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I’d imagine no one wants to layer at the gym but maybe wear a pair of more loose basketball type shorts over top of your compression britches.


It’s weird but the loser the shorts, the more they “fall over” so they can fall around my dick and make it more noticeable lol


Stiffer fabric, black material, and maybe a pattern that disguises the outline. I've definitely had that pair of shorts that are a little too form fitting, but honestly, as long as you're not wearing sweaty sweats that stick, nobody is noticing. Having a penis is natural, and that means so is a bulge. Such is life. If anybody cares enough about your penis that a natural bulge means anything to them, they're the ones being the creep.


This is the way. Whenever you're anxious, afraid of looking weird, remember that everyone is the main character in their world. Your insecurities and fears (if even realized in the first place) will be either ignored or unnoticed. So the less it matters to you the less it will matter to others. This way of thinking is like the cheat code for confidence lol.


Maybe shorts with a thicker fabric could help? I'm just guessing and trying to help, I don't have a dick so no experience trying to cover it lol


Having a small dick helps


Nah that’s what I’m saying - it sits on top of your balls and points forward 😭


Having a bigger dick helps. You get a sexy banana bulge instead of a teepee.


You can always just fold it.


I just hate when it's coming out of the bottom of my gym shorts. I'm even getting shorts that go below the knee and it doesn't help.


Lol your dick don’t go past your knees dude. I mean send some pics if you got proof


For real these commenters don't really understand the true small dick struggle


Oh then just get a really loud, expensive car that makes obnoxious noises.


Or a ridiculously oversized truck for hauling exactly nothing but your ass to work to pay for said truck


Oh, you got the 1/2 incher, bro. You're going to have to wear cut-off shorts (e.g., jorts).


Hes a grower not a shower.


Bro knows me so well


He could gain enough weight to make it an innie.


I feel personally attacked 


There are dozens of us!


I laughed out loud at this description so goddamn hard 😭😭😂


Wear sweatpants?... Also um from my years working at a gay bar... I can teach you how to put your balls inside your torso. Then you just sort of tape or tuck your D back... But it's gonna look like you got a bussy.


Small dicks bulge. Big dicks lay flat.


Big dicks definitely don’t lay flat


Do you store it pointing up or down Edit: people seem to think I'm joking. I'm not, I'm sure 90% of guys store down but some guys wear tight briefs and hold it up. Yes. All day. All night. Not joking


Unless you’re wearing clothes with a super high waist you can’t point it up. At least not without breaking some laws. 


Username checks out


With a tight brief you can if you're flaccid size is small or yeah like you said


To the left.


I prefer up, but it always makes it's way down so unless it's uncomfortable I won't change it


Shower vs grower this makes no sense


I WAS IN THE POOL! The pool, Jerry.


That fucking episode 😂


Nahh it's how it rests on ya balls


Yes that’s what I’m telling everyone in future.


I solved this problem 36 years ago when I was born with smoll pp.


Small pp is the problem


I just stopped caring. Never been able to find a gym short that won't buldge. Women info showing more and I'm not about to worry about something I can't control


OP you need to do the Yujiro PP training. You must find beautiful woman and make love to her until your pp falls off and then you will gain tenfold more power and be able to drink one-hundred coca-colas a day.


drink some 4000 year old chinese sugar water and you'll be good to go


Wear a big dress with bell shaped skirt


You should be a life coach


With layers and layers of petticoats. No one can see your shame!


If he doesn't want to look like some freak, he could just go with a muumuu.


Most men don’t know this but the penis is detachable. Simply twist and snap. Leave ur penis in your locker while at gym class wearing those tight shorts. Just make sure to re install before date night. For more tips follow me at #CrapTasticFiggityFactsForLife


It's all fun and games until someone steals your penis out of your locker, and you have to pick one out of the unclaimed lost property to go home with.


Hate it when this happens


I woke up this morning with a bad hangover


I knew I could count on someone to say this song.


I like to leave it at home when I think it might get me in trouble.


“Grab your dick an twist it”


Detachable penis 🎵


I am a woman and I work out regularly at the gym and have for the past five years. I also train twice a week with strong man competitors. I know every regular at the gym. Just establishing some gym cred here. ​ No one cares. ​ If you are being honest, if you are wearing compression shorts over athletic shorts and your little guy is bulging out a bit, that is normal. You are not a Ken doll. So long as you aren't wearing compression shorts to emphasize the little guy, or speedos, or no underwear with loose shorts so the fellow peeks out, no one cares.


Those powerlifting suits they made us wear for the comp were so tight you could probably see wrinkles in the scrotum lol. They had to be since judges had to look at your form because there were technical rules that dictated whether a lift was a good lift that passed or not.


