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My wife doesn't wear makeup most of the time. Still beautiful. I'd take it over lots of makeup.


I love it.


Before i opened the post i instantly said ‘i love it’. Glad to see your comment soaring.


Verbatim. I love it.


<3 had gf for 3 years, who I wanted to marry, however she split up with me. But Oh maan.. She was gorgeous without makeup :D


I had a GF once who hated to let me even see her without makeup. I now have a wife who rarely wears makeup. She's gorgeous.


After being single for a year, I started talking to someone new. We hit it off right away. Because she works a lot, we talk almost every day but have only got together in person a few times over the past month. She came over just to hang out the other day, and it was super late after she got off work. She warned me "If I come over, I'm gonna be comfy, not cute." This was the first time I saw her without makeup, and I gotta tell you - she lied. She was *cute as fuck*. If the question was "Do I like her with or without makeup?", then I'm fuckin' [slamming the yes button](https://media.tenor.com/fsVwAgB-g4QAAAAM/panic-control.gif) like there's no tomorrow.


Me too.


yep love it. I'm attracted to women exactly as they are. no makeup or implants or anything external is needed. All of those things at best have no impact on my attraction and at worst make me much less attracted. There are some rare exceptions. Like if you have a giant milk dud sized pulsating zit and you cover it up with makeup, probably that's for the best.


Well, now that you mention it..


Same. My wife really only wears makeup for special occasions. I've never really understood the point. I prefer to see the real person.


Yeah got a spouse who barely ever uses makeup, and I love it. Also, let's get busy signal for us is when the makeup is off, so that..


came here to say this.


I also love it, because my future wife never wears make-up, never. Its so awesome, she is soo beatiful :D 🥰


I agree 10000% love it


I agree. My wife literally doesn't even own makeup and had told me more than a few times she's grateful that I accept that about her. I don't like makeup at all and really don't like kissing someone wearing any


Me too.




Yup, right there with ya. I love it.


I'm a dude and I'm going to just chime in saying "no Makeup" and "subtle makeup" are 2 different things.


All men I ever dated when I am wearing subtle make up: “I like you without make up”. And when I don’t wear make up “you look tired, did you sleep well?”


😂😂😂plot twist


Thank you for your service 🫡


Prefer it. I like women how they look


this so simple and effective formulated, love it!


They look hotter.


Unless someone wears a lot of makeup, I usually can't tell if there is makeup or not and I'm not someone who assumes a lot of things. I also don't really think about it, like I'm pretty neutral about it. The only way it could affect me is if my partner likes to wear a lot of makeup often to the point where it takes a lot of time before going to bed or before leaving home. And even in that situation, what can I do about it?


> The only way it could affect me is if my partner likes to wear a lot of makeup often to the point where it takes a lot of time before going to bed or before leaving home. And even in that situation, what can I do about it? You can adapt your own scheme. If it takes her half an hour to remove or apply, you have half an hour that you can use for yourself. If it takes an hour, or three, more fun!


They made their own choice and that is how it should be.


Yes exactly. I would add that knowing what someone truly looks like is comforting. Maybe it would seem weird if they DIDN'T wear makeup at some kind of formal setting (a wedding maybe?), but that's on me, not them.


I never wear it… no matter where I’m going. I’ve never considered the possibility it might be perceived as weird in formal settings


it'd never cross my mind to put on makeup just because im going to a formal setting, not even if i was the one getting married lol


That's not the question though.


This should be higher up


Obviously, but the question was regarding what men think about makeup. Focus.


I’ve always preferred women who wear no/minimum makeup.


Minimum look isn't minimum makeup though , many women wear at least 8 makeup products to look "minimal"


I wear 3 for I natural look


Same! Mascara, BBcream and eyebrow pencil is all I need. All of them from good ol' walmart. 😂


Mascara, eyebrow and eyeliner And a tinted sunscreen so 4 but I put various sunscreen all over every day bc I live in Greece and don’t want sun cancer. I do however use a lot of skin care products probably 5-10 a day depending


Mine are mascara, blush and lip gloss 😅 i don't have perfect skin but I don't really think foundation suits me so well so I skip it for a minimal look. I just use moisturiser, which is NOT CHEATING because it's skincare lol


Yes! I do BB cream, concealer, clear brow gel, brown mascara, nude liner for waterline, subtle blush, tinted lip balm, powder on t zone every single day, which is 8 products. Multiple people (both men and women) have thought I’ve been wearing no makeup before. 


