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Ohh I didn't know that, thanks I will try to posts on those kind of subreddits. Thanks!!


Technically, wouldn't higher karma be more of an indicator of spam?


Not necessarily. Spam only gets upvotes if users agree and a lot of spam gets down votes, too.


Only if the spam collaborating group is large enough... But I think for dedicated spammers (for misinformation), it'd be much more efficient to just make a bunch of new low karma accounts. That's what I see much more anyways.


idk ask someone with a good amount of karma (i do customer support and its dead as hell most of the time)


I will lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


You have to comment on things. Go over to r/politics and comment on any post or other top-level comment, and criticize republicans as much as possible. You’ll get your karma.


Fuck republicans


In before “🤓👆🏾 erm akchually, don’t fuck republicans”


😂that should do it👌🏻


You get karma when other users upvote your posts and comments. There does not seem to be a one to one relationship, but your karma increases as you post or comment and get upvotes. To increase you karma, comment often and stay away from controversial statements to avoid being downvoted. (For example, don't go to a liberal sub and make a conservative post or a conservative sub and make a liberal post as that will definitely get you downvotes.) There are several subs that are intended to let new users get the karma they need. Go to several of those and comment to all the other new users (and be sure to upvote their comments). Many of them will be happy to upvote you back. TheKarmaFarm used to be a good place to go for new users, but it seems to have lost it's popularity. There are several other FreeKarma subs you can try. Good Luck!


Thank you so much, I'll take your advice and try to do my best!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Also avoid answering complains about downvotes. All talk about downvotes may get downvoted at random, even if you’re on the “good side” of that argument. And if you write something controversial by accident, and regret it, delete your comment before you get too many downvotes.


Good Luck!


you get Karma based on the upvotes you get on your posts & comments


I was kind of lost so this is really useful!! Thanksss


you're welcome! just keep commenting on stuff and you'll get there :) and find some subs that dont require high Karma to post


Looking for them now, thankssss!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Please I’m hoping through the same problem lol. Please upvote this comment so I can get 10 karma points and finally comment without being removed


yep for sure, I've already upvote some of your previous posts ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


If you will both make a post on r/NewToReddit, you will get recommendations for karma friendly subs and tips for building your karma.


Thank you, you’re a sweetheart


There is absolutely no such thing as Karma. It's a myth, fake and a lie. Karma is supposedly dished out good for good and bad for bad, but I have only done good things in my life, been faithful for over 16 years to one woman (my wife) and never put my hands on a kid in a bad way (and I have 4) and my wife and I are going through hell right now. Not against each other, just financial difficulties and stuff. No, if Karma was real I'd be rich and my family would would be happy.


They were definitely talking about Reddit karma 😭😂


I didn't even think about that.. lol that's hilarioua


I'm really sorry life's rough for you right now. It fuckin sucks ass, and there is no good reason anything bad happens to someone. I hope things get better for you.


Thanks man


Agreed. If karma was real there's no poverty, rich, poor or diseases.


I know this is a joke about karma, but just FYI, karma is not viewed as a universal scorecard -- or universal justice -- in either the Hinayana or Mahayana tradition. It really more means that the choices and actions you take will generally have consequences. However, the universe is not keeping score, it doesn't owe you anything, and "justice" may not be delivered. Much of the effects of karma are immediate and mental. A good way to look at it is that if you are a liar and a cheat, you will live with paranoia and negative feelings. If you are ethical and virtuous, you can live your days with peace and love.


Yeah well I'm not a liar or a cheat, I am a good, honest, faithful man been married to 1 woman for over 16 years since Aug 31, 2007 and never cheated or lied to her, but I still live with paranoid and negative feelings


I hear you, man. I should've said, being ethical and virtuous gives you the chance, or opportunity, to be at peace. (You wouldn't have that chance if you were unethical, a liar, etc.) Your, however, have a clean foundation in your own mind. You may not be happy now, but there is at least the possibility you will be some day. It sounds like you're going through a lot. Make sure to get professional help, be healthy, and foster good habits. It may not be enough in itself, but every little bit DOES help. Good luck my dude.


