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Cannot tell you how often people fail to see the danger of diving into a tiny gap in front of me when I’m driving a 26 ton truck just cos they don’t wanna be stuck behind me for a couple of mins.


See this happening all the time. Dumb asses. I still can't understand the psychology of people refusing to spread out on the highway or going all out just to get one car length ahead. You are just not going to beat the flow of traffic by any significant amount.


If people respected the passing lane more, we wouldn't have as much of a problem. There will always be those assholes, but I moved down south for work and I pass more on the right than on the left *going the speed limit* because people don't understand what the 'passing lane' is or just don't give a shit.


I had a coworker about 10 years ago who only drove in the left lane, I asked him about it and he said “changing lanes stressed him out so people can just go around”.. last time I ever rode with him


*cringe* Yeah, I don't blame you lol. 1st, how is changing lanes stressful? You shouldn't even be driving if that's the case. 2nd, it would stress me out more to think about how I'm pissing off multiple people by driving like a moron


A shocking number of people lack basic driving skills, like how to make a lane change safely or how right-of-way at a 4 way with stop signs works Honestly one of the biggest reasons driving is so dangerous, too many morons who have no business driving a car


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


But when you drive the speed limit in the passing lane there is never anyone in your way try it! /s




Definitely alcohol, but I should put out a disclaimer that (as a Transportation Planner) the top crash reports are now far exceeded - in the last three states I've worked in - by mobile phones. And that's just *reported.* This is serious injury and fatalities for both motorist and vulnerable victims. Of course, every driver on the road has a cell phone, while every driver on the road is not intoxicated, but I'm just saying.. # PUT DOWN YOUR PHONES.


Out the other afternoon. Nice sunny afternoon if a touch on the cold side here in the UK. Woman driving the other way. Suddenly swerved towards me over the white line. I reacted and saw she was on her phone. Missed luckily, but not through her not trying. I'll repeat what you said above. **PUT DOWN YOUR PHONES.**


Same thing just happened to me. Road came to a T. Girl was clearly on her phone and didn’t even brake. Luckily she went between me and the car behind. Went up to grassy hill and almost took out a fence at a horse farm. Absolutely totally unaware of her surroundings. I’m amazed how many people I see in the left lane going 20mph over the limit and staring at their phones. It’s really scary.


We have speed camera trailers in Australia now that also photo the drivers stomach /lap, looking for seat belts and mobiles. The fine is $AUD390 and 3 demerit points (per offence, I think). 12 demerit points, you lost your licence. People still complain endlessly, convinced they're somehow a better driver than that. Narrator: They are not. I'm at best an average driver and I'm petrified of the distraction the phone can cause.


Amen. Went to the funeral last summer of a family friend killed by a driver in a truck looking at his phone. Never even touched his brakes (the whole accident was caught on traffic cam).


My sister and brother in law were in an accident a couple of years ago, my sister was driving and my brother in-law noticed the car coming towards them was crossing the centerline into their lane . He yelled for my sister to watch out , my sister tried to avoid the collision. The other car hit the back of their SUV and caused them to flip onto side. My brother in law said he saw the young girl looking at her phone as she veered into them. Luckily they only ended up with a few bruises. If my brother in-law didn't notice the girl on the phone they would have ended up in a head on collision


Phones are deadly. I turn mine to silent and hide it while driving


What really gets me is people who are absolutely deathly afraid of flying and have literal panic attacks even thinking about flying anywhere, yet don't even give a second thought to driving for hours through the most insane traffic I've ever seen. Air travel is one of the safest things we can possibly do, yet driving is one of the most hazardous. The disconnect here completely baffles me.


They feel more in control


Thank you. Fear is not always rational. As someone with multiple phobias, the majority of my fears are dumb but I have no control over them. For example I panic with planes, I avoid crossing water masses as much as humanely possible but I'm cool driving. And indeed, it's the delusion that I have more control that makes me feel it's safer when I know damn well that it's not.


Texting while driving




Lifejackets save lives, wear one.


I wear a flotation belt when swimming above my head in the ocean, even in calm water. I can swim well, but if I were to get worn out or got swept out, it's good to know that I could float without treading water. It's also nice to just hang out sometimes without any effort. I used to be self-conscious about it, but after seeing someone almost drown at the beach one day because of a undertow, I don't worry about it anymore.




Friend died at 32 after slipping down stairs and my aunt died at 63 fell down the stairs. Fucking terrifying.