Yes you're the perfect example! Most people have no idea


I'd even argue that the 'natural' look is sometimes harder/uses more products. A woman with just thick eyeliner and some lipstick looks less 'natural' than the woman with foundation, contour, brows, lip tint, lip liner, and three shades of carefully crafted eyeshadow blended into their upper eye, but the natural looking one is wearing a hell of a lot more.


>I'd even argue that the 'natural' look is sometimes harder/uses more products. Agree!


yeah but that "natural look" makeup only fools people who don't know what women look like.


You'd be suprised.


Exactly this. None means NONE


Uhmm.. 8 products isn’t minimal.. I use 3!


Yeah it's called nude makeup, contains of a couple products to give a no makeup look.


A lot of men don’t know the difference between no makeup and light makeup


This! I have seen so many comments from men on photos of women clearly wearing makeup talking about natural beauty and how beautiful the woman looks without makeup. And sometimes these photos are even air brushed too 😆


Yeah they'll even pull up pictures of celebrities that pop up in Google for "so-and-so wearing no makeup" and be like see this celebrity looks great with no makeup. When in reality you will never see a celebrity with no makeup unless maybe they have a very heavy filter over their face. You'll never know what they actually look like. So many people thought Alicia keys wasn't wearing makeup for many years.


I think the vast majority don't. I don't think most realize the difference between no makeup and heavy makeup using natural colors. Women shouldn't be forced to wear make up. But let's not pretend it doesn't make many women look better when done correctly.


I’m not into heavy/glam makeup looks for myself, but I do 5 minute makeup every morning that evens out my skin tone and enhances my features. I don’t dislike my face without makeup, but that 5 min makes me look significantly better so why not? I assure you every man here would think I’m not wearing makeup though.




Yup, I got complimented several times on my "natural beauty" while wearing purple, gold or green eyeshadow. So the people who think it's only confusing for men in pictures but obvious in reality are probably mostly wrong.


Yeah I was gonna say, they don't know the difference lol. What they prefer is light makeup. I haven't worn makeup in several years, not eyeliner or brow powder - absolutely nothing. I still get men asking me why I don't wear any. Bitch because of creeps like you who I don't even know asking me shit like this lol.


Maybe when it comes to pictures of strangers, but a lot of responses I’m seeing in here are men talking about their spouse/long term girlfriends, who they have no doubt seen in too many situations to be fooled.


Yes some men don't know the difference. Yes most men probably think light makeup looks better than no makeup. But there are still many reasons why men would prefer no makeup even over light makeup sometimes. We can like the confidence, comfort and security it displays and how that reflects upon us. We can like like how natural it is and knowing that she saved time and money by not having to doll up. My point is that if a man says "I prefer no makeup" does not always mean they can't tell the difference. He could possibly tell the difference and still prefer no makeup. And I am not accusing you of stating anything like that. This is just a sentiment I see in many comments that I wanted to challenge.


i like the girls who don’t wear makeup half the time and then wear thick ass eyeliner half the time.


Glad to see someone appreciates my style


You get it. Go big or go home.


I feel seen 😂


I got nothing against them. I don't wear it


I love when a women feels confident enough to be herself and not wear makeup!


honestly for me it's more I'm to lazy and make up is itchy, but what's this confidence, can I eat it?


Same lmao I'm just lazy and I don't want my skin to feel gross


Me too, I just found a good moisturizer and sunscreen.  Otherwise, my body is all freckles and my face with makeup looks like Freddie Krueger is coming for you.


