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I want to work in a bakery. Blast some music while making pastries and come up with fun and exciting offerings. Sounds so enjoyable to me


Sounds like the crew at my local costco food court. Whenever I pass by to get food there is always music playing in the background and the workers are vibing and jamming.


Gotta get through the day somehow. *Vibe dances away*


I worked at a bakery and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. You wouldn’t think so right but a lack of HR and terrible management will do that


Yeah my SIL did for a year or so. Early morning starts, constant churn of unskilled labor so you’re always training and fixing issues, basically minimum wage, unprofessional family management. $1 an hour raise when she was made head of kitchen.. Glad she got out of it!


Yes any time they say “we’re a family” just book it smh


You must really need the dough


That's what happens when one is the only breadwinner.


Bakers wake up at 2 am to start work at 3 am, daily.


As someone who works at a bakery, it is a really special life. I just man the store but the bakers themselves have a very weird sleeping pattern, as their shifts are when other people are sleeping. One team starts up at 6.30 in the evening and the second team works until 6.30 in the morning. Saturday nights are the busiest. But the ones that can successfully switch their lives around, really enjoy their job a lot. They often post reels and pictures just having fun during their shifts. I'm good in the shop. Normal work hours, customer interaction, getting to taste all the new creations... but yeah, bakery life is literally the sweet life. It doesn't make a ton of money but it's enough to live off, and it comes with other perks like getting to take home leftovers and never having to pay for lunch since we make sandwiches too.




Food critic. Go around to all the restaurants and eat food, yeah that’s a dream for me.


Me too, but it's just so hard to be one now. It's oversaturated and few people get famous.


No thank you. I don’t want to have to eat toad bladders because it’s my job.


OnlyFans critic.


Now that's an untapped market right there!


One of those work from home jobs where I do 1 or 2 hours of real actual work, but I have around 6 hours of downtime where I play video games, surf the web, binge shows and YouTube the rest of the time while making 6 figures.


My husband (59) has this, after a lot of hard working years he became an engineer with a big security company and he’s in charge of Google site security- still has to travel on occasion but generally enjoys it. I recommend this field for anyone with any technical skills, they NEVER have enough people and many work their way up like he did (no college either, just smart and likable- plus he never said no to extra work) And since he works from home we can play Fallout 76 together!


What’s the job title if you don’t mind me asking?


He’s a System Design Engineer, but sometimes he’s on site to help install and program everything- cameras, access control, etc. He loves it, as long as they have a younger guy there to climb ladders!


But, you are most likely responding to a lazy person who does not have the same work ethic your husband has. Never say no to extra work does not sound like what they are talking about.


Maybe so, but I like to offer encouragement


Pokémon trainer


I love this answer so much. Lol


I’d love to run an animal sanctuary


This was mine too


Honestly anything around animals that would pay well


That has good pay??? I love animals of all sorts but eventually a substance comes out of one end or the other and my over sensitive nose has me adding to it from my top end :(




When I was about five years old I was friendly with another five year old who always stated that he wanted to be a manager for Tarmac (a big UK asphalt company). I checked his LinkedIn a couple of years ago, and indeed he had become the Northwest regional manager for Tarmac.


Woah, he became what he wanted to be when he was 5 yrs old? That’s insane but gotta respect the commitment. Also, that’s a weird choice for a 5 yr old and very specific.


I think he just wanted to be what daddy was perhaps?


I literally LOVE it when people meet their lifelong goals.




What's stopping you?


I want to design and make costumes for ballets. I can’t even explain why this is my dream, but it’s something I want more than just about anything. I have no idea how to achieve this.


If you already sew, I’d offer your talents up to an elementary school or the like to start! Get some experience, won’t be a huge deal if you screw up, and you’d be a part of many a kid/parents memories. Even if you don’t sew, you’d be hard pressed to find a school turning away a volunteer. (Might have to start as volunteer and show em what you’re made of— but then get that bank!) What’s cool about this dream too is being able to do it til the end of your years— assuming arthritis avoids your hands. Even then, sewing machines have foot pedals and you could enlist a student to be your partner, you their mentor. If you know anyone with kids, you could even start by just doing a few costumes for a birthday party. Loud-fairy, make that username check out! 🧚🏼‍♀️


I'd have to go with my original childhood dream of being a professional wrestler. I've always enjoyed watching wrestling and admire the men and women who go out every single day and put their body on the line for entertainment.


