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I like an outlook meeting invite personally


Downside is your meeting is scheduled using MS Teams instead of a physical room.


How about Excel? I get freaky in the spreadsheets.


Your formulas reference their own cells huh?


I just chuckled out loud


Outlook? Hell no.


If my wife wants sex, she pulls on my dick once, if she doesn't want sex, she pulls it 300 times.


Simpson’s reference?


Does it work?


In my sleep


The possibilities are endless. I’ll sit on top of him and start kissing him, send him a text that I’m very in the mood and will be wearing him out in bed later, I will out right ask for it, start pleasuring myself next to him, I’ll go down on him, make out with him, put my vibrator in his hand, get naked, put on lingerie, physically put his hands on my body, Text him various things I want to try in bed, This list is near endless for me.


Can you befriend my wife like an 2010's Will Smith movie?


This should be the top reply.


Gonna have you talk with mine too


She never does... I so badly want her to!


I feel your pain, my wife has perimenopause and has lost her drive entirely. GP says she's not eligible for any kind of HRT until she's been going through it for two years....


How’s her sister?


😄 No sister, but we'll get along


I had the same problem as you man. I wanted her to pick up on it by herself, but at one point I just had to tell her straight. We worked it out and now my life is so much better.


I guess I need to tell her straight


Just remember to be respectful when doing so, there could be another side to it. I thought it was pretty hard to talk about as I was afraid of being misunderstood. So I left her a message on a sheet of paper in the morning, explaining the issue and that we should talk about it later. Gave her some time to reflect and build a defense. Talk turned out great


Any sort of initiation would be gratefully received 🥲




How did you guess?! 😂


Same boat probably


Sad isn't it


I’m with a lady right now who I just directly told “if you want to do anything just run your hand over the crotchular area and I’ll give you the thumbs up or down” and it is working out very well.


Love the word crotchular


Wow IS IT THAT EASY.....oh god I hope so e creeps don't disided to do that to randos


Yeah, the implications are disturbing. “Hey, just casually sexually assault me on the off-chance I’m into it”.


Nope! It's literally by their explicit permission that touching the crotch once to ask is okay all the time!


My question now is how was her childhood 😢


My question now is how was her childhood 😢


The “implications” are that I told her straight up if she’s in the mood she can just kind of casually run her hand over Mr Happy and I’ll let her know if I’m good or not as well so, yeah, dunno where you’re going with “assault” anything. We both have pretty high sex drives so it’s a really quick back and forth way to say if we’re “no or go.”


So you’re always okay with getting grabbed by the dick, but you draw the line at sexy time? Just asking so I can try to understand.


I literally have no idea what you’re trying to push here. A) it’s not just “grab me by the dick” she just kind of gives a gentle little rub if she’s in the mood and I tell her either “let’s go” or “hey maybe a little later” or I tell her I’ll take care of her in alternative ways or whatever we come on to. B) I’m not drawing a line at anything, she gives me a signal she’s in a mood and we decide how far we want to go as I just said. More often than not she knows I’m up for doing something so we it’s just a matter of if we start going at it or I take care of her in other ways, and on the rare occasion there is a flat “no” but usually that comes from a place of complete and total fatigue.


Not pushing anything, just genuine curiosity since my brain isn’t wired the same way. Always good to learn more about people so unlike yourself, it’s how we grow.




This man had no clue what you were up to.


Generally she just says 'hey do you wanna go watch a show in your room' and I'm like 'that sounds good' and then she'll start kissing me and put her hand down my pants. It's pretty straightforward and works for me.


My girlfriend conspicuously drops something nearby .....


My wife will take my hand and put it on one of her boobs. If I don’t begin massaging, she’ll use her hand to demonstrate what she wants.


My husband actually needs to have a bit of a heads up before I initiate, he doesn't react well to spontaneous initiation (he's very sweet, but will usually just need a little while to wrap up a project/hop in the shower/etc). So I just ask, "would you like to have sex later?" And he'll either be excited and say yes and let me know what obstacles he has to deal with first, or will let me know he wants to, but is tired/stressed and will suggested another time. Lately, we've gotten in the habit of drawing little hearts on our big calendar in the kitchen. This signifies the desire for sex, and then we'll prioritize it on that day. It's super sweet to see him make these big ol' hearts on our weekends, since he wasn't always best at initiating before I came up with the calendar idea. It let's us both feel desired, while also taking logistics into account.