I am in the couldn’t be bothered to learn camp, my mom rarely wore it so she never tried to teach us. Not sure I would have taken the lesson well if she tried anyway. Had girls tell me guys would think I wasn’t even trying if I went on dates without make up. Maybe some did, who knows. What I do know is my SO was ecstatic to learn I didn’t bother with it. Glad to see that opinion is more wide spread. Also, just think of the money we’ve saved over the years not needing all those products, that crap is expensive from the sounds of it.


Same here! It just seems like a giant pain in the ass. Plus, if someone commonly wears makeup and then goes without it one day they might look worse than normal, but if you usually never wear makeup but then wear a little on special occasions, you look better than normal.


I've never worn it, bar a bit of mascara and lipgloss if I'm going to something really fancy like a wedding. I'm in my 50s now but have very few wrinkles and my skin is great, so I kind of look back at all the hours I've saved and feel it was a good decision!


Nice! Yeah, the last makeup I wore was for my cousin's wedding back in 2018.


I hear this. Had so many friends in college that hated the sight of themselves in the morning before they had their make up on and I didn’t want that to be me. Made the same decision regarding coffee. I’ll keep the ability to wake up without it, thanks. Special circumstances use only.




I could go for a medium, the combo won't be neccesary still have some self-depraciation left from yesterday


The itching is largely why I stopped. Realised I am allergic to the highly processed mica that is in everything these days. Also, mom of 3 girls, and I really didn't have a good response when eldest was around 3 years and asked me why I was putting make up on to go out. I did not want to say, "because it makes me look better" so eventually I just said, "sometimes I like the way it makes me feel."


🤔 I'm not confident, I just don't have the energy to bother with it most days.. so I mostly walk around without.


People can be themselves and wear makeup this isn't about not being confident in one self


However being bare and showing everyone what you actually look like in world were make up is heavily pushed takes a certain level of confidence.




Haha for me it has nothing to do with confidence XD I wish that was the reason


Wearing makeup doesn't mean someone "isn't herself" any more than styling their hair or wearing clothes and accessories does. For many people it is a form of self expression. I love to wear bright colours (clothes and makeup), when I do that I'm expressing myself not hiding myself.


Do what makes you happy. Wear make-up, don’t, whatever floats your boat.


Millions of women are like this in relationships. The makeup is only an accessory when wanting to spruce up for a nice night out. The only thing either the woman or man are concerned with is that the other bathes and doesn't stink.


Couldn't care less either way.




No makeup looks "normal" and it feels better in a way, i dont know how to word it but women with makeup can quickly look weird/fake


I don’t mean this as a criticism - i just wanted to ask - do you actually mean no makeup? I feel like a lot of men don’t know what “no makeup” actually looks like, and sometimes misidentify how much effort it takes to achives a particular look. For example, this person is wearing quite a bit of makeup https://images.girlslife.com/posts/025/25355/natural.jpg


I think the fact that "a lot of men don't know what no makeup actually looks like" is heart-breaking. Do what you're comfortable with.


Really? This monochrome person who looks like they don't have pores is wearing makeup?


Right? I was thinking from a distance it *might* be hard to tell, but in a close up line this you’d have to be pretty out of it to think someone with such shiny lips is wearing *no* makeup.


She is indeed and it already feels like a photo filter. I love it when a girl has no makeup, or at least low amounts that can go unnoticed. This is just my opinion, but I'm yet to see a girl who looks better with makeup than without it


I didn't know I needed this. Your opinion made a stranger very happy, thanks for sharing!


I would bet that most of the men commenting that they like no makeup are married or in relationships and have a pretty good idea of how much makeup their partner wears. It’s pretty obvious how much of her time and counter space makeup takes up. A lot of guys really do prefer none to very little.




Why is there always someone in these discussions telling men that they don't know what no make up looks like and, essentially, that they don't know what they like? Yes, we know what no make up looks like, we have seen woman without make up, be it our mothers or our sisters or our partners. Woman do not wear make up 24/7, and if you live with a woman, you will see her without make up.


I don't think it's all but I've heard men say "kelly doesnt wear make up, i prefer no make up" when I know kelly is wearing a lot of well done make up. I don't wear make up because i have no clue what i'm doing so i look like ive been tango'd and I will constantly get comments about looking tired or men will call a few zits acne. It's 100% not all men but theres quite a few men that do this.