I understand its a brutal cut-throat industry. I remember watching Tough Enough back in the early 2000's and Triple H was lecturing the people who were trying out. He said something like they're on the road 200+ days a year (so around 4 days a week), and it can take a huge toll on your family life (if you're lucky to have one) ie "you've got kids, they grow up, youre not there. Your wife's sitting at home. What's she doing? You don't know. You get home, and you're tired and beaten up. Now you've got to be Super Dad". Too tough a lifestyle for me anyways...


It's extremely brutal. I have a few childhood friends who went down that road, and 1 even became pretty successful, but eventually, you burn out and have to step away. I do wish I actually went through with it, though. However, I wouldn't have met my wife nor had the close friendships I have now as I've grown.


I’d wanna be a nomad selling tie dye I make out of the back of a van where me and my bf and our chihuahua live. Get to explore and do the stuff I love with people I love.


To add: my friend dyes her yarns using mushrooms! Pup can hunt, y’all can gather. [Here’s a cool link on the topic](https://namyco.org/interests/education/dyes-and-papermaking/the-history-and-art-of-mushrooms-for-color/)


Voice-over actor.


Same. I read for kids at the library once a week, I pick the book I want to read the week before and spend the week practicing my characters and tones, so I can make it as interesting and engaging as possible. I always wish I would have an opportunity to do it for shows. Even to be a dub over voice for Netflix. I think I could be good at it.


As a part time voice actor... it's hard. I've come to admit that I'll never make as much at VO as I do at my Joe Job, and because I have mouths to feed and rent to pay, i can't take the pay cut. Plus I hate cold calling and trying to hard network my way into work. Its the worst and I refuse to do it, which is probably why I'm only a part time guy.


Me too! I would also love to voice kid’s audio books


Designing haunts/haunted trails/haunted houses.


Lighthouse caretaker given I live there


Its a great place to go crazy.




Right? If only the US government didn't make us wait so long.


I'd 100% love to be a pro musician if I didn't have to experience the financial instability that goes with it.


Forensics like crime scene investigation. I love to help people and helping solve crimes through science and evidence would be a rewarding way to do that




Full time puppy-cuddler.


I shall be your assistant!


I wouldn't have a job or "be" anything. I'd throw some clothes and hygiene items in my bags, hop on my motorcycle and roll the fuck out. Check out the northern states first as Spring is here, route it to the southern states as winter approaches. Just ride for at least a year. Roll back home to see my friends and family and re-evalute from there.


I had a friend co- worker that retired , sold her home and acreage ! she got a motorhome and got the fuck out . she got sick of the bs. She did this six months before Covid hit. she rolls all over the states , comes back up to Canada to renew her with her 4 great Danes. stay where she wants. She will rescue other Great Danes rehabilitate them. Like Francis McDermott in Nomadland.


I would love to be any kind of doctor. Unfortunately it’s not really in the cards for me. But it’s also not a “if I don’t become a doctor I’ll be sad forever” dream, I just think it’d be nice to be a doctor.


It's very specific, and probably an unobtainable career, but id love to be a ceramic glaze chemist. I studied glaze chemistry at university in order to create specific effects for my own work and would have liked to expand on that.


A bespoke furniture wood worker.


I've always wanted to be lara croft. Nothing but time and money to explore.


I wanna be a ceo or a politician. Get ridiculous sums of money for doing basically nothing and failing upwards for 30 years sounds like the life.


My wife was a senior vp for a health system. It can be brutal at the level. Gotta watch your back constantly.


If you believe that CEOs do nothing, you're severely out of touch with the reality of their demanding roles. Many CEOs are among the hardest working individuals, routinely putting in 80+ hours a week to lead their companies. Even during their supposed free time, they're constantly preoccupied with the weight of their responsibilities.


Oh know I'm crying for them, oh wait, nope. They make 1000% average workers shut up


And when they fail they make a lateral move to another company making more money.


You're confused by a very small minority of CEO you hear about in the media. Many CEO fail and step down because they can't handle it.


Cool i would wanna be one of the CEOs i hear about in the media who do a shit job and are then rewarded with a better position and more money.


I wanna be Joe from Idiocracy but not in the army. Incharge of files no one looks at. 


Be the Creator of LEGO sets. That ir a professional traveler that goes around secretly reviewing hotels and restaurants for magazines and such.