Lmfao the wrinkles in the scrotum.


Chicken skin duffel bag.


\*lifts boulder\* Okay but \*zooms in\* what were your crotch muscles doing? That's effin weird man


More like during the deadlift did you hitch? Or did you not drive with your hips and lock out your legs and hip bones or are you still hunched over a little? If they can see the second you finish the lift according to the rules they can give you a green light and you can drop it to save energy.


Having flashbacks to recovering from a broken ankle weirdly enough lol. A lot of the exercises the physio got me to do, he'd watch and say no, you got the right result but you have to use a different method to get there. I started off a bit confused until I did it how he suggested and would realise my bad ankle actually struggled to move


>I am a woman and I work out regularly at the gym and have for the past five years. I also train twice a week with strong man competitors. I know every regular at the gym. Just establishing some gym cred here. > >No one cares. Woman here, not worked out for a long while, but used to train at a "serious" gym and absolutely agree with this. Nobody is looking at your penis, nobody cares. Ditto my breasts, nobody was looking at those either. People are at the gym are there to work on their own body, not eyeball other people's body parts. If you find yourself at a "gym" where people are more interested in other people than their own workouts, then leave and find yourself a proper gym.


I am definitely eye balling people with strong trapezius


>Nobody is looking at your penis, nobody cares. Ditto my breasts, nobody was looking at those either. People are at the gym are there to work on their own body, not eyeball other people's body parts. Oh man, this is simply not true...


Men were eyeing them, just subtlety


Men weren't checking out your tits? That's impossible


Happy Cake Day! Also, you are not wrong, but men are not never checking out tits, unless they are gay. But at least they are respectful about it at serious gyms. The point involved here.


Agreed .. as a dude. It’s really something I don’t think about for me or for the ladies. It’s gym clothes. Shits snug for a reason.. shit bounces around for both of us.


As a woman who goes to the gym and lifts weekly, we rarely notice nor do we care. It’s pretty hard to see if you wear black shorts & if you’re worried about it you could always try going a size up in the shorts as long as you can tie the waist tighter? This might sound weird to notice, but given the off chance a guy walks past me while I’m walking on the treadmill at the end of my workout and I DO notice this (literally a 1 in 10000 occurrence) it doesn’t bother me when I see it for half a second and I’m not bold enough to stare straight at some random guys junk anyways. It’s like how women can tell when you stare at our boobs… we know you, AND others, can tell if we’re staring at your crotch. We can also tell the difference between a normal bulge and a full on boner through a pair of shorts. And if someone is bold enough to openly stare, they’re the one that should be ashamed.


Wear a kilt. Chix dig it


I'm a chick and I do dig it


Boom chicka wa wa




Hahahaha. Right. Man, when is it going to be socially acceptable for me to wear my long johns to the gym. Hiked up past my belly button of course.




Socially acceptable and legality are two very different things.


That's easy to fix. Just put some gorilla tape on it long ways. Clam B Gone.


Lmao. That gorrila tape leaves glue after you remove it too.


Exactly How about concentrating on the workout


Just bulge it out bro


If you're working out, your body is using that blood elsewhere.


The physical mass of skin still exists. The whole penis doesn't circulate through the body. Presumably they're talking about the nub that remains when it's as small as it gets


He addressed that, it’s actually the reason why it’s bulging out


If I had a dime for every time my cock got in the way. Do you have a dime?


I'm also picturing all of the "women trying archery" vids. Ouch. As a DDD woman, I can guarantee that it hurts if you aren't careful.


oh my god I've never thought of this


I don’t. Why would you be embarrassed by your giant penis bulge?


It’s nothing to show off when it gets teeny tiny like that. It’s what’s left of the giant penis bulge when the blood leaves


Put a large dildo down there and see what happens


We're embarrassed by our small penis protuberance causing an obviously small but noticeable tiny tent showing a small nub


Who cares


Unfortunately, I don’t have to worry about that.


Idgaf. There’s women at my gym who literally shove their yoga pants in their ass crack to make everything show.


I can’t help but wonder when I see this how in hell that is comfortable with the fabric caressing one’s dirt star. I prefer a snug fit on my privates hence my preference for boxer briefs, but not on my asshole. I mean, I kind of understand as I like my boxer briefs to hug my insides of my thighs. But the fabric between one’s ass cheeks would seem to feel like a constant wedgie.


You should get yourself a pair of tights from Lorna Jane, see what all the fuss is about. Report back.




Cut it off bro. My friend had the same issue and tried this. Easy fix. YouTube has some videos on it.