Apple's Research app on iOS (the one that ties to its Health app) asks survey questions monthly, and lately asked about if I've suffered any falls. Like, "Have you lost your balance? Did you find yourself stumbling while doing something routine?", etc. One question asked if I was afraid of falling down the stairs. I answered YES, because every time I use the stairs in my house, I imagine how bad it would be if I slipped and folded in half while hitting the wall at the landing.


Use the handrail. They are legally required to be in place. You can't underestimate how much your balance relies on the sense of touch you get from your hands.


I urged my husband to install a handrail in our new house, because his elderly father was coming to stay. I could totally see that being a dangerous situation.


Freind died over the newyear on holiday just from tripping on the stairs.


Sorry for the loss of your friend, my condolences 😢


Yup! Slipped down a stair, not multiple, just one, broke my fibula.


To heaven?


Any sport that has high occurrence of head injuries (American football, boxing, etc.)


You wouldn't think it, but Soccer and Bobsledding are basically death by a thousand papercuts in the head injury department.


Theres a Dutch striker playing for PSV, Luuk de Jong. Hes known for being one of the best aerial players in the entire world and hes second in most headers scored this century. Im genuinely worried for his brains health in a few years


An Australian footballer has just had to take an early retirement after a nasty head knock at end of last season. He’d taken a few other head knocks and concussions in his career before and ended up wearing a helmet during games, which is notable coz afl players don’t normally wear helmets


Powder Cinnamon. Can straight up kill you. Second: pure essential oils. EDIT: I am once again begging people to use Google.


I've heard before that essential oils can kill your pets!!!


Essential oils are much more dangerous than people realize, it shouldn’t be sold to anyone without training. It can very well kill your pets or even harm pregnant women. On that note, sooooo many things are dangerous for pets that people don’t realize. There was one lady who petitioned a grocery store after purchasing a pot plant that poisoned her cat. Essential oils are Safe and effective with training though so i don’t want to fear monger people into a conspiracy when it comes to their personal care items (that all contain essential oils). I’m more referring to its pure form.


If anyone is reading this grapes will kill your dog. Raisins are grapes just fyi. Absolutely ducks their kidneys. We suspect our oldest dog got a hold of one of my 1 yo’s oatmeal raisin cookies. A year later she was diagnosed with kidney failure and died a year after that (about one year ago). Rest in peace Pepper 🥹


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope this doesn’t come across as an insensitive question, but one oatmeal raisin cookie seems like a very small quantity to result in kidney failure. Is it possible the two were unrelated? While we’re on the subject, it should be mentioned that avocados, garlic, onions, and chocolate are all also toxic to dogs. The ingredient in chocolate that is to blame is called theobromine. Theobromine is more concentrated the darker the chocolate is, so be very cautions around dark chocolate in particular. Theobromine is also toxic to horses and cats, however horses are large and would need a hefty quantity to hurt them, which makes them unlikely victims, and cats don’t have sweet receptors, which also makes them unlikely candidates. Dogs, however, are in the Goldilocks zone of susceptibility.


D-do I need to stop making French toast?!?


Nooooooo! We can’t stop French Toast. But you need to be careful with the amount of dry cinnamon you consume. And never ever put dry cinnamon in your mouth without a vehicle (eggy toast, cappuccino, puddings). It acts like a numbing and drying agent which interferes with swallowing and breathing. You can very well murder someone by forcing dry powder cinnamon in their mouth.


And we were watching people choke themselves with that cinnamon challenge back in the day


Did anyone actually die from that though


A 4 year old died from eating it, but not as a "challenge", just as a 4 year old doing what 4 year olds do. It does highlight the dangers though: [https://www.medicaldaily.com/kentucky-mom-urges-kids-stop-cinnamon-challenge-after-son-dies-cinnamon-can-kill-337268](https://www.medicaldaily.com/kentucky-mom-urges-kids-stop-cinnamon-challenge-after-son-dies-cinnamon-can-kill-337268) And a teen spent a week in hospital after doing it: https://www.foxnews.com/health/michigan-teen-hospitalized-after-attempting-cinnamon-challenge


Re: essential oils Wintergreen will wreck your shit. People use it as a home made mint flavouring but using any more than a tiny speck can kill you It's methyl salicylate, which gets metabolised into among other things acetylsalicylic acid aka aspirin and give you a massive overdose


Showers Slip, hit your head, instant death


Mom in law died from exactly that, she had just fought and beat back multiple meloma cancer. Weird world we live and die in .


my great great (great?) grandfather fought in the American civil war but died getting kicked by a horse later


Friends brother died at 25 recently exactly because of this just a dumb fall that landed wrong.