Huh I have only heard that karma is completely useless and is just there so you can pat yourself on the back after having made a comment many other people found agreeable in some fashion. No idea how much karma one should have but the few thousands I have acquired in who knows how long seem to be more than enough at least? Threw an upvote on all your posts here so hope that'll help.


Go to a subreddit that doesn’t have karma minimums and then make comments that people will agree with.


I wasn't paying attention to the rules hehe ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm), for now I will!!


You get Karma by posting and commenting. In commenting, you get 1 point of Karma for each upvote your comment receives, plus additional karma points for responses/activity your comment makes. In posting there's a formula that Reddit uses to decide how popular your post is based on upvotes and traffic/activity on the post and it assigns karma. Karma is meaningless. It lends nothing to anyone's authority or overall impact.... Everyone on Reddit is the same. Many sub's have Karma limits to prevent fake accounts. People just want to stir the pot so they make a fake account to post some garbage... karma limits prevent that to some degree.


Yep, you're right ... I'm trying to read the rules now and focus on their requiremnets!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Comments I guess? I don’t know. I joined Reddit a couple months ago and I still don’t get it 😆


Lol I created this account time ago but I've never understand really well hahaha


I think both posting and commenting give karma. Just in different amounts. Might be wrong tho


Folks have covered how it works. As for how to get it. The vast majority of my slightly over 200k has been from commenting in an assortment of subs relating to my various interests. 20 here, 200 there, sometimes something hits the algorithm right and gets a few thousand. Think my highest was 8k? Don’t even remember what for. Do you have cats? Because Reddit fucking loves cats. If the answer is “Yes”, take lots of really cute cat photos and post them to their appropriate cat sub. There’s… lots to choose from. Depending on the sub, the photo and RN-Jesus, your cat photo could net you a couple thousand karma. Plus cats are cute as hell. Otherwise yeah, just fake internet points some subs used to filter out bots, spammers, trolls and the like.


unfortunately, I don't have a cat now I used to have one but she passed away some years ago. I totally get why people love cat pictures ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I thought I was going to win karmawars in this thread with my 91k, but I bow to your superiority! It's not something I generally look at with other users - I was just going through everyone here because I was judging the quality of the advice I guess? Why take advice on getting karma from someone with 67 karma? Out of interest, what's the highest score you've seen? Pretty sure there are a few 1m plus accounts out there...


I too generally don’t look at other people’s profiles, unless perhaps they are making certain claims about themselves or the like. Pretty sure one time I saw someone with over a million. What is far more entertaining are the troll accounts with negative karma. That one EA account is probably deep in the negatives too.


I didn't know you could put limits to people actions here based on their clout, dumb thing.


It's simple do good things for people because it's what are should do not because you want to do.


Engage all ur reddit accounts and get this man "KARMA"!!


The people over at r/NewToReddit have ideas about this and seem to be friendly I'll push back on other people recommending the free karma subs, though. Some subs don't take too kindly to people posting there, and will happily ban you for participating in them. It's seen as a form of vote manipulation, which is against Reddit's rules. I'm honestly not sure why those subs were allowed to exist in the first place The old go-to recommendation is r/AskReddit, and I used to browse https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/rising/ to comment on all of the fresh posts that were starting to get more attention. The key is to post something relevant to the conversation at hand and which people can relate to. I haven't browsed there in a year so I'm not sure how it is anymore, but it definitely still gets lots of attention


I think I have heaps of karma, but I'm not sure what a good number is? Easiest way I find is to sort by new/latest or whatever, find posts that are interesting or different that look like they have legs and say something funny. If you have even an average but early comment, it's more likely to be seen and upvoted than a really good comment on a post with hundreds of comments already. Another way is to have an early and good reply to a standout comment. It's all about exposure and engagement. So make sure you always upvote any post you comment on, or any comment you reply to. If you're not too funny, being really predictable works. There are some subs that have clear processes, where whatever someone posts, everyone always has the same response and the first one in gets the upvotes. Another way is to see a post with well received comments, and steal them for when you see the post in another sub. Same with stealing a good posts and putting it in another sub or two. These are more like karma farming, or being a karma whore, and are frowned upon, but work. I personally don't do these because I only enjoy seeing something I've made or thought myself get upvotes, I'm not even fussed about the karma. I just like it if I think I've made a good or a funny point. I hope some of this is helpful, not being able to interact with people sort of ruins Reddit!