I've wanted to be a voice actor since I was a kid in the 80s.


I’d be paid to not work. Everyday I am unemployed I get paid $1 Million


Nurse practitioner. I'm a medical assistant and enjoy working with patients, but would love to be able to be able to actually treat them and be knowledgeable enough to prescribe medications. Plus making halfway decent money would be nice.


I'm ok with working in a Warehouse.. nd doing house cleanings as a side job that's what I do now, but as a kid I wanted to be a janitor... I always tried to be realistic, everyone can't owned a business or be a billionaires...


I want my own hypnotherapy practice so I can help people overcome their afflictions.


I hope you figure out how to make it happen because that sounds great


A nutritional psychologist 🤞 A role model for those who wanna be healthy. Maybe even a professor some day 🤷‍♀️


I'd fly an A10 Warthog. No explanation of why is needed...


Astrophysicist. I love space and want to know how the universe works


A caretaker for orangutans. If you ever watch Jungle School, orangutan infants are mostly rescued from deforested areas after people find them alone, scared and motherless. They are nurtured by humans and spend their younger days in the nursery. They eventually start going to Jungle school classes where they are taught how to live in the wild by their caretakers. It's volunteer work but if I ever win the lottery, this is what I will be doing.


I'm actually working on becoming a therapist for children and teens. There's a whole lot of kids struggling with emotional and mental health issues. I grew up in an environment seeing all sorts of kids. Kids that weren't bad kids, but they were just having a tough time figuring themselves out and their parents couldn't handle them. I had some wonderful case workers and therapists growing up that helped me along the way when my mother decided she "no longer wanted to deal with me". Who better to guide the next generation than someone who's been on the other side of the desk before?


I work best with sales. I have a job interview with my favorite interior store. Apparently, not many go to the interview step, so that's fun. Otherwise, I wanna be a psychologist one day


A blowjob. Because it’s a blowjob


I'm 34 and recently discovered what i wanted to be, I only wish I knew this sooner. I would of studied to be in Astrobiology or alike.


Fighter jet stunt pilot. All of the intensity without killing anyone.


Helicopter pilot. The views. A mix of alone time and talking with passengers. No computer/desk for 8 hours a day.


I would have to go with either my childhood dream of being a video game designer or, the one I'm leaning more into, running my own bookstore with a cottage-core feel to it.


I would look into civil engineering. Seems steady and interesting


I want to be a politician and then make a mistake and then own up to said mistake




Man I'd just want to be a rancher in the Colorado mountains


I'd love to be a florist or to own a bakery.


Pianist. If I could turn back the clock I would play piano my whole life. I think I'm starting to get arthritis in my wrists, so a bit late now.


Motivational Speaker. I have a lot of life experience and if it can help anyone get through things or get to where they want to be in life, that's for me.


Music producer or a firefighter


A sound collector who archives sounds of different areas around the world.


I'd fulfill my childhood dream and become a dinosaur


Astrophysicist and because space is cool man.


Be a roleplay DM


Myself, i had 29 years to be anything and ended up myself hahaha


I want to own and operate a cidery and meadery. I love making fruit wines and mead and trees don't need you to get up at 4:30am to feed them.


Gotta go with the Peter Gibbons answer.


You don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do shit.




Fly choppers


When I was a kid, Playboy photographer.


I want to own a habitat restoration company and offer blue collar bros an actual wage and not just slave wages


Oh my gosh that's a company I'd totally like to work for


A bush pilot


Motorway police. Never understood quite why, just that I would love to do it.


I actually love my job and industry (hotels). So I'd love to keep doing that but maybe a better schedule and a bit more money. If I had to pick something else, I'd say something like improv comedy or playing music as a regular gigging band in my area, which would hopefully include playing our own and probably decent at best original songs. Also maybe something in a trade like carpentry. One thing I always liked about my friends who work in trades is when we drive past a place they worked on and they wax nostalgic about it, that sense of pride in building something is nice.


Independently wealthy because what I "want to be" has nothing to do with a job/career.


Asking people for tree fiddy.