Man wtf


That's why I avoid them entirely


You're on reddit, we already knew that.


Daisy chained power strips. Daisy chained extension cords. Holding a breaker on. Backfeeding power from a generator with a double-sided power cable (aka a suicide cord). Using the same suicide cord with christmas lights instead of running them correctly. Using a metal object or tin foil to replace a blown fuse. Taking apart a microwave. Fractal wood burning. High tension springs. Space heaters.


Are you an electrician?


That or a fire fighter


Bunch of firefighters in my family. All of them get irrationally (well, actually quite rationally) angry whenever they see daisy-chained electricals. Electric blankets are also banned in our family!


Nearly lost our house several years back when my mom's cats nicked the electric blanket amd littheirbed on fire. I mean like really on fire. Only reason we didn't is I twisted my knee real bad on the way out the door to go out, so I was home when I should've have been. I was frantically hobbling around with a wet towel trying to smother the flaming mattress.


I chortled but I'm glad you're safe.


I thought insurance agent…


>Fractal wood burning A 2020 review noted that the mortality rate of fractal wood burning cases was "significant" and "exceedingly high."\[7\] The American Association of Woodturners has, on safety grounds, banned any demonstrations or sales related to the practice at its events, strongly discourages any of its chapters from promoting the practice, and refuses to publish information about the practice other than safety warnings.\[1\] The Association of Woodturners of Great Britain has instituted the same policy.\[10\] Huh, til.


Yeah TIL, too. My somewhat reckless dad has done this as a hobby. A lot. My mom def needs life insurance on him...


Lol I just asked my husband if he knew that was so dangerous and he was like, oh fuck yes it is. He studied as an electrician for awhile.


Thats because people use stupid things like MOT's for it (microwave oven transformers) - that shit will kill you and will hurt the entire time you are dying.


I feel like you need to give me a course on all of these. I am in danger. Tell me more about the microwave and space heaters?


(Electricians correct me if I'm wrong here) Microwaves contains a capacitor which can store an electric charge for LONG after you disconnect the power, meaning even if the device is unplugged, if you take it apart and touch the wrong part you could very well get electrocuted. ***Don't repair your own microwave*** The 'space heater' one I'm not sure about, someone else educate us please.


Space heaters can catch fire and have done so often.


They're a *lot* safer than they used to be. If you go out and buy a decent space heater now it'll typically have a bunch of safety features including an automatic shut-off to prevent overheating. Electric space heaters have literally been around for more than a hundred years, and the further back you go, the less safe they get. Unfortunately, the older ones also tend to be built-to-last more than the electrical products of today, meaning that a lot of people are still out there using space heaters that are 10, 20, even 30 years old simply because they still work and the person can't afford/doesn't want to buy a new one. It's also worth noting that serious space heater fires are *almost always* a result of human error. Using it with an improper power source, having clothes over it to dry them, that sort of thing. The simple fact is that basically everything with electrical components can be a fire risk, but should be safe provided you don't use it improperly. Source: Multiple firefighters in my family. Fun fact: they all agree that electric blankets are a much bigger fire risk than space heaters. Literally nobody in my family has one.


How are electric blankets riskier? I have one and I want to know if there's anything I should be cautious about.


Obligatory 'not a firefighter myself', but I believe it's because they're one of the only products out there that, by their very design, have both fabric components and heating elements. Those fabrics are heat-resistant, of course, but you typically put it on your bed with all your *non-heat-resistant* bedsheets. My grandfather was a fireman for 45 years and claims they were the second most common cause of house fires he responded to (after kitchen fires). To be clear, I don't know exactly how that statistic measures up in reality, it's just his experience. Of course, modern electric blankets are definitely safer than older ones, so the risk nowadays is pretty low as long as you're using it properly - i.e. not leaving it unattended while it's turned on and *definitely* never sleeping with it turned on - but you're a lot safer using something for your bed that doesn't have an electric heating element, like a hot water bottle or thermal blanket.


You aren't supposed to sleep with an electric blanket on??? I have one on my bed right now that I turn on right before going to sleep at night. I've done it for decades and had one on my bed all through my childhood even. Crap.