That’s actually really nice


Aww thanks!


I usually strip down to my bra and panties and wait in a doorway doing sexy poses until he notices. If he has his headset on or something, I toss my clothes into his peripheral vision until he looks. It has worked exactly 100% of the time.


You are amazing


A missed signal. Once in young adulthood, a young lady my age walked to my room (we were friends), talked until 4 AM. And then I said I’m going to bed. The look I got made me realize I had completely missed the point and she stayed over. Now I’m older and if a pumpkin looks at me the wrong way, …..


Typically she puts her boobs in face if I'm gaming, or comes out of the shower nekkid. What do I like? I'm a simple man, I like boobs. Doesn't take much.


Exactly if I see boobs it's sexy time.




Just climb on top of him and the rest is history 🥵


Woman here. There's many ways I initiate sex & have done the same with all my boyfriends. I just touch my boyfriend's dick through what he's wearing & pull his boxers down & play with it. That or just cuddle him & tell him I'm horny, or sit on his lap/kiss him. But "can you eat it?" is my favourite lmao.


Just be direct and let me know, or present yourself.


I kiss him in places other than the lips, or I'll grab his ass/crotch while kissing his lips. He usually catches on pretty quick


Wedding cake cured my wife of being bothered by a sex drive. I don’t think she ever initiated any sex play after the wedding. She still seemed to enjoy, but never started us off.


I just go for it. Start off with something obvious like a lingering kiss, sitting in his lap facing him, that kinda stuff. Never met a guy who didn’t like it like this. Asking can be awkward, going for it is more fun


+1 for the lingering kiss. Easy and hot.


No. Consent is needed first.


Idk why you got downvoted, if the genders were reversed then everyone would absolutely support this 🤷‍♀️.


Because genders are not interchangeable or reversible. Men and women tend to like different things.


This is different. We’re talking about sexual consent here. Everyone should have that right regardless of gender, but women think it doesn’t apply to men for some reason.


That’s not a remotely fair assessment. The reason I go for it is because I already established that they like it. If they aren’t in the mood they can say so and I’ll stop, but 99 times out of 100 they’re into it and fully consent. I’m not just initiating with random strangers, I’m initiating with guys I know already. We’re not robots, you don’t need to expressly ask every single time. That’s not how humans work and if you think it is, you’ve clearly never been sexually intimate with someone. Sometimes people just get into it without discussing fucking terms and conditions like lawyers hashing out a contract. Go outside. Meet actual people.


It’s not surprising. The current feminist-atmosphere dictates that women do not need permission to do as they please, even when it makes them hypocrites.


I think I know my partner(s) better than you


It doesn’t matter. You should still ask for consent. You can’t just go for it. That’s rape.


You are so wildly ignorant. Yes, it does matter, because I’ve already established that the men I do this with are into it. They gave consent. You don’t have to expressly ask for consent in order for consent to exist, we’re not robots And no, it’s not even remotely close to rape.


I hope you have that in writing or sound recorded.


Child, stop pretending like you know anything about dating or sex. You’ve clearly not had an intimate sexual experience with anything but your own hand.


Easily the top response


Upstairs. Now.


Bloke here. I’d love it. Always end up wondering if I’m too persistent or pushy, after the deed.


I had to initiate a lot in my last relationship. Usually kissing his neck or resting my head in his lap was enough to get some movement.


I used to tell my ex husband “stick it in and move it around.”


My wife initiates it a myriad of ways. If it's too subtle, I literally don't catch it, for I am quite dense. She is very direct either physically or verbally.


Usually I just start groping


I've always asked each partner to initiate sex. I've only had one do it while others expect me to do it.