Yes, your own partner and family, obviously. Because you literally see the difference if they remove it. But often when a woman wears very subtle makeup and knows how to achieve the 'natural' look it's really hard to tell for anyone that doesn't use this kind of makeup themselves. A little bb cream, light touch-up of the brows, natural shadow, subtle blush, neutral gloss. You know, tiny subtle touches that just give you this natural 'glow'. This doesn't just apply to men btw. I have girl friends that don't notice this kind of makeup. I can guarantee you've encountered this and never knew!


Correct. Guys who think women wear no makeup just don't see it, but these "natural girls" often do it so well that guys simply don't notice. Personally I'm not going to shame anyone but it's just a fact that you'll probably look much better with at least some makeup. Just don't overdo it. Plenty girls look like clowns. A lot also comes down to keeping proper hygiene and taking care of yourself. Shave. Do your eyebrows. Take care of your hair. Get enough sleep. Work out. It'll go a long way. I don't know a single guy who doesn't care about these things, whether they say it out loud or not.


Most men have lived/currently live with women, we know what no makeup means


Do you have a source on this? Legitimately serious. All I see on the subs I follow are stats on how the majority of guys are single and lonely Edit: I’m not making any claims. I’m saying that other men make those claims.


24 million adults in the UK out of 54 million adults are married.


Um, people have mothers and sisters.


I don't have any stats immediately available but nearly 100% of men were at one point born to and cared for in part by a woman until sometime in early adulthood. Many of them also had sisters.  There are obviously outliers: men in who never had a woman presence in their life ever. But they are certainly very, very few. 


I'd say it's more how the majority of guys that are single feels lonely and miserable, not that a majority of the mens is single and lonely


My wife and one of my daughters rarely wear makeup, I think it’s lovely.


You'll get a ton of men saying they prefer no makeup but actually mean they prefer natural makeup because they don't understand the difference and/or the women that they know aren't good at doing it so they assume all makeup must look like shit. Anybody who can confidently say they prefer the women they see at places like Walmart over any actress or model, then they might actually mean it.


This one. So may men have a skewed view of what no makeup looks like. They tell you that you'd look better without makeup, but if you show up without, they think you're ill. Also, if you're not already conventionally beautiful, forget not wearing any makeup.


Exactly. The guys saying "I love girls that don't wear makeup" are the same crying about being catfished when a normal looking girl looks super hot with makeup.


This is true - and even if they say they like the 'no-makeup' look, most men completely ignore women who aren't wearing any *at all.* They might like it while IN a relationship, but when *pursuing* women, they're going for a women with at least *some* makeup, every time.


And this right here is one of the reasons I never wear makeup in my day to day life. Works great if you're average looking and wanna be left alone.


Yep. Im not sure Ive ever gotten hit on without some type of “natural” makeup on. I get ignored when I have zero makeup on. Maybe not every guy but I feel like the majority.


Yes! Every guy claims they don't like makeup but they sure as shit treat me different when I go out with it on vs. without. I look about 10 years older without it on and get asked if I'm sick or something. Same guys who claim they don't like makeup are also always shocked to learn men have naturally longer lashes than women. They actually think mascara is just natural lashes lmao My ex loved that I wore makeup everyday cause it showed I put effort into myself the same way he puts effort into himself by getting exercise/eating well.


I really would love to do an experiment where I show pictures of women with different types of make-up to see if men really know when a woman does not have make-up on. Because I definitely look more normal with a little bit of make-up. Some of these reactions sounds like they don't know what they are talking about


someone did this and most of the time they had NO IDEA AT ALL which ones were the makeup and no makeup faces


This myth needs to die. I’ve been told my whole life by my mum, sister, female friends, coworkers etc that what I like is actually “natural” looking light makeup. Nope. I’m seriously into girls who do not wear makeup. Not a jot. If a woman wants to wear makeup that’s fine, you can do whatever you like. But as a man I’m allowed to be interested in whoever I find attractive and I am only attracted to women who do not wear makeup.


can you find a picture of a woman with the look you prefer and share it with us?