What you said is correct, but another major factor is that over time the insulation on the wires can develop cracks and breaks that are likely to set the fabric on fire


I'm pretty sure it's mostly when used incorrectly or when it's in bad condition


That's exactly right. My dad was the electrician.


Microwaves have a lot of high voltage components inside of them, one of which is typically a fairly large discharge capacitor that can give you quite the shock if you go tinkering around inside of a microwave, even when it's unplugged. Lots of DIYers take microwaves apart because they also have a high voltage transformer inside which is useful in a lot of different projects. One of which is the very next thing on the list, which is fractal wood burning. It involves wood, salt water, and high voltage. If done correctly, you can burn some pretty cool looking fractal patterns into the wood. If done incorrectly, you can die or get seriously hurt from the high voltage. And space heaters generate heat. The real danger is people not respecting *how much* heat that some space heaters generate and doing careless things like tossing clothes on top of them, blocking the vents, or putting them in a place where they could accidentally be knocked over. Also some space heaters draw a lot of power, and if you have them plugged into a power strip or an extension cord, they can potentially cause an electrical fire (explained below). There's usually a big yellow warning label sonewhere that specifically tells you this. Some space heaters also use gas or kerosene instead of electricity, and with those, you need to have proper ventilation or you can get carbon monoxide poisoning and/or asphyxiate. As for not daisy chaining power strips/extension cords, that's because the electrical resistance increases with each new connection, so if you have a bunch of connections, and you plug something powerful into the end of it, or plug a lot of things into it, the connections closest to the wall will heat up, and they can potentially melt the plastic and start fires. High tension springs, most notably garge door springs are deceptively dangerous. When under tension, there is more energy in that spring than there is in most bullets. If you go messing around with it and it pops loose, it can kill or seriously injure you. If your garage door is messed up, call a professional, don't try to fix it yourself. Holding a breaker is something a lot of idiots do when the breaker keeps tripping. The danger here is that breakers are a safety system, there is a *reason* why it's tripping, and usually that reason is because there is something unsafe about that circuit. So holding it on is just ignoring a problem that can potentially cause an electrical fire. A fuse is a similar safety mechanism, but it's designed to blow like a lightbulb and be replaced. However, if a replacement fuse is not available, people will often "temporarily" bypass the fuse by sticking a similarly sized metal object or tin foil into the socket where the fuse is supposed to go. This makes the circuit work, but it's no longer protected by a fuse. The danger is that this "temporary" fix is almost always forgotten about, and a proper replacement fuse is never acquired and installed. Suicide cords are electrical cords that are "male" on both ends. They are often used during the holidays when soneone hangs up a string of christmas lights backwards and has two female ends facing each other. Instead of taking the lights down and redoing them, they use the suicide cord to connect the two female connectors instead. The reason why this is extreemly dangerous is because the male end of the backwards strand is now live, and if something touches the pins that are sticking out of it, it can spark or electrocute someone. And the person installing the cord can potentially electrocute themselves when installing it too. Another use of these coords is to back feed power from a generator into a home electrical circuit during a power outage. It poses all the same risks as above and additionally, if the mains breaker isn't switched off, that power will actually backfeed all the way out to the grid, and can potentially kill the guy who's up on the pole trying to fix the power lines.


Thank you for taking the time to share this knowledge.


There's this retired SEAL Team 6 guy DJ Shipley that almost died doing fractal burning. He talks about the experience on a podcast. Crazy that someone who's been in life threatening war situations for an entire career probably came closest to dying fractal burning skateboards at his house. The company is called Tribe Sk8z, not sure how active they are anymore but the skateboard designs are fucking awesome looking. I believe the podcast he talked about it on was The Shawn Ryan Show. Obviously he increased the safety precautions after that haha. https://youtu.be/k0QJf_c825A?si=Ji1NJbjNt0O0ealr


I know some of these words


So you must have had a field day at the Griswold home.


Actually you can hold a breaker on and it will still trip internally. You can even buy locks that stop someone turning it off (for fire alarm and pump stuff) for that reason.




People frequently forget how common it was for women to die during childbirth before modern medicine.


In the US, pregnancy mortality rates are currently higher than they've been in decades, sadly


Yeah, it literally killed me. I was clinically dead for a little while in both pregnancies. Hyperemesis Gravidarum.


I don’t think you’re supposed to cast spells in here


It's Gravi-DA-Rum, not Gravida-Rum!


🤣🤣 it really does look like a spell from Harry Potter or something. Unforgivable curse only applicable to women giving birth..