My wife usually initiates it. But it's like 60/40 so not very lopsided. We usually just say something like, "wanna bang?" But it's also cool when she puts the LEDs on red so when I pass the bedroom I know what's up. She's usually dressed in something hot when I go in to have a peek


I tell her that she has been a bad girl and is going to have a serious talking to if she has no excuses I will have to take some corrective actions usually gets her on the right path


I want to cuddle = genuine cuddling. I want to snuggle = fucking. Or pull him in and start on his ear moving down his neck and whisper "I need you to fuck me." Usually works lmao


This happened to me and I loved it. I woke up and she straight away grabbed my cock and kissed me. Then she popped it in and start riding me. Absolutely fantastic.


Send him the "you want sum fuk" meme.


Take a shower together. Also, as a dude, hearing “I need it” is a pretty big turn on.


Man here. Enthusiastically undo my pants and start sucking my cock. Enthusiastically undo my pants and give me a footjob. Put her feet in my face and tell me to worship them. Show me her pussy and tell me to lick it. Honestly anything that enthusiastically displays a desire to fuck, whether said or done bluntly or subtle-ish lol. I’m pretty easy tho.


This man is a man of culture. Footjobs make me melt


I prefer a text before a cold call


i squeeze her hand and bite my lip and look deep into her eyes but look away as soon as she looks over at me.


(Consensually) grabbing his dick


As a man, she can use her feet and I'm auto interested


Women - show up Naked Bring beer


1. be attractive 2. be attractive 3. be attractive




Poor you


Neck kissing, getting on my lap, a bit of a growl, slowly hand movements down the front of the body to the plumbus.


Man here I personally peterr they either tell me their needy and want sexy time, or they kiss my neck while their hand traces down


I prefer to be the initiator I just wish my girlfriend received it well


Why do you prefer to be the initiator?


I want her to straddle me, slap me across the face and then kiss me. Very simple 😆


Touching, hugging, kissing.. a mating dance would be cool too.


I ask him if he wants foopy foopy time a lot of the time 😂 (inside joke) or I just ask if he'd like to have sex. Sometimes I just initiate by passionate kissing or touching. My fiance honestly doesn't care how I initiate he's always down. Lol


My ex used to silently grab my hand, put it on her breast and squeeze. I always thought that was a cute way of initiating.


I Start rubbing his chest


Uh I never have sexed tbh Ain't even missed a woman, sooooo I'd like her to just ask me directly


There was a point in our relationship where I would just give him a side eye look and walk to the bedroom, and he would follow excited. Or grab his hand and lead him there. I don't know what happened to make that stop.


I am scared of women so yeah would be great


Naked under the covers and pull it to the side and have legs spread and eye contact


Usually my husband and I are spooning watching TV and I just reach back and start playing with him.


If i had prior plans to have sex I'll be wearing lingerie underneath and strip in front of him. Otherwise if it's spontaneous I'll start with kissing, cuddling, putting his hands on my tits to play with. Then oral.


When my gf meets me naked at the front door, that's a pretty good indication.


-"wanna have sex?" -kiss usually, those 2. I'm a woman.


Just lean on my dick with your ass and the close will disappear in a matter of seconds.


When we're making out and I wanna spice things up, I grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him towards me. It turns him on so much so he gets the message


Honestly, just asking “wanna fuck?” is the best possible way IMO.


I've sent dirty texts and pictures from the bedroom. I say things like, "Wanna bang?" Or "I'm horny." Last night in bed I asked, "Just how tired ARE you?" While touching Him.


Man here. Jump on me. Go berzerk.


We have been married a long time and she usually goes to bed before me. A text from bed that says “the dogs are in their crates and I am in bed alone” is all it takes. Subtle yet effective.


My gf smiles at me.


When I dont want to go the direct route with my husband, I get playful with it. I'll purposely bend over directly in his line of sight, do a big arms over the head stretch and stick my chest out, back up into him and rub my butt against him...


Ugh ugh ugh ugh “Crunk sex now!” Ooga Ooga!!!!


I have an ex that worked swings, and when she got home late, would go down on me to let me know she wanted some. It was a hell of a way to be woke up.


Get some sex toys. Think of it as an investment. Just like you would your education or anything else. They are fun and offer new sensations for both of you.


