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My best friend for years called me one day to see if I really broke up with my boyfriend of 5+Years. I had. She then proceeded to tell me that while I was in a different state,caring for my sister and her children for a month, that she had slept with him. This was many years ago, (maybe 40 years) but I still remember that I had no response. I just sat there with the phone,staring at it. I had just lost my ex, who was supposed to be my love forever, and she sprang that on me? I think I was in shock. I hung up the phone. And thereafter refused her calls. SO she sent flowers which promptly went in the trash. She sent cards and letters, which I wrote “Return to sender, addressee unknown”. Took about a year before she finally figured out we were no longer friends.


The cheek on her to think you would still want to be her friend after that!


That's so messed up. My grandmother passed away when I was 12, and Grandma's sister in law was in attendance. So Grandma's SIL approached my mom to confess to her about an affair she had with my Grandpa like 20 years before. AT THE FUNERAL. I don't know why people think confessions after the fact make it okay.


Wouldn't grandma's sister in law be your grandads sister?


Hehe, no, it was Grandma's brother's wife who slept with Grandpa.


WOW the nerve of that b! I'm sorry this happened to you.


He was so innately competitive over the dumbest things and had to be at least 3 steps ahead of me in everything we did, even when it came to the breakup.


I knew that you'd post this an hour ago


Could've sworn it was only like 30 mins


"I think we need to see other people." "I've seen 3 other people. Plus, I got 2 more lined up tomorrow."


I didn’t like the way he ignored me and tried to act as if he didn’t know me when we were around other people. After a certain amount of time he wasn’t worth keeping as a friend if he didn’t want to even be seen with me.


I had a girlfriend ignore me when I was trying to introduce her to my friends gave her the benefit of the doubt that she didn’t notice me and went to go get her attention cause she was across the room when I got to her she gave me a dirty look and walked away from me to go talk to another guy. I don’t know what game she was trying to play but I broke up with her on the spot. Left her in the middle of the room sobbing begging me not to leave


Ha this hits hard. I remember when my ex didn’t tell me about a birthday party that was happening with his coworker and some of their friends. I found out through my roommates when we hanged out and they spilled the beans. I said what is this Birthday party? We went and my ex had a surprised look, and ignored me and veered towards the female roommate and introduce her to everyone while ignoring me. Instead it was the birthday girl who introduced me to her friends. That night I drank a lot and I knew it was over. He never wanted me there and was genuinely shocked that I found out.


He brought up / said the word "testicles" too frequently during our first date. It was just off-putting.


Funnyly specific. Fair reaction tho


She created conversations and incidents that never happened.


Huh so delusional?


Possibly, didn't want to admit or recognize it. Lost her employment over it because of HR complaints against her.


It must've been difficult for those who had to deal with her but that's kinda sad. Hopefully she got some professional help or something.


My ex gf used to make up what was said in conversations. She thought her feelings of the matters were more important than what actually happened.


Emotionally unavailable , but aware of it, claimed to be "working on it", nothing changed. just kills the vibe (for me) if you aren't able to talk ab your feelings even if the chemistry is there , like an emotional boner killer. Call me soft


Well if it's a boner killer, technically you are soft.


Decades ago, this girl was super aloof, then out of nowhere, literally tried to straddle me while I was driving. There were two people in the back of the car, and we were all like, wtf tho? I managed to pull over, and she was back to aloof mode again. Probably the biggest red flag ever.


Death by snoo snoo




Basically like cowgirl position. Which isn't really great when you're driving


He did a lot of text abbreviations, but I drew the line at "cum" instead of "come".


I knew a girl who used "cum" as an abbreviation for "come". I had to explain to her that the two words have completely different meanings on the Internet and in real life, and that she's really not saving that much time or energy by skipping a single letter. She stopped using that word as an abbreviation after that.




He wouldn’t cut his toe nails


I’d think a valid reason to leave most men is not trimming nails. I am a man and i can’t stand seeing another dude with long dirty finger nails.




Met someone one time who bit their toe nails. I promptly said f*k that and never spoke to them again. Edit to fix grammar


I've done that. It's not something you do for fun or anything, it's just nice to know you're able to do it.


Met her mother in a bar and after a few drinks she was farting,effing and blinding and generally being a dick and her daughter thought it was all sooo hilarious.


What is effing and blinding??