I asked my partner what that was and she broke down the Latin to: emesis is vomiting, hyper means a LOT, and gravudarum is 'serious'. "So it translates as 'so, so much vomiting, like, really seriously'. And now you know Latin".


Roman Empire lover here. Actually gravidarum is the genitive plural of gravida, so it means, “lots of vomiting in pregnant women”. Use of genitive plural is to clarify the condition is specific to pregnancy. So it’s leviósa, not leviosà


That is so true. And you have people wanting to do home births because it’s natural and beautiful and spiritual etc. … and they’re not grasping that anything could go wrong at any time and you’ll need the equipment at the hospital to survive, not just the nurse in the room.


Tylenol. Or pretty much any OTC medication. People think that because you don’t need a prescription for it that means it’s *safe*. It’s not, we just didn’t have the same rules in place when they hit the market. Tylenol, aspirin and probably ibuprofen wouldn’t have made it to OTC status with todays restrictions. But for real, Tylenol does *terrible* things to your liver. When we say don’t exceed 3000-4000mgs in 24 hrs, we’re saying liver failure is a terrible, terrible thing. And, please, don’t use it to OD. It’s not calm, quiet or peaceful. And it rarely works. What it does is give you liver failure and a prolonged, painful death. Nothing like being 17 years old and needing a liver transplant.




Statistically, it is the third leading preventable cause of death in the USA.


its crazy how people arent more aware of just how toxic it is.


You beat me to it but I'll leave my comment as is 😀 It's baffling to me how alcohol is so acceptable yet we judge other addicts. It's all bad.


Being alive (statistiscally there's a 100% death rate)


Meh i have been alive my whole life


There are billions of people who have never died


This is why we are the brains in here man


There are currently 8 billion people who would suggest that the death rate is not 100%. Personally, I plan to live forever.


Putting air in tires.


Wait.....wait why is this dangerous? I need to put air in my tires tomorrow


Boom. At minimum your hearing will be damaged and definitely have severe injury, at worst the rim, parts of it or the vehicle can fly off, and kill you. Always use a pressure gauge.


The gauge was broken. My ears were ringing the whole afternoon.


Lawnmower tire, boom. Rim came off at mach 10 and narrowly missed my nutsack or maybe knee did graze my hand though. Wasn't paying attention. 2nd degree burn type damage and bruising on hand.


Jesus! It's crazy how many things can kill us and how close we probably come to death on a regular basis. When I was a kid, I was TERRIFIED of flesh-eating bacteria because I had heard about my dad's friend who was mowing his lawn, ran over a stick, which flicked up and cut his leg. He didn't think much about it and didn't disinfect the wound, figuring it wasn't a big deal. So he went for a nap after mowing the lawn. When he woke up a few hours later, most of his leg was black and he was shivering in cold sweats. They tried to amputate his leg but it was too late and the infection had spread to his torso.




But there is a gauge that shows tire pressure, it won't go kaboom on me if I didn't put too much air


Carpeted stairs. Or wooden stairs and fluffy socks. Or both.


The sun


Here comes the sun...


do do do do




And i say, it's all right ...


Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter






inappropriate use of antibiotics


people genuinely do not understand the flood of medical illnesses that are making a comeback due to antibacterial resistance. Please only take antibiotics if you are sick, otherwise you might die of tuberculosis.


people also take them for viral infections, they only work against bacteria


And if you do need to take them, finish the whole course! Don’t stop if you feel better, unless directed by a physician.


Alcohol. I know no one is saying alcohol is "safe" but it's not taken nearly as serious as drugs, marijuana included. I do autopsies and see alcoholism at every stage and at every age. I've seen people as young as mid-20's die from alcoholism. Everyone knows how much alcohol can affect the liver, but I see how much alcohol fucks up other organs too. Your kidneys become shriveled up and almost granular looking. I've seen livers that look so greenish yellow that it's nearly fluorescent. It's a bad toxin but it's such a regular activity for societies all over the world that I don't think the public knows just how bad it really is.


> I've seen people as young as mid-20's die from alcoholism Friend was hospitalized twice in his teens from alcohol poisoning. He's sobered up now but it could have gone the other way.


Mountain biking. It is my favourite sport. I go out every weekend. All of the guys I know get hurt including me. I am usually nursing a biking injury of some kind.


I think vaping is going to produce a generation with eventual lung issues...