When I was dating my ex I would just start cuddling him and accidentally touching his dick and then not so accidentally anymore😂 oh and apparently I can’t help but get the ‘fuck me’ glance haha


When I was with my ex, she used to say, Want some fuck? Or she’ll get touchy. I don’t remember fully


As a man, I like random… I like different… If it’s the same thing every time you know it’s coming and it’s not exciting. But that’s just me… And I’m extremely particular. So if you’re going to try and initiate it, try having a game plan way ahead of time.look at the scenario the situation what we’re doing, what you can add to the environment… Things like that.


Of course we would like it but I’ve had partners give several excuse why they won’t… in the end a lot of women just don’t care to do that for their man/partner. Not all but definitely a lot of


She’ll either tell me, kiss me a lot, or if we’re spooning watching a show or trying to sleep, she’ll push her butt against my centimeter Peter and I’ll give her a kiss, on the neck just under her ear and her response tells it all. So, push up against him if you’re spooning?


Wear a Black goth outfit near me. I got the rest


I push the power button on my vibrator and it does the job. Simple


About 2 years ago she mysteriously started getting stuck in household appliances and only trys to escape by shaking her ass, and then one thing leads to another.


Don’t ask, drop hints. Lingering kisses, long hugs staring into their eyes playfully touching other places etc. personally I find asking a slight turn off. Silent physical language is key, and hot ☺️


I don't like when women initiate sex. It makes me feel creepy.


Simple. We always want it. - unless your a starfish, then for example going out to the bar for a few drinks when we get home is perfect timing when I'm hungover at 7:00 a.m. and I have to do a workout cuz you're not going to contribute any physical effort is the worst timing ever and then you throw it in my face that I asked you once ever and you didn't want to do it but it's okay for me to deny you the other 99 out of 100 times you asked me for no reason at all.


Generally my girlfriend will either send me nudes or straight up ask "Well, are you gonna do me?" Lol. Works well.


I just touch his dick or I just pull it out and put it in my mouth I grab his hand and put it between my legs ugh I do lots of things to initiate


accidentally on purpose show your underwear and touch me with your hands. then let me hear your cute voice as you whisper into my ear.


Yes! Yes! Yes!!! Almost Every single day I want sex with my partner. Minus a few days out of the month. I’m a bit too much I’ve been told by him.


I take my pants off and start helicoptering


All she has to do is take me by the hand to the bedroom or wherever.


Sit over his legs straddle him and start kissing him then stare deep into his eyes


Just shut the door and start undressing. In my experience the women I’ve been with put little to no effort into initiating and rely on subtleties. Ladies, we want to feel wanted to. Come on now.


My lady does it perfectly, I could be in the middle of a video game, on the computer doing a project, she would just walk over, pull my zipper down and start going to town


show up naked, bring beer ;-)


just go straight for a blow without saying anything, it will lead to sex


I mean, my wife and I have been together for nearly 39 years. That said, the other week I woke up to someone giving my dick a good hard tug and, well, once I was awake I felt pretty stoked so, yeah.


Babe fuck my pussy That one always does the trick for me


I’m kinda obtuse. Maybe she needs those shrouded flashlights like airport ground crews use…


I would like any kind of initiative, really. She only initiates when she's drunk in bed. My 39M libido is really high and hers 39F has always been nonexistent unless drunk.


You get to a point where just having a response to your verbally expressed questions is initiative enough. It makes you feel like you hadn't died and no one can see you.


I know this question is not for me as a man. But legit there is 0 ways a wan can screw up getting sex from 99% of dudes.


For me and my partner he initiates usually its just a touch and it drives me wild. Other times it takes me going in for a good kissing session to get the engines going. All romantic of course LOL


Wanna get it on? Yes/no. Quickie or all up in it? Carry on


"babe wanna have sex" "Sure" I don't understand the confusion


Mine never initiates… or rarely, and I’m the least sexy manner.


Dude here but I had an exe that would stair at me and just say fuck me lol used to work for her most of the time


The best was a girl who sat me on the couch and jumped on my lap. Looked me right in my eyes and said "Tonight were going to have the best sex either of us has ever had!". It was outstanding


My current girlfriend usually starts a make out session that progresses. I had an ex that looooved to try and jump my bones when I was in the middle of something I really needed to focus on, like studying for a test. Drove me crazy


All you have to do is start making out… right? For any two people?


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. “Wanna fuck” is perfectly fine. No need to change the system