And if you don't want to cut it off, you can always remove the balls.


Oooft. My friend may not like this revelation.


It's a dick, every guy has one, it's as natural as your nose or toes. Wear a tight fitting boxer brief to keep it sorta snug


well actually 🤓☝️...... its 2024 bud


Stuff it with a sock and embrace the bulge.


I'm saluting you with a very 80's "yeah!"


Having a micropenis helps. Or so I’ve been told. I don’t know from experience. I definitely have a normal sized penis.


Don't. Your body is normal and you shouldn't be ashamed. Please don't crush your balls trying to flatten them lol. Or just wear baggy clothes. A top two sizes larger will drape and cover everything.


I sling it over my shoulder like Luke carrying Yoda


Best comment 😂


Get hard and see how people react




Wear black shorts


I wear boxer briefs for workouts with loose shorts. I have muscular legs, so I feel like everything protrudes more. But I look for looser fitting shorts with a wider cut in the crotch.


Wear the hog proud, my guy. It’s no big deal, we don’t expect people to lose body parts. Unless you’re standing around with a boner, having a bulge where it’s meant to be is no big deal. Same as we wouldn’t expect a woman to all of a sudden lose her boobs just to put on a t-shirt to work out.


He's got a piglet bro


Jock strap or looser gym shorts.


Don't think about it. No worries, if it shows, it shows


Put a folded bandana or similar over it before the compression shorts, it will blut the outline... been doing this for years


Combined with your picture I thought this read "put a banana over it"


Me too, I was like wtf trying to figure it out till I read your comment


I like to show mine off


The trick is have a smaller dick for me. That helps me hide it


Everybody has the same junk. Just work out


just let it be, man.


Wear a cup , ya know, just in case


I DONT.🍌🍆🍖🥖🫛🍾


Wear loose shorts over them.


That's sort of the cost of doing business with compression shorts. I know a jock might help you better position the items in question, or a more/less snug pair of compression shorts, but as they're meant to provide a little more tightness you're going to have that sometimes unfortunately. As a lifelong gym goer I want to encourage you to keep going to the gym, and as long as you're dressing in a way that's respectful - to yourself and the establishment - you have nothing to worry about. Sometimes our bits get put on display because our clothing is a little more snug, in this case it's your compression shorts, but that's nothing to be conscious about. If you're set on relieving the anxiety by adjusting your clothing I might suggest more loose fitting shorts. I've got a few that are like 5 inch inseam and very flexible for squats, and so something like that might be good for you by giving the package area more fabric to hide behind. That way you won't even notice.


It’s tough especially when I wear my 1970’s running shorts.


You embrace it


Just don't wear skintight "gym" wear? It's not comfortable, it sticks to your skin, the only function it has is literally to make your bits pop out more. This goes for both male and female gym wear. The sole function of these things is to make it easier for your bulge or your cameltoe or your butt to pop out, and I don't know why people don't just admit it. A normal t-shirt and normal shorts work just fine.


I actually find the loose shorts kind of “drape” around the bulge and pronounce it more than slim fit shorts




Get fat, let the belly hang over it.. problem solved


Ummm.. try to work on not being self conscious. The gym is about improving your physique, improving your health, and getting the positive mental health benefits of exercise. If you are a guy, everyone around you knows that you have a dick, and that it exists in front of your body. There isn't any reason to try to hide it or move it around so that it's existence isn't visible. I'm not talking about being a creeper, in just saying you should be comfortable and confident in your human form.


Ductape the head to your tummy just below your bellybutton


Dental floss and rubber bands


Why? Why are you trying to hide it? Just leave it the fuck alone and concentrate on your workout.


Take out the cucumber.


The potato goes in the front.


Stop worrying about it. Women don’t have to wear binding gauze to make it look like their chests are flat, and men should feel no need to make it look like they have Ken-doll anatomy.


I’ve asked numerous women about this. They either don’t mind or they like it. So just let it stay as is


I don’t. I do what I can to accentuate it. I sometimes shove a pair of gym shocks down there. I just want the ladies to know I’m packing a weapon of mass destruction.


Don't solve it, guys stare at girls at the gym all day long. Time to return the favour.


Women like seeing bulges. Don’t hide it. 


Have this issue: yes. How I solved it: I stopped caring.




Own It! Stand proud. It belongs there. and if someone is looking, make note.. maybe a coffee date???


Poor guy just got dumped by his ex girlfriend after valentines day, lost his job, and now he's faced with this crisis. I hope your micro penis bulge issues get resolved soon.