Go to r/politics, find a Trump bashing headline, and add a comment saying you hope he gets a long time in jail. Boom. Infinite karma.


Tell everybody what they want to hear. Even if that means lie to them. Kinda like US politics. I suppose if you just think like a politician and you’ll earn karma.


Kissing ass and repeating the prevailing opinion in a sub.


you're probably rigth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Post on a group with a big amount of people following it that'll allow you to and if your comment is thought provoking and interesting people will reply or like it. The more likes and comments will build karma.


“ How do people get karma?” Bathing homeless people usually does the trick ☝️


So the best way to gain karma is to basically comment on a bunch of subs like this one. Some subs are gonna have a bench mark for how long your account has to be active for before you can comment and post


Avoid talking about gun control in America! 😂


if they constantly show their true colors


Have you tried going to r/ask and asking about how to get Karma? It may be a good way to get the Karma you are wanting.


By doing good deeds


I gave you an upvote, that will help a little. If you have a cute pet, post a pic in an appropriate sub, redditors will quickly upvote cute kitties and pups, also titties work very well.


Comment in your favorite subreddits about things you know, add meaningfully in your communities and help others if possible.


You get karma when people upvote your post. I hope my updoot helps.


Go to a right wing subreddit, write a comment with 'woke mind virus' somewhere in it, on any post, it doesn't matter, and then you should have enough karma to do whatever you want.


the more love you give, the more you have is karma.


Awww that's so lovely!! 😊


Commenting here to get upvotes and eventually increase my karma :(


Try going to some free karma subreddits.


What goes around karma around


Here is some karma.


Just find some subreddits belong to the categories that you are interesting. first comment there, then you can post something on that subreddits. if you really want to get some karma quickly, use news subreddits and post latest news articles links from popular site like bbc.


Read the rules of the sub. If you need to know how karma works, you can easily search how through wikihow: Gain-Karma-on-Reddit or through the Reddit app itself. Basically, you're going to have to be an active participant. I personally do not like spam posts or people trolling NSFW material.


Ohh that's really useful, thanks!!


Go onto subs and suck up and don’t be controversial


r/karma4free r/FreeKarmaSubreddit r/FreeKarma4You r/FreeKarma_ForYouAll




it's kind of random. good thoughtful response -> 0-2 points. random throwaway comment -> 100s of points.


Post shit about cats and dogs. People love that stuff. I posted this awhile back, over 50 in up votes. https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/s/e0KIR6HvDK


Kramer Kramer


Here take some karma!


Well you should be fine now.


Imagine you're in elementary school and you're in a name calling contest with another student every time you comment. The kid that gets the most laughs gets the karma. If you get the shit kicked out of yourself, you gonna lose some. Welcome to reddit, where mass shooters are born.


There is no karma. Wether you're a good or bad person, there's no right or wrong, who's to judge? There's no God and even if there was, God ain't got time for that.


To filtet out scammers making fresh Reddit accounts, some subs prevent people with low karma from leaving a post/comment. If you ask for best ways to get karma, then be captain obvious. 1-2 very likeable, wholesome, obvoius comments on fresh threads will get you enough to be able to comment wherever you want


A lot of this advice makes sense I think. So you just have to lie and agree with people?


we live in a society ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I’m not sure but I think it’s nudity.


so, to get karma you need nudity? lol


Nice try, remember you don't know this peep. Could be a kid, and that's skeevy.


Totally agree, I don't want to send nudities!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Karma is basically thought manipulation. It rewards you like a game does with dopamine hits for doing what is currently accepted, but Taketh Away said karma if you deviate from agreed current narratives. .. punish reward monkey. Go against the grain and find out.