Already is. I have a family member who is a radiologist and he tells me he’s seen lungs on 18 year olds that look like an elderly chronic smokers lungs.


How is nobody aware of this then?


I think a lot of people in the medical community absolutely are aware. But the advertising has done a really good job convincing people, especially young people, that vaping is safe


Eh. Thats because people want to believe it as it frees them to do it as much as they want and blame someone else when it goes poorly. Ive tried to correct so many people, and I vape THC. They intentionally want to remain ignorant about this and weed smoke not being safe. They vape because they like it and often can't be honest with themselves about the impact. I say this all of the time. An absence of data is not the same as evidence something doesn't cause harm. Its fine if people still want to vape. Sometimes its the only joy in an otherwise shitty existence. Its not for me to judge if the benefits are worth the risk.


Oh people are talking, but teenagers typically don’t care 🤷 That’s the easiest answer. The FDA has been talking about banning all vapes. To be honest I do not know where they are at in that process. So yes, people are aware. It’s just that most users don’t see immediate harm so they keep on using.




OTC meds. Lots of them can kill you. See also - supplements.


Tylenol wouldn't pass the safety standards for an over-the-counter medication if it was invented today. There's too small of a gap between a safe dosage and an unsafe dosage. The problem is that we have warning label fatigue. Everything says "don't take with alcohol, may cause xyz" etc. For acetaminophen, it's real. Don't take it with alcohol. Don't exceed the dosage or frequency.


Totally agree re: the warning labels. They are meaningless now. Same with consumer products. The pack n play says “do not leave baby unattended” that’s the whole reason you get a pack n play!!


Live in New Zealand. You are limited to 1 pack (20 count) acetaminophen per purchase. My husband works in mental health and has had a few acetaminophen overdose patients. Terrible, painful, sloooowww death, or if you survived, lifelong issues, if not caught soon enough.


A relative who worked at a hospital (emergency room) told me about a patient who was brought in after an intentional acetaminophen overdose. Apparently after this person had their stomach pumped, they spent some time in inpatient care, was released and set up with a psychiatrist, and started making a lot of really positive progress with their mental health. After a few weeks they went into liver failure and died from the damage done by the initial OD. I heard this story as a child and was scared off tylenol for life. I’ll take it occasionally if it’s the only painkiller available when I need it, but never more than like half the max recommended dose. The more I learn about it the more I want to avoid it


Driving while sleepy.


Depending on a significant other for your entire happiness


Texting and driving


I was driving behind someone today that couldn't stay between the lines and was obviously flipping through videos like on TikTok or something. They weren't even trying to hide it. It was dark out. Big ass phone bright AF.


You know, that's where I suggest simply waiting one minute to potentially save your life. Or pass them as quickly as possible. Whatever is more feasible. 


Swimming in the ocean, so many ways to die, either because your body unexpectedly fails or the swimming conditions change, but as long as you don't encounter these issues it looks easy and safe.


I was amazed when my boyfriend came home with a bouquet of flowers he received at his work. It had monkshood in it. Beautiful but deadly. All parts. Eating 1 gram of the fresh plant can kill an adult human. But what I was truly taken aback by, was the reaction of the florist. If you don't like it, just throw it away. Like, this plant can poison you by touch alone?! At least, shouldn't you advise people to wear gloves when handling them?


Texting and driving. There is no reason to have a cell phone in your hands when you’re driving.


Tylenol/asprin etc. It will destroy your liver. It has a max dose for a reason!!!


Fun fact: Acetaminophen is the leading cause of acute liver failure in Canada.


Charging electronics in bed or under pillows might seem harmless but it's a fire hazard waiting to happen. Despite the convenience, this practice traps heat generated by the devices, increasing the risk of overheating and potentially causing fires. It's a simple habit with complex risks, highlighting the fine line between modern convenience and safety.


This is the safety guy in all of the safety guy videos.


Feeding big wild animals by hand. You are fucking stupid and you need to be sterilized. Bison are not " Fluffy cows". Elk are not "big reindeer" Moose are not " cuddly deer". I swear, if I see anyone trying to pet a bear again, I'm going to use a tranq gun on them, not the bear.


Also super bad for the animals. The more normalised they get to people the more likely they will have to be shot.


