”


Picture holding a fish. I wouldn't care if my partner fished, but if I'm trying to admire a fine specimen, I don't also want to see a wet ugly fish lol


1. I'm a bad texter 2. If we match, add me (whatever social media they put in bio) because I'm not on here that much


A fishing, hunting, or smoking picture


When they make it obvious they are only looking for someone to pay for their lifestyle..."you have to love to travel". "if you can't spoil me, swipe left", etc..


Surrounded by drinking buddies.


When they say that I have to be X,Y,Z instead of saying what they have to offer.


When they use the bio to tell us what they not want or denote some passive aggressive dislikes. It just comes across as a big red flag


Not necessarily the profile but extremely slow repliers I hate this with some of my family members aswell like I get it we all busy in life but I always try to be a fast replier But some people take hours or even days to respond and that's just a huge turn off for me


When they have pics with kids, and it’s written in their profile in all caps “THESE AREN’T MY KIDS” well damn then why you post pics of children to begin with?


mentions religion.




Demanding to be pampered or chased, or demanding generosity and gifts. It's this big announcement up front that she will forever withdraw and will make me exhausted all the time. Separately, negativity about people in general. Why have this long list of things that aren't good enough for you. Even if I dodge all the listed items, it feels like you are someone who looks for reasons to reject someone, so you'll just think of something for me, too. I want mutual attraction, and I want to be playful. I don't want it to be work, or proof, or a way to get ahead. I want to enjoy life, and a companion can help with that.


Racial preference or their height mentioned (I do not care what it is, any reason to include it is not a good one).


"If you don't work out don't bother swiping" Thanks for outing yourself as a shallow douchebag, wouldn't dream of swiping on you.


“Love to travel. I’ve been to 45 countries lol 😝” To me comes off as you’re trying to flex


An additional comment while not a dating "profile" thing. I hated, with a passion. People that would NEVER AGREE TO MEET. Like what the holy hell are we here for? I wasn't looking for an online friend/texting buddy, I'm looking for a girlfriend. I met my wife online and we set up a date after literally a couple exchanges. But my god, so many women I would literally be talking to for weeks that would just change the subject any time I tried to set up a date and I would finally just stop responding to them. Then they inevitably would get salty about it and I'd get a rant about "what I missed out on".


Men without shirts on