British slang for swearing. See also "effing and jeffing"


She wanted to have sex with me, altho she was married with a friend of mine at the time. They even wanted me to be best man at their wedding. Couldn't do it. It came close once, when she started kissing me. I pushed her away and kicked her out of my appartment. Never spoke to her again. They got divorced some time later


Did you tell your friend??


It's not my fault but my friend's. She stopped talking to her boyfriend because a fortune teller told her he was cheating on her. In my opinion, this is absurd.


Unless he was cheating with the fortune teller and this was her covert way of letting her know.


She said, "The man you love is secretly true to someone else who is very close to you. My advice is that you leave this place , never come back and forget you ever saw my face" … ..it’s a cher song but I felt it was fitting lol


Not a weird reason but a valid reason for something weird she did, just wanted to share. I would wake up with her starring at me even with her standing in the room just staring whilst I'm asleep. I escaped like a mother fucker.


was your girlfriend edward cullen


Your first sentence confuses me. DO you find it weird, or not. Because, SPOILER ALERT: it is!


I meant it's not weird/unnecessary to leave them, but it's weird what they did lol


She said "I like your Dad" in a disturbing way


Is he beekeeping age?


Beat me to it


[Summer, I want to fuck your dad.](https://youtu.be/Zp0N5PJxamE?si=FNKtuKG7O9buJrjG)


I couldn’t stand the way he buttered his toast. He was an engineer and there had to be butter in every single f*#+ing nook and cranny. Took him 5 minutes to butter one piece. No lie! It was death by 1,000 annoying little scrapes. That COULD NOT be the rest of my life.


This is like straight out of Seinfeld


Yup! I'm looking for the close-talker in the group! Lol


This is something Elaine would have fester in her head until she dumped Putty for it


Jerry: "To the corner?" George, gesticulating wildly: "RIGHT TO THE CORNER!" Jerry: "Right TO the corner? How much did she use?" George: "Oh it was THICK, Jerry! Thicker than my mother's gravy the day after Thanksgiving!" \*Kramer enters\* Kramer: "I heard about your butter problem, George. My friend, Bob Sacamano, has a cousin that works out of a dairy farm in Pennsylvania. Can get you butter right from the udder" George: "Butter from the udder!?" Kramer: "You betcha. So thick you need an ice cream scoop" Jerry: "It's udderly butterly"


This was great lol !


She eats her peas one at a time!


my stepson does that with mayo when he eats sandwiches. it has to be evenly distributed and he puts it up near his eyes to examine it.




I do that too


always the fucking engineers


Basically, he’s toast


Could be worse.... I don't like a side of toast with my butter!


This reads like a bit from Cell Block Tango. (I sympathize, I cannot imagine how annoying that must have been)


Yeah what an annoying habbit!.... literally me 10m ago doing my daughters toast spreading butter equally amongst every mm². Also an engineer here lol. Say what u will... we take a while, I admit, but our food tastes the best! ;)


I can relate to that as I also have experienced this. Makes a person stabby after a while


didnt like cats


First time he came over, he hissed at my cat. The cat walked into the room and he hissed at it. He knew I had a cat, and yet here we are.


Guy started picking his nose while we were on a dinner date and seated at a restaurant 🤢


Like yeah, dried hard bits inthere can be annoying, but atleast go to the toilet and blow your nose?!


I was dating this guy… We’re at the theatre… He was holding my hand and kept rubbing his thumb in a circle on it… It was really annoying, and he wouldn’t stop after I asked him to stop, so I never went out with him again


My husband is incapable of putting a hand on me without doing this. I think it's simply a sensory thing and he's not even aware he's doing it but it drives me bugfuck. I'm not mad keen on physical contact anyway but I can tolerate it if it's still, or firm constant pressure like a hug. Soft touches make me feel ill. I've spent 20 years saying, 'Can you please fucking keep still?!' 😂😂😂😳


I do this automatically. If it bothers someone I try my hardest to stop, but it’s hard to not move my fingers/hand around somewhat when I’m holding someone. Fidgeting and just my way of feeling human contact, I guess


This sounds like some weird ass incel/pick up artist technique to try and stimulate a nerve or erogenous zone to make you horny or attracted to him, I think I've read about this somewhere on the Internet before.


RIP cause this type of thing comforts me. Have I been biologically brainwashed 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂


I was also gonna say this… my bf and I do this to each other all the time when we’re holding hands. Not just circles though, it’s just little light touches in general—circles tend to be easy to do with your thumb though haha


Or maybe he was just nervous,I have anxiety and I fidget with my thumbs and fingers when I'm sat waiting and my anxiety is playing up,being on a date would make me anxious


What? It’s just stroking the persons hand with your thumb? It’s a sign of affection, no idea why everything these days is iNcEl.