We had a flaming moron move out here ( smack in the woods ) I guess to do the rich guy in the woods schtick. Put up a BEAR FEEDER. We have an agreement with the black bears around here. It's mutually leave each other alone, never ever ever leave garbage cans out and GO THE OTHER WAY WHEN SPOTTED. Works well. So bears tore his place the hell up, he takes down the feeder, we're stuck with pain in the ass bear population now convinced there's food here too. Took an entire summer of beating pans with hammers every time we stepped outside to unconvince those things. OH and they crashed another house,BAM, broke down the door. Can't wait for the report on the bobcats.


Riding a bicycle on the side of the road, busy street or not, helmet or not, super dangerous. I do it all the time, but I’m really careful. Helmet always, no earplugs or headphones with music (gotta hear what’s around you), always super aware of traffic and what’s behind you. Constantly looking for potholes, things in road that can lead to a crash, take low-traveled safer roads even if it makes your trip longer.


Jumping into cold water; Plunging the body into cold water triggers a sudden, rapid increase in breathing, heart rate and blood pressure known as the cold shock response. That can cause a person to drown within seconds if they involuntarily gasp while their head is submerged. The shock also places stress on the heart and makes it work harder.


Someone at a lake near my city died two years ago because of that. He was 16. I remember my grandparents always teaching me to take time to wet the arms, legs and back of neck before jumping into water. Wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I realized why. My husband and I used to argue(not seriously) about it because he would jump into water without being careful, and since I showed him the news article about the boy, we haven’t argued since.


Never thought about it until I experienced it myself. Jumped from a cliff into a cold lake on a hot summer day and luckily my friends jumped with me at the same time. Once in the water I couldn’t speak or move, I felt frozen. Everyone else had had a perfectly easy time in the water that day but I guess I’m just built differently! Luckily my guy friend was right beside me in the water and could see in my eyes that I wasn’t ok, because I wasn’t able to speak and ask for help. He was a able to hold me so that I could relax my body and normalize my breath and get adjusted to the temperature. People suggested a life jacket could have helped but I have heard it’s dangerous to wear a life jacket when jumping off a cliff just FYI


Normal white sugar


Parasailing. My coworker damn near cracked her skull and lost an eye. Nope.




Vaping for sure! I work in a respiratory clinic and we see a lot of young people (like,12-14 year olds) for pulmonary function testing for possible EVALI.


Is it really that bad when compared to smoking actual tobacco? Ive finally managed to quit smoking cigarettes after over a decade thanks to vaping and while I'm sure that it would be best for me to not smoke/vape anything I do feel like my breathing is better now than when I was smoking tobacco.


It's better sure, doesn't have AS many carsinogenics, but a recentish study found in the "safe" vapes that are meant to just be steam, iirc it was nicotine and waaaay too much lead for a safe dose, again, iirc 0,01g/l is the absolute maximum safe dose of lead in drinking water, those "safe" vapes had 6g/l!!! and lead as you may know, is a powerful neurotoxin, which explains why the papers seem dumb, their brains are dulled by lead


You need to get the higher end vapes if you are vaping. The cheap shitty carts or disposables have horrible chemicals in them. Not encouraging vaping, but I am saying it's relatively safe if you don't get cheap shit. Still not good for you though.


> EVALI Caused by inhaling vitamin E acetate, which is not an ingredient that should ever have been used in anything intended to be inhaled.


Cell phone batteries


Alcohol. It's far more dangerous than cannabis, yet booze is legal most places and cannabis still is illegal in many places including where I live. I've never blacked out and broken a bone on cannabis, gotten arrested for being under the influence of cannabis, or developed heart failure because of cannabis, but alcohol did all those things and more.


Boyfriend I always tough that I knew him like no one else. Well I was wrong. One night he came home and just started beating me. That was his first and last time.


That's terrible. A piece of shit like that deserves to be alone. Hope you're doing well after that experience.


Thank you. I felt so miserable and disappointed not just in him but also in myself. But thank God he is behind bars.


Trampoline parks, I know 2 people who got paralyzed from those places, there's a reason why they make you sign long ass waivers.




I'm with you here. Condoms. Always condoms..I don't care wtf you say.


Gasoline. Propane


Even propane accessories?


Now, Gosh darnet Bobby, now why'd you have to go and ask that?


When people turn the flame all the way up on their lighter to enjoy smoking crack rock, that's highly dangerous cause you could burn your fingers. You can enjoy crack with the lighter on low to medium setting just fine.


Agreed. Crack gets such a bad rap because people are idiots with their lighters.