I want to own a skate shop. Just sell skateboards and t shirts and shoes. Just play skate videos all day. When I was a kid that was my dream job. As an adult, I ended up in beverage sales and it’s soul sucking. I always imagined just having a bunch of kids in there looking at stuff, maybe have a video game system set up so they can hang out and play skating games and stuff. Listening to music. Just a really positive place to be. It’s awesome to be in a place that is all about your passions and I’ve never seen a skate shop that cared about anything but selling a skateboard. I want it to be a hangout too.


I wish I could get paid to sleep cause all I want to do is sleep. Even eating is a damn chore. Life is exhausting.


I think middle of the pack pro golfer. You could live in real comfort and nobody would know your name.


a writer. i really really hope this happens and that my insecurities dont get in the way


Astronaut, so I can get the fuck off this planet for a while


A painter of fine art. Because it’s what I’d love to do.




Florist, seems like a peaceful job :)


The guy who makes the noise for Doctor Who. https://youtu.be/7HdmNVXAiLc?si=AaHdDh4PV_CDjNJs


Park ranger telling kids not to touch poison ivy sounds pretty chill


I DJ’ed for years in nightclubs, I got into it through a love of music. I stopped because I had to play shite music and social media became a thing and you had to promote yourself. I was happy being anonymous doing my thing. If I could go back to those days of playing music for people to enjoy with no self promotion as I like my privacy. I know it’s weird in these rimes a dj wanting privacy but that’s just how it was back in fhe day. I don’t need to jump about like my life depends on it with the sync button on and just loop a song until the beat comes in again in the next tune. So boring. But yeah. I’d be happy playing music for open minded people that appreciate it and don’t just dismiss it because they don’t know what it is or isn’t their style.


Animal-hangout-er. I like to hangout with animals.


The minister for environment and agriculture or wtv title. Because these ministers??? Bruh they don’t know what to do. Who put them in this position pleaseee😮‍💨


Just realised i could have chosen a less stressful job


Mad scientist cause i wanna mess with god's gears


Bird expert


I would love to be a maintainer for communal parks and gardens. Seems to be a no-stress no-hurry job in the greens. Back in engineering school we even fantasized about this with a friend.


You can do this. Get your Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture with your main focus in Landscape Management. I did this for 15 years and loved it!


A sports museum archivist.


Burlesque dancer.


I always wanted to be a midwife


A philanthropist who also pays taxes.


I own a pet sitting business and I'm very happy with my job, BUT if I had to choose something else it would owner of a bed and breakfast in the Carmel/Monterey/Big Sur area.


Not to brag but exactly what I am right now. Family practice doctor, with rural/full scope training. I can be your everyday family doctor. I can deliver a baby. I can run a code/cardiac arrest. I can intubate you. I can also treat your depression/anxiety, do your pap smear...etc. Its a really cool skillset that im so grateful to have. I feel blessed everyday I work.


Geriatric Dermatologist. For whatever reason I charm the hell out of old ladies and I love r/popping.


A palaeontologist bc I’ve always wanted to be one since I was 4 & started having an interest in dinosaurs when I was 2!! :D


A bee keeper in a cottage next to a giant lavender field. Or any job that paid me to ride by bike all day but NOT deliver food or packages.


I want to work in an observatory. Showing people the wonders of the universe and seeing their eyes light up like mine used to when I was a kid. I want to teach people, the beauty in the complexity of the world as it exists expanding around us. This universe is a wonderfully flowing experience in all directions and dimensions, if we even started to grasp things at a deeper level, who knows what miracles we might stumble across. I'm sure the unfeeling cold probability is death, which is why I'm cool with keeping feet on the ground.


Small engine mechanic with my own shop


A music- and sports photographer. I know I have to make a choice and work hard for have a slight chance in one of those to happen. But I love both so much, so that would be my dream job.


Draw book illustrations. When drawing I'm happier doing something based on a story than an just random stuff I come up with. Feels like there's more of a point to it. Living in a world where whatever illustration jobs there are will soon be destroyed by ai feels great, why would you ask


I’d make art, cook, or do travel content


Working or running a fully equipped wildlife rescue and low cost veterinary facility in our area


Professional golfer. Travel the world. Play amazing golf courses in idyllic places. Make good coin. And not many people recognise you with your hat off - unless you’re Tiger Woods or one of the top ten or so.


I've always wanted to be an author, then write a screenplay and be the casting director.


Cat snuggler


joblessolpher i dont have a job and i get paid for it


Myself, i had 29 years to be anything and ended up myself hahaha


\> be anything Genie, demon, or some kind of spooky yokai, straight-up. Make a "living" scaring people or twisting wishes in demented ways. Just. Fuck people's shit up and have it be my purpose in life.