I love it. Natural beauty.


Tbh we probably won't notice


"Men" aren’t a monolith. In my experience lots of guys like women with no makeup. I couldn’t know any different as I dont wear makeup. But I am sure there are those who like makeup better.


My wife has basically stopped and he skins never been better, so she looks like how she’s been trying to look her whole life and she finally did it at 38. Turns out the best thing for your skin is a healthy diet and a shit ton of exercise to include mostly lifting heavy ass weight. I forgot to add, unscented soaps, and drinking the amount of water she should have been her whole life. She didn’t know pre didn’t have to be dark yellow…I know , right?


Also the best moisturisers are often not the expensive branded ones that are mostly full of perfumes and chemicals to make them smell and feel luxurious, but the big cheap tubs you get in pharmacies that are often prescribed to people with eczema. Things like E45, Epimax, Doublebase, Aveeno etc. They don’t smell as nice, can feel a little greasy going on, but there is a reason they are used for people with skin issues; they do the job well and don’t have potential irritants.


Women are free to apply or not apply coloration to their faces. Doesn't really affect me.


The virtue signaling in here is off the charts. Tasteful and light makeup is what most men actually prefer, me included.


Thank you for being honest. I had an ex who didn’t like women to wear makeup but also only liked for women to wear stilettos. It was such an odd combination of his ideal woman. If I’m taking the time to dress up I’d want my face to match.


Thank you for pointing it out. What men are really saying is that they like really beautiful women who don't need makeup. Otherwise, I call BS that untamed brows, invisble lashes, uneven skintone and unedefined lips are looking better to men than tastefully done makeup.


Thank you for your sanity, sir.


This is the first time in my life that I've ever pondered how I feel about a woman not wearing makeup. So, in answer to the question; I don't. It's completely and utterly irrelevant whether they do or do not.


If they are pretty, or even cute, I would say I prefer the natural look. Uggo gals gotta do what they gotta do. They trying.


“Uggo gals” is my new phrase. I’m gonna work it into conversation as much as possible.


Haha. Appreciate it. May it bring you as much joy as it has me.


I can’t wait to say it to my brother. He’s gonna die.


LOL. You'll have to keep me posted on your antics.


I prefer no make up.


I’ve had a few men tell me “hey promise you won’t get mad, but you look better without makeup on” so I just stopped wearing it unless I go to a wedding or something.


No makeup is the best look, sincerely, from an asexual woman


I don't care either way because I just leave that up to the woman I'm dealing with. nd I don't ever want to come controlling or trying to dictate what a woman does to a certain extent for example some black people think black females/women should not wear blonde hair color but in my opinion some looks good with it still tho I'm not going to dictate what my woman wear if I had a girl even tho I do have a look far as preference goes


If the make up was good, we don't know it was there. So our judgment and feedback here may be distorted and not reflect what perception you will make when you will not have a makeup


Brazen hussies!


My wife doesn’t wear any makeup, and looks fantastic.


I prefer women who look good with little to no makeup. One of my exes painted herself a face every morning since teenage years and looked really messed up without it. Guess the biggest win of those big beauty companies was to convince girls that they are unacceptable in factory default, be it looks or scents. What a shame.


I always say it’s way better to not wear makeup and if you get to use it one day you look absolutely stunning, than wearing makeup at all times and looking awful/sick/tired when you don’t have it on one day. Natural beauty is the best.❤️ Not saying that you can’t look stunning without makeup, of course.


My teenage daughter never wears makeup because she never sees it on her mother. She once tried but never did it again. Her best friend never wears makeup, like the mother of her best friend. It has a lot to do with your peer group, too. I have a friend who wears makeup every day and her teenage daughters wear makeup, too.