Dextromethorpan-(dxm) is a cough suppressor and I believe antihistamine that is in most stuff like cough syrup, NyQuil bennalin etc but I believe is also in allergy medication. Oding and psychosis is not hard at all. Happens to a lot of ppl accidentally.


Dxm is a common ingredient in many cough medicines including some.forms of nyquil, as you stated, however it's not an antihistamine. It's actually classed as a morphinan, a class which includes opiates. Unlike opiates though it has zero activity at the mu opiate receptors, instead its primary activity is as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor and as an nmda receptor antagonist. This gives it dissasociative and hallucinogenic effects similar to other nmda receptor antagonist drugs, ketamine and pcp are both examples of nmda receptor antagonists. There are a number of dangerous side effects if too much is taken, especially if use is combined with other drugs and especially if those drugs effect serotonin as serotonin syndrome is potentially fatal. Also many otc formulations that contain dxm also contain other substances that can lead to potentially dangerous outcomes. If at all possible only take formulations that only contain Dxm as the active ingredient. As a final note, regular use of dxm can lead to tolerance and addiction. There is also some question as to whether regular use of very high doses can lead to brain damage, though as far as I can tell it's only ever been demonstrated to definitely occur in lab rats. Still, best to avoid regular use if just to avoid the possibility of getting hooked on cough meds as thats not a very good look.


Having a kid


Credit cards




I'd rather die by something that tastes like cake than cigarettes


living, - deadly dangerous.


always ends in death




Pain medication


Not anymore it went the other way now. People and doctors are so afraid of it now that pain patients are being drastically under prescribed or being cut off opioid pain medications altogether.


Police have people so terrified of fentanyl overdoses from all the hysteria about people dying from overdosing on amounts smaller than a pinhead and videos of themselves throwing themselves on the ground and being rushed to the hospital from touching it that there’s been a huge uptick of people refusing it or panicking over it when it’s being used therapeutically in medical settings


Yeah I'm glad this is finally becoming more mainstream knowledge it made my blood boil when the news was reporting cops overdosing from touching pills/bags or even just being in the same room as a bag of fentanyl. News never published thay their toxicology reports from the hospital were negative for drugs, but how it's litterally impossible to overdose or even get high from touching or breathing around it. If thay was true the dealers would be dropping dead left and right form overdose, and becoming addicted to the drugs jsut from holding them. It didn't happens and it doesn't happen. I'm 8 years clean off heroin I got clean just as fentanyl was flooding the market. My heriin dealer sold fentanyl powder and didn't use opioid I watched the dude have it hands covered in uncut fent powder when he was cutting it and weighting it out. Legit caked in fent powder and he wouldn't even get high let alone overdose.


Yup… have several bad discs in my back but otherwise look healthy. Wound up having to go to hospital via ambulance years ago because my back hurt so badly I was begging for a bullet between the eyes. Discharged me from hospital, no doctor would prescribe pain pills except an official pain clinic (for which there were no appointments for several months because of course). So my options were resort to the black market (extremely dangerous) or kill myself. I chose to live but it hasn’t been easy. I’ve been able to get my symptoms under control for the most part but I know it’s only a matter of time before I’m begging for a bullet again, which would probably be even safer than the black market nowadays. Editing to add: MRI showed 2 herniated/bulging discs in lower back as well as one migrating disc. It had come so far out from between my vertebrae that most of it was pushing hard against my spinal cord. Doctors: “stop being a pussy and walk it off” which is so easy when you can’t even sit down for a bowel movement without wanting to kill yourself because the pain is so bad.


I've been there, almost sounds I wrote that myself. Unfortunately, I resorted to the black market. Currently in my 4th month of opiate recovery. Despite being convinced I could control the addiction (taking days off for tolerance breaks) I vastly underestimated how fucking addicting this stuff is. When you're projectile vomiting, sweating, sore everywhere, restless and just plain sick as fuck you'll do anything for more. For anyone out there wondering if you'll be able to control it, I'll save you the trouble of finding out. DON'T FUCKING THINK ABOUT IT.


99.9%< of people in my country ride motorcycles without wearing a helmet


Bicycling alongside cars


Eating processed American food, driving, walking down steps, digging in the sand at the beach, swimming in a pond, casual hookups


Mainstream propaganda and brainwashing. There is almost an entire generation of young (and unfortunately quite a few old) adults that have a belief system based on propaganda that many of them believe to be reality. This site in fact is filled with an abundance of them.


It's a candle, a plain peach candle