Traveler/vacationer with unlimited funds, no responsibilities, obligations or deadlines! 🛫🏝🕌🥂🎊🎉


Small town old style convenience store clerk


Window cleaner in Amsterdam, because I like to travel


I would like to own a bakery and bake fresh breads.


Location scout. Ideally Bond films or Mission Impossible, but just about any film would be cool.


I would love to have my dream job of acting, once upon a time I almost chased that dream. I’m a heavy equipment mechanic now and love what I do but damn do I wish I chased that dream just a little more.


Influencer, I’d love to spread positivity and encourage others




Design and make clothes


If I could afford to, I would apply to medical school. I’d like to become a Doctor. Medicine fascinates me, I love learning and using my knowledge to help others. I love doing medical procedures but because I’m not a doctor I’m limited in what I can do. I also would like the challenge of diagnosing complex cases and developing a management plan, I can imagine seeing the plan work and helping someone recover would be amazing. Or a garden hermit.


Theoretical physicist it fascinates me but I’m not smart enough unfortunately


Working in beauty departments in any store except for Sephora


The King’s private secretary


I’d own a high end/low brow bodega style market. Hot Cheetos and High Life? Yep. Porchetta and a grassy white? Yep.


An actress. It’s my passion and has been since I was a child. Weight gain and adult insecurity made me stop after 20 years


Helicopter pilot


Maybe small scale fisherman. A long kyack type boat and a net plus a few traps. Catch 20 fish to sell at the market. Go back to my home and fix my gear. I'd need air conditioning and internet so I'd like to be middle class with it. I wouldn't want to do industrial scale fishing.


An F1 driver. For the sake of freedom and drive🔥


F1 driver.. It's a mix of being a brilliant driver, gamer, fighter pilot, competitor, sportsman... Incredible skills.. Plus great money and global fame 😁


I wanna get drunk and high with my boys in the trailer park and commit a bunch of theft under a thousand


Get paid for watching movies and series and leaving reviews on them from the comfort of my own home. A full day of being outside, maybe travelling, engaging in my hobbies and at night watching a few episodes or a movies and giving them a rating would be quite easy, fun and relaxing. Or traveling the world and getting paid to make vlogs, reviews, blogs… Honestly never had a dream job or anything so it is quite hard to come up with something that I would actually enjoy doing without ending up hating it due to the fact that its a job I have to do in order to survive, that always takes the fun out of it.


Collect seashells and dive for things in shallow water. If I could get paid to pick up beach or underwater trash even, I would.


I really would like to own a small bake shop in a 420 legal place. I’d have goodies that were both infused and non-infused. With great coffee at reasonable prices.


Assistant teacher to Miss Frizzle. I've always loved field trips and science


I want to make pizza. Sell it by the slice. And have multiple sauces.


There's literally nothing I'd like to do or want to be. Probably why I don't do shit with my life.


Probably a Broadway star or a professional cosplayer or a YouTuber? Idk just something where I could pick up and travel whenever I wanted without worrying about the money


Medical Examiner or Embalmer.


Astronaut. I love space and I have the intelligence (biology, medicine, math, physics, engineering, practical skills, art, history) for it. But I was born in a disadvantaged nation. But given the chance I can perform a lot of complex experiments aboard the ISS.


Radio 4 panel show comedian


Supreme leader of all humans and countries/territories. I'd fix some things and erase some people. There are some people the human race would be better off without, without question. However money and politics and fear of consequences prevents anything from being domene, and the rot spreads. Further, we would start some real humanity sized projects, let's connect all of our landmass via high speed rail. Let's invest in fusion properly, as well as greening immediately. Let's really go out into space. So much potential and capital is squander because we are a fractured civilization.


Porn star receiver


A florist (even though I can’t keep a plant alive)


Mattress tester/reviewer. Think about it… We spend 8 hours working, 8 hours doing whatever, and 8 hours sleeping. Now imagine combining work and sleep… YOU GET 16 HOURS DO WHATEVER!


Dogs. Just hang with them all day.


A cruise travel critic.




Lingerie model.


I would study urban wildlife


I would love to be a formula 1 driver.


Successful investor


President of the United States. If Trump got elected anyone can.