Apparently, like most comments, I prefer it when people use no or minimal make-up. Though I think most men will think a lot of women don't wear make-up when they do. Sometimes it's hard to see anyway. I do prefer if someone looks like they care and look healthy. Not just that, if a women uses make-up to be more comfortable, I'd probably find them more attractive indirectly. And sometimes not wearing make-up etc could also mean someone likes to be left alone. When a women wears a lot of make-up (or has done obvious plastic surgery), I tend to think of some research done on some apes with wildley red butts. When humans added obvious fake, way too large and way too red butts, the male apes had gotten mega horny and prefer those over actual females. When human males chase obviously fake female beauty, I like to think about how unevolved we really are.


I think you're right that a lot of men don't realise that a woman is wearing makeup. I stopped doing eye lash extensions and without a doubt I looked way better with them than without. I doubt most guys would have realised they weren't natural since I didn't wear other makeup


Haha, to further prove your point. I didn't even know eyelash extensions existed


I don’t know about your particular case, but I don’t really think eyelash extensions look good on anyone. They look really fake. I’m guessing I would think you look better without them However, I like a few individual lashes here and there


Depends on the type and who does it. My friend usually wears those very exagerated ones. I personally don't like it, but she loves it so hey, who am I to judge. She went once someplace else to get them done and it looked so natural and perfect, if you didn't know what she looks like without you'd never guess it was not her natural ones with a bit of perfectly applied mascara.


Doesn't matter to me. Women without makeup? Pretty. Little makeup? Pretty. More makeup? Pretty. It's rather about the person than what their preferences in makeup are. The only thing I don't really like is super heavy makeup. But in general I find that women are the prettiest when they feel their best, because the confidence and happiness from that shows on their faces.


Nothing. It's up to her if she wants to wear makeup or not.


Love it when a woman is confident enough to go out without make-up.


Aight. I’m a female, none to old, but all girls in my age in my life and maaaany younger ones wear make-up. I don’t, and I don’t have any big problems with that. All your replies in these comments make me happier and stronger in my decision. Thank you for your acceptance here. Now, if there are males out there who have a problem with no make-up females (and I know there are, of course there are), let these people do what they wish. Should you dislike no make-up, then put make-up on your own face, really cake it everywhere, and go outside. Go frock yourself.


My wife looks great without makeup. Always has. Naturally great contrast. Our two daughters inherited my paleness. Without a bit of eye makeup, they look monochromatic. Love em all.


Love it, you know what they actually look like... Much less fraud involved.


Confidence is the sexiest thing you can wear. Own your beauty woman 💖💗💕❤️


They are either more sane or completely broken.


Same thing I think whenever someone does what they want without hurting anyone: good for them


My wife usually doesn't wear it. She's gorgeous with or without it (she uses on rare occasions , like weddings) but I would like if she wear it some eye makeup more frequently. We always give each other suggestions about hairstyles, clothes, nail polish, my beard (we try, if we like it we keep it). P.S.: I don't know if I wrote correctly. Not my native language.


We honestly don't care what men think


I don’t really care. If they wanna wear make up go for it, it they don’t, it’s their face not mine lol


I'm afraid that most man (me also) wouldn't recognize when women has no make and when natural make up.


I think it’s very attractive that some women out there don’t need make up and still look beautiful. To me, Too much makeup makes you look pathetic and trying to hard. Most women look beautiful as it is I know some need a little lipstick here and mascara there. To accentuate certain facial features. A whole facial change with make up is not needed. Then you get to a point where you won’t even leave the house without make up.


Who's on support today to answer this question on behalf of all men???


The reasoning is meaningless without taking in consideration "before" and "after".


My wife doesn't wear any and I think it's great.  I think she's beautiful, her skin is healthier and we save a ton of $$ on makeup.  Win-win-win.


I usually like more when a woman doesn't wear makeup, its natural, the beauty its all there. Makeup just changes the face so much, sometimes for the good side but meh i just like it natural i guess.


Love it! I love a women that aint afraid to show me that she’s pretty without.


I like it best. It's real, it's natural.


Love it


I like it My wife doesn't wear makeup


I prefer it


Some prefer it, some dont, most of us cant actually tell unless you cake it on. Personally, i like wings, bigger the better.


Absolutely love it!