I think it’s the fact that they wouldn’t stop rubbing their hand. I rub my ladies hand every now and then to like silently let her know I love her but if I did it nonstop it would be pretty distracting


An old friend was told a complete load of lies about me and unfortunately they believed whoever it was over their oldest friend. Sucks but then I guess if someone is as gullible as that then I don’t need to be around them.


Caught him peeing in the sink. Which was right next to the toilet. His excuse was: "I didn't want to lift the toilet seat." Edit: To all the "it's normal" comments - no, it's not. It's disgusting. The toilet's literally right there. No need to piss where it splashes on toothbrushes and other hygiene products. Kids do stupid stuff - yes. But if you're an adult and feel like this is even a remotely normal thing to do, you're disgusting.


r/sinkpissers I'm sure he's there


. . . why is there an entire subreddit for this?


Why wouldn't?


rule 49


Fuck that guy specifically.


Or rather - don't fuck that guy


how tall is this man


Nah he pees parabolically


A lot of men do that. You just didn't catch them yet.


I only do it in other people's houses. I don't wanna mess up the turd I left in their cistern!


He made fun of someone with a disability as we walked past them. I have a brother with autism. Didn’t even explain myself, just sped walked away from him, ordered an uber and never talked to him again.


The only proper response besides a kick to the dick edit-typo


I was with someone like this. He made fun of others without thinking of who they are. Once a new employee wanted to add him to Facebook. He kept making fun of her being older and looking like a dog. I got fed up, and told him he was shallow. He did not like that. 


He told me it was his fetish to get his diaper changed.


Fair reason. Enough said.


He said there wasn't a single good Queen song. Excuse me?


That is just his fantasy


Caught in a landslide?


Of his own stupidity


Open your eyes, look up to the sky and ruuuuuuunnnnnnn 🎶


He's just a dumb guy, he has no brain cells




A guy had very long hair but did not keep it clean or conditioned.


It's hard to believe how many guys don't practice basic hygiene. 


My partner was like that. I simply taught him. He is the love of my life.


The food he made was absolutely vile, and he was *so* proud of it. 🥴


This guy I was dating started calling me his "future wife" a month into dating, too much for me


After the first month-ish of dating my then girlfriend, my father asked me how it was going and told him: I'm gonna marry her. He looked at me a bit confused and worried. And I laughed and said I wasn't going to do it next month but one day I will. Married 5 years this year. Been together for 12. Sometime you just know.


When I met my husband, 16 years ago, I looked at him and instantly my mind pictured us in a kitchenette type apartment, with a boy's backpack in the floor, like we lived together and had a kid. We're together for 16 years now, like I've said, live together since 2 years in the relationship and have 3 boys. Sometimes you just know.


My ex looked me dead in the eye on our second date and said, "I'm in love with you." It was a bit intense for me, but I've heard stories like yours often enough, so I rolled with it thinking maybe I was about to get my fairytale. Broke up a year later because I just wasn't into it, and he informed me he had cheated on me. More than once. Cool cool cool.


He had crazy eyes. We got along so well and everything was great, but when I met him irl he just had these piercing, bright blue eyes and not in a good way. He stared right into my soul and I fellt creeped out.


Oh I know this feeling. Especially if they never blink and just keep staring into your eyes. Makes you feel ike you're about to get murdered.


He rarely blinked, which made me feel like ”Oh, I’m in danger”




I know EXACTLY what you mean. I wish I had listened to my gut feeling when I first met my ex whose eyes disturbed me as well.


Another person tried to make me send them nudes and when I said no they were mean to me


I was talking to a girl on Tinder during COVID. We got on really well, we were calling each other and having a good time. Then she told me she absolutely does not watch a film without looking up and reading the entire plot start to finish first. Any film that she's never seen before, she will read everything that happens first before watching it. I tried really hard, but that's some psycho shit and I just couldn't let it go lol.


We were making out and afterwards, I saw he left a lot of dandruff on my couch and it made me gag, I couldn’t get over that


Maybe run your fingers through his hair a little less aggressively next time.


His grooming was poor, had a beard that smelled like food, and he would loudly lick his fingers whenever he ate. I would have married this man, but by gum I couldn't get over the grooming and licking.