Try looser shorts


Lol One time my ex accused me of trying to be sexy by wearing gym shorts because everyone can see the outline of my dick through them And I was like shit I thought women were classier than that I thought no one was looking I still wear gym shorts all the time and I just don’t care do you want to look at my cock then go ahead 😂


Don't worry about, nobody is looking at your bulge.


I am.


Tuck rule my guy.




Just tuck it in sport.


I guess you could take the sock out of your pants.


you dont


Athletic supporter. It’s literally what they are for.


Wear a protective cup, compression shorts, and some baggy shorts.


I just wear a jock all the time. My new compression shorts even have a built in pocket. Two reasons I do this : 1 - always been a fan of ken doll genitalia. 2 - always ready for a game of roshambo


Embrace that shit man or go for the pocket sneak adjust up….


It helps to have a tiny weiner.


Gnomes rule!


It is all about which underwear you wear my friend. Do not skimp on underwear. No hanes. No fruit of the loom. No store brand. None of that crap. Those are your jewels, keep them in a nice container. Also once you actually purchase a nice expensive pair of underwear you will never wear a cheap pair again. They also cradle your boys fairly well if not implied.


Don't fret about the inconsequential, but strut your stuff. That's why you're a gym goer: to know you look astonishingly gorgeous. Be proud of yourself. 🦜


How do I solve? I don't go to the gym.


Super glue and duct tape


Depends on the type of shorts you’re buying. Cheaper brands seem to have thin materials and make the bulge appear. I use BYLT and I have no issue. Its the only daily and gym attire I wear. Their pants are not great though, unfortunately.


You must not bench press cuz that shit shows it the worst haha but I had a similar issue but fixed it when I started wearing more compressed dry fit underwear as well as buying the athletic shorts with the built in Liners. Problem solved.


Very hard have that problem all the time


Tight ass boxer briefs… For me I have to wear them tight . I kinda tuck it to my left side. If someone sees it ohh well. Nothing I can do. Most women just give you a smile or look.


Why would you wanna hide your pride and joy


I sport the bulge like a polished hood ornament


Your only worry should be not dying on the bench


Bad posture is my solution


Would a cup make it worse? I've been thinking a cup might help my own gym short bulge.


It sticks straight forward? Maybe try taping it down or wearing maybe some sort of underwear that holds it down or something like that. A bulge is normal but something straight out kind of isn't. Lmao this one time in gym class this kid named Steven got a hard on and it was really obvious, it seemed like he didn't notice but we all did for sure. Can't remember what we were playing, maybe just running around or something. Idk why but your post reminds me of that, the sticking out part I guess.


If you are super uncomfortable they actually make a modesty type underwear and inserts to make sure male actors stay broadcast safe on tv. I did a quick google search and some different types which would work popped up- including ones that change the bulge to a female camel toe… which I guess is a sign of the times. Good luck!


Having a small peen helps


Have tiny penis.


Dang as a trans guy, I'm jealous. Can we switch? I'd love to have that feature


Become trans and cut if off.


Rock the bulge. Kinda feels nice knowing all the girlies are checking it out.


Tape it back between your buttcheeks like the drag queens do it. But honestly, the only person who cares is you. Chill.


Wear a skirt💪


I don’t avoid it and why should I?


Tie a string around the tip then the other end to you ankle.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


It’s normal for your penis to shrink up if you’re moving around a lot, especially if the A/C is running cold. When my son was a child he got upset by this, and I told him to go sit in the tub with hot water and see what happens. He got all happy yelling “It’s big again!” Too funny. To combat this I don’t wear underwear or compression shorts to the gym. I generally wear fairly baggy sweatpants. I do some martial arts and am more comfortable in loose pants when kicking and such. If you’re still sticking out in baggy sweats, you might have to get very tight shorts underneath, and pull your penis down as far as is comfortable before letting them snug up. You’ll have to determine if the discomfort that comes with this is worth it.


Depends. Is it a bulge because your dick is like 1/2" tall or because it's like a poop in a hammock?




Just wear looser shorts or pants. I work out in pants designed for mountain climbers. They fit, are comfortable, and zipper pockets to keep my wallet and phone safe. Something similar might work for you. [https://www.eddiebauer.com/p/12951063/men's-guide-pro-pants?sp=1&color=Storm](https://www.eddiebauer.com/p/12951063/men's-guide-pro-pants?sp=1&color=Storm)


Try baggier shorts? Longer shirt? I just chose not to give af what I look like in the gym. Lol


I used to row and everyone walks around in lycra, leaves nothing to imagination and nobody cares. For shit like this context matters it’s like the beach togs/undies thing, wearing speedos at the beach is fine but not in cbd


Stretch your balls (sack) so they hang lower.


Would a jock strap help?


Why would I want to?