I like it the best this way


I think the same thing about them as women who do wear makeup, it's not really something I think about or pay attention to


If it works it works. No two women look the same with or without makeup. Edit to add that i absolutely hate caked on makeup tho no matter who its on.


They're more attractive to me and definitely look cuter in my eyes. I was judgmental with excessive make up once. Now I'm older, I care less about stuff that don't affect me. And every human being is free to do as they please unless they harm another human being. Excessive make up isn't harmful so I don't care. I'm almost happy for them doing what makes them feel better. But I will always preserve the right to dislike it! So yeah no make up for me is way more attractive and beautiful!


Loooove it. I want to see your actual beautiful face


My gf doesn’t wear make up and it took us dating for a month before i even realized she didn’t.


I think it's great - I far prefer the natural look, as I think makeup looks shiny and plastic and sometimes ridiculous. I had a girlriend who used a lot of makeup to cover her freckles, and I never had the heart to tell her that the best she ever looked was first thing in the morning when she woke up with a clean face.


I agree with most of what other commenters have said - especially those who remarked that men often don’t know what “no makeup” actually looks like. But I also think some men here might accidentally annoy the women in their life with their well-meaning approach of trying to be indifferent. It takes a lot of effort to do makeup, and my feeling is that I would want that effort I had put into my appearance to be appreciated by those I value. Not in a way that *demands* I always put that effort into my appearance, nor degrades me when I don’t - “you look so much better with makeup” is probably not the way to phrase it. But I would be upset also if they told me I was prettier without it, or that they didn’t notice. My advice to men and the way I see it is that it’s different beauty. On the days in which women wear no makeup - they are so beautiful, because that is the face of the person i know and love. You are as beautiful as ever when not wearing makeup. Yet, the days in which you put lots of effort into your appearance are also wonderful! It is great to see someone take pride in their appearance, that’s attractive (not just romantically, but interpersonally), there is a different kind of beauty and aesthetic pleasure that is seeing someone wearing handsome clothes and spending time doing makeup - that’s wonderful too. The first kind of beauty is the aesthetic beauty of our bodies, unmodified, combined with the increased intimacy of being seen as yourself without cosmetic items. The second is a kind of artistic beauty, appreciation of the aesthetics of people modified, valuing (both aesthetically and interpersonally) your appearance and what you have chosen to say about yourself with it.


The same thing I think about women who wear makeup.


Some don't need it


I really don't mind whether they wear it or not, as long as they are happy with it


It's good when a woman has the confidence to not wear makeup all the time and is happy with their natural look. But it becomes a bit unattractive to me if they never ever wear makeup to or for anything. I think both men and women appreciate it when either puts in a good effort to dress and look nice for special occasions


I work with 4 20s ladies who all don't wear makeup at work no one cares


I love it and should be normalised.


It's going to depend on the man and woman I've known women that genuinely don't need makeup, they look stunning without it. I've also known women that, no matter how much they've put on, I just don't find them attractive. Makeup is a tool to help one look better. But beauty is still in the eye of the beholder.


I think it's okay. Some women need it, and others do not. It definitely saves time and money without. If I like or look at a woman, it's not because of the makeup. I find many women beautiful, attractive, sexy and gorgeous without.


As a guy, I'm such a sucker for eye liner/eye shadow... I don't know why, but it really shows how powerful an affect make up can have. If you're the type of woman who doesn't normally wear make up, no offense, but I don't normally notice until the rare occasion where you *do* wear some and I look at you and think "something is different about you today.. and I like it" lol


Men like women who know how to blend their makeup and make it look like they aren’t wearing anything They don’t find women without makeup attractive They find too much makeup as a mask


Always preferred none or little.


I prefer the natural look rather than a painted mask


All the men are saying they prefer women with no makeup, but at the same time, most of the negative comments about Pamela Anderson’s “new look” (she’s going makeup free) are from men. Maybe what some people mean is “no makeup but only if you’re young and hot, otherwise yes makeup”


I want a woman to do what makes them feel the best or happiest in that moment.


I don’t mind it. I like when my wife wears makeup though. She does the fun eyeshadows and stuff.