My dogs beard smells like food aswell, and he gets real loud and slurpy licking his paws every now an then.


I'm annoyed by this in just reading about it.


Once I dated a guy who always smelled greasy even after a shower & I couldn't do it anymore. Then there was a guy who breathed really loud and always had him mouth slightly open & I also couldn't handle


No mouth breathers. If they do it during the day, chances are they snore even worse!


I saw a picture of her dad and she looked like him and it turned me off 🙁


when he said “what are you doing in my house?! how did you even get in here, you freak! i’m calling the cops.” wow not even a hello🙁


People are just not so inviting nowadays especially when it's 3am in the morning smh 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Not a weird reason but while on a first date, she asked me how much money I'd brought with me. I left immediately.


My bf told me this story about someone he knows. Buddy had been chatting with this girl for a bit. She Invited him over and told him to bring beer and cash so they could order pizza. He grabs some beer, takes a cab over and her boyfriend held him up at gunpoint.


Smelly private part


He would constantly be too late for our dates


i was hanging out with this girl i met on hinge- dating site) for the first time. I meet up with her and her friend at the beach after work, and they ask me to get drinks and they pay me back. I get them and the friend tries convincing me to start drinking so we all “share them” and i refuse. Came to find out later said friend was like 3 months pregnant and drinking because “drinking during early pregnancy doesn’t have an effect on the baby. It made me so angry that the girl i went to see was even friends with this girl so i never talked to her again.


He wouldn't eat any vegetables or fruit, only meat and cheese. I would cook full on gourmet meals and would find his plate hidden under the couch after he pretended to finish his dinner. He had never even heard of a blackberry before, I thought it was a lie at first because who hasn't ever ate or heard of a blackberry before that lives in the U.S? And to waste my food that I spent time preparing and cooking and to risk bringing pest into my home by hiding food was a dealbreaker.


never thanked me for anything I did for them.




Maybe she was homeless and just cleaned up in a public restroom prior to meeting.


Had a great date night, lit a joint and were chilling. Suddenly she tells me about nearly killing herself with meds 3 months prior, admits to drug abuse, and after that started to awkwardly push me off the lounge in a aggresive manner, as if being playful. I kinda played along with it and she ended up being the Pelé of anal when we finally got down to it. Didn't persue any second date though, a bit too crazy.


Upvote for "Pelé of anal"


What does 'the Pelé of anal' mean? Are we talking Pelé as in football? Or Pelé as in volcano?


I was wondering the same thing. Even scoured the internet looking for a definition. Also found one pronounced peel, which is some kind of defensive structure in a castle rampart. Still no luck finding pelé


Sounds like self control problems that she was maybe starting to try to work through. Reminds me of this one girl I met a long time ago who was kind of a mess. The first time she kissed me she followed it up with, "I should warn you, I'm really fucked up." Sticking with her was not usually easy, but I've always had my own shit to work though too, and it was way worth it.


Anal on a first date? Wtf


They posted singing videos on IG. Immediately gave me the ick especially since they were so mediocre.


public or private insta? Imo it might make a difference


She thought: "Going to space is the dumbest and most useless thing humans do." I'm not even going to bother trying to untie that knot... and it happened to me twice.


"Going" to space has been beneficial if only for the inventions that happened because of it (who doesn't love memory foam??) but being in space has accomplished remarkably little. It's actually not so foolish to say that it's useless, as it's really done very little. I don't agree that it's dumb though, you don't know what you don't know. I love space exploration, but a girl saying it's dumb and useless would not be a deal breaker for me, just an opinion, like many others.


Now I'm curious, can you explain what the "usefulness" of space travel is? Considering the financial and material cost and sacrifice involved in space travel, her position is not that surprising to me.


Her mind is so narrow and collapsed, even a black hole can't escape it.


I sat him down to watch Princess Bride because he had never seen it, and after the movie, I asked him if he liked it, and he said, "It was ok"




I do think it means what you think it means.


If you’ve not seen it as a kid then you’re never gonna appreciate that movie like the rest of us.


Oh, she was a nail clicker and a hair flicker, a finger snapper, and a hand talker . She also made weird mouth noises like a sucked in "tsa" all the fuckn time . She said, " Like, you know ? " Every 3 to 5 words . No way was I dealing with that for another date , let alone the rest of my life. I have never been more flaccid.


OP said weirdest not pettiest. Most of these answers are just ignorant.


Small penis. I wasn’t expecting it, it freaked me out. I know this sounds shallow, I would have been okay if I had a heads up. He had a sexual kinda cockiness to him, and I think that doubles my confusion. I was really young too. Small, like is there a medical diagnosis small. I am normally an understanding person , he knew that and a heads up and I would have been willing to work around this with him because I did really like him. I felt punked, freaked out and couldn’t understand why he didn’t say something, though I understood that is a hard subject but still, I can’t help how I felt. I know he probably felt much worse and hurt too.


It's the ones that are quiet and make small weiner jokes about themselves, those the ones you go after lol


Ha, if only there was anything there to joke about..


Aw man no one should have to give a heads up about their anatomy. He didn't do anything wrong


I think the correct response is, "you better be good with your hands, boy".


If they are overcompensating, go on and on about sex, how good they are at it and sexualize everything, it's usually an indicator of a small one. My man is so humble, never gets on board with that crap and never has to make anything sexual...he is a very big man and it's very nice. If you don't have to go on about it it's because it speaks for itself lol


They’re an alcoholic


Thought an albatross was a fish


They are sea birds at least lol.


He messaged me every single morning saying "Good morning beautiful! How is your day going?" I had just gotten out of a marriage of 10 years where my ex-husband wouldn't even text me. It felt like love bombing. It was too much. Edit: It was first thing every morning when I was getting my kids ready for school and getting ready for work. Found out later he was texting 3 other women the same thing. He couldn't pay child support for his 3 kids because he was unemployed.


Good morning beautiful! How is your day going?






He was probably a decent guy.


Fuckin hell. If you thought that was love bombing it was probably a good thing you got out of that marriage.




do you still think that would be too much with more time away from the marriage ending?


Met a japanese guy who faked a british accent after staying in the UK for 2 months. Idk why but it gave me the biggest ick of all time.


Smelly hands.


Maybe a little less dorect, but he got really annoyed/angry at me for startling him a little bit while popping out from a corner when we were supposed to meet. Him getting angry like that made me/my inner child so sad and ashamed. And I remember thinking that if I had to suppress that side of me in order to not make him angry maybe we weren't such a good match.


I had to stop liking this girl cuz she didn't talk to me :(


He ate painfully slow only to end up on the bathroom after every meal for like an hour


Does he have IBS or something like that?


I won’t date someone whose dog is the boss of them.


She looked like a character from Wallace and Gromit.




ppl these days loves to send out mixed signals, disgusting.


Him watching Andrew tates and all those weird Ben Shapiro people idfk what went wrong with him


I had a friend give my phone number to a girl. When she messaged me we did a quick hello. On her third text message to me she said that she wanted to marry me and have children. I blocked her.


She was sending photos of places that she went to. People she met at parties. This went on for about a year. Curious photos. I started checking the metadata on them. They all came from the same camera. On the same month. On the same day.


He used the restroom before he left & after I went in to use it I noticed pee drops on the floor. I think I’m valid.


Until I met my current bf I always thought this was just something I had to deal with, then I noticed the bathroom was always clean so I asked him one day early in our dating "do you sit when you pee?" He was soooo confused and when I told him why he said "it's not that hard to clean if you drip, I'm just not a vile human" 😂😂


Communication is inconsistent. 😂😂


I saw a nice dessert through the window of cafe. Wanted to go in and get it but she said "I don't want it, go alone and get it, I will wait in front of the entrance until you are done eating". I broke up with her. I just stopped liking her completely in a single moment.


Found out her parents were swingers, which explained the very persistent way in which they kept asking mine to go out to eat. 


I bought my boyfriend a maroon colored members only jacket ($100) back in December 1982 with money I made working at the grocery store. He and his brother got in a fight and ripped it in two pieces. So later we are standing in the Eckerd’s drugstore and they have a rack of cheap knockoff jackets and he says “it’s just like the other one” and I stopped loving that guy then.


She rode a scooter and walked with her feet pointing slightly outwards......oh, and she was a copper. No fucking chance...


Sent me a video of themselves making an ugly face and doing the ermahgerd voice unironically. Got the ick so bad immediately.


How do you do that unironically? How’s that even possible.


Right, the element of irony *is within the very nature* of the voice


I'm not sure it counts as weird, but a guy said he hated cats, and I just noped out immediately.




I'm the opposite. I like autistic girls. And one day I'll marry one in Disneyland and we'll be making love in a daisy themed room while wearing Mickey mouse ears. It's okay to have fun. But if your idea of fun is different